Patrick Stewart [8]

In one or two of my recent nominations I have made mention to various YouTube channels, not least the rather excellent “Free Documentary” ones.

However, as is typical with the free version of You Tube you’re assailed with mind-numbing adverts. One of the most annoying involves this old luvvie who insists that we must donate millions of pounds to help the “millions” of refugees from around the world.

He is doing this on behalf of the International Rescue Committee, but as with all hugely wealthy celebs he lacks complete self-awareness while dictating to us “privileged” and relatively wealthy people in the West that the world’s ills are somehow our problem and that we should somehow atone for this by donating as much as we can.

I don’t believe Stewart lives in downtown Bradford, Leicester, Aston, Sheffield or some shithole London borough. No, he is probably safely ensconced in Hollywood and/or has a very nice home in the South East of England but well away from the snivelling masses – including those very same refugees!

If all the celebs, sports people and CEOs pooled some of their considerable finances together it would probably amass something in the billions – far more than what ordinary people could hope to contribute. Their billions and their influence would have far more resonance to fix these problems than we could ever hope to achieve!

A lot of these problems and conflicts have got little or nothing to do with us and yet we’re constantly berated for not doing enough.

Stewart and his privileged ilk should “Make it so!” and donate a few million/billion of their own money and leave us to struggle with our own problems, thank you very much!

YouTube Link.

Nominated by : Technocunt

104 thoughts on “Patrick Stewart [8]

  1. Can’t stand this slaphead luvvie cunt.

    Acts like he’s some great actor.
    Did fuckin Star Trek!!

    He’s not fit to lick Billy Shatners shoes!

    Not as charismatic,
    And not a great singer like shatner.

    Top that pat you boring bastard ?

  2. Well let him waste his life pleading, and no doubt getting paid. There are cunts in this cuntry who cannot afford a toothbrush, bet they have an I phone. I only donate to the air ambulance and local hospice. The rest can fuck off. Good afternoon.

    • Well apparently Sir Patrick the Remoaner lives in LA (no fucking shit) but also owns a listed building worth north of half a mill in the Yorkshire Dales. His net worth is reputed to be $75 mill.
      Reckon that he’s got a room or two and a few bob to spare to help out the dingy divers then.

      • Exactly … reckon the $75 mil is about right.
        If his agent was to suggest he very publicly donate $10 000 to his favourite heap of goat-shaggers, it would not mean a shit to him. It would be like you or me donating a tenner to our charity.
        I donate about £200 regularly to kids cancer charities. Let him donate his equivilant $150 000 to a charity –bet the luvvy cnut wouldn’t do that!
        It’s all a case of relativity – the prick..

      • Ron, his “girlfriend” is almost 40 years his junior. I wonder what attracted her to this pompous, decrepit, sanctimonious, nappy-wearing Remoaner cunt?

      • That reminds me of an “interview” by Dame Edna Everage asking Debbie Magee

        “Tell me, Debbie, what first attracted you to multi-millionair, Paul?”

      • Jay-P, at least chrome-dome Daniels could do a bit of magic to entertain you; chrome-dome octogenarian Stewart just yelps out virtue-signalling plaudits while sitting in piss-soaked grundies stinking of ham and onion, grinning unwittingly like a stoned, British Biden.

      • Ta, Mis.

        I just loved the question, didn’t really take note of who asked it, because we all thought the same thing.

        By Dog, she’s a raddled old cunt these days, almost as ugly as Paul ( the turtle) Daniels. Advertising kitchen makeovers, could do with one herself, maybe she could ask Katie Price for some tips.

      • Yeah she looks like she’s been dug up by Howard Carter in the valley of the kings.

  3. He can take ewan (obi wank) mcgregor another pleading cunt and fly into the sun.

    Warp factor fuck off..

  4. International Rescue Committee? Thunderbirds are go!

    ‘I can’t imagine what it would be like to suddenly have to leave my home’.
    Simple mate – just go and live in one of your other homes, you baldy millionaire cunt.

    • I think there must be quite a few native British people that have had their homes repossessed or could no longer afford their rent and got kicked out, by this point. The dimwitted cunt could always ask them how it felt I suppose, but as they are the wrong demographic their experiences are irrelevant.

  5. I believe the luvvy lives in the Yorkshire Dales when not in LA.
    I suggest a hs3 is built from Dover to his front doorstep.

  6. We’ve been chucking billions at these hopeless cunts for decades with sweet FA to show for it.

    When this daft old luvvie is long dead and his money well spent on coke and whores by his offspring there will still be hundreds of millions of pigshit thick beggars with their hands out.


    Just Fuck Off.

  7. “Millions of refugees need our help”

    No Mr Stewart they might need your help but certainly not mine.

    Somebody should draw a slit on top of Patrick’s head in magic marker so we can be in no doubt that he’s a total dickhead.

  8. Speaking of that other clown Geldof.

    If Live Aid was a thing in 2023 then simply sending our “fucking money” (Geldof) to Africa would no longer be anywhere near enough.
    It would be a more a case of “give us your fucking house” so Ethiopian’s could instead come over and live in it instead.

    • I’m no white saviour.

      You want to help them?
      Put your hand in your pocket Pat you greasepaint loving, virtue signalling Hollywood Yorkshireman.


  9. International Rescue Committe…oh yes. Proprietor Dave Sinecure-Miliband.

    From –
    “Despite living in the United States, David Miliband occasionally still pops up on the British media to make comments about the state of UK politics….”

    “David Miliband reportedly earns the substantial sum of $1,019,636 million per year in his role as President of the International Rescue Committee. That is in excess of three quarters of a million pounds per year.

    Miliband’s salary level has attracted attention because the aid charity is heavily taxpayer funded including by British taxpayers.”

    IRC salaries for its overpopulated managerial stratum:

    Fuck that.

    • Another cunt sucking on the charidee tit. Bet he gets a car and fucking big expense account as well. Arsehole.

      • The word on the streets is that D.Milliband is a bit…. light on his feet. Not wanting to foil any future leadership job, he quickly cobbled together a nuclear family. Sort of.

  10. Fucking glans-headed spunk bubble.

    Just donate some of your considerable wealth towards those who shout, click and whistle if you want to make a difference within the void inside that Easter egg of yours.

    My company donates towards good causes such as autism, mesothelioma and children’s cancer care. All worthy causes in my view and my fucking choice. I don’t mither this walking dildo on my choice of charities so he can stick his thoughts and appeals right up his luvvie darling ringpiece.


  11. This chrome domed fruit cake has never really been on my radar as a person of interest until he was having a go at the uba cunt that is James fucking Corden, now i know JC is a monumental wanker, but Patrick Stewart outdid him by a mile and made a total cunt of himself very publicly, i bet once he had opened his trap and gone beyond the point of no return and where no man has gone before, he was wishing Scotty could beam him back to the starship Enterprise

  12. Donations to charity are substantially down and sliding every year. The pundits sometimes appear on the idiot box and tell us that it’s due to covid and/or everyone being hard up blah, blah, blah. In reality it is because we have learned in recent years that most of the money donated is used to pay exorbitant salaries, advertising campaigns and litigation against ordinary people who have been overtaken by the tsunami of woke legislation making pastimes which their forbears have followed for centuries illegal. Most of the begging is supposedly for the benefit of third world shit holes where sending aid is a futile exercise. The real problem there is exponential population growth. The natives breed like rats and cannot be persuaded to change their ways thanks to a moose limb mindset. You may as well feed the fucking pigeons. Wealthy mud slime oil states are conspicuous by their absence from the list of donors. Fuck the lot of them.

    Rant over.

    • I’m trying to think why this Cunt (PS) thinks we’d be willing to donate to any charity … but of course it’s only to make him feel better.
      Going back to when I was a kid, there was really only an annual Blue Peter appeal of some sorts that would be highlighted to Joe Public and family. A trip abroad to some shithole by one of the presenters and you’d see some fuckers worse off than yourselves, so you’d send off your ‘ring pulls’ / balls of wool, or whatever the fuck … the target would be reached in the studio, and every one is happy. Simple. The odd ‘celeb’ would tug at your heart strings on an appeal, but they seemed to be more like ‘one of us’ but ‘done good’.
      Then Geldof simply wanted your cash .. not some shite you had laying at home that could be sent away and converted into cash to help … just cash. Geldof has lived off that since… and some Cunts think he saved the world. Don’t tell me that wasn’t all about him.
      The opulent lifestyles of most celebrities’ can now be ‘Googled’ within seconds …. and the same Cunts still think we’re back in the ’70’s and ’80’s, thick as fuck, and willing to listen to the ‘blah blah blah’ .. that comes out of their mouths …. it’s all about them wanting to feel good. No grasp of reality on their own (UK) doorstep.
      Any charity looking for a donation that fronts a celeb of any sort in my book can fuck right off ….
      And the Blue Peter shitholes from 50 odd years ago …. they’re still the same if not worse today. What does that tell you about throwing your money at charities ?

      • – Boils: “No grasp of reality on their own (UK) doorstep…”

        That cunt Geldolf’s doorstep is back in some dung-hole near Dublin yet for some reason he resides in Kent, a multi-millionaire who apparently haggles for tat in Charity shops (true!).

  13. Don’t you just love being urged by a mega rich luvvie to donate money to countries that have been sucking off our tits for decades, with no noticeable improvement or change?

    Doesn’t it make you all warm and fuzzy inside when you pop a tenner in the collection tin?

    No, me neither.

    • If one of the ‘needy’ Africans was in my back garden I’d charge the cunt to eat the grass, never mind give the bastard cash.

  14. He also does that annoying Yorkshire Tea advert and like St Lineker with Walkers his is cashing in on his local hero bollocks when he spends most of the year arse kissing other luvvies in la la land.

    The last time he strained his own tea bag, he still had hair. Probably has some smelly illegal burrito bandit to do it for him now in-between washing his a car and mowing his lawn.

    • My least favourite Yorkshireman since Peter Sutcliffe.

      In fact I prefer Pete!

      Least he didn’t mither for money.

      • Exactly LL.
        Least Pete provided his services free of charge.

        Mr Sutcliffe never asked me to set up a direct debit for starvin Marvin’s.

      • I bet Patrick Stewart’s never done any social work like Sutty did, reaching out and clearing prostitution off the streets. Stewart only reaches out to wank off Ian McKellan.

      • But like Levi Bellfield, he lied about not having a hammer, when I asked to borrow one.

  15. Not to self

    Get Pat to play fellow slaphead and sibling beater prince William in the upcoming action movie Brothers at War.

    And possibly fox haired victim prince Harry to be played by heavily freckled crooner Mick Hucknall ?

      • CG @

        I couldn’t think of any gingers!!!

        Had a mental block,
        Nobody takes any notice of gingers do they?

        But yeah turncoat, backstabbing, bite the hand Rupert Grint the tranny lover fits better.

      • Mis:
        I have banged plenty of “Ginners” with various shades of minge-from dark red through to bright Ginger.
        Some were lovely girls, some great fucks, one, a Doctor of Astrophysics asked me to marry her!
        Happy memories.

        However, every sneaky, backstabbing, conniving CUNT that it has been my misfortune to have dealing with over the years, some costing me thousands and thousands of pounds, have been Ginger haired men.
        Ginger men are cunts. NO EXCEPTIONS.

  16. I shall be donating free shots of my Grade A, Pureblood baby gravy to attractive indigenous English women ( between the ages of 25-35), so they can birth fine, healthy, attractive Anglo-Saxon progeny.
    That’s FREE ladies.

    Remember: Charity begins at HOME?

  17. He was certainly mis-cast in the X-Men movies. He should have been Geldof the Bald.

  18. These celeb types think they’re exempt from the burden of parting with their own cash because ‘they give up their time’.
    A bit like Terry Wogan who, it was revealed by the press, gave up his own time so that he didn’t miss out on the 40 grand he got for one evenings work on children in greed.
    I would imagine that Mr Stewart gave up his own time so as not to avoid whatever fee he got for this latest pile of shit.
    As I’ve said before. These people may do a lot for charity, but charity does infinitely more for them in the long run.

  19. He crops up on my viewing activity on t’internet in adverts too. Probs cos the videos mention migrants and so-called refugees. The algorithm / artificial intelligence thinks it’s because I care. Nope. I just want to know where where they’re housed near me so I can steer clear. The dangerous knife wielding rapey cunts.

  20. Off topic

    Prince Halfwit crying over his brother snatching the pearls from around his neck, says it was Williams idea for him to wear a Nazi uniform not his.

    Never takes responsibility for his actions does he?

    Freddie starr wore a Nazi uniform,
    Has did the last Pope,
    Didn’t blame others!

    I’d die for a nice tailor made uniform and armband but no,
    My family aren’t all Germans so I’m not allowed.
    I instead have to secretly support banned organisations.

  21. When all this shit was first brought to our attention. The cry went out sterilisation. Then they went through the rigmarole of why they can’t. I then said fuck ’em. It’s the luck of the draw where you’re born. Fortunately I was born in Manchester following the team that won everything. Even though they were the simplicities of life, it worked for me.

    But I’m bemused why they a using an evil looking rich cunt to ask us for charity, that will never reach the people its intended for, only to fill the pockets of those who should’ve sterilised them in the first place.

  22. It would be interesting to know how much has been donated in total over the last 25 years, and why there is still a problem.

    • Attrix, exactly that.

      All these years, and no change.

      Sorry, if you’re kids starve to death through lack of food, stop breeding them.
      If you can find fresh water near you, dig a fucking well, you’ve enough energy to walk 8 miles a day, you’ve enough energy to dig.
      I have zero sympathy for chugger ads where no one looks like they missed a meal recently, sat in their clean clothes, with clean hair/faces.

      Fuck off.

    • Well Atrix I tried to “google” it but I was amazed to find that it wouldn’t tell me the truth,instead is started spewing stories about how the UK had cut foreign “aid” spending..

      Thank fuck we can rely on big tech to bullshit us into a coma..

      The robotic woke arse licking cunts that they are.

  23. Get nowt off me .

    Pat doesn’t seem to grasp the fact I want them to die.
    For environmental reasons.

    Now, say if you donated £10 and could pick out which starving African you want to die?

    Like picking a lobster in a restaurant.

    “That cunt.
    I want him, no not him the bucktoothed one next to him,
    Yes that one pat!”

    Pat could set his phaser to stun, then use one of those Klingon weapons on the cunt.

    Soon get donations flooding in…

  24. Off topic: But piss boiling.

    Karen Fucking Carney on Sky just now. Man City vs Chelsea build up.

    “All Chelsea players are always under pressure. I know what it’s like because it was like that for me when I played for Chelsea.”

    Really? I seemed to have missed you in the team. Was that under Mourinho?

    Maybe Tuchel? Benitez? Hmmm maybe Ancelloti…

    …oh wait.

    You mean playing (at the same level as a ten year old boy) under the ‘pressure’ of performing in front of 20 non paying spectators and a TV audience of 50, right?

    Might as well ask me fucking cat what she thinks.

    Get to fuck!

    (Admit it, you love her and have posters of her all over your bedroom walls! – Day Admin)

    • It’s laughable and embarrassing what these tarts come out with, just before the real blood and guts of a game is just about to start. Even the ballboys will have more involvement tonight than she’s ever witnessed.

    • Evening Cunty. She also has the most annoying voice I have ever heard on broadcast media.
      I can only imagine that the producer of this show is a raging and Ms Carney uses her tongue like a fat child on a massive chocolate cake mix spoon!

      • Aye.

        She talks utter shit and her voice grates.

        Get these fucking lesbians off the footy. Fucking sick of ’em with their trying to talk like blokes horseshit (“They’ll be well up for it tonight./Get a foot in. etc”)

        I may turn up and throw a few kippers on the pitch, so they fuck off trying to find the fishy fannies they think they can smell.

        Might leave us in peace then.

        Fucking can’t have anything, can we?

      • That’s why.
        Football belonged yo the poor, working classes. Played by them, Watched by them.
        I do not think it is happening by accident….

      • Within a decade we’ll be witnessing the first Trânnie on MOTD, a 6 foot 5 “woman” called “Jenny” with a Desperate Dan chin and a Bon Jovi wig.

        “Yeah, we woz ‘eckled when I played for Brentford Ladies and I took a cannonball in my goolies….I mean, in my vadge. Great post-match showers wiv them birds, I mean …us girls.


      • Gary Lineker will have fucked off by then for a fat retirement pay off in another oil rich Arab shithole and will be presented by RuPaul and Graham Norton with roving reporter Clare Balding.

      • MOTD will be Mincer Of The Day and it’ll be Gay Of The Month instead of goal. Golden Boot will be replaced by a shower. The whole shitshow will be fruitier than jizz on a moustache, and I’m not referring to Burger Queen Balding’s hairy upper lip.

    • Because I don’t view the so-called pundits pre or post match, do the real ex footballers having to grin and bear listening to her claptrap and not allowed to speak their mind like we are doing ? If that’s the case, I couldn’t hold back my thoughts.

  25. Please Lord let me become dictator of Albion, there would not be one grandstanding egomaniac celebrity left above grass. No more tales of the journey they’ve endured to attain public adoration no more preaching at the uneducated oiks, no more of their expertise on every subject under the sun especially if they have acted a part as some authority figure.
    Celebrities, stars whatever you want to call them are CUNTS of the first water, vermin to a man.

  26. Throwing money at a problem doesn’t solve it. These shitholes are shitholes for good reason. Why do you think the non-shithole countries are becoming shitholes?
    Clueless fucktard.

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