Stanford University of the Woke have considered and delivered some tablets of stone from on high to keep us sinners on the Correct side of the long and winding road of language. Enjoy, learn, confess and self flagellate oh and do remember to keep your balls to the wall (if you have any).
Cunters will be positively thrilled to learn that they may participate in this epoch making event by clicking through the document where they may then add their own examples of naughty usage.
University News Link (PDF Doc: Virus free – Day Admin)
Nominated by: Sir Limply Stoke
And on a similar note there’s this from mystic maven
The University of Southern California (wouldn’t you just know it), as they have banned the word ‘field’ since it contains racist connotations.
It will be removed from the curriculum and academic references such as “field of study” will instead be replaced by the word “practicum”.
Apparently this is to ”support anti-racist social work practice by replacing language that would be considered anti-Black or anti-immigrant in favour of inclusive language and to reject white supremacy, anti-immigrant and anti-blackness ideologies.”
I’m not sure these days if their academic cuntoids follow our lead or vice-versa.
For intellectuals like myself ,
We often find offence in words that Joe public sees as inoffensive.
Your ” Davey pint of Stella” can’t really be held responsible for his pig ignorance,
It’s your teachers that are to blame.
Too busy dying their hair blue and getting facial piercings to teach Darren from the council estate that he’s privileged by token of his skin pigmentation and that everything is racist.
Words often have offensive content.
For me it’s , Tax, Bills, community, diversity and M.O.T.
Also surcharge, tipping optional.
Oh gracious no JP!
I’m renowned all over the North West of England for generous tipping.
Dare I ask if a Jewish Yorkshireman tips? ?
You haven’t got one of those 50p coins on elastic have you?
I tip, generously.
I’m not a mean Jew.
With a hooked nose.
That’s not me.
Heeehee ?
I know that really JP.
All joking aside,
I DO tip well.
We go the same pub for Sunday dinner every week,
I always tip well because
They’re nice people
The staff are young and rely on tips for part of their income.
I get served first no matter how busy the bar.
And I always have a table available for me .
I always think that waitresses could be my daughter,
Know what I mean?
Or your granddaughter!
A customer treats you nice and tips you
Helps the day go faster I’d hope!!?
Yes, Mis.
I think, if it were the Gradly Lass, wouldn’t I want folk to treat her kindly.
Answers yes, so I always do.
Unkindly, ffs.
Too much Zin.
And yes, I have a 20p coin on a retrieval device.
Pay to pee, fuck that!
I didn’t know you were a four be two, JP.
I’m ok with Fourbees. Have two mates with little hats.
Many aren’t ok with front wheelers because of a few lefty academics = Adolf was right. Stupid cunts.
A bit like ‘Hey look I was right about covid!’ once 80% of the population got vaccinated lol. No excess deaths but no cunt was at work or on the roads lol.
Separate cunting I may address later.
No gas from me JP, you’re a good lad.
With regard to the word “Field”,
perhaps these race grid ting counts should spare a thought for the 360’000 Union soldiers who died in various “Fields”, to emancipate the black slaves.
They are passing on the sacrifices of numerous generations, with this cuntfoolery☹️?
* race grifting cunts
Fucking cunting twatting bastarding whore fucking phone?
It drives me mad.
I scroll through and check the spelling, punctuation and capitals, all seems OK.
Press post and watch & ( ampersand) turn into a mockery.
I suspect the wokerati have infiltrated Apple?
Jesus cried buckets.
But apparently buckets are out, something to do with holes in “referencing” vajayjays…
What a load of SHIT.
Strange how a fairly middle of the road 90s action film predicted the future
Loving the last 5 seconds.
Based on Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World. Brilliant film.
Off topic: A mental health blogger who took her own life by swallowing a poisonous substance was failed by the psychiatric hospital caring for her, a jury has found.
Beth Matthews, 26, died a short time after taking the substance, which she had ordered online and told staff was protein powder in March last year.
Not her own fault for taking it, I suppose? Now she’s dropped a lot of people in the shit, the thoughtless cunt.
Not her fault she bought it.
Not her fault she lied about what it was.
Not her fault she rammed it in her mouth, herself.
Always, compo face relative, some other buggers fault, innit.
She wasn’t a Scouser, by any chance?
And the song goes ‘Suicide is painless.’ Not for the poor fuckers that have to pick up the tab!
Or scrape the fucking brains off the ceiling ?
This doesn’t surprise me. We now live in a world where a major company changes the name of a popular bag of sweets that have been on sale since before the War. Simply because one solitary daft bitch got ‘traumatised’ and ‘offended’ by what they were called. They are now called ‘Mini Gems’, just because one demented vertically challenged tart went off on one. Cunts get upset at absolutely everything these days.
Fuckin midgets are the root of most problems.
Always whining and complaining.
” I can’t reach”
” I can’t keep up”
” It’s too high”
” This costumes too hot”
” He put me in the washing machine”
” They got drunk and threw me over the goalpost on the playing field ”
If they put as much effort into bone growth as they do into fuckin whining the world would be a better place.
And they should at least attempt to grow into their head size.
What’s that about?
Your head shouldn’t be two thirds of your overall body.
What a gem!?
Tutti frutti is still popular. And they do make an interesting range of female swimwear.
I bet her “mini dress” was around her ankles.
Erm, I’m not paranoid, but unless I inadvertently pressed a magic button, something just scanned my phone.
This is a time when I usually would be well asleep.
Not an expert on this by a long way compared to Techno, but have you had any of the following?
Unexplained data usage spikes?
Excessive battery drainage?
Takes ages for apps to launch?
Restarts for no reason?
Apps that you don’t remember installing?
Do you have antivirus on your phone?
Might be worth reading this
(The link above is safe btw) ?
Yes, to at least one.
Thanks Harold.
On it.
Crosby, Still and Nash singer pegged it, anyone have him on deadpool?
Which one, Fugly?
They all sang…
Not as far as I can see. Annette Crosby is there but unless she has voluntarily re-assigned we have missed him. Crosby (croaked), Stills, Nash and Young (croaked) = Supergroup. Stills and Nash still available for a sporting punt.
Fuckin wish Nicola sturgeon pegged it – of us all a favour
Did someone mention Nicola Sturgeon and pegging? Disgusting.
Oh, it’s David Crosby. I’m amazed he lived and lasted as long as he did. One of rock’s true characters, who never gave a fuck if what he said upset anyone. He was also part of some great bands and records, with The Byrds and CSNY.
We also have him to thank for christening Lennon’s harridan ‘Yoko Fucking Ono’.
RIP Croz.☹
I liked Crosby. He was a cantankerous unrepentant old cunt, and the way he wound up Neil Young about Daryll Hannah was hilarious.
The other Byrds (apart from Gene Clark) hated him and they threw him out because he was (for them) too outspoken. But they were never as good without him.
Sticks and stones may break my bones but if you misgender me your right and proper fucked. Women do not have meat and two veg, Hurty words will put you inside. I am proud to be a facist, bigoted, bastard. Quick post script I have discovered how to be invisible, this has been tested and proven to work at government departments, various companies and like establishments. Very simple, White, male, heterosexual, easy 60s, disabled mentally and physically added together quells invisibility Harry Potter would be proud of.
I get all my edukasion from Roger’s Profanisaurus
I’d be ashamed to be given a leg up due to my skin colour. I’d be doubly ashamed if another group, who invented everything, patronised me.
How about you blacks stopped killing each other in gangland violence, listening to and glorifying ‘gangsta rap’ and accepting leg ups just because your skin is dark? Look at changing your ways within your communities instead of blaming honky. Or instead, fuck off back to Africa.
The simple fact is that the indigenous white people of north west Europe invented everything.
I am indigenous white man of north west Europe and my ancestors ruled the world and invented everything.
Fuck off.