Patrick Stewart [8]

In one or two of my recent nominations I have made mention to various YouTube channels, not least the rather excellent “Free Documentary” ones.

However, as is typical with the free version of You Tube you’re assailed with mind-numbing adverts. One of the most annoying involves this old luvvie who insists that we must donate millions of pounds to help the “millions” of refugees from around the world.

He is doing this on behalf of the International Rescue Committee, but as with all hugely wealthy celebs he lacks complete self-awareness while dictating to us “privileged” and relatively wealthy people in the West that the world’s ills are somehow our problem and that we should somehow atone for this by donating as much as we can.

I don’t believe Stewart lives in downtown Bradford, Leicester, Aston, Sheffield or some shithole London borough. No, he is probably safely ensconced in Hollywood and/or has a very nice home in the South East of England but well away from the snivelling masses – including those very same refugees!

If all the celebs, sports people and CEOs pooled some of their considerable finances together it would probably amass something in the billions – far more than what ordinary people could hope to contribute. Their billions and their influence would have far more resonance to fix these problems than we could ever hope to achieve!

A lot of these problems and conflicts have got little or nothing to do with us and yet we’re constantly berated for not doing enough.

Stewart and his privileged ilk should “Make it so!” and donate a few million/billion of their own money and leave us to struggle with our own problems, thank you very much!

YouTube Link.

Nominated by : Technocunt

104 thoughts on “Patrick Stewart [8]

  1. As I say to Oxfam chuggers, It’s their fault for leaving the Empire. we didn’t and life is sweet. End of.
    God save the King.
    Presem Yasur.

  2. On the subject of ‘activist’ celebricunts, a cousin of mine got the autobiography of Bonio as one of his Christmas gifts. He said it started off quite well, with some fascinating (for him) insights into the U2 band (he is a big fan). But he then said how it went downhill fast, when Bonio copiously sucks up to Bill and Hilary Clinton, that Malala cunt, Rosa Parks, Greta Mongberg, Satan Blair, Nelson Mandela, and loads of other do gooding hypocritical pains in the arse. There is also a huge amount of ‘Africa this’ and Africa that. Bonio also slobbers all over cunts like Noel Gallagher, Frank Sinatra, Chrissie Hynde and Michael Hutchence and his slapper, Yates.

    It’s true what they say. The biggest starfuckers are stars themselves.

    • And in the book Bonio refers to Saint Nelson of the blessed Mandela as ‘President of the World’.?

      Funny that, I always saw Mandela as President of tyre necklaces and shopping mall bombers.

      Oh, and there is no mention whatsover of Bonio’s former favourite, Aung San Suu Kyi. I wonder why that is, eh? ?? Geldof may also be a cunt, but at least he was right about her.

      • And Bonio also crawls around the bony arse of celebrity super-psycho, Naomi Campbell (Adam Clayton dodged a bullet there), the gobshite diddyman also proclaims Lauryn Hill a musical and political genius. Is he playing for laughs or what? Oh, I forgot, Hill is also black….?

        Another Bonio gem is that prog rock was crap and that Yes and Pink Floyd were shit and the Pretenders and Ramones were better than both. He should fuck off back to the treacle butty mine. Bonio is due anothe cunting soon, methinks…

  3. Sorry, but I take the words of Sir Lenworth of Premier Inn very seriously, and wouldn’t send a fucking penny to Africa. When approached by those licensed beggars in the High Street I always make a point of asking if they send aid to Africa. When they reply in the affirmative you should see their faces when I say “In that case, I won’t be donating anything!” UNICEF always gives the best reaction when I tell them “I fucking hate kids, so why would I donate?” Classic!

    • I also take the words of Sir Lenny seriously, Foggy.
      He did say that ‘his lot’ didn’t need or want any white help or saviours, didn’t he? So, I give them piss all. Only doing what Lord Lenworth tells me…?

      Also, why the fuck should we feed the cunts over there, when half of them are now over here? Those Congo cunts that infest the UK get better treatment than military veterans, OAPs, and others who need help and have earned it. Never paid in and never will, yet the cunts are here copping the lot. They are bastards.?

      • Two of these Congo fucks in my local Spar recently. Shamelessly tried shoplifting, but were caught. What happened? The two treeswingers (a man and woman) did the fake ‘we don’t know what we’re doing’ laugh and the ‘no talky Engerlish’ routine and that was it. Let go, just like that. No caution, nothing. The bird who was stood next to me in the shop said to the shite soft staff, ‘If that had been me or him, we’d have our arses in your office and coppers all over us.’

        I don’t appreciate celebrity knobheads like Baldy Stewart trying to sell these cunts to me or anyone else. There is nothing good about them, now or ever. And the less of them there is, the fucking better. None at all would do me…

  4. Late to the post but The best thing he ever did was Star Trek Next Generation and the Star Trek films The new Picard looks decent but fans have derided it for phoned in lazy nostalgia and bad writing

    Champagne socialist prick taking a paycheck for this help the people speech advertisement is nauseating

  5. He killed all respect most people had for his character Jean-Luc Picard, playing him as a doddery old fucker being bossed around by black women.

    ‘Raaaffi!.. i’ve done a poo.’

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