A Tommy Robinson cunting for our weak arsed government, an alleged row has been reported over a review into the Prevent Strategy.
There seems to be some issue over possible redactions from the report before it is published, what could be the reason.
Well after all the worries over the far right, yes Tommy that is you, it seems that they eye has been taken off the real ball in the game, Islamic extremism or to put it more simply Islam.
With P*kis still being lifted by the police for grooming (it will never end) and Muslims seemingly able to get away with intimidation and threats it’s no wonder more dangerous factions could be going unnoticed.
Nominated by: Sick of it
(Clearly using the government’s logic, 9/11 was the work of Tommy Robinson and some radical right-wingers!- Day Admin)
Political interference in counter terrorism operations leads to one thing..
Dismembered children.
The awful cunts meddling in these matters should think carefully about their fifth column activities,creating a “far right” terrorist threat out of threadbare or non existent evidence merely to remove the very necessary focus on the the very real threat of Islamic extremism just to appear politically correct is simply treason.
They should hang.
Multiculturalism is an abject failure,a fantasy of weak politicians and their lackeys.
Just go and ask the French cunts stabbed with a hook by a mad Algerian this week at the Gare Du Nord.
The only saving grace there was the fact that they shot the evil cunt.
Sadly, not fatally!
Apparently I should feel ‘enriched’ every day. Failure to be so means that I’m a vicious racist.
Life’s just so good in our cultural melting pot…
Ahhh…morning all.
How would you describe it in one word, is shithole one word.
I spotted one white face, looked like a crack whore ?
@ Sick
Shithole’s right on the money.
Its edited. The fucking yanks again.
The edited version of Halfwits book Spare (prick at a wedding) or (family went) Spare, is a notepad.
Should we expect anything different?
Highlight the “Far-Right” extremists:
-Brian, sentenced for sending an e-mail to Wokegates office
-Man (30 year’s HM Services) arrested in Aldershot for liking a tweet by Laurence Fox
-Teenage boy arrested for criticising penalty takers at Euro’s
etc, etc, etc, etc, etc….
All this “doxing” done to silence, by fear of exposure, public criticism of the sacred “Islam”.
Meanwhile, “language” has been doctored to facilitate societal acceptance of the unacceptable:
-illegal immigrants- “Small Boats”
-mass asian migration- “Essential Workers”
-crazy Asian bastard with a knife- “A Male”
Absolute fucking CUNTS.
….and whatever you do, don’t mention the HoLoCaUsT….
We all know who they think the real enemy is. That’s why they are importing this filth in the first place.
Politicians, and leftards/libtards in particular, think that the imported filth are less intelligent than us (they got that part right), so it’ll take them longer to figure out they’re being shafted.
Unfortunately for them, once the indigenous population has been replaced, the imported filth will replace them with their own kind.
If they’re unlucky, they’ll be bummed to death/given flying lessons/hanged from a crane in a football stadium live on TV.
I only hope it’s the latter…….
Yeah. Don’t bum them. I see no fucking reason why they should enjoy their death.
Now that Prince Fuckwit has openly bragged about killing alleged Taliban soldiers, I do wonder if the Taliban/ISIS will carry out inland terrorist attacks on the UK, which somehow will be blamed on far-right extremists?
Make sure they know he’s moved to California.
Just take a look at those commie placards in the photo. A dead giveaway if you actually read the words. The irony is that the Peacefuls don’t discriminate…….if you’re an Infidel they’ll kill you anyway. They don’t give a fuck which side you are on.
Remember when Tommy Robinson (real name yaxley Lennon) triggered a bomb in Manchester killing kids at a pop concert?
The bastard.
And his armed attack in France on journalists over a cartoon?
He’s responsible for beheadings, suicide bombings, child grooming, stabbing passers-by …
Oh .
Hold on.
Tommy Robinson just voiced concern over Pakistani grooming gangs didn’t he?
The ones the government said didn’t exist.
But now grudgingly admit do.
Yeah he’s a threat to our way of life and ‘our Values’.
Funny that , ‘our Values’.
I’m always hearing politicians saying it.
Although what they consider British values and I consider British values don’t seem to correspond?
Almost like it’s just a phrase they don’t really believe in?
Like justice, fair pay, and patriotism.
I don’t think our politicians actually believe in anything Miserable.
I suspect your right Ron .
Oh, I think a large bank balance is right up there.
A bit off topic, and something I should have mentioned a couple of days ago. Anyone still using Windows 7, Windows 8 and Windows 8.1 should be aware that Microsoft finally pulled the plug on these operating systems yesterday (11th Jan 2023). This includes extended support as well.
You can still continue to use the OSs but you will no longer receive any further feature or security updates, thus making your machine vulnerable to attack.
If you’re going to upgrade try Windows 11 rather than 10. Windows 10 is like a drunken, drug-fuelled, bondage-driven, sex orgy night out with Angela Rayner and Analeazy Dodds! (Which is definitely a bad thing, is what I’m trying to infer)
I only upgraded to Win 10 a few months ago and it’s working fine. My 9 year old and 3 year old desktops don’t support Win 11 and I can no way afford to replace them. So I won’t.
Good point although Windows 10 end of life is late 2025 and wasn’t the big success Microwank thought it might.
There’s plenty of workarounds on YT to upgrade to 11 on old tin that is not compatible with Win11 especially with regards TPM 2.0.
I’ve been using W11 on my old Dell Optiplex and it works fine, much more slick than 10
I set up a Linux VM a few months ago just to see if it worked ok, I might just try the same with Win 11.
Boil our Overlords in horse piss
I honestly don’t understand this bending over backwards, nothing can be said about them, constant praising of Muslims. When did all this fuckwittery start? It just baffles me. Do the woke, lefty do gooders actually think the average Muslim gives a fuck about them? Full weight wankers with sad lives trying to make themselves look ‘better’ by ‘caring’.
I wonder how much ‘caring’ will be going on as they burn in a cage in the middle of a city street or skydive off a 20 storey building. I reckon that, even then, they won’t understand.
Not only would I not redact it, I would also publish the names of those on the list, I would also publish the names of kebab shops and their owners, corner shops, mobile phone and vape shops and any cunt that has made an asylum application, just in case they get to slip in.
I remember late 60’s / early 70’s, signs in landlords’ windows
“No Blicks
No Irish
No Dogs”
Considered the height of racism and outrage. Much quoted in horror
Now, RAF, Police, Universities and so on:
No Whites need apply (or if they’re appointed over an effnick, interview panel be prepared to explain why …)
Racism against white English pure and simple. Oh and Church of England sending £££££ as ‘slave reparations’. Despite our Navy being the 1st to abolish slavery and sending its fleet round the globe in order to achieve that.
FFS I despair at what our country and the West has become. I watch these vids on youtube re the beach invaders being pampered in hotels / their crimes covered up in the press and nearly cry. Can we not form a home guard / some sort of resistance?!!! I’m in.
We’d all be like Brian.
Up before the beak within 24hrs.
Read the riot act and fined, bound over or tagged.
Labelled a dangerous far right group.
And people would believe it .
Not all
But enough that employment becomes difficult, customers evaporate, contracts cancelled.
Landlords stop renting,
Over drafts called in .
Our lives under siege.
I don’t want that for my family.
But if you aren’t part of any group or organisations?
Well, nobody to grass on you.
Pretty much free to do anything eh??
Ah Mins, we would have to be a little more subtle / strategic than Brian. Though to be fair, Brian has helped shown the constabulary up for the drone pricks they are …
..so a bit of a ‘lone wolf’ operator Mis?
Not a operator at all Cunty Chops.
I do nothing to jeopardise my family ,
My only concern is their welfare and my earning money to provide for them
Just saying, hypothetically.
That’s the safest way if you want to throw a spanner in the works!
Imagine the tax take if every white face in the UK fled to say, Hungary.
It wouldn’t surprise me if the government handed over the Prevent strategy to the Turqa-Turqas themselves.
“Vee consider all vite peepul as a threat to dee country of Britainistan. Dey should be stop and searched at every opportunity, oh yes. If dere’s any struggle, let dem be shot and killed on sight. Peace be vid Allãh, death to all infidels.”
A Jihadi ‘Heidi-Hi’ cunting for this article, courtesy of Ali Beebie – nearly spat my tea out when I read it, and being in an office someone asked me ‘what’s up’ when I mumbled “fucking raggy headed cunts” to myself…
These cunts, who should not really be here in the first place are taking the Government to court because (wait for it) they were moved from one hotel to another and as a consequence of that these two girls GCSE results might suffer.
Fuck me with a teaspoon! It gets better…
One apparently said we were told we would go to a nice school, they lied to us.
No love, I will tell you what the lie is – the biggest fucking lie of all is that we’ve been promised a reduction in the likes of you cunts coming over here and demanding what you want, how you get it and all other manner of conditions – the rest of us have to work our fucking arses off and pay huge taxes so the likes of you can complain where you live and what schools your dirty offspring go to, at our expense!
Don’t like it then there’s plenty of boats at DOVER!
“… the Home Office has not addressed the impact of the hotel move on the children’s schooling. ”
..and did the fucking home Office apply any concern or forethought over the effect that locking down the schools would have on MY boys education? Hmmm?? did they bollocks!.
Here is a question for the ragheads GCSE
Would you rather do you studies in the UK, where you are told to go or in Kabul.
Herein lies the great disaster.
Rescue human rubbish from almost certain murder yet as soon as they find fault they claim legal aid and take us for fools.
Their true intention revealed,to replace us using our own idiotic system to their every advantage.
The childish efforts of the placards just goes to show how dense these pricks really are, straight out of school they buy a pair of Dr Martins and all of a sudden they know the fuckin lot, in reality they only know what they’ve been told, get a job, get a mortgage and raise a family then come back with a decent argument, until then keep your pathetic opinions in the Common’s Room with the rest of the pretenders.!!