Transport Scotland – Keeping People off the Roads

More Climate Change Bollox

Transport Scotland

Transport Scotland want to curtail car journeys by 20% by the time the magic year of 2030 comes because of climate change. They’ve been examining how to make behavioural changes, just like the Commie cunts SAGE, and openly say how people in rural Scotland are going to be hard to change. You can guarantee it won’t stop at 20%, roll onto 2040 and the goal will be 90%.

Some Scottish MSP cunt stood in their devolved democracy shed the other day claiming the days of unfettered car use is over. Makes me want to drive up there and do diesel guzzling donuts outside of his house.

Compare this if you will to this news

Edinburgh Live News Link

The virus, not that one, has already spread far and wide; Oxford Council are zoning people into 6 districts and capping journeys longer than 15 minutes, like something out of The Hunger Games. Westminster hasn’t responded and are complicit in this restriction of movement wang. The EU recently announced their plans for a Carbon Tax. Won’t be long until we’re all paying Carbon Tax then.

About time we told them exactly what to do with their policies. Except in Scotland if you send an angry email to Sturgeon and her pet Doberman, Hamsa Yousaf, they’ll try to send you to jail.

Scottish Sun News Link

Maybe I should retire to Wuhan, I won’t be able to tell the difference in 20 years.

Nominated by: Cuntologist

70 thoughts on “Transport Scotland – Keeping People off the Roads

  1. We all know what the cunts are up to. They’re not trying very hard to cover it up but then why should they…….they are just saving the planet after all. Once you’ve swallowed that fucking lie the rest just naturally follows. You know it makes sense.

  2. Nothing that happens in Nicola von Shitehaus’s First Scottish Reich surprises me anymore.

    • Yeah, I highly doubt she is going to be in carpool with the rest of her glorified parish councillors when commuting into Holyrood.

  3. Their bubble of bullshit has to burst at some point. Consider the “on message reporting” of electric car sales as a single aspect. “Electric car sales hitting new records”! [Reality is some 200,000 were sold last year accounting for a total of c 700,000 on the UK roads.]. “Petrol & diesel cars (new) to be banned by 2030”. [currently there are 33 million cars on the UK roads – to replace all these by 2030 would need electric car sales of 4.1 million p.a. – put another way it would take another 164 years at the current rate of take up to be “all electric.”]

    None of this Nut Zero bollox adds up no matter which way you look at it [if the alternative were to be to ban anything non-electric – new or used – that would be 97% of the population without personal transport.]

    Ain’t gonna happen – when/what will be the tipping point?

    • 97% without personal transport? Sounds about right to me.The green globalist revolution is coming and it doesn’t matter who you vote for. Nothing short of an armed uprising can stop it.

      • That Freddie, is why we need that new sensible party.
        If only it would rise from the ashes of the shit-fest we have now, it would be up to us to vote for it. – If we have the bollocks!!

      • Vote for Reform, if you have a candidate standing, or “non of the above otherwise”.

        It won’t get us a “sensible party in power” but it might see off the CONservatives. Labour will probably then be the default beneficiary of a desperately low voter turnout. With luck, they may need the LibDums to form a coalition who might insist on a “non-rigged referendum on PR” as their price. Like Brexit this wins out. All hope probably dies at that point as the establishment refuse to implement it!

        Instead, we’ll probably have to take lessons from Cuba running old cars for decades, turning to a black economy, ignoring Government directives, maybe even a little light insurrection.

        Become a bit more like the French in fighting the cunts. I remember being in a Taxi in Paris when the police tried to pull it over for a kerbside emissions check. The driver accelerated towards the policeman who jumped out of the way to avoid becoming road kill. Lots of swearing as well. Then translated for my benefit as “these cunts want us off the road with their emissions bollox – I’ll die fighting them first!” (Naturally, I left a good tip?).

    • Banning new petrol and diesel car sales by 2030 and then charging massive road tax combined with congestion and emissions charges will ensure millions of cars will disappear from the roads.
      Absolutely no need to put in millions of public car charging points, it will be policy by 2035 that car ownership will be selective, you will need to prove within strict criteria that you need a car.
      And don’t even think about breathing outside of permitted hours ?

      • I knew I should of kept my Raleigh chopper.

        Green Removal & transport of goods.
        Safely delivered within the month.

      • I was about to comment that banning ICE vehicles is simple electoral suicide..but then I remembered the sly Cunts are playing a longer game..wait out the grumpy old cunts who will tell them to fuck off..when they are too old or too dead to drive then the Millenials of Brainwashing will swallow the EV bollocks en masse.

      • But good luck to them being able to afford one on wages from McDonalds having graduated with a degree in UK TV Soaps!

        Ain’t gonna happen…

      • I’m already weighing up the costs of carrots and pony nuts and hay versus diesel.

      • How about removals by drone..
        40 or 50 should do mis.
        Get in early corner the market..

        The bad news is you need to hire 50 millenials to fly them.

      • Unless you can buy drones robust enough to also carry two handy blokes to carry the furniture indoors, I can’t see this catching on.

        On a fun note, this is for Sam Beau, Kiwi are going to stop selling shoe polish in the UK, so stock up on the ginger (anag.) brown, mate.

        On a more topical note, Sheffields ‘Clean Air Zone’ begins on the 17th February, at Cat 3. This is aimed at HGV, LGV, bus/coach, taxis, but not private cars/motorbikes.

        My city centre is dying on it’s arse, anyway. This is sure to kill it off for once and for all, so fucking well done you total arseholing cunts.

        I’ve been to town today to get the Gradly Lass her Christmas present. So many shops gone, and a big sign saying ‘Regenerating Sheffield Centre’

        Wank monkeys, the fucking lot of them!!

      • The one in Manchester got paused,
        They’ve still not sorted it JP.

        But your right.
        I sometimes work in Sheffield, surrounding areas,
        I won’t work there unless my customer pays any costs incurred.

        It’ll be a death sentence for deliveries.

        Possibly the most ill thought out idea of of the last 10 years.

      • It’s the inner ring road ( like we’ve got an orbital ring road) and the city centre. So goodbye Waitrose, Sainsbury, Marks and Spencer, Boots, B&M, that brand new market at Moorfoot, the newly built H&M at the top of the Moor, all the well known fast food outlets, the 14 Greggs, etc.

        Been nice knowing you. I’ll see you again at Meadowhell or Crystal Peaks.

        Actually, tbh, the city centre is quite shitty, these days. So many tramps dossing in doorways, its full of litter, as is most of Sheffield, and doesn’t feel safe.

      • The economy will grind to a halt with only 3% of it mobile (the 3% who don’t do, but rely on, all the low paid subservient jobs).

        I’m watching the Kahn cunt to see if he rolls back on his ULEZ plans for the whole of the inner M25. That’s a whole load of small shops and services that will pack up overnight otherwise.

  4. I don’t get why the Scottish people would vote for this looney and Scottish Nazi Party, I thought they were supposed to miserable mean bastards ?

    I haven’t met too many Jocks but they usually fall into two categories, either miserable with massive shoulder chips or complete nut cases.

    • The majority don’t. It’s just that the pro union vote is spread across a number of other parties, whereas the bagpipes and misty mountains crowd congregates solely for the SNP. Guarantees a majority in the Scottish parliament, given that with a form of pr, those mad bastards the Greens are in fact permanently brown from shoving themselves so far up Nicola von Ausfahrt’s ring. Gives them a real sniff of power alright.
      Von Ausfarht could decree the slaughter of small animals and babies and the cunts would still vote for them. It ain’t a political party, it’s a fucking cunt sorry cult.

      • The first part the post electoral system is beyond a joke. UKIP: 5 million votes in 2015= 1 MP (5,000,000:1). SNP 2019: 1.2 million votes = 48 MPs (26,000:1). If it was fair the SNP would have .25 MPs!

      • Also, Ron, They’re all piss artist bru merchants, don’t vote because they’re too fucking pissed/stoned to stagger to the voting stations.

        I have relatives in Scotland, who I used to visit regularly. It wasn’t uncommon to see the bin men ( scavvies) drinking a can of beer at 7am, and that was just the driver.

  5. When all those electric Noddy cars need charging and there is no wind blowing what are the daft cunts going to do then?

    A fucking agrarian economy?

    Stick your earth destroying EV just as much as any other car Tesla up your vegan arse.

    Then fuck OFF.

    • What I really liked about EVs was an article that said there was an inbuild ability to reverse charging and put it back into the Grid, in the event of power shortages.

      Can you imagine?

      Jocasta, the car hasn’t charged!
      No problem, I’ll phone for an Uber.

      Oh dear, Tarquin, the Ubers haven’t charged either.

      Dammit, Jocasta, I’ll have to WFH.

      Jocasta ( on her mobile, in the guest cloakroom, whispering) No, you can’t come today, Tarquins WFH because the fucking Tesla hasn’t charged!

  6. Wee Jimmy Crankie wants throwing into a wood chipper head first.Washed out old trout.

    • She’s just coming out with all this recent shite to simply piss off Westminster. I doubt she really cares about most of it – just doing it to stir up the Nationalism. We should just ignore the stupid cow and let the Scots put up with it. Fuck ’em. Let them reap what they’ve sown.

  7. These rich cunts who want us all off the road (note to self, US not THEM) will be the first ones squealing when their workers don’t show up because they have no fucking way of getting there.

  8. It is all going to turn to shit, all the ignorant tattooed vermin will scratch their pink heads and wonder what happened. It used to be a conspiracy theory, but read what the WEF want from YOU!!

  9. Talking about travelling, I came across this as I was trawling through the news, courtesy of SkyCunt:

    Fucking let these bat eaters retaliate, in fact stop anyone coming in so we can then impose the same on your jap-eye cunts.

    Don’t these No. 52’s with a special fried rice remember what happened a few years ago?

    Happy New Year, cunts.

    • Blatantly racist xenophobia is acceptable as long as it’s against Chinese people it would appear.

      Don’t want the yellow peril bringing those terrifying variants of a cold virus into the UK now do we.

      Meanwhile on the Kent coast…

      • Actually, I personally think that we should ban any flights to/from China, and any other country we think might be a bit sketchy, like any EU country.

        Need to meet, ever heard of Zoom?

        Also, we should repair, recommision and man all the gun emplacements along the coastline that were built to defend invasions from the sea.

        You know it makes sense.

        Bought to you by @pissed of

  10. More agenda driven insanity from the Scots Nazi Party.

    2030 promises to be a great year.
    Sexually confused non binary transexuals in kilts driving scalextric cars eating deep fried locust burgers will be ten a penny in wee Nicola’s Alba utopia.

    The dozy anti English cunts who vote for these lunatics get all they deserve.

    Get fucked.

  11. Sturgeon wants FUCKING.
    But not by me. Someone with a much stronger stomach is required for that.

  12. I await the outcome of this case with interest. In his opinion, Sturgeon is a cunt. I’m sure many on here share his opinion, especially as she has just won her category in CotY 2022.

    Admin is based offshore, so I don’t expect they’ll give a fuck?

    I was interviewed by the old Bill under caution for publishing a nomination saying that one of our Westminster MPs was a cunt, so I know how he feels…

    • What was the outcome Dio? Did the Superintendent shake your hand and say he agreed?

      • No but the copper in question did hint afterwards that he better things to do… And the squad room banter had been worse than ISAC on occasion.

        I liked him. He was a good cop…

      • Most (of our generation) are.
        They too have children/grandchildren and are concerned for what may come.

  13. This is all because Sturgeon can’t drive.

    Sat her test 12 times.

    Has a booster seat so she can see over the dashboard.

    Two blocks of wood tied to her feet to work the pedals.

    Probably drives a Fiat Panda.

    Has to use two hands to pull up the handbrake.

    Little fucker.

    • She never gets out of the test centre, ranting about its a uk driving test, how Scotland needs its own independent Scottish driving licence..

  14. Crankie is only interested in having statues of herself in every town in Jockland. I’d piss on one of them but I won’t have a car or be able to afford the cattle truck train fare.

  15. Scotland men wear skirts and throws tree trunks around and you can’t understand a fucking word they say and they play fucking bagpipes Glasgow’s full of smackheads what’s to fucking like ohh and sternums a shortages cunt

    • The way things are going it’ll be exceptional if you’ve travelled 30 miles from where you live.

      Like medieval serfs!

      “Eee you don’t want to go to the village of Twoshirts.
      They have strange ways.

      I heard dogs quack like ducks an walk backwards.
      Best you stay here,
      God knows what’s over that there hill “…

  16. OT

    There is a wanking walrus on our British shores. He was in Scarborough now he’s up in Northumberland. I wonder if Mr Fiddler saw him?
    His name is ‘Thor’.
    He want to get to the Arctic it experts say.
    Presumably where can pleasure himself in private.

  17. Nicola SSturgeon, that nasty Nazi cunt, can go & fuck herself! She’s a hermaphrodite anyway, or so some bloke down the pub told me.

  18. Get off the roads, eat bugs and spend 80% of your salary on renting a room in a shared house forever, you fucking plebs. Only your betters can own a car and home. It’s to save the planet, you see.

    Millennials and Gen Z: Sure thing!

    Absolute fucking muppets.

  19. Nicoliar is def a cunt .
    Not all vote for her or SNP !
    Not all likey the Tory cunts at Westminster
    However that doesn’t make the majority of Scots fuckin mental the same as the fucking abject lunacy of the Tory cunts at Westminster make the bulk of English populace mental
    ( it does I’m just not brave enough to vocalise it )
    Get Fucked !!!!

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