Imaginary Racism (Oh no it isn’t!)

More whining about minorities not being represented.

I like to Cunt the moaning cunts that just can’t help complaining on others behalf.

What now are they moaning about? Well some fucking shit Xmas pantomime has apparently miss the boat and doesn’t have any black players. So sad ? oh dear ! So fucking what.

GB News Link.

I am certain that whoever produced this pile of shite never in a million years thought “ I know let’s not have any black actors in it just to piss them off.

The amount of tv ads tv is awash with black actors so much so that any alien ? landing in Britain would assume they were actually a majority.

For fuck sake try living at let live and stop trying to pidgin hole some Cunt from all walks of life into fucking everything.

Listen you complaining cunts no offence was meant none should be taken. Ffs.

Ps Anne Boleyn was white. Didn’t stop a black actress playing her Stop looking for racism where it fucking doesn’t exist.

Nominated by : Everyonesacunt

101 thoughts on “Imaginary Racism (Oh no it isn’t!)

  1. My guess is that all black actors were busy making Christmas TV adverts so that none were available to take part in this pantomime. Did any of the professionally offended mob consider that possibility?

      • Cap:

        With all those “stabby-shenanigans” in Lonstabistan, surely a “Black Widow” shouldn’t be hard to find?

      • She won’t be a black widow.
        The baby daddies don’t stick around long enough for them to get married

  2. Well I suppose if you wanted a authentic version of aladdin. Everyone talking in Arabic, people sold in to slavery, criminals executed, 10 year old girls married off to old men.

    Makes for a grim pantomime..
    And it’s never the same without Christopher biggins

  3. Let’s face it the wokies wouldn’t be happy with any cast list unless a third of them were bent, a third of them were effnicks and the remaining third had just got off a dinghy at Dungeness.
    The likes of Ray Winstone and Michael Caine wouldn’t have a fucking hope these days.

  4. My production of ‘Cindererra’ by a travelling troupe of cut-price Chinese actors seems to have gone under the radar thanks to this controversy.

  5. Remember sitcom ‘ Bewitched’?

    Saucy Samantha the witch married to a mortal called Darren?

    Well, there’s a episode they never show.

    It’s called “sisters at heart” and about racism.

    A English teacher at a ghetto school called Jefferson High contacted the producers to say the kids there read at a lower age but we’re big fans of TV shows and showed more interest when it was a TV script.

    Being Californian liberal types they asked the kids on set a few times.

    Elizabeth Montgomery asked the kids to pen a episode regarding race.

    In the episode a horrid racist sees the error of his ways after Samantha casts a spell so he sees everyone as black.

    This results in the cast all blacking up?

    Heavy handed and patronising?
    Shows that liberal types have meddled in race relations for years.

    • Elizabeth Montgomery was stunning…….as a kid I fantasized over her. One of my first wanks.

      Second was Jeannie in Randall & Hopkird (deceased) gorgeous woman.

  6. My script for Coal Black and the seven Chiggun-choffers should be well received then:

    Diane Abacus as the Wicked Queen.

    “Miwaaah, miwaah, on da waaaall
    Ooo is dee bwiiightest one of aaall?”

    “Why-you is de bwightest one, innit!”

    • Sure fire failure with Abbacus cast. With the syrup she wears it’s questionable if she can pass the self-realisation test in a mirror. Plus they’d have to be eleventy twelve chiggun chugging-choffers and you’ll never get that many to give up benefits for a job on stage.

  7. Just occurred to me I’ve never been a pantomime!!

    I don’t approve of men dressing up as women anyway.

    The only stage show I saw as a kid was Paddington Bear and I became incredibly overexcited and unruly,
    Shouting out not on cue,
    Borderline heckling those on stage,
    And getting other children to act up.

    Maybe I was unknowingly put on some pantomime blacklist?

  8. When I tell Mrs Cunter (who is black……. And lovely) about this sort of stuff she says that no black person would be complaining.

    She would also add “Why the fuck would we need white people to complain for us?”.

    • Artful-read the GB news link-it is complaints from virtue signaling luvvies from Laaaahndon, about a performance in a Liverpool theatre, whinging about the lyric “come to our oriental town”, citing the term “oriental”, when not sung by one is waaaysist.

    • You’ve reminded me of having a half caste who was also lovely and giving. I also had a fully blown Chinese lady who could hardly speak English. It was fun asking her to say “I love you longtime”. With me often saying “I’m going to give you a right seeing too when we get in”. Her reply was always yes, when she didn’t understand a word I was saying.

  9. Well all the real life pantomimes I’ve seen or heard of almost invariably involved some sort of Dark Key

    Such Christmas and New Year 2023 “specials” by the ethnic savages blowing stuff up and burning out cars..

    One common denominator..the Strength of Diversity Panto.

  10. Perhaps we need to stage “The Fresh Prince of Bel Air-De Musical” next Christmas, with an all black cast.
    Then complain about lack of diversity.
    Oh hold on….

  11. Where were all these agitators when The Wonderful Wizard of Oz was remade as The Wiz with an all sooty cast (starring Wacko Jacko & Diana Ross). No protests against the deliberate exclusion of honkies? That’s ok then?

  12. It would be very dangerous having a number of blacks in the cast of Aladdin, they would end up being sold into slavery.

  13. “Underrepresented “.
    What this really means is that some ethicities get to be racist and others are not allowed.
    White people are underrepresented on most adverts. We aren’t allowed to moan.
    If I wasn’t white I would be offended by the bigotry of low expectations that tells me I need another ethnic group to give me special dispensation to succeed.

    • They missed an inclusivity trick in the bar scene. It should have shown a carpet kisser in his Islamabad Pride nightshirt & kufi dunking pork scratchings in his pint of best.

    • Any father would be pleased to welcome one of them into the family. Hope it never happens to me. There is an equally puke inducing advert for the Army on tv – no white blokes, only darkies and wimmin. How did we win two wars without them?

  14. The Professionals episode ‘Klansmen’ will never be shown on TV again. Not because Bodie says ‘black bastard’ or because Tony Booth plays a hardcore racist. It’s because the Klansmen are run by a black man. Can’t have that can we? Blacks selling out and killing other blacks? The very idea…..

    • A very gritty episode.

      Bodie ends up copping off with the pretty black nurse who helps him through his convalescence.

    • Klansmen was sold, along with every other episode of The Professionals, to TV networks all over the world including African countries and there were no complaints whatsoever.
      White liberals are such cunts…?

      • It is also on the excellent DVD/Bluray set ‘The Professionals Mk I’.
        It actually carries a strong anti-racist message. But liberal woke psychos won’t let that get in the way of their agenda ans fuaux outrage.

  15. Whilst pantomime played no part in my childhood,
    Punch and Judy did.

    Ultra violence, all white cast, again I’d become over excited

    ” Kill her Mr Punch! Kill her!”

    I’d yell with the other little boys and girls as Punch dished out domestic abuse to sluttish Judy

    “Fuckin strangle her!!”

    I liked the crocodile too and never questioned the fact it wasn’t diverse.

    Although looking back it’s obvious that Mr Punch is Jewish.

    • I never understood why he kept a crocodile in the house..asking for trouble

      Even Steve irwin didn’t have them for house pets.

      But I heard he was a big fan of stingray.

      • Things went to far one day Baz.

        I threw my lock knife up and shouted

        ” Do for her Mr Punch!
        She’s a whore!
        Send her to hell!
        Cut her tripe out.”

        In the van upto the Moors he was crying,

        ” I loved her really,
        I never meant to…”

        I slapped him round the face.

        ” Get a grip Mr Punch.
        The coppers will come sniffing around we need a alibi”

        We never grassed him up .never told a soul.
        We stayed loyal.

        He lost his mojo after that.
        Hit the bottle.

        That’s the way to do it!!

    • Do you still get Punch & Judy these days, or have they all been banned by ‘progressive’ seaside councils?

      • Punch & Punch now Ron.
        Or should that be “Ring”puncher?
        The Police “person” come’s to check “they” are using the correct pronouns and arrests the crocodile for wrong-think.

        On Brighton pier, the two “Punch’s” have strap on rainbow coloured dildo’s and rim the Policeman, whilst shouting “That’s the way to do it!”

      • I started to watch it but that speccy blokes a bit shouty isn’t he?

        Can’t do a hour of that cunt.

        Besides I’m a expert in the field.

        It’s all about family planning, and exotic pets.

        Check out this Punch!
        You want diversity?
        You’ve got it!

  16. The imaginary racism industry is a very lucrative business, there are a lot of cunts making a good living out of it. Look at that BLM slag now living in a big mansion in a white enclave. Then there’s that other white American bitch who invented Critical Race Theory…….she’s a fucking multi millionaire now!
    Of course, it doesn’t always work out……poor old Slasha Johnson……..nobody gives a fuck about her now.

      • I sent her nowt.

        Paying for that cunts bed and board is a national disgrace.

        At least get it earning,be good in panto,Widow Twankys settee or umbrella stand?

      • Not very well Miserable. Unfortunately the cunts who turned her into a cabbage weren’t whitey. So, no cunt is interested. Doesn’t fit the narrative.

      • I like to think the grapes I sent were well received.

        I like to think of her family sat round her bed,
        Eating my generous grapes and spitting the pips into that big dint in Sasha’s forehead.

  17. There should be an all-neegró pantomime to balance matters. How about a musical version of ’12 Years A Slave’? We could change the end to make it a happy endimg.

    Alternarively, how about a modern-day version of a classic? Despite horrid prejudice and wayy-ciism, a poor, brown boy becomes Mayor of London, banishes it of rats, white people, and cars, and builds loads of mosques?

    ? Sa-Diq Whittington ?

    • Speaking of 12 years a slave capt, I see bendydick cumonmeback family has been traced back to a sugar plantation in Barbados, which had 250 slaves..

      Such delicious news..cancel him cancel him..
      Reparations for the spoons..

      • And watch Benderdict Cuntberdinck cry in abject shame on the BBC about his descendants. But, as you say, let us savour such a leftie fuckfake turd with such a ‘racist’ past. It’s splendid news.

      • Maybe Benedict and Gary “jug ears” could get together on TV and discuss their experiences, both generations removed and imaginary, of the slave/slave owner situation.

        I’d be glued to it, actually no I wouldn’t, I’d be more likely supergluing some fucking protester to the nearest plod!

        Go get ’em a cuppa and a biscuit now, you mug!

      • Absilutely hilsrious about Cumberbitch. I cunted him on here years ago when he bravely fought off an attacker despite …erm…no witnesses on a busy, central London daytime. Watch the talent-free snob crawl through pools of broken glass apologising, then fund a few shite darkie films in begging contrition.

      • 12 years a slave is a work of fiction, written by a white lawyer. There was a huge market for it.

        The Republicans, during the period of reconstruction were probably the birth parents of woke. They couldn’t get enough of that sort of shit.

  18. Pantomimes should be banned….I was taken to one as a child and it was enough to convince me to never go near a fucking theatre again in my entire life….”smell of the greasepaint” indeed….more like “smell of sodomy,debauchery and fruitiness”….anybody who works in a theatre,visits a theatre or even stops a theatre from burning down is undoubtedly a predatory Homosexual with buggery uppermost in his mind.

    • I was tricked into watching Sleeping Beauty recently. Your assessment seems to sum it all up. & the worse case scenario happened …See below.

    • You are spot on Lord Fiddler. Attending the theatre didn’t do much for Abe Lincoln’s health did it? Lanky twat.

  19. We can’t have one of them in there, kissing some princess. Things will never be “Happy ever after,” any more

    • This has got to be a spoof surely?
      “A mixture of British and Islamic humour”? You what?

      Islamic humour?
      Islamic fucking humour?

      Admittedly I find pushing benders off tall buildings quite amusing but I don’t think the wokies are going to like it.

      Some bird comes on stage with her tits out and everyone shouts “show us yer face!”

      They bring on a couple of goats and everyone shouts…”he’s behind you!”

      Nah…….I just can’t see it.

  20. Pantomime is for losers.

    I step foot in a theatre I want Hamlet.
    Something culturally rich.
    With gravitas.

    I should of tread the boards,
    Rich timbre to my voice like Richard Burton,

    The good looks of Christopher Lee,

    And nice legs like Stephen Hawking.

    I’d of been the toast of the West End,
    Naturally Broadway.

    It’s with deep regret I shall the dane.

  21. Inspired by this post and saddened to hear of the lack of strong leading roles, for “actors of color”, I have adapted one of the classics for the 21st century.

    Under the pen name of Will.I.Am Shake-yo-booty, I have submitted it to the RSC.

    I see one of the greats (Lenny Henry/Vas Blackwood/Idris) playing the main man.

    Cunters, I give you the opening scene of:


    “Is dat a bargain bucket I sees before me?
    Dat is a andle innit?
    Me ain’t got it, but me can still see’s it
    Is you is or is you ain’t, de’re?
    A chiggun bucket of de mind.

    • Inspired, so emotional.

      I was weeping by the second line, imagining how much money I could rake in, by funding this cutting edge interpretation of a great classic, bringing theatre, my darlings, to the masses.

      By masses I mean the badly dressed, slightly smelly general public, shouldn’t be allowed in a theatre, that’s only for us elites.

      Oops, did I say that out loud, must be drunker than I thought.

    • Brilliant General! I never realised you had such talent. A monster production if staged and will earn millions !

  22. At least Tarzan will always be white…because Disney doesn’t have the balls to put a black man on the screen acting like a monkey.

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