1) one of my favourites is the Sunak family coming out of No 10 to buy a poppy. You just knew…everything about it was strained, awkward-from him not being able able to pin the poppies on his wife and daughter properly to carelessly getting a £20 note to donate.
2) similarly there he is film filling his car up but tellingly not looking at the price just waiting for the automatic cut off.
3) when he won the leadership…after the speech…silence…like a robot.. looking round, then deciding its over and going.
I am surprised he hasn’t been coached on how ‘to do’ TV.
4) oh yes his dealings with working people paying for something in a garage–and missing where the person was putting the item to be checked out.
5) also at a restaurant where he served the wrong people.
Everything he touches turns to shit. As a ‘people person’ politician I mean
6) the most recent-at a homeless shelter–to a real down and out…wait for it…’do you work in business?’ Ha ha ha!
The guy maybe hoping for something engages with him. Back and forth about being in business. Hysterical ending-Sunak-”what you doing at the weekend?’ ‘Steve’ weighing up whether he can keep his supposed interest in business up, decides on honesty ‘I’m hoping St. Mungo’s can get me into some temporary accommodation’.
Hysterical as I say
7) it was all summed up years ago when he was asked what kinds of friends he had. Working-class? Not really.
Nominated by: Miles Plastic
I think you’re being harsh Miles.
I have complete faith that Wishi Washy will be the answer to all the nation’s problems, esp. when it comes to dealing with The Invasion of the Boat People.
Guy’s a winner I reckon.
He has a 5 point plan or something Ron. A worrying sign he hasnt a clue what to do.
Also he want all children have to study maths till they’re 18.
Bloody hell I bet Dianne is relieved she didnt have to do that.
‘Abbot (in her eighteenth year) ‘what is 2 X 3?’
’21 Sir’.
What he doesn’t see is if he solves point 5 it helps with point 3 and 4.
But that’s why it’s point 5.
Another in a long line of out of touch university educated numpties.
And there are thousands more waiting in the wings.
Nevermind back to my large glass of rum.
Fucking cunt needs to get a decent tailor to sort out his Norman Wisdom trousers. Wanker.
He gets them sent from a Bombay tailor, six suits a pop for twenty quid, inc. post and packing. Delivery with a week.
Can’t be the royal mail then Ron.
Tuk tuk delivery?
Speedpack from China
I think we need the Ed Miliband bacon sandwich test before we can access how out of touch Itchy Ballsack is with the electorate.
Fuck me them two facing each other at the Dispatch box. One would get up then the othe other and both standing there…
Our PM (punkahwallah mong).
I don’t remember this cunt being in charge at the general election. Exactly who was it that elected this foreign cunt to run the country? The second also-ran, even amongst the Tory party.
If the Tories are relying on my vote to stay in power, they’d better put someone in charge who can trace their British nationality back more than zero generations.
Yeah that’s a classic. With ‘Steve’ at the homeless place. As I said he feigned interest in ‘business’ after Rishi brought it up. Then at the end ‘what you doing at the weekend?’
I think Rishi was hopeful he might say ‘I am going round to Goldman Sachs Monday morning sharp. I am going to change my life and work in high finance’.
But no ‘I’m hoping St. Mungo’s can get me into some temporary accommodation’.
Rishi when young-
What a little shit cunt. Thank fuck we didn’t vote him in.
I suspect senior politicians have always been disconnected from the real world.
There is a story told, true or not I don’t know, about Enoch Powell. Whilst out electioneering in the 1960s, his minders directed him into Marks & Spencers in Wolverhampton for a spot of ‘meet the people’ with the hoi polloi of Middle England.
Once in the shop he expressed astonishment that all the shirts for sale had collars attached.
Like the Queen Mother, eh thought Supermarket’s were where the poor went to get soup.
True story?
What a great nom ?
Spot on Miles.
He IS dead awkward.
Like a alien or something,
All thumbs.
Clueless to how anything works.
Stares blankly at a tin of beans.
How did they get sealed in there?
How do you get them out?
I cringed at that poppy PR bollocks.
How fuckin dumb does he think we are?
He’s never bought a poppy in his life .
He’s like a Asian Mr Bean.
And his clothes fit him like Mr Burns suits fit.
Nothing like me,
I’m confident in everything I do.
I exude a ‘can do’ confidence.
Women find it attractive.
Till I crash the plane anyway….
To be honest mis if you were flying the plane, I would definitely be B.A Baracus.
I must admit I am with Rishi on the working class, who the fuck wants to associate with the thick cunts ?
Bumbling Boris, part of his charm but it doesn’t work for Rishi, he is better sticking with the rich posh boy image.
To be fair, we probably wouldn’t want to associate with you either…
Absolutely, thank fuck this online only ?
Ain’t technology wonderful…
At least we have a Head boy from “Winchester” & a Head boy from “Charterhouse” running the government now.
Makes a change from Eton & Harrow.
To be fair to him….he’s inherited a complete crock of shite.
You say inherited, but he has been involved in this clown government since 2014.
True enough but I reckon our problems started a lot earlier than that and it is just that the chickens are now coming home to roost.
Fuck him, that’s what he wanted.
Be careful what you wish for.
He schemed, plotted and backstabbed to be PM.
Fill your boots you cunt.
Our political parties are hardly awash with better candidates for PM…
I’ll be voting for the ‘we the people ‘ party come the next election.
Be a landslide.
I spoke to one of them and he said he’ll be clamping down on the England football team particular Gareth Wokegate,
And he’s also keen on compulsory purchases of land in Northumbria.
Hes a trained astronaut apparently.
What was the candidates name? Vernon Fox?
Afternoon Dick.
I don’t think that the title Prime Minister should be given to anyone who has not won an overall majority in a general election.
And the should certainly not be given all the benefits and pension that they now get.
He was not voted in by the electorate.
Neither was Truss or May.
Cameron could only cobble together a coalition after failing to win an overall majority.
Give these people a title of Leader of the Majority Party.
Let them live in their own houses and keep 10 Downing Street for the occasion state reception.
May did go to the voters, she won but lost ?
Cameron won an overall majority of 12 seats in the 2015 general election.
Was it enough to form a government?
It was some time ago but I thought that he had to get Clegg on his side by giving him the job of deputy.
If that’s the case then he may have had a majority of 12 seats but not enough to form a government.
The 12 seat overall majority in 2015 enabled Cameron to ditch Clegg and the LibDumbs, and more importantly get the 2016 EU Referendum Bill through Parliament and the rest as they say is history.
You are thinking of the 2010 general election where Cameron failed to get an overall majority and formed a coalition government with the LibDumbs in which Clegg became deputy PM.
PS: The 12 seat majority was more than enough for the Tories to form a government on its own.
Theoretically, for a party to form a government they only need a one seat overall majority.
In the 2017 GE, Mavis May lost Cameron’s majority and subsequently had to rely on the DUP to stay in power.
I and thousands of others can relate to a man worth £200 million. A genuine man of the people. I now get the feeling as well that they don’t give a fuck about sorting out any of the issues at the moment knowing they’re out at the next election. Has there ever been a bigger set of incompetent self serving shit houses on both sides of the House? What a sorry state of affairs. Depressing to say the least.
I believe this cunt recently proposed sitting down with the public sector unions to discuss their pay claims. A fat lot of good that would do them. Why would he be sympathetic to health service workers? He’s never going to need the NHS, he can easily afford to build his own personal medical centre.
Every year that goes by, nurses’ wages are worth less, but as far as the Tories are concerned, it’s not a job, it’s a vocation. You never hear them criticize companies for putting their prices up but as soon as workers ask for more money to keep up, Rich-I Sunak stresses the need to fight inflation.
Excellent points, Allan. If the cunt has a medical event and dials 999, it’ll be a cunt like me that turns up and takes gim to a NHS ED, not his private clinic. All of us that the fucker wants to give a 2% rise to.
I watched the cunt this morning being grilled by a BBC lesbian.
It reinforced my view that he has no idea at all about what to do to turn HMS Great Britain around before it hits an iceberg.
He’s just another rule following clueless posh cunt…when asked about the Dinghy Dung he gave what he thinks will pass as a straight answer “anyone illegally entering Britain will be removed”..what he knows is that virtually none will be labelled as illegal immigrants and virtually none will be deported.
He’s a greasy cunt playing the same tired yet cosy (for him and the other clowns in the HoP) game,when it all goes to shit he’ll just walk away from it all.
He’s made his bed and now we can lie in it.
He’s only there to line his, and his rich mates, pockets. Like they need any more but, when you only have a few hundred £mil, it’s never enough is it.
Why he even bothers to try the “PR thing” astonishes me. Maybe his Globalist masters insist on it so there can be the pretence of wanting to run the country. They’d be better off just standing a cardboard cut-out of the cunt outside No 10 – it’d seem more genuine.
Rishi is finishing the job stated by Blair, aptly turning the UK into a corner shop. If you can’t get it somewhere else you buy it here, otherwise you go to a big shop with more choice and better prices.
The UK is becoming the 51st state, if you want a decent quality of life be prepared to work 2 or even 3 jobs.
America is a decade or so from spending its entire GDP on welfare and Medicare, we can’t be far behind.
Poundshop Britain, leading the world in fuck all.
He could be the long-lost half brother of Briefcase Wanker (Will) from the Inbetweeners.
Completely out of touch with many otherwise Tory voters who will now likely consider some alternative come the General Election.
Spreadsheet Sunak just spends his time dreaming up new taxes with Jeremy Cunt. Meanwhile, everything in the UK is going to pot. Talk about Nero fiddling while Rome burnt.
Both the Suntan Kid and Starmzy made major speeches this week setting out their vision for the future and making the same bullshit promises. What a pair of totally unconvincing fucking cunts. They couldn’t sell an underage girl to a bunch of Peacefuls.
We are fucked. Totally fucked.
The role of Prime Minister and Members of Parliament used to looked upon as a great honour and the actions upheld by respectable and upstanding persons of honest6 and integrity.
I’m not sure where it all went wrong, the 60s perhaps, the Profumo affair, maybe the 90s and the Major era, I really don’t know all.
What I conclude is that with this fishy fucker in No.10 enacting the EU and WEF orders and Queer Kneel Starmer waiting in the wings…. Unless a viable Britain first option appears soon then we are all fucked.
As I said before, he’s Tony Blair in blackface, minus the charm.
But what else have we got?
Smeg all sadly ☹️
if this blob of shit is still the janitor of Downing Street this summer, I will pass out. He’s fucking useless, utterly useless. They all are. No one REALLY wants to be Prime Minister or President of the big countries anymore in the patriotic sense, they are just puppets, caretakers, handmaidens. A reckoning is coming, not sure if it will be this year, but this decade it will and it won’t be pretty. Just keep calm and keep clean.
A lump of coal will perform better over Suntan Sunak.For the love of God we’ve had 12 years of these invertebrates.No soul no passion sweet fanny adams.7 years until the great Re Set I despair ?.I expect Adolf Klaus is creaming his knickers over fishy Rishi.Hand grenade and locked room.
His worth 700 million. That makes him a prize Cunt.
He is clearly taking the piss out of us, by being completely detached from our reality.
Like Biden without the dementia
For some unknown reason, that bottom right part of the header pic reminds me of an 80’s album cover. Or maybe a 90’s Andrex ad? ”Because shit happens!”
I see this cunt refused to confirm if he uses the NHS.
Which means he most certainly doesn’t