Yes, it comes to us all in the end and obviously we want our demise to happen as quietly and as painlessly as possibly.
However, in my lifetime I have seen my parents, grandparents and some of my in-laws succumb to death via different variations and levels of pain through cancer.
It really is quite hard to watch you mother, father, grandfather etc. take their last breath in some hospital/hospice bed. One minute they’re alive, the next they’re gone!
On all those occasions I kept wondering what they must be thinking in their sub-conscious state? They’re probably aware of what cancer means and that they will succumb sooner or later. But to be lying their in bed just waiting for the inevitable must be quite unbearable.
But then it also got me thinking about how they prepare for death to arrive. Do they think “I will never walk again, never eat again, never laugh again. Could this be my last breath? What happens after that? How will I know if I am dead or if I’m asleep?”
And that’s what bothers me most. How do you know when you’re dead? How does your mind/body tell you’ve reached the end of the line and everything simply shuts down!
I would like to think that crossing the death threshold will be very similar to falling into a deep sleep. It’s just that when we do go to sleep we hope to awaken again a few hours later. But if you go into a deep sleep how do you know you will wake up again?
I think I would hate having to wait around in some hospice bed for death to arrive. Uncertain of when or how it will arrive. Instead you’re just hanging on to the last thin threads of life until your body/mind shuts down for good and there’s nothing you can do about it.
(A very existential nomination, but one that has been bothering me for some time now)
Nominated by : Technocunt
Freddie, I was with you for the first two sentences.
Then you lost me.
Do you think my generation didn’t have people die, tragically young?
Do you really think the drug culture was relatively harmless?
The Yardies didn’t run soup kitchens, ya kno, blud.
I’ve had a grand old time.
A brilliant life!
Never been rich
Couldn’t give a fuck
Beer, sex, laughs, fights, tears, kids, heartbreak,
Done it all,
Enjoyed it
Wouldn’t change a thing.
Happy childhood, happy adulthood,
No point worrying about bleeding death.
It’s coming.
No need to rush it either.
Enjoy your life.
“Tonight, Miserable Northern Cunt, THIS IS YOUR LIFE!”
Tonight, Gordon!
This IS your ( only) life!!
Aye Mis, the Peaks with the dog and Sunday lunch with a few ales is what its about, enjoy the simple stuff!
That’s why young cunts who are vegans and transbenders or anti-racists are so fucking miserable because they are too busy trying to save the world.
That’s true, Liberal.
When I was younger, we knew the IRA could get up to shit and that there was a cold war going on. But we enjoyed life and left do gooding to cunts like Geldof and Bonio.
But now every cunt is a do gooder and virtue signaler. All these younger cunts have to have a ’cause’ and they take part in bleeding heart pissing contests. When I was a young lad it was birds, booze, football, earning a few quid and the occasional rock concert. Now, lads who are that age are into vegan crap, climate change bullshit, BLM bollocks and being a poodle to their hipster girlfriend or their nagbag snowflake wife. Either that or they are poofs.
Norm-as I have said numerous times in here: I pity the young lads of today. We had the best of it in the 80’s/90’s?
What fucking Yardies? I got my grass ( yes, that’s what we called it in those days) from a cunt I knew from school. If you shoved pills down your throat or stuck needles in your arm you were a stupid cunt and everyone knew that. I went to the pub three or four times a week , went to the football every Saturday, chased birds, regularly saw world famous bands who are now legendary and all on a fucking student grant. Yeah, they paid me I didn’t pay them. Ok, I didn’t have a fucking car and I didn’t have an 800 quid smartphone but what you’ve never had you never miss. I could also afford to go to music clubs in central London without worrying about being stabbed and robbed.
No, I wouldn’t change that life for being a yoof today. Imagine what it’s going to be like when they get to our age?
Fuck that for a game of soldiers!
1960’s Freddie.
You’re right, Freddie, young folk today have their phone and that’s satisfies them… or it did, they are starting to question if the slobby smart-phone lifestyle is all that great. I reckon that some new era of vibrant new lifestyles will emerge, but there will be a few more years of banality to come.
Keep positive! 😀
I’ve got cancer and the treatment has me looking like a fucking alien (I was quite recently glamorous).
But I’m “fit and young” so everyone’s optimistic.
If anyone wants a perspective, DM me (if that’s a thing here), I won’t post as it’s a tad undignified – making a circus of it all. I’m a take it on the chain sort of person and crack on.
The sick humour on here helps massively 🙂
take it on the “chin” cuntacious iphone
Fuckwittery @
I wish you all the best with your fight,
Chin up luv?
My dad is in remission,
And winning on a points decision.
Give cancer a kick in the knackers from me the orrible little cunt.
Best wishes MNC
Take it on the chin?
You don’t swallow then?
Sorry FW-couldn’t resist-you left yourself wide open there??
Yes, you knock the bastard back FW! Best wishes and do keep us updated; we’re really not as ‘orrible as we make out.
Well yes, chin up.
What’s the alternative?
Lie in a corner, weeping?
Keep us up to date.
Positive thoughts lass.
Positive thoughts?
Hope you beat it and all the very best, Fuckwittery.
Thanks Gents
Heheh @Cuntfinder General 😉
I’ve got a free pass for Area 51 if you’re interested ?
On a serious note, I do hope you come through this OK.
I like to think of death as being how Terry Pratchett imagined it – a kindly, benevolent figure who often rages at having to do his duty.
On a separate note my grandad died of stomach cancer recently. I saw him a few weeks before the end and he looked so frail. Cancer really is a cunt.
Cunters, does the fear of death go away/lessen as you get older or does it remain as it is?
My dad hasn’t got long left, possibly this year so I’m thinking more about mortality OP. At the same time I’m quite pragmatic about the whole thing, maybe that will change with age.
I thought this nom would be right up Miles’s street. Haven’t seen him on.
Sorry to hear that LL?
Miles posted since Fiddler quit?
DCI has disappeared too.
And Cuntybollocks.
New York, Summer 1999
Not Dark Yet
Bob Dylan
Shadows are fallin’ and I’ve been here all day
It’s too hot to sleep and time is runnin’ away
Feel like my soul has turned into steel
I’ve still got the scars that the sun didn’t heal
There’s not even room enough to be anywhere
It’s not dark yet but it’s gettin’ there
Well, my sense of humanity has gone down the drain
Behind every beautiful thing there’s been some kind of pain
She wrote me a letter and she wrote it so kind
She put down in writin’ what was in her mind
I just don’t see why I should even care
It’s not dark yet but it’s gettin’ there
Well, I’ve been to London and I been to gay Paris
I’ve followed the river and I got to the sea
I’ve been down on the bottom of the world full of lies
I ain’t lookin’ for nothin’ in anyone’s eyes
Sometimes my burden is more than I can bear
It’s not dark yet but it’s gettin’ there
I was born here and I’ll die here against my will
I know it looks like I’m movin’ but I’m standin’ still
Every nerve in my body is so naked and numb
I can’t even remember what it was I came here to get away from
Don’t even hear the murmur of a prayer
It’s not dark yet but it’s gettin’ there
“Don’t live in fear of death, just make sure you enjoy life.”
CG 13/02/23
Cheers Mis.
A few regulars now MIA. Maybe they are all in Foxy’s bunker?
It is striking season I suppose.
Evening CG…I’ve entirely lost my fear of (natural) death ever since having a psychic reawakening with the assistance of some DMT and being granted a temporary glimpse of the ineffable experiences that lie beyond the door of our human mortality.
It was truly magnificent and spiritual participation!
Sounds like the experienceI had with a 38 year old woman, when. I was 17?
Evening Mr Cunt Engine. As IsAC’s illegal substance expert what do you think Putin’s so-called ‘Zombie army’ are on in Ukraine?
Evening LL…hmmmm…good question.
It’s certainly not something positive and life-affirming!
Possibly a toxic mixture of tweaked cocaine and dextroamphetamine.
Possibly combined with purposeful sleep deprivation.
The sort of shit that Japanese kamikaze pilots used to be given before their suicide flights into the US battleships
What …. Sake ?
This explains what’s happening in the ‘bigger picture’ macro realms.A dimensional frequency shift from 3rd to fifth coming to a theatre near us.The sun is kicking out photon charged particles by the day hence Gates (Rockefellers) frantic goal of blocking out the sun and the rest of the climate change BS.
Good luck with that Billy boy.Shit’s getting biblical but just the culmination of a 26 k yearly planetary shift and our dark overlords on earth are powerless to thwart it.Buckle up folks.
Oo-ee-oo! 😀
Cheerful cunts.
Great ending! 😀
The fear of death diminished the older I got.
I’m currently 65.
Nowadays it’s not death itself that causes me any concern.
It’s the likely suffering leading up to it.
Politicians opposed to assisted-dying should be strung up.
Great nuanced argument for ending the lives of paralyzed people from you there, mate.
If that’s their choice.
I’m not arguing for euthanasia.
It is a risk though MJB. We’ve seen before how callous some ‘experts’ can be.
People who are for assisted dying and/or euthanasia have never really thought through the endless scenarios of how people get to places where they, “can’t go on” but then they do, they find the strength, the find the realistic hope, like that Lorenzo’s Oil father. I used to be for euthanasia, then I looked into it, the PROPER arguments for and against and it’s not the wat we create a GREAT WORLD if we all become like fucking BELGIUM.
Definitely play a record…
Rest in peace, Olivia Newton-John. 🙂
The thing is, medics already do euthanasia, of a sort…
DNR notices – do not resuscitate
NFR -not for resuscitation.
Some may say that not sticking a hypo full of some overdose into you is not the same as omitting to take sufficient care, but at least the former is usually a lot quicker.
If you witness a road accident in France, you are obliged to render assistance, not ignore it…
George V was offed – morphia, then cocaine, directly into the jugular.
I’ve had relatives die of cancer – two of them were defo helped on their way by nurses or medics. Nobody called the plis. It really should be a serious option. If someone had kept animals in that state, the RSPCA and law would’ve been involved.
It’s funny the things you tend to think about.
I’ve got a garage full of tools, screws, nails, bolts, paint, varnish, ironmongery, etc that I’ve been putting together for the last 40 years…started after my Grandfather died and I became ‘man of the house’. Then automotive gear after getting my first car.
A tool for every occasion and a way of being able to build or repair pretty well anything.
I have no children and all my remaining family are women, girls, but no-one who has the space or interest in all this DiY gear.
Anyway, I found myself worrying about what will happen to it all after I kick the bucket….
I don’t suppose it really matters – I just hate the thought of it being skipped or some greedy cunt who I have no connection with helping themselves or flogging it on Ebay for peanuts…
Coincidentally I’m in near enough the same position LotR and I’ve been entertaining the same thoughts recently. We have two daughters who are good kids but don’t really have any aptitude for DIY. I’m afraid their partners seem generally to fit the stereotype of the yoof of today and I’ve become used to them expressing amazement when I’ve fixed cars, central heating boilers, electrical and plumbing faults. I do have a nephew though who is a proper engineer at Rolls-Royce so I think I’ll probably be sending my tool collection his way.
I’ve seen Death in many forms, in fact we were what you might call ‘business partners’ for a while. I don’t believe I’ve ever been in fear of him. If I’m honest, I’ve always carried this morbid fascination of what lies on the other side. Taking religion out of the equation, the scientific angle tells me that we are essentially a walking talking bundle of energy and you cannot by the laws of physics destroy energy. Therefore, when we don’t have enough energy to walk and talk, we stop. However, the energy still exists. I’m told by Drs I know that at the point of that stop, the brain releases endorphins that flood our senses and take away pain and fear, and leaves us with a euphoric feeling. I may sound a bit philosophical, but in my mind death is by no means the end. Enjoy your days, my friends?
Death is final, I feel.
A subject touching in something I feel deeply about – assisted dying.
I strongly believe that my life is my life and I should be allowed to decide when it’s time to end it rather than being forced to linger on by some religious do gooders in pain or anguish…
Me too Dio. All I hear these days is the shit about “sanctity of life “.
My life, my choice and that choice id worth dying for.
As I approach my end I can only say this. I don’t want to come back. Period
there’s nothing you can do about it, so don’t worry, make the most of what’s left.
Death is bad enough. Worse is to be NPC’d.
That’s what I tell my kids when they don’t do the dishes and fuck around for hours playing Fortnite.
Morning Cali, haven’t seen you post for a while. How’s life in the Golden State? Have to ask what “NPC’d” means I’m afraid; bit thick over here?
I imagine death is just the reverse of birth…
So instead of being ‘farted’ out of a cunt, you’re essence is ‘sucked’ somewhere.
As you can probably tell, I’ve thought about this a lot 😉