So the saviour of the Tory party has joined a long list of political leaders that open their mouths and utter drivel comes out. Tony b liar was exceptional at this particular trait.
Good old Rishi says that young people should be taught maths compulsory up to the age of 18. A fucking daft idea if I ever heard one.
Why? Jean Piaget a child development psychologist, educated teachers 80 years ago with is developmental categories for students learning abilities.
In a nutshell only students who where able to think in the “abstract “ the highest category could learn higher mathematical theory. A grade A at GCSE would be the start of this level. A grade C at the old GCE would be similar.
I taught maths ( second subject to pe) and cite my own training as evidence for this. The exams were dumbed down. A lot.
Anyway back to Piaget , he recognised that some students Will never be able to think ? in the abstract and therefore flogging a dead horse was pointless as some folk will be able to add take away and know a triangle as 3 sides but will never grasp a quadratic equation EVER.
Hence the reason for cunting Rishi s recent sound bite shit. Sounds good! Just not possible.
Teach compulsory maths till 18. Most people have reached their maths zenith by their times tables you Cunt.
Remember you can’t polish at turd ?.
Nominated by: Everyonesacunt
And where does the Suntan Kid think he’s going to get all the extra maths teachers required? Off the dinghies in Kent I presume.
If every person had exactly the same skill set we would be in real trouble. Some like to use their brain solving puzzles, writing software etc, others like to use their hands, others a bit of both. Nobody is born equal in many ways and ultimately you either ‘have it’ or you dont. In the final years at school I was forced into taking French as an option. I persistently skived it and eventually was allowed to join the woodworking lot at which I both did well and also benefitted hugely from in the electrical trade. Not once in the last 50 odd years have i needed to speak French. As to Sunak, in the words of the late great Spike Milligan ‘put him in the curry!’.
So why do maths when you can get a £3.99 Calculator at Smiths.
The clever cunts make em and the dumb asses use em. We are then all equal
I don’t know, I once told some cunt in France to fuck off en Francaise. Impressed him no end. Where’s my gong for Anglo French relations?
I’m terrible at Maths….I can count money just fine and score a dart-board with the best of them but that’s as far as it goes…despite numerous schools and different teachers, I could not get anything more complicated than the basics into my head….Wouldn’t have mattered how many years I studied or who taught me,it just wouldn’t happen.
Trying to force people to continue with something that is genuinely beyond them causes nothing but resentment and a desire to get the fuck out of there by any means.
Well said,it’s almost as though he wants to throw votes away.
Not that he gives a fuck about the job or the country of course.
PS….I wonder what percentage of people have ever had cause to use cosines,tangents etc. after leaving school….engineers and the likes,admittedly, but there are far too many young people today who are mistakenly told that they are suitable for higher education….most of them aren’t and would be far better off getting a job that suits their abilities rather than studying things that are either pointless,over-subscribed or dumbed down to accommodate them.
PS….Chuck the swots and eggheads down a well.
Perhaps if our own young people were disabused of the notion that they are all too clever for manual work, we wouldn’t have to allow thousands of migrants to enter the Country to fill the “shitty” jobs vacancies while our own Wayne and Waynetta Slobs are busy studying 12th Century Peruvian Cave Art etc at the local Poly..or pumping out family-benefit supported Brats.
“There are far too many young people today who are mistakenly told that they are suitable for higher education”
Exactly! I blame Blair. He thought (and still thinks) it a good idea to have at least 50% of 18-22-year-olds in higher education at any one time. Result: far too many people doing worthless degrees in pointless subjects.
This country pays far too much respect to ‘academic types’ and not nearly enough to people who are manually-skilled and ‘practically-minded’. It’s called ‘snobbery’, and this is one of the few disciplines in which this country is still a world leader.
Scoring a dartboard on match night down the local is certainly no mean feat.
My quick fire maths isn’t quite up to scratch enough to do that admittedly, though I have done it in the past.
If every child in the country could at least reach that level of arithmetic competence then the country would be in finer fettle.
Morning DF
In my local it was either score the game or you didn’t play the winner….so I suppose Rishi may be tight and given the necessary encouragement,anything is possible….although if I had to work out the value of “x” if “x” is the cosigne of “3xy+2yr”, I don’t think I’d have ever achieved my magnificent 112 finish while being so drunk two people had to hold me upright.
Ah….Glory Days.
So this cunts answer to:
Gigantic national debt
Declining living standards
Crime and drug trafficking out of control
A de facto open border policy
Laughable energy security
Toadying to the EU..
Is to make kids sit in maths lessons til they are old enough to vote?
You couldn’t find a more perfect example of the utter uselessness of government than this.
The greasy scarecrow cunt.
Spot on, that’s his big idea to fix everything. Beyond parody.
If the Suntan Kid is so fucking good at maths how come he can’t get the length of his trousers right?
Sunak’s compulsory maths till 18 is clearly bonkers and would be detrimental to millions of pupils.
Not that they learn anything these days anyway.
On the other hand he’s just blocked Wee Jimmy’s Gender Recognition bill, so not entirely off his trolley.
Yes – kudos to him for that at least.
Sturgeon is a bat shit crazy antagonist.
Good Morning MJB
Top o’ the morning to you and all, HJ.
Krankie is very keen on holding referendums so when is she going to give one to the people of Scotland on the gender recognition farce?
“Not that they learn anything these days anyway.”
They learn an enormous amount about how to be woke. Precious little else, I grant you.
I’m sure he’ll learn some more bullshit to Parrott back to us UK plebs after his little trip to Davos with his puppet master Uncle Klaus.
Globalist uber-cunt wants to fuck off and take his face for a shit.
Uncle Klaus aka Lord of the Jabs.
Apologies to Komodo but that’s a funkin’ lizard in the picture.
fuckin not funking for fucks sake.
Invasion of the funky space lizards, starring James Brown as the King of the fucking space lizards
Absolutely right Everyone … Rishi is a stupid cnut, living in some wierd world.
Never mind cosines and quadratics, in my day A-level maths was covering differential and integral calculus.
If you are aspiring to chartered engineer status then yes. But I don’t think you need it to flip burgers!!
Some kids will have this bent, but most do not. I’d far rather see them learning to plaster – even some of the girls!!
“… I’d far rather see them learning to plaster – even some of the girls!!”
I might be reading this wrong but… what would you like to see these girls plastered with…?
Like the plaster casters of Chicago?
Imagine the Antiques Roadshow in 2070 when some cunt fishes a collection of these out of his carrier bag…
I can honestly say, apart from money and the like. I have never used any of the shite I learnt in maths. Quadratic equations, prime numbers, algebra ect. All a waste unless you go into hard science or engineering. I have occasionally used volumes and the like for DIY projects. Which is why we should just focus on non dunce maths. You know stuff that is useful, like how to add up money, work out how big a room is ect. Get kids really good at those things. I have been into shops and had kids look at me like I’m from space, when I hand them cash. Hardly any of them can add up change! I mean fuck me, education well spent. Why bother with trying to flog a dead horse into trying to learn stuff that will only be useful in physics? Given how useless most kids are at life in general, I’d say it’s time to bring back skills for life. Woodwork, cooking, how to sew, clean, manage money ect. You know things that will make them useful in society.
Yep, CC.
Spot on.
I learnt fourth order partial differential equations as part of my degree. The first thing you learn at work is how pointless they are and replaced with a single line formula and a decent “design margin”.
When I studied electronics servicing as a student, we were told an oscilloscope was a vital piece of workshop equipment. After leaving college and embarking on a career in TV servicing I purchased a scope at considerable expense.
In the following 25 years I needed the cunting thing precisely once ?
Sorry to be contrary, but I’m with the PM on this one.
After all, if Diane Abbot had studied Maths up to 18 then who knows, maybe she’d be able to count up to double figures.
Abbott can’t even get her shoes on the right feet.
My friend has very few formal qualifications and left school at 16 to become a toolmaker. He is one of the brightest blokes I know. He knows more about astronomy than most people who have degrees in the subject. He stripped down a telescope, reground the lens and then re-assembled it with a system to enable it to be recolimated (whatever the fuck that is). The sort of bloke who built empires. But nobody can seem to be bothered to sue his skills.
use – fucking mac
They could do with an edit button on this site.
I think the cunt means numeracy not maths. Probably doesnt know the difference.
A man, when asked his age, replied “In 4 years` time, I will be twice as old than my eldest daughter who is one third as old as my wife is now.” The other man punched him in the face.
I did maths until 16, what difference is 4 more years gonna make?
not mine, stolen from elsewhere.
I loved Maths and still do, still pissed off my ceiling was just below degree level…… you either have it or you haven’t.
“Right cabinet, a little mental arithmetic:
Shontilla has five children.
Mingeeta has 8 children
Patel has 8 children
M’tebe and umb’be have 11 children.
Vlad dooshka has 5 children.
All also have both sets of parents and at least two grandparents now with UK citizenships.
Based on each of the men working the minimum hours to gain the maximum “in-work-benefits”, how many years will I need to raise the state pension age for indigenous white British tax payers, to cover the extra expenditure?”
That alone sums it all up
How the fuck can we have a millionaire import running the uk
Is it a bad dream too late to change it now
There may be trouble ahead
I am afraid Sunak has now had his “cones hotline” moment – yet another deputy manager standing in for the real leader. Maths till 18, when most people with sense have left school 2 years earlier. It is deja vu for many of us. It is 1995 again and Sunak is shambling about a la’ Major, waiting for bright shiny Blair to take over. Make no mistake Mandy’s barmy army is on the mince, and in a year or two the Poundland Blair will be along with lashings of wokery including free passage for every piece of illegal immigrant scum who wants to come here, rubber stamped by Pixieballs, Kweer Charmer will have that vacuous grin on his face as he yet again sets the country on a course of ruin, multiculturism and transbender rights, as his poofs like Streeting and Bryant cheer him on while he does it. Compulsory buggery, weekly lectures from Fatarse Thornberry, Mandy made Minister for Rough Trade. No doubt Eddie Izzard given a Damehood for services to comedy. You can see it coming a mile off, and nobody has the guts or the talent to stop the Conservative trip to the knackers yard. It was hard enough getting rid of Blair, but with Labour propped up by the LibDems and the SNP, it will become impossible. I have seen the future and it is appalling.
I’m a huge fan of old Wishi Washi. He’s promised to get to grips on the migrant crisis, don’t you know.
By ‘grip’ do you mean praying for gale force winds in the channel every day until the next election ?
If he does by some miracle sort this out with a really tough and workable line, he’s a shoe in at the next election, regardless of any other issues.
I think nothing less than all the existing claims thrown out and zero arrivals by dinghy would get him back in and I can’t see that happening unless the navy blow the cunts out of the water. (Televised with Thunderstruck as the backing track ?)
Well, that’s him gone then.
If you have 1048 dinghy invaders in a day and they then bring in 8478 relatives after been given asylum, a house, car and benefits, how many votes lost does this add up too?
I’d say 80 seats worth.
At least.
Be fair, that’s just one family.
Baseball Bat to the face.Stupid daber woller.
What pissed me off with this dumb founded idea is that if you are a thick child then you will be reminded until the age of 18 that you are thick (only at maths it would appear).
Our eldest’s school has some fixated obsession with maths, when clearly, reading, comprehensive, grammar and basic English is a bigger problem – they seem happy to make the kids do more PE lessons but not focus on English but perhaps that’s because there’s a lot of raggies, polaks and other delightful nationalities in her school, maybe they don’t want to offend by forcing the ‘English’ issue…
That said, my maths is appalling, but me English ain’t ‘alf bad.
For the captioned picture I’d like to invite comments. For Example is Rishi saying to his make-up artist – “go on love, slap on the foundation, I need to appear whiter than I am to please the masses”.
Answers on a postcard to ISAC, winner gets to look at Rayners tits all night.
If you’re a bit thick, you’re a bit thick. It’s not Rocket Science. Which coincidentally Risha is also making compulsory learning until your 48.
If this stupid wanker is so concerned about educational standards he ought to take a look at Black History Month and now LGBTQ+ History Week in fucking primary schools. Or drag queens and other assorted deviants being invited into schools. We all know what sort of education that is and it ain’t fucking maths!
We don’t need a further maths education. We can all count the cunts you shouldn’t be allowing into the country Mr Nakus, from which I don’t think you have 2 of.
Yeah, here’s a maths problem for him….
Compare the percentages of various effnick groups in prison with their percentage in the general population. What do you understand by the term “over representation”?
You cunt.
I don’t need to be good at maths to know the fake tories are gonna be subtracting alot of MPS come election time.
He is like fingernails down a chalk board with a soupçon of Tim Nice But Dim.
I liked the soupçon method. Probably he could try a dash of something else to send him on his way.
Chalk Board? Blackboard FFS.
Well said Fuckwittery!
Rat boy, 2 for upstairs thank you please ding ding .
I disagree with the majority here as I think it is important to teach math. There are so many practical civilian and military applications that a fundamental knowledge of math is essential for survival in the modern world.
For example:
If you have 3 members of Al-Qaeda and 2 members of the Taliban and you add one dissident Irish Republican how many bullets do you need?
Depends on how good a shot you are?
There is a saying attributed to the US Navy Seals:
“Stay Low Go Fast, Shoot First Die Last, One Shot One Kill, No Luck All Skill.”
GC-based on the number of Allied forces killed by American friendly fire, in recent Middle Eastern conflicts, perhaps the British forces should adopt something like this:
“Send the Seals in first, then SAS then Marines
Cos them yanks marksmanship belongs in latrines.”
Hey CG,
We’re sorry. Shit happens on the battlefield. Just ask Royal Marine Christoper Maddison.
Oh wait…you can’t. The Royal Engineers killed him when they blew his boat out of the water on the Al-Faw Penisula in Iraq.
Like I said; shit happens.
It’s a fair cop?
British Humour GC-we find humour in the darkest places…
It’s a fair cop?
British Humour GC-we find humour in the darkest places…
@ CG
Sorry. I’ve been on edge lately and I might have overacted a bit.
Some people might go so far as to say I’m rather highly strung. Others say I ought to be.
A rare thread this where every comment gets a ticky point from Chops.
My searing hatred for this ill tailored, animated, vertical colostomy bag of a politician defies all earthly measurement. The greeeeeezy streak o’ piss! But here’s the quandry…
The assumption… nay… the unquestionable conviction that “all are born equal” is a fundamental precept of communism in any of its variants but here we see it now embedded in ‘right wing’ doctrine. What the living and actual fuck???
John Locke and Thomas Jefferson (from whom the phrase “all men are created equal” originated) weren’t commies.