(Et tu, Brian? – Day Admin)
Brian ‘Particle Physics’ Cox is a cunt, isn’t he.
This tedious special needs turd has been spouting his anti-Brexit bollocks again.
He might’ve managed to write dreary dissertations so that he can wank on about space dust in a whiny Manc accent, but he can’t do basic Maths. It was the higgest electoral victory in British history. Just because this portentous bore doesn’t like it won’t change anything.
Perhaps this spacca has a chip on his shoulder because his mum cuts his hair so badly that he could be in the Inspiral Carpets. Perhaps he can’t see the effects of a global pandemic, half a trillion in lockdowns, and the Ukrainian war because of his fuckwit chip-pan hair in his eyes.
The mook stopped eating crayons long enough to say, in his no-testicles, high-pitched squeak, ” Ah fink we should fink abow’ joinin’ de EU again coz ah didn’t liiike losing. Eeyoop, fings can only ge’ beh’er.”
Listen, Brian “loves” Cox, you’d be more useful collecting the trolleys for Tesco like other retards. Take your positivity and your Downs grin, and fuck off. Instead of cutting your hair, your mum should have used a coathanger.
Nominated by: Captain Magnanimous
Stick your views up Uranus ,you bender!
Reverse brexit? It hasn’t fucking happened yet so how the fuck are you going to reverse it? Of course it would help these bastards if we could officially join again so they could forget about the disaster of 2016 (yes, we’re still waiting cunts) and pretend it never happened.
This cunt can fuck off to Belfast and lecture them about brexit. Fucking prick.
Who’s that shabby, unshaven, drunken, piss-stained vagrant in the Express photo?
Oh silly me, it’s none other than Guy Verhofstadt MEP, former Belgian Prime Minister, former EU Brexit Coordinator. When did you last look in the mirror, you scruffy cunt?
Brian Cox? Shove one of your orange pippins up your black hole, you fucking mincer.
That gapped toothed fuckwit Verhosdaftwat needs to be introduced to a baseball bat.
That could only improve his looks, leo.
Brexit was a fucking disaster for the people of Britain.
I think that if people would have known in advance that they would not benefit at all from ‘leaving’ the EU then the vote would have been massively in favour of staying.
The British people have been fucked over and they did not get what they voted for.
I think that Brian Cox has every right to his opinion.
Sorry…… Not a cunt.
You’re a brave person for saying this on here, but I agree with you. Economically, it’s been disastrous, but that hasn’t surprised me.
I wanted us to leave in order to bring an end to the bonkers mass immigration from eastern Europe: uncontrolled access for criminal gangs, and 5million-or-so now settled in an already overpopulated country. The politicians dismissed these concerns as racism, they wouldn’t listen, and Brexit was the result.
I doubt that Brian Cox lives in an area blighted by this influx; likewise most other Remainers and this, rather than the economic argument, is the main division between us.
Although I live within the EU, if I would have lived in Britain during the referendum I would have voted to leave too.
Not only to control illegal immigration but also to control the millions of immigrants in other EU countries that once they gain EU citizenship would be able to settle in any EU country of their choice.
Millions of immigrants entering the UK legally and being able to claim every benefit available to UK citizens.
The establishment made damn sure that it didn’t work. We didn’t vote the way they wanted us to. c.f. Also, the Liz Truss affair. Democracy is dead.
Artful Cunter@
Your right in that we didn’t get what we voted for, and it’s been a economic disaster.
But I disagree that we’d of voted differently if we’d known.
I’d still vote to Leave in a heartbeat.
The upset faces of every politician , the tears of the middle class baguette eaters, and media panic ?
To me it was a price worth paying ?
For David Cameron to have this as his political legacy makes me grin.
The only black eye the great people of this country have given them in decades.
I’d vote the same.
Well, he’s a manc, so that automatically tips the scales. Worse than scousers. Plus he’s got a bowl head haircut and he looks like he’s caught Down’s off Jamie Oliver. And he talks shit about Star Trek-like “science” and thinks he can get away with it because he’s an arrogant fuckwit “expert”.
It’s fairly obvious that one cannot tell if Brexit has been beneficial or not because we haven’t had it. Not even close.
For me, Brexit should have been 12 month’s notice to the EU and then out, all the way out, on WTF terms. Don’t like it, EU? OK, keep pissing us about and we will withdraw from NATO as well. Not one more fckng penny, nothing, ever again. Start messing with the ports? OK, no more electricity or gas. We could keep going and going until they get the message – Fuck off!
I am a remainer but not a remoaner. I do think this government has conned the British public who voted to leave.
There is an ongoing agenda and I do not think it makes any odds if the UK stayed in or out.
The new puppet masters are the wef. They trump every organisation on the planet and tell people like the EU what to do and what to think.
Scary times
A man who spends his life looking for Black Holes is a man not to be trusted.
PS. Try looking up Opra Winfrey’s gusset ! Now that must be one helluva black hole !
He can have an opinion as can any cunt.
I’ll pass my own judgement on the reasons behind Brexit, when it is actually enacted.
I hate this cunt more due to the fact he was the keyboardist in DReam back in the 1990s.
I’d strap him to a NASA rocket and launch to space….. ‘things could only get better’
I thought he had a claim to fame with 10cc Leo or did he make that one up ?
Whooops, just looked it up It was Dare ! ( sorry )
He was in a rock band called Dare in the late 80s early 90s before joint D:Ream (who deserve a cunting all of their own) he didn’t play on that fucking song Liebour adopted as their anthem bur appeared live with group many times.
At school he liked Gymnastics, Dance, Plane and Train Spotting, according to wiki. Sounds like a case of The Gayness to me…
Well I don’t want to break it to you brian but you haven’t been a success compared to your namesake.
So how about we reverse you.
Can’t stick you back in your mum, so how about we shoot you into the space you so love.
That short arsed Scottish actor Brian Cox is also a cunt. A Scottish National Party Bollinger Bolshevik.
I agree with the Scot-Nats.
Cut them loose, half the population would be dead in a year from wife-beating and the other half would be so smashed off their tits on buckfast they wouldn’t notice. When they are all dead we can just take it over and call it greater Newcastle.
What Brian Cox and his mates fail to accept, is that there’s a world of difference between thinking Brexit has been a success and thinking Brexit was the right thing to do.
Of course Brexit hasn’t been a success. It’s been led by a group of people who didn’t want to implement it in the first place (MPs), administered by another group of people who’ve never wanted it (the Civil Service), and constantly picked apart and criticized ever since the vote by other anti-Brexit groups (the EU, the MSM, big businesses and corporations).
It was held up in red tape for years by a combination of stubborn MPs and third-parties with vested interests like Gina Miller. It’s been watered down, scrambled up and generally fucked about PRECISELY so it can be deemed a failure and enable calls for it to be reversed.
Personally, I’d agree – Brexit has been a shit show from start to finish. It’s never been designed to work for Britain’s best interests, and especially for the interests of the majority rather than the select few. But that doesn’t mean it was a bad idea. The EU has never been designed to work for the best interests of the majority either.
The problem is, whatever or whoever we vote for, the cunts always seem to win.
Great post LCN
Spot on, the whole thing was sabotaged from the day after the vote, the ‘establishment’ assumed the vote would be remain.
The EU isn’t any better now, as a trading block it was a good idea but it went too far, I am sure there are several countries who would like to get out or turn the clock back.
Exxon are suing the EU over the windfall tax stating they (Brussels) have exceeded their authority. Far too big for their boots ?
Brexit could have been a smooth withdrawal but the EU found a nice little pot hole to throw everything off course, the integrity of the single market in Ireland wasn’t an issue but it enabled the cunts to make it the one thing to drag everything out.
Cox can spout whatever he likes but we left and what would we actually gain from rejoining, nothing.
What a funny chap.
He seems to think the grinning clowns running the show will be able to organise some sort of second referendum.
The cunts can’t stop dinghies washing ashore never mind sort out British law that doesn’t “take the knee” to every unelected body at home or abroad.
Stick your telescope up yer hoop then Fuck Off.
UT I often agree with you but I think they’d organise a ‘do over’ very quickly and efficiently if it was demanded enough.
And if they voted to rejoin, they’d organise that with no fuss and with no media or civil service interference.
Everything would be a piece of piss all of a sudden.
Maybe CB,no doubt you could be right.
The last shreds of any possible credibility would vanish,along with a great deal of the unthinking support of even the most bovine of voters.
It’d take real guts to deliver a “Britain First” national policy…but it would need the same sort of guts to put us back in the clutches of those cunts on the continent.
Guts there are none.
The useless cunts.
So called brexit has been a shit show, I think the only success was the covid rollout.
I could just imagine if we were still a part of the EU, we would of been last in the queue for the jab.
We would probably still be waiting.
Hey Bbbbrian.
I’ve heard about you.
Patrick Moore said you drop the soap in the BBC showers!
Ian Brown wants his wig back.
The BBC doesn’t have showers mis, they all lick each other clean in a huge smug and self congratulatory orgy..
Wood chipper feet first
Not sure about this feet first policy.
We could try head first, then switch off the machine when he’s down to his forehead, leave him for a bit, have a fag or cuppa, then turn it back on.
Absolutely ??
Quite right, stick to looking at stars and things. If I want advice about re joining the eu I shall dig up a road kill badger and ask that. Sure the advice re the fourth reich would allow me to decide one way or another as a rotting animal carcass is pretty much a mirror image of the eu. If I require information relating to gravitational lenses and spiral galaxies I will ask you Dr Cox.
There you go nice and simple, if giving opinions asked for or not stick to what you know or say nothing. Works for me and I’m genuinely a friend of the mental elf.
The Greeks I think believed if you had an opinion then you had knowledge of the subject, not bollocks and twattery
I have met Brian Cox a few times down the years at various academic conferences. I like him – genuinely a pleasant sort and very knowledgable in his field. However, he’s no astronomer (at least not in the professional sense) – he’s a particle physicist.
As a Brexiteer, I disagree with his views on Brexit. But that’s fine – he’s entitled to his view. But what he fails to take into account is that Brexit has not been allowed to succeed by a powerful cabal of politicians and civil servants who will fight tooth and nail to ensure it doesn’t succeed.
You are only an expert in the things you are an expert in.
Brian Cox is an expert in astrophysics.
Gary Lineker is an expert in football.
Bonio is an expert in writing shit songs (and tax evasion, allegedly).
Fuck knows what Harry Windsor is an expert in. Being a whiny twat perhaps?
Outside your area of expertise, your opinion is no better or worse than the next person. I believe this is called democracy.
I do tend to agree with the quote in the header picture. Freedom of speech is both a positive and negative right. You have every right to speak but I have the right not to listen. The trouble with too many people – on both the left and right – is that they seek to compel others to listen and acknowledge their version of the truth. Like the godbotherers of old (and not so old in some parts of the world) they wish to negate anything that does not fit with their views.
He’s not a real astrophysicist – only a TV one. He’s a particle physicist – quarks, baryons, mesons, protons, neutrons, etc. That’s where his professional expertise is – in things infinitely smaller than stars, galaxies, black holes – but no less mysterious and fascinating. The BBC has adopted him as their “face of astronomy”, where he stepped into the (rather large) void left by Patrick Moore.
I stand corrected. Thanks, MMCM
Sounds like a cunt to me. What I will say though in his favour is that he’s a professor. & reaching that milestone is an achievement. He is suppose to have an I.Q. level of 183, which is genious level, where most of the England football squad men & wimminz have the score printed on the back of their shirt. A shame he is wasting his talent.
Mmmm….even Einstein’s IQ was “only” 160.
My fuckin dogs IQ that.
Bet he couldn’t lay a brick, change a tyre, do his shoelaces up or start a fire with out matches.
I can do all those things.
Even Sylvester Stallone has an IQ of 170…
IQ tests are faulty as a test of intelligence. They are a rough guide based on problem solving techniques. There is so much more to intelligence – like insight, knowledge, motivation, hard work and plain old fashioned inspiration.
Yeah according to those tests I’m subnormal registered at only 52.
Unyet I’m the smartest person I know?
Put him in the large hardon collider. Dignitas anyone.
I do hope you mean Hadron. The idea of a hardon collider makes me cross my legs.
I wonder when Cox actually finds the time to ‘do’ any particle physics, teaching and such stuff.
He seems to spend all his time on the telly, writing books, or travelling around the world doing personal appearances. And gobbing off about politics and climate change.
Fire off in the direction of the Andromeda galaxy, warp factor ten.
Morning all.
Last time I saw him on the box (before we ditched the BBC) he was trundling through an area of natural beauty in a convoy of big comfy 4x4s, after being dropped off by helicopter…
I agree 100% with his statements in the header picture. You and I can disagree with him about the EU and presumably by his own standards he would not be offended therefore. The MSM constantly feed us the opinions of celebrities and at least Brian is intelligent and educated. The vast majority of such are thick and a great proportion have diagnosed mental problems.
At least he knows the correct pronunciation of the word “kilometre”.
Try saying “kilogram” with the stress on the second syllable.
I’m intelligent and educated but politically I’m a moron. I have totally lost any remnants of interest I once had because, over the years, I have become aware that whoever wins an election, I get screwed.
Not the most manly of specimens is he. Not like us rugged Cunters.
Has he got a portrait of himself in the attic, or has he had “work” on his face?
He’s 54 years old FFS! ?
I reckon that he goes to Dame Elton’s rug stitcher as well.
I like the bit of stubble he’s sprouted on his otherwise rather effeminate features
If I remember rightly, this cunt was the subject of my first ever nomination. That was years ago and I’ve avoided watching him since. If he talks about politics the same way he talks about science, it wouldn’t altogether surprise me.
Once a cunt, always a cunt.
This “bloke” talks like a little faggot.
That’s all I have to say about this cunt.
I fucking hate how wimmin drool over this cunt Cox. Some smug soppy twat in a Beatle wig who’s a bit of a smart arse, and the bints fall to bits and wet themselves.
But when a lad gets fruity over, say, Susannah Reid or Nigella Lawson, we are told we are ‘sexist’ and ‘pathetic’. Double standards is not in it… Cunts…