George Santos – A Lying Politician!

George Santos was recently elected to represent New York’s 3rd congressional district. He had impressed the voters by telling them he held degrees from two colleges and had worked for two firms on Wall Street as a financier and investor. He had founded an animal charity which he ran for five years and his family owned thirteen rental properties in New York. He had described himself as openly gay and ‘a proud American Jew’, his mother’s parents being Jews who had fled the holocaust.

It’s well-known that you have to be a lying bastard to be a successful politician but this only works when your lies remain unchallenged. It turns out that he didn’t go to college, he never worked on Wall Street, he didn’t pass on money raised to help homeless animals, his family doesn’t own any rental properties and none of his mother’s ancestors are Jewish. To confuse matters further, it’s been revealed that he was married (to a woman) in 2012 and was divorced in 2019. His Democratic opponent in the election had been openly gay so perhaps he decided it would be a good idea to split the gay vote.

When confronted with these discrepancies, Santos admitted to ’embellishing’ his academic and career qualifications, and although raised as a Catholic, he said he felt himself to be part of the Jewish community. “I never claimed to be Jewish” he said, “I meant to say I felt Jew-Ish”. No really, I’m not making this up, that’s what he said.

The question to be asked is, why did the senior House Republican leaders not check his background during the selection process? A couple of phone calls would have been sufficient to expose him. Another question is, will he still be allowed to take his seat in congress? One thing in his favour is that he has expressed his support for Kevin McCarthy who is desperate to be elected Speaker of the House. McCarthy is not known for his integrity and so far has maintained a deafening silence on the subject.

Wiki Link

Nominated by: Allan

(More info here – Day Admin BBC News Link)

99 thoughts on “George Santos – A Lying Politician!

  1. He feels Jew-ish , does he?
    Come on then, out with your cock and let’s have a look. If it’s hooded as I suspect, circumcise him live on TV without anaesthetic. That’ll make feel Jew-ish alright.

  2. Just another bog standard, one size fits all politician, then.

    Move along folks, nothing to see here.

    • Certainly sounds Jewish to me! Pocketing all the money for himself, instead of passing it on to help homeless animals. Recon if he owned a chain of shops, you would never see ‘Buy one get one free,’ the tight fisted cunt!

  3. You can’t be openly gay and Jewish, or any other Abrahamic religion, that sort of behaviour is outlawed.
    As for the rest of the bullshit, I wouldn’t expect anything less from a politician. It’s just that most of the bastards cover their tracks a little more successfully than this moron.

  4. Obummer claimed to be straight and black-that particular embellishment didn’t harm his career…..

    • Furthermore, he claimed to be a humanitarian and care for his fellow man, but that didn’t stop O’bomber peppering certain countries with bombs.

      Quiz Quesion: Name the seven countries O’bomber bombed while in office.

      • “…Quiz Quesion: Name the seven countries O’bomber bombed while in office.”

        for the record…
        Syria, Iraq, Yemen, Pakistan, Somalia. Afghanistan and then made slavery great again on the north coast of Afrigga after the invasion of Libya,

    • The fact that his nickname in the Chicago political world was,
      BATH HOUSE BARRY says it all.

  5. At least if you are gonna lie make it a good one.

    Like did you know i’m employed by kp to cut all their peanuts in half with a little hacksaw.

  6. Perhaps he can “identify” as a mentally deranged Chinese spy and all of his fabrications are part of his cover.

    Shortly thereafter promoted to Secretary of Defence.

  7. If a politician isn’t a bare faced fucking liar he’s doing the wrong job. This cunt has been caught in the spotlight with his trousers down and still carries on because the votes are already in the bank. Exactly what you would expect from a politician. Brazen it out like the cunt you are.

    PS…..Funny how being gay is now a vote winner. Fucking hell, what a world.

  8. Hahaha ?
    Nice one George ?

    If your going to bullshit go all out.
    No point doing things by half .

    Tell them about the time you saved that kid from a burning building.

    Tell them about swimming in Australia and that shark attacked you! One punch and it was floating on the surface.
    You used it as a surfboard back to shore.

    All politicians are lying bastard’s, it’s part of the job.

    If George gets bored of US politics come over here!

    The We the people party will snap him up.

  9. The wanker claimed his mother was working in the South Tower on 9/11. She escaped but died from the “trauma” a couple of years later.
    In fact she had never worked in the Towers and died 15 years after 9/11.
    Reminds me of Jaffa Cake Lammy and his “friend” who died in Grenfell.
    They just can’t resist it can they?

    • “They just can’t resist it can they?”

      “It’s the taste!”
      Dianne Abacus replies, as her character from the “Mr Shifter” era of Tea advertisements”

    • I once ate a tangerine and a chocolate digestive.

      And when I went for a shite I curled out a perfect Jaffa cake .
      True story.

      I was working as a lawyer for the Mafia at the time.

      • Hey admin what’s wordfence got against a deceased Irish broadcaster.

        (As RTC pointed out “Wogan” contains a racist word that Wordfence doesn’t like and bans it into our mod queue. It’s a pain the arse and its not just specific to wogan, but any variation that includes racial or homophobic words – Day Admin)

      • The ‘smashing orangey bit’ in Jaffa Cakes is the collected earwax of the McVitie family.

      • @ Barry

        Wôgan has the word Wôg in it, which is a trigger word for moderation.

      • Hello Ruff!

        Hows tricks?

        George Santos is a terrible fibber isn’t he?

        Although his blatant play for the Jewish and gay vote made me laugh ?

        Wonder how far he was willing to take it?

        Yamulk and hot pants?

      • Tricks not too bad, thanks Miserable.

        Except Lady C wants us to watch Harry interview tonight… ?

      • What does the missus think of him Ruff?

        Mine thinks the same as me.

        But the lad who works for me said

        ” He suspects they murdered his mum.
        He’s out for revenge”.

        Call me cautious but if I suspected powerful people of murder,
        I’d pause to act…?

      • Recorded from last night, Ron.

        Although there was another one on U.S. TV today…

        Be fair to say that Lady C is not a fan, Miserable. But also does not share my extreme hatred.

    • Mrs Norman hates Harry, and she despises Megain even more. Calling her a serial liar and a chain gang fantasist…

  10. Good old yanks. They make our politicians looks like paragons of virtue.
    I’m trying to think of a British politician, other than Bliar, who’s embellished their back story to such a degree.
    Most just blather and bullshit their way through the here and now.
    Our politicians may well be bent, corrupt and in it solely for personal gain, but at least they aren’t dayglow toothed, perma tanned Americans.

  11. Never heard of the Cunt but if I was going to make up a back story, I don’t think being a Fruity Shylock would be my first choice…

  12. The way life, society is going, it really would be best for EVERYONE to come out as bisexual to level the playing field that is titled in favour of LGBTQ+ as then we are ALL now members of the LGBTQ+ fake-as-fake, nebulous “community” and if you also want to do that non-binary thing, that’s a good idea, too.

    I think we are reaching peak silliness with the woke shit. I think a new age in dawning finally and people will be forced to settle down and behave or go to the fucking wall.

    • Thing is the gays would HATE that .

      If everyone was out as a poof then they would have nothing to moan about, nobody to “persecute” them

      In short, they’d not be able to play the victim and seek attention and that my friends, is exactly what it is really all about

      • I think it’s a great idea. I was inspired by the great American comedian, Doug Stanhope in that idea. It’s like how in times of crisis a sheriff can deputise a whole town as deputies so they have the power to arrest, shoot people, in case a man with a moustache in a black 1977 Trans Am is tearing up the highways and dirt roads.

    • You come out as bisexual if you want,Gordon…think I’m happy enough leaving the playing field unlevelled,tbh…..but you have at it,I’m sure we all wish you well “living your best life”

      • Great idea Gordon then most on ISAC can be turned down by blokes as well as women.

        Not me obviously.

        I’m a gay icon I am.

      • It’s actually a pretty good idea. I think if you mark yourself down as…

        Gender: male
        Ethnicity: white
        Sexuality: heterosexual

        …then you are on the terrorist list now.

        Why not play these cunts at their own way. The strategy of doing nothing is not a good strategy.

      • You’ve got a point about using their own bullshit against them.

        I’m already on board for this .

        The first ethnic that accuses me of racism?

        Top volume

        “He tried to undo my bra!!

        Doesn’t matter I’m not wearing a bra, or that I’m a bloke, or that it’s blatantly false.
        What matters are volume and accusations.

        “He tried to put his hand up my skirt!!”

        No Matter I’m wearing jeans
        Sexual assaults sexual assault.

      • ….think I prefer being on the “terrorist list” than Elton John’s “up for a mounting” list.

      • I think you’re failing to see the satirical side of this, Dick! 😀

        You always have to strategize in life, especially in times of crisis and fuck me is Britain in a crisis right now but no cunt in government, media, social services, child protective services especially wants to admit it. I mean, if I worked in child protective services, I would be saying calmly, soberly…


        I’d be saying this as a bisexual Muslim woman with green/blue hair and superglued to a train, of course.

      • Britain may well be in a crisis but I can’t see that me getting anally-invaded by some rampaging Bum-merchant is really going to do much towards alleviating the problem.

        PS….I will,of course,be reporting your grooming of a vulnerable adult to Admin.

      • And he tried to touch me Dick.

        Asked me if I’d ever ‘ tossed the caber’?

        Tell admin there’s a monster loose!

        Help! Help!
        I’m being molested!

  13. Obviously “two cheeks of the same arse” applies in the USA as much as it does in Blighty ???

  14. If we all came out as Reggie Dwights all the real poofs would just become trannies to maintain their victimhood. Besides, I imagine a bummer can spot one of his own a mile off and a fake sticks out like a sore bum……err, thumb.

  15. We’d soon get sussed as fakes.

    They use tests.

    Picking out curtains

    Dancing to disco

    Does he cry watching Wizard of Oz?

    Does he faint in butchers shops?

    • I remember watching a program about “the glasshouse” which I think was about army prison. The sergeant major straight out asked a new inmate whether he “exhibited any ‘omosexual tendencies”. Can you imagine that now? Probably against army rules to say no now.

  16. If I was applying for a new job I would pretend to be a wooftah and I would keep it up once I’d got it. Imagine the advantages…….days off for your goldfish dying, visits to the STD clinic and numerous fag breaks ( see what I did there?) during the day. You would also avoid that Monday morning question……”do anything nice over the weekend?” No matter how right on they pretend. to be they don’t really want to hear about you sucking blokes off over Clapham Common. Also some bird might see it as a challenge to turn you straight and get her tits out.
    Yeah, the more I think about it the more it sounds like a good idea.

    • Me?
      I’m not antiseptic!

      I save all my hatred and anger for NHS strikers.

    • Occasionally entertaining when it gets verbal diarrhoea and it helps me see exactly how full of BS it is.

      Jay Cartwright couldn’t come up with some of the stuff Country Garden posts.

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