H from Steps (Who!? – Day Admin) (Me neither – NA)
Any cunters who have a Twitter account and J K Rowling will no longer be able to view the enlightening tweets of this raving iron as he has decided to block transphobes from viewing or replying to his tweets.
Oh, what a Tragedy!
He can at least dress up in one of Tom Daley’s knitted gimp suits safe in the knowledge that they both subscribe to the perverted view that women can have dicks.
H has a dick too… right up his arse.
Nominated by: Hard Brexit Cunt
Well that a tragedy..
I suspect the real reason for H’s strategy is that many folk understandably confuse him for his namesake – the baby copulating one who is now incarcerated at HMP.
H and his namesake are a truly delightful pair of wronguns, only H is clearly more of a dungtrumpeter.
Dashed if I know.
But don’t mock, HBC. Our next Prime Minister also thinks women can have dicks.
Well, he hasn’t blocked me, because I have no clue what Twitter is.
Twatter account? Oh please do fuck off. Chutney ferret.
Read recently that Steps have announced a major tour. They say they’ve reformed but they are still guilty of musical crimes against humanity. Learned something last night, Rita Ora gets her tits out at every opportunity, and they are very nice. I have re-assessed my opinion on modern pop music stars as a result and am now off to do a tits image search on the womern in Steps before they got old and saggy.
Don’t waste your time.
Blocked from twatter? If he could bottle it he could sell it and buy himself a nice new ballgown.
I think that it’s good news.
If it’s that easy to block people that are ‘transphobic’ then it must be able to work in reverse.
Normal, sane people can easily block anyone that shares this deluded idiot’s point of view.
We can get on with our lives without being bothered by their nonsense.
Where have all the transvestites gone?
There used to be a time when there were weirdos that enjoyed occasionally dressing up as women.
Our parents used to call them ‘funny men’.
Now, any loony that puts on a frock and a wig is not a transvestite.
They are a transexual.
They are born trapped in the wrong body.
But even though they claim that they ‘always knew that they were born the wrong sex’, they have absolutely no idea about being a woman.
They think that it’s all glamour.
Big hair, make-up, mini skirts, lacy knickers, stockings and high heels.
The life of a woman is nothing like that.
“Our parents used to call them ‘funny men’”- my dad just referred to them as “cunts”, and advised me that one shouldn’t use the bog after them (or, indeed, make eye contact with them), as these were ways that one could contract AIDS or the gayness.
Would there now be some kind of repercussion from the ‘community’ if a straight man played a pantomime dame?
I mean, it used to be quite funny as a child watching a quite obvious man with -say -a beard wearing ill fitting heels and a flamboyant frock prancing around on stage pretending to be a woman at Christmas time.
I would think ‘H’ is no stranger to the back of bike sheds or the local park toilets either.
Bike sheds? The cunt’d be too scared to turn up if The Worcestershire Warrior or The Ruislip Rumber were there.
Admin should block him from “..is a Cunt” in revenge.
I think admin will give Ian a pass on kneeling and kissing the ring in deference of Miserable’s recent COTY win.
You could be right…..@Mis. mentioned something last night about how he has decided to become A Fruity Gentleman…I’m afraid the ” COTY” award has gone to his head and expect to see him in full ball-gown and high heels “posing up a storm with his new besties, Tom Daley and Grayson Perry” in the Daily Mail’s gossip section very soon.
It was the same as when he was awarded “Teacher’s Best Little Helper” at school….history repeating itself,I’m afraid
I hope not, I thought the country cream gates were a cry for help.
Oh I think the signs were always there,Mr.Zuckercunt….the “COTY” award has merely given him the courage to emerge from his sparkly closet with all the gay abandon of Elton John diving into Michael Barrymore’s swimming-pool….and I for one applaud him…it’s nice that They finally have found the courage to ignore the Haters and live their best life.
Typical as soon as I desire to make a few enlightening comments regarding his women can have dicks mindset, the whinging cunt bans transphobes from viewing or replying to his tweets. What is the World coming to when you can’t call a cunt a cunt on social media. Foot stamping time. Bloody arsewipe.
Well the h apparently stands for hyperactive, which explains a lot as he is behaving like a toddler on a sugar rush.
Stands for “Has had miles of chopper up his browneye”, more like.
Could be Hershey Highwayman.
If there are any straight people on this Twatter machine they should press the necessary buttons to block this little mental cunt.
That will learn it.
Mans a CUNT
Who? And what are ‘Steps’?
They’re the 90s version of Rod, Jane and Freddy.
Less talented though.
I’m sure multi millionaire Jk Rowling will be deeply hurt to be blocked by someone who’d be lucky to entertain at Butlins and she wouldn’t know if she fell over him?
Who? And what are ‘Rod, Jane and Freddy’?
Only the greatest supergroup ever formed!
Think Cream for the under 8s.
Tidy little body that Jane.
Had kids at that time who liked to watch TV with daddy.
Daddy didn’t find it too much of a chore, watching her dancing around wagging her pert little bottom. I recall camel toe on a couple of occasions.
Two blokes, one the aforementioned poofter, and three birds, Faye Tozer, especially, you’d have a stroke thrapping over.
In fact, I might get in some practice before I go to work…
Why do people go on twitter anyway?
What’s the ‘lure’?
I’m not sure I completely know what it is or about,
Or what’s to be gained by going on it?
I’m probably too high status anyway.
Probably sited crash due to demand if I went on.
I’m COTY you know?
Oh yes, we all know Mis, as if you’ll ever let us forget.
#Countrycreamgates and #beardlove would start trending.
He has put New Mills on the map, could even be given royal status.
People get satisfaction from being offended Mis, it brings a little excitement and colour into their drab meaningless existence. Also narcissists crave the attention of getting likes and retweets. Thats why I never hit the upvote thingy here, I don’t want to encourage you fuckers.
While I’m here can I just point out that Jane from Rod, Jane and Freddy was a middle aged minger. Did you know that the fruity people adopted the rainbow flag as a tribute to the programme? Geoffrey was camp as fuck, the hippo was obviously an arse bandit, Bungle was the gayest bear in the history of bearkind, and I include Rupert the cunt bear in that. I know because Freddy used to be my binman after the singing shit songs for 5 year olds work dried up. Zippy became an Antifa transerxual when the show ended, but only after he fucked Philip Schofield, who later shat out Gordon the Gophfuckyourselfer. But yet again I digress, trying to educate you lot is like trying to teach quantum theory to a bunch of Drill rappers. They just keep grunting and singing moronic little songs, a bit like Rod, Jane and Freddy, who invented rap music in a rainbow episode when Zippy ate all the cakes then lied about it.
I’m bored, luckily pub is now open!
Point of order: it was Rod Hull and Emu who invented “Rap Music”, after an incident at the Pink Windmill, when the Child Protection Agency were trying to gain entry.
“Yo yo yo
There’s somebody at the door
There’s somebody at the door
Go away you mutha-fucka’s
There’s somebody st the door”
Another fading sleb desperate for attention, appealing to the wokie crowd who infest and infect soshul meeja.
Who is this fucking bent cunt anyway?
Pour petrol over it
Cow shit, petrol’s far too expensive.
True ?
Steps should be taken and …..
Twitter is disrespectful to birds.
Haha, fuck him. I am a transphobe and I am not on Twitter so he can’t block me, take that H you fucking arse bandit.
Well, he is Welsh and his bumboy is an ice skater. WTF do you expect?
Steps. They’re only the band S Club Seven could have been.
I thought Rachel Stevens was well worth a tupping. Sexy little minx.
Who the fuck is this cunt?
His fan base is the LBGT+-woteva community. Funny little wanker. Even when steps were at their peak he was the weird little blonde one only grannies and the gays took any notice of.
It’s darkly funny that he shares the name Ian Watkins formerly of the lost prophets now in prison for the most horrendous deviance involving minors.
Imagine being transphobic, would you give a flying fuck if H from steps blocked you on Twitter? Desperate attention seeking virtual signalling from a non entity cunt.
Fuck of you tedious little cunt. Poncing around making music for preteens in your late teens is pathetic enough but trying to do it in your 40’s is just fucking creepy.
This disgusting Homo needs beating to death with a rubber cock, I bet his overused arsehole resembles Dot Cottons mouth, I hope he contracts Monkey pox after gorging on knee Grow spunk.!!