Rishi Sunak (11) – Soundbite Genius

So the saviour of the Tory party has joined a long list of political leaders that open their mouths and utter drivel comes out. Tony b liar was exceptional at this particular trait.

Good old Rishi says that young people should be taught maths compulsory up to the age of 18. A fucking daft idea if I ever heard one.

Why? Jean Piaget a child development psychologist, educated teachers 80 years ago with is developmental categories for students learning abilities.

In a nutshell only students who where able to think in the “abstract “ the highest category could learn higher mathematical theory. A grade A at GCSE would be the start of this level. A grade C at the old GCE would be similar.

I taught maths ( second subject to pe) and cite my own training as evidence for this. The exams were dumbed down. A lot.

Anyway back to Piaget , he recognised that some students Will never be able to think ? in the abstract and therefore flogging a dead horse was pointless as some folk will be able to add take away and know a triangle as 3 sides but will never grasp a quadratic equation EVER.

Hence the reason for cunting Rishi s recent sound bite shit. Sounds good! Just not possible.

Teach compulsory maths till 18. Most people have reached their maths zenith by their times tables you Cunt.

Remember you can’t polish at turd ?.

BBC News Link

Nominated by: Everyonesacunt

86 thoughts on “Rishi Sunak (11) – Soundbite Genius

  1. I started out as an industrial chemist. The only maths other than numeracy I used in 50 years was basic statistics. The other stuff I learned was never used. Maths is for specialised jobs.
    It is worrying that a former chancellor doesnt get this.

      • Rich-y Sunak improved his mathematical skills by counting his money, it’s estimated he and his wife are worth £730 million. If he believes NHS staff don’t need much of a pay rise because nursing is a vocation rather than just a job, he could easily get by without the £164,080 he’s paid as prime minister. What’s that going to buy him that he doesn’t already have? For him, leading the country should be a vocation too. Boris Johnson was different, for him it was a vacation.

  2. Good nom. The Piaget idea explains a lot for me: I only scraped a pass at O level – 45%-ish – in the 60s, and this was assumed by my betters to be down to my laziness and lack of motivation. Obeying my fucking idiot of a father’s advice, I went on to do pure and applied maths at A level. There I was completely lost, and for this and other reasons I was asked to leave. I may say I was happy with this – the school was a complete cunt and the old man finally gave up his delusions of my adequacy.

    Decades later I did an access course at a tech college. The hardest of the material was up to 1960’s first year A level. It was well taught, and I was motivated by this time. Good course assessments…. but 45%-ish on the final exam. Scraped again, more or less a replay of my school performance

    I could manage quadratics – you can easily picture those on a graph and understand how they work – but the sine and cosine formulae for solving non-right-angle triangles defeated me then and now. To say nothing of matrices and differential equations. Piaget thinks the inability to do abstract thinking is the problem. Einstein had another approach: in order to understand something, draw the picture and only then could he apply the algebra. Visual thinking vs abstract thinking. Yes.

    I have two sci/tech degrees, and I’ve never used that A level maths. Stats, yes, and I got what I needed of those on the courses.

    And I agree, getting everyone to do maths to 18 will be a waste of time for three quarters of them, and their teachers. Sunak is a cunt.

  3. I was shite at anything mathematical beyond simple adding or taking away we used to chant our times tables parrot fashion in lessons and I still fucked them up thank the technological lord for cheap calculator’s it saved me a lot of unnecessary brain ache!
    Maths till eighteen fuck right off!

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