‘Good afternoon. This is IsAC’s Royal Correspondent Ron Knee speaking. Today I’m priviliged to bring you an exclusive interview with the Harry formerly known as Prince, prior to the release of his bombshell new book “Spare”. How are you, Your Gingerness?’.
‘Infamy! Infamy!’ *eyes swivel alarmingly from side to side*
‘I beg your pardon?’
‘They’ve all got it in for me! My family hates me, and are trying to destroy me! I’ll get them back when my book comes out, you wait and see if I don’t. *Stamps foot petulantly*. ‘I’ll even the score’.
‘But hold on. Your family’s always looked out for you. They’ve indulged you, some would say spoiled you rotten, all your life, and tried to cover up your many indiscretions. You and your wife were even part of the so-called “Fab Four”, until her narcissism ruined everything, just because Meghan couldn’t always get what Meghan wanted. So you flounced off to California calling us all racists. What exactly do you expect the Royal Family to do?’.
‘Apologise! Apologise for all the lying things my pater and his horse of a wife, not to mention my brother and his forced bride, have said about us. Meghan and I have repeatedly extended an olive branch, but they’ve shown absolutely no interest in reconciliation. They’ve betrayed us. They want to keep us as the villains!’.
‘Betrayed you? Kept you as the villains? How can I put this delicately? You sound just a little bit paranoid. There’s a school of opinion which argues that in fact, you should be the ones apologising. That all of this drama is the Duchess of Nutfux’s fault; that she’s isolated you from your family and friends, and has fuelled your insecurity, greed and jealously in pursuit of her own agenda. Perhaps if you just tried to look forward instead of backwards, and practised some of that “compassion in action” you’re always preaching…’.
‘Did you just accuse my mommy of manipulating me? *face goes purple* How dare you! You’re like all the rest of them, you vile racist. I’ll get you as well, you see if I don’t! Where’s my mommy? I want my mommy!’ *storms off*
‘Oh dear. I’m afraid that didn’t go too well, and I can only apologise. This is Ron Knee, for IsAC, returning you to the studio’.
Nominated by: Ron Knee
And on a slightly different note there’s this from Technocunt
Fuckwit Harry bragging about killing 25 “Taliban fighters”.
In his book he bragged about wiping out 25 Talibans during his 2nd tour of Afghanistan in 2012. However, Taliban leaders dispute the claim that he killed genuine Taliban fighters but may have killed innocent civilians instead.
Now we all know about “collateral damage” in theatres of war. No one likes it, but that’s just the fact of life (and death) in a war.. But in this case Harry seems to brag about the killings as if they were mere “chess pieces”
Naturally enough the international community are in uproar about these shameless confessions, especially from someone like him. The Taliban in particular are far from happy about the mass slaughter, even though they can’t say much about their own ruthless killings of innocent civilians in their own backyard.
The real problem, however, is that this may reignite terrorist activity in this country. And with so many migrants allowed in with little or no security checks, then who knows who their sympathies are with!
Harry of course will be immune from any of this, safely tucked away in Wokifornia. But if there are murderous reprisals in the UK by the likes of the Taliban or ISIS or some other nutter group, then he will have blood on his hands.
Jeezum Priest isn’t happy with Harry either
Don’t bother buying the book ( as if!)
You won’t need to buy ‘Spare’, as it’s practically being serialised by the press. Not that any but the most insane of contributers to this site would buy it anyway.
As I’ve previously stated, you’ll get a free copy when you purchase, at a remaindered book store near you, a copy of
” Muh struggle as a bl@ck woman and the hell of being Married to Harry”
Pair of cunts, for sure.
I heard he had at least four SAS guarding his every move in Afghanistan. Nothing like that for the working class lads and lasses who served there with some paying the ultimate price. I’ve just come to the conclusion that the Royal Family, Prince and Princesses is something that belongs in fairy tales not in a modern society. By the way my Auntie met Andrew whilst serving in the Navy. Said he was a total cunt. She met Princess Anne, totally different, a nice lady apparently.
Appearing to be a total cunt seems to be a consistent and persistent theme where ‘Air Miles Andy’ is concerned Bob.
The stories about just how much ‘active’ service Halfwit really put in as the Lion of Helmand continue to circulate and are very intriguing.
He surely ain’t known as ‘Bunker Harry’ for nothing. There’s clearly a tight lid being kept on things for pr purposes, but you’d think that the truth will ultimately get out.
I think I’ve posted what I know about the ginger cunts alleged time in Afghanistan, and the real reason he was sent home. Absolute fucking throbber who managed to aggravate everyone who came into contact with him!
Fascinating Foghorn.
Have you actually got a link to that? I’d love to read it!
Ron, I can post it again for you but I’m sure you read it before.
Get them on the Claude Butlers.
Princess Ann should be queen, only one that knows what to do.
And, from many accounts, a genuinely nice person…
And all the shit about ‘Stallions’ and other sensationlist sauce is obviously aimed at the ‘Fifty Shades of Shite’ market. The GTMB’s ‘people’ want stupid wimmin to fall for this crap and by the book.
Which, of course, they will….?
In all honesty I am surprised that he was not buggered senseless in a muddy field as perchance a love of the marching powder and litres of Jäger bombs tends to render a chap well fucking out of it albeit in a paranoid loony way Does not look as good in print.
One thing I don’t get about the GTMB is why did he toddle off all the way to America to get a black (or even half black) narcissist slag with a big gob, no moral fibre, yo-yoing knickers, and would sell her own grandmother for a sniff of the good life?
There are loads of them in Moss Side….
Halfwit makes Viz comic character ‘Spoilt Brat’ appear the epitome of benevolence and pure altruism by comparison.
The GTMB is a cross between Spoilt Bastard and Terry Fuckwit.
With a sprinkle of Major Misunderstanding added!
Aldridge Prior The Hopeless Liar (from back when Viz was worth reading)
That’s right Norman. The best Spoilt Bastard I read, was when he got kidnapped by peodophiles in a van. They had it written on the side of the van. As if.
Tim Nicebutdim.
When the Megain locust has finally picked him clean and left him for dead (because she will), Harry and Randy Andy will end up together, like those two mad cunts from the Young Ones, who have a holiday in a cellar under a bare light bulb….?
He called himself a stallion lol.
As if. Probably a baby button mushroom.
Hung like a halfblood.
I’ve touched on this before, but this lad is a total stupid cunt. Harry could have been in the Edward VII mould. A boozer and a carouser, the last of the royal greats. Rich, but one of the lads. He could have had his pick of society and celebrity fanny, with a good few other bits on the side. Top line knocking shops and the like and affairs all over the shop…
But instead he chooses that creature and sells his own soul and his family out into the bargain. He could have been in royal playboy Heaven. But instead he has booked his own ticket to Hell.?
It’s a complete mystery. If I’d been in his shoes, I’d be dead now, and they’d have had trouble wiping the grin off my dead face and nailing the coffin lid down.
There are plenty of theories going the rounds about how the Snarkle snared him by actively looking to play the Diana role, and played on his guilt and trauma. I reckon that there are a few PhDs to be written on this before we’re done.
Like Macca when he got done by Heather Mills. He thought he was getiing ‘another Linda’. So that proves that even stars get hooked when they are in grief. But at least Heather had a great set of tits, mind…
But Megain? Seriously? Why didn’t Harry wed Michelle Keegan and then fuck his and her brains out? That’s what I would have done…
John and Ono… Macca and Mills…
Bit of a Beatles getting done theme developing.
Snarkle has really done Halfwit over and no mistake. When she does fuck off, the boy’ll be in a padded cell.
‘Spare Part’ would have been a better title. He can’t get over the fact that his brother popped out before he did. If only he’d been the first born, he could have been a king one day. Oh dear. A twist of fate which means that he is superfluous and no amount of money, fame or privilege will make up for that.
Is it California he’s moved to? Well there are more professional psychiatrists to the square inch than anywhere else in the world so he won’t be short of someone to talk to.
If he’s paying good money to some therapist or other he should ask for his money back. He’s being done.
And never mind Taliban psychos and reprisals.
With any luck, some (genuine) disgrutled servicemen might give the GTMB the treatment he deserves.The fucking ginger walt.
If he hoped to get any sympathy with his story about getting a slap from Big Willy, his plan has backfired. Almost any comment I’ve seen or heard has been along the lines of ‘he should have kicked the cunt down the stairs’.
The RF’s policy of saying nowt seems to be paying off. They don’t need to comment; he’s making himself look like a complete dick all by himself.
Ghost writer didn’t do Halfwit any favours here – I can imagine their thought process: “come on, come on, make yourself look even more cuntish than you do already – get the book lots of publicity and earn me a nice fat bonus”.
None of this is very “woke” either, is it. What will be Sparkletit’s comments on it? “I didn’t know he did all of these horrible things, he never told me before and misled me totally” [as soon as I’ve milked a few more $millions out of the tosser’s ineptitude he’s history!]
Great header pic BTW Admin, a picture that’s worth a thousand words?
Yes Ron, I hope they continue to maintain a dignified silence, as with each new “revelation”, becoming more and more laughable, he is really beginning to resemble a three year old having a tantrum on the sweetie shop floor.
I hear that the next book as part of his four part deal is entitled ‘The Prince Harry Guide to Winning Friends and Influencing People’ (foreword by M Markle).
In amongst all his seriousness, he apparently describes his penis. Penis. I don’t even want to know. He’s a disturbed man and his children need to be taken into care as that home life will be unhealthy as fuck right now.
The (only) way to halt the Hairy shitshow is to ignore it completely. Blame the tabloids , not the poor sick cuntstruck cunt – deny him and his giant pubic louse of a wife the oxygen of publicity. And, much as I dislike the whole privileged charade which he seems incapable of shedding, I’ll say this:
Yes, very bad form to talk about your kills, I gather (never having been in that position, thankfully) But what he or his ghostwriter is trying to say is that it becomes a hell of a lot harder to kill anything if you start empathising with it, so he didn’t. Badly expressed, sure. As he lives on Planet Meganarri, this is not surprising. It is capable of being used by Islamists as propaganda, sure. As an ex-member of HM Forces, he should in any case have had the book vetted for security issues before publication, and that passage could have been withdrawn. Did he? I very much doubt it.
ARRSE (google it for some genuine humour) correspondents – mostly pongoes* – are decidedly upset that Harry was “decked by a crab**”. PMSL…
* Army
We’ve still got the Sparkletits volumes to come. I use the plural because the first book will be slagging off the racist royals and the second will be blackening the reputations of her poor father and siblings. Maybe a third book shitting on her ex husband? He got fucking lucky the day she gave him the elbow, that’s for sure.
The Markles may be turning tho. They’re making their own documentary in 2023 to put their side of the saga.
Then Tom Bower has got an updated version of his book with new stuff on that shadowy, not to say shady character Doria. Throw into the mix the rumoured book from SkidMarkle’s second husband, and it may well be shown that Hazbeen and his mare of a wife aren’t the only ones that are good at slinging shit about.
This silly cunt has no experience on how to live a normal life, so since skulking off to the land of the $ he has started shouting his mouth of and without the guidance of the usual Royal advisers has come out with the most damaging bullshit for himself and his new mixed race brood, he is gaining no sympathy and is doing a fantastic job of making himself look and sound like a complete Dunce.! Also,Congratulations on making yourself the Talibans most wanted.!!
Let me see if I have this right:
Professional soldier and Sandhurst trained officer Capt. Henry Hewitt, coldly, unemotionally, and without remorse, wasted 25 battle hardened terrorists in the heat of battle but was terrorized when his older brother screamed at him in front of Daddy and Gran?
Is this the same efficient killer who broke into tears when half brother Wills shoved him to the ground after the two clashed over the Hollywood Harlot?
Just when I think the dim witted Duke can sink no further he plummets to a new and unimaginable depth of idiocy and dysfunction.
It really doesn’t matter if he’s a Windsor or a Hewitt, he was clearly spawned in the shallow end of the gene pool.
Hello,General…and a Happy New Year to you.
In all the excitement of Christmas, you seem to missed my request for a link to your claim in the Ukraine section that Zelensky has “banned all political parties regardless….” ,all I can find are links suggesting that he has suspended…not “banned”….11…not “all” of the 340 odd political parties.
Could you please point me in the right direction?…I only ask because you say earlier in your post that people should check their facts and not just make them up to suit their narrative and I can’t seem to find your source.
I assume the General inhabits the sphere in which Trumpite GOP-ers are rather sympathetic to the Putin notion of strong government (of adjoining states, even). And in which truth is relative, regardless of the facts. Which are an embarrassment, and to be concealed if possible.
Here’s a link supporting your case, as is only fair.
Clown and cunt that I am…
So Zelensky’s lot will be the only political party on the menu. The Juan Peron of the Ukraine.
No. It still leaves 329 parties in Ukraine that have not been banned/suspended, according to Dick’s figures.
@Norman…he has suspended 11 parties with alleged links to Russia for the duration of the period of martial law…there are 330 other official parties that remain unsuspended.
Britain banned the British Union of Fascists in 1940 for fear it’s members might form a pro-Nazi fifth column….I suppose the Ukrainians feel the same way about the pro-Russia parties
(Can we keep this for the Ukraine thread please? – Day Admin)
@RTC…from Wikipedia…”This is a list of political parties in Ukraine, both past and present. As of January 1, 2020, there are 349 officially registered political parties in Ukraine”…admittedly this is from 2020 but I don’t think that the figure will have dropped to just the 11 that have been suspended since.
THis link – if I remember to post it – adds a bit more depth to the discussion, and concludes –
… the Ukrainian government’s decision to suspend left-wing and opposition parties has little to do with any objective war-time security needs of Ukraine, and much to the with the post-Euromaidan polarisation of Ukrainian politics and redefinition of the Ukrainian identity that pushed a variety of the dissenting positions beyond the borders of tolerable discourse in the country. It also has to do with Zelenskyy’s attempts to consolidate political power that began long before the Russian invasion.
In turn, this perception would have accelerated Putin’s efforts to recover what had been a compliant vassal state under a Russian puppet government, like Belarus.
349 political parties?
Christ, are they gluttons for punishment…
And speaking of the Markles…
They are in the American press every day. But lately, one particular story got my attention.
Much of what to follow is alleged:
Apparently, one enterprising reporter noticed something about Meghantoinette’s bio didn’t make sense. i.e. She was raised by her father.
Here in the states when there is a divorce, a father almost never gets sole custody of a minor child…especially, a girl.
So after digging around he uncovered some rumors from 2019 that said the little Rachel’s sainted mother, Doria was a convicted felon who served time in jail / prison.
Supposedly, it was uncovered that she could not get a license to teach yoga (or by some accounts open a yoga school) because of her criminal background. Reports differ but she was either convicted of fraud or tax evasion or both and served time in California’s penal system.
While criminal records are generally, a matter of public record, California has some very liberal laws. Under certain circumstances records can be sealed, expunged or otherwise hidden from public view.
As I said much of this is alleged but some evidence does seem to suggest that this might be true. I suspect there is some truth to this otherwise she would not have been absent for so much of Me-Gain’s childhood.
At any rate, like mother like daughter, the turd does not fall far from the ass.
What a gem that would be if it’s true General.
Yoga teachers are rapists or potential rapists. Fact!
The yoga teacher I had back in 2019 was a fat woman. I actually walked in and saw this fit, slim, supple young woman whom I assumed was the yoga teacher – NAH! She was a member of the class. The yoga teacher walked in and I thought she was maybe in the wrong room…
“Hiya chum, the Weight Watchers class is tomorrow, we’re here for yoga. What? Oh, YOU’RE Brenda, oh… right.”
But she knew her stuff and could do all the advanced stuff that I can’t do. So you can be a supple, energetic fat fuck, apparently. She’ll die eating a pizza upside down while getting her hole filled by a young stud at age 82. Weird world.
There seems to be some fire beneath the smoke on these allegations about Narkle’s hag of a mother.
I remember reading somewhere that the records had been sealed or expunged, and that under Californian statute, it is a criminal offence to comment on the matter in public. Don’t know if that’s true or not.
Anyway, the rumours refuse to go away, so there may be something to it. It would explain a bit about the quite murky family background of The Claw.
The first time I saw a photo of her mother I went, “yup. Crazy black lady,” as that is what she clearly is. Her father obviously was and still is a really nice guy, but Me-gain decided to rewrite him from her hero to a… not a villain, worse than that, as an INCONSEQUNTIAL figure in her life and her deadbeat mother as mama the magical negress of most splendiferous splendour and perfection.
It’s all so tiresome and I get the feeling this will drag on until the hand of fate comes crashing down not this decade but next. The feeling I get is very Michael Jackson-ish, but without the peadough element. It’s very… fantabulous, almost surreal, unreal, like a bad LSD trip, which Jacko’s life from 1992-2009 was.
Something horrible, something unfathomably horrible will happen to those two, you can’t fuck around with the Firm, the Crown, the forces who protect the Crown and Realm the way those two are fucking with them and get away. They might not get killed, they might just be taken away, kept hidden, still alive but silenced and the world will speculate. I had this feeling about Andrew, that his helicopter would crash. Having his mopey face in my face if I was King would make me ill, I’d want him GONE if I was Charles. I don’t feel sorry for him or any of these clowns, but I do want to see this drama ended as there are other dramas unfolding this year and decade that need centre stage not this piffle.
Took some time off over the holidays and am still reading trying to cathc up but I will be responding soon.
While I do indeed move in circles that are sympathetic to Trump one thing that distinguishes us from the left is our reverence for the truth.
Stay tuned for a dose of truth:
“While I do indeed move in circles that are sympathetic to Trump one thing that distinguishes us from the left is our reverence for the truth.”
Drop your truth-bombs, General as long as they ARE TRUTH-bombs. Going to be a LOT of uncomfortable truths coming out between now and summer.
I’m so tired of hearing about these meaningless blobs of shit. So much going on these days both good and bad and these egomaniacs are hoovering up the attention of humanity like they have the videos from Epstein island, when all they have is their own egomania. It’s their kids I feel sorry for. Someone rescue this kids from their unhinged shekel-grubbing self-destructive parents. Deadly stupidity bordering on child neglect to behave like this as parents in 2023.
BoreOn is back.
I’m off to bed.
Have fun
Love and peace, Jizzum.
You probably won’t be surprised to learn that it’s a full moon tonight…
Sleep well Jeezum.
Oh poor baby, someone is stating their views on a forum, poor baby.
Yes, get some sleep, fully-grown old man who gets triggered easily.
Fuck me, 2023 is going to be tough year for you cry-babies again, isn’t it? Maybe take some time off like Mr Asian Urethra, Gutless Dipstick if you don’t like reading my wordies on your precious little screen.
(Don’t start this shit again. If it continues then the stick rather than the carrot will be next in terms of final warnings! – Day Admin)
I used to think he was James Hewitts offspring, but I’m starting to think he was made in a test tube with a sperm donation from David Eicke.
He’s fucking nuts !
He’s a self absorbed, self important, whingeing little turd and is a bloody disgrace.
If he ever shows his cunt face in this country again, he’ll have to be encased in a glass box (a’la David Blane) – people will be flinging shit at him (or worse) in the streets.
Revealing his anguish ? his ‘truth’ ? … he may as well have just turned up at St.George’s chapel and pissed on his grandmothers grave.
Poision his fucking dummy
Well done Ron Knee, Technocunt and Jizzmpreist, very funny ,the scary thing Harry fuckknuckle is thick enough to have been firing the wrong way and killed 25 of our boys, the top brass have glossed over it, told the royal Oragutan they were Talies and given the prince of bullshit a medal to go with his collection for turning up, having his batman flush the loo and for tying his own shoe laces.
Im betting they had a helicopter simulator out the back and the royal arse clown was really shooting up a Playstation game, the top brass said, give him a gun, i dont think so…
Thanks fug.
I find this story about Afghanistan to be one of the oddest things in the whole Hazbeen book saga.
He claims that he offed 25 Taliban. Other persistent stories state that ‘Bunker Harry’ hardly ventured out into daylight other than for pr shoots, and was surrounded by SAS all the time.
I wonder what the truth is.
Just heard on radio:
Halfwit claims that Prince Charles (as he was then) once joked: “Harry, who is your real father?”
If true, Jug Ears gone well up in my estimation.
Royal biographer Angela Levin said on the telly earlier that the book contains a statement that Hazbeen was so excited before his first date with Migraine that he pissed himself.
I think we really needed to know that…
Now THIS is what I call a cunting!
Brilliant stuff from Ms. Kelly.
And, yes, I would. Like a rat up a drainpipe…
Yep she’s a little bit tasty!
Cooks that cunt’s goose for him as well.
According to the front page of several newspapers today, Halfwit has admitted the Royal Family are not racist. So what happens now then, given that that has been the daft cunts whole story from the outset? Shouldn’t he be apologising to various people?
Didn’t he and his nightmare missus get that award for standing up to structural racism in the RF? Why did they accept that then?
This guy is a flake.
So, the GTMB has admitted he was lying on that Oprah shishow? Fucking Hell, the more this cunt opens his mouth, the deeper the hole he digs for himself.
A bit rich considering they recently received an award for fighting Structural Racism in the Royal Family…
There’s been murmurings that Harry has been seeing a bad therapist. Well I looked this up and found an article from hellomagazine, April 2022, which claims Harry revealed that “he’d tried out EMDR therapy, known as Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing therapy. EMDR involves tapping your hands on your body, or moving your eyes from side to side while replaying the traumatic event in your mind.”
That sounds like an expensive waste of time, probably make you worse. “Close your eyes Harry, move your eyes from side to side and replay that car crash. Again. $3000 thanks.Time has run out, see you next week.”
Anyway, he’s deranged and dangerous and I have no sympathy. He’s the new Amber Turd, contradicting himself and making shit up. Next thing, Megain will have him sectioned, probably.
After the death of the late Queen, it was speculated that the GTMB and the Markle Locust would get a second – and final – chance with the Firm, if they behaved themselves. The cunts were actually offered a way back in and they should have took it.
But, of course, they could neither behave themselves or keep their mouths shut. The ginger fanny should not even have thought about putting out such a tawdry and trashy fake memoir only months after Queen Elizabeth II’s passing. But he did, and I reckon he has really blown it this time. Whatever faults families have, you don’t shit on or sell out your own, and definitely not in public or for money. Whatever fate now awaits the Ginger Judas and his trailer trash slut, however ghastly and gruesome, will only bring the British monarchy and public unbridled joy…
And apparently the GTMB worships Diana ‘like a God’. Marrying that piece of chiggen chewin trailer trash D-List tripe proved he had a screw loose. But this is four cans short of a Boddies six pack time. Fuck me…
In many religious works of art, Judas Iscariot is often depicted as a bearded ginger….??
And although he milks his mother’s death something chronic, the GTMB can’t blame ‘grief’ for crawling like a servile poodle behind Megain’s KFC scented fat arse.
His blessed mater – Lady Diana Hewitt Carling Up The Bodyguard Al Fayed England Rugby Team Spencer Princess Of Hearts – copped it years ago and years before he met the trailer trash D-List human locust.
Mind you, I would love to know what excuse he is going to give for his stupidity when they divorce. If he doesn’t top himself, that is…?
Just think, had they been around when Big Henry VIII was King, neither the GTMB or Megain would have a head to mouth off out of…
If only, as they say…?
I wonder, will people who represent The Firm and the tabloid press now do a deal to destroy these two cunts in spectacular style? I know for a fact that more than one UK paper wants to settle the score and bring the GTMB and the Locust down.
And now the GTMB is giving out details on how he shagged the Megain Mantis on the anniversary of his mother’s death.
The little fucker oozes class, doesn’t he??
Oh, and apparently the royals are ‘scared’ of his book, so he says.?
All the royals have to do is keep their mouths shut, and let this ginger arsehole and his trailer trash F-List whore keep digging their own graves.