Covid Testing of Chinese Travellers and the UK Government

China has finally admitted it has a massive covid infection problem despite its mandatory lockdowns over the last 2 to 3 years. However, the Chinese government seems unwilling to prevent international flights leaving its airports, thus running the risk of travellers carrying the disease and basically doing a repeat of what happened back in February 2020.

On this occasion, however, lessons seem to have been learnt by some countries, with the likes of the US, Japan, India, Italy and even Taiwan declaring that Chinese visitors must test negative for Covid-19 before being allowed into their respective of January 5th.

And what is the response of our government?

“(Restrictions) is not something we are looking at” – said a PM’s spokesperson

and another government twat said

“There are no plans to re-introduce Covid-19 testing or additional requirements for arrivals into the UK.”

Whatever the rights and wrongs about the disease itself, surely it is in the government’s best interests to act now and prevent yet another repeat of the disastrous management of the pandemic previously?

Telegraph News Link

Nominated by: Technocunt

And in a similar fashion there’s this from DLP

This government really are inept, irresponsible, useless cunts. They have in thier infinite wisdom decided not to require at least covid tests, or better still, a ban, for people coming to the UK from China.
It was these little slit-eyed fuckers that originally spread it around the world and this dumb arsed government don’t learn from previous mistakes and seem to be happy to allow them to do it again. Or is it a ploy for another lockdown when cases start to rise in the uk, which they inevitably will unless we take action and ban flights from China.

Sky News

And there’s this from Jeezum Priest

Oy fucking vey, enough already!

Livemint News Link

Oh come on, give over.
Let it die a death.
We no longer care.
If I catch it and die, you can all shout ner, ner, told you so, but for the love of Dog can we please, please have some pictures of kittens rescued from a storm drain? (Nope, sorry – Day Admin)


56 thoughts on “Covid Testing of Chinese Travellers and the UK Government

  1. They are a bunch of feckless shit gibbons.I expect a new lockdown soon.Come back Guy Fawkes all is forgiven ?

  2. They’re hoping for another pandemic to kill all us old farts in the UK and free up lots of superior housing for the dinghy paddlers.

  3. International air travel,by it’s very nature,is peacetime germ warfare in effect.

    If nothing else the lockdowns,travel bans,vaccine mandates etc of the last two years clearly showed that no precautions work to stop the transmission of disease.

    Plus of course everyone is vaccinated so what’s the harm?

    Anyhow the Chinkies are a set of cunts,modern travel spreads disease like wildfire,vaccines for Bat Flu are crap,the recording of deaths “with Covid” is a disgrace and the government’s entire response to the issue has been both corrupt and a total economic disaster.


  4. Why bother ?….the government is letting in hundreds of untested dingy people every week, shipping them to hotels in town centres and allowing to freely mingle with the locals….can’t imagine that the Chinkies are any more diseased than our wonderful “asylum seekers”

    • Too close to the truth there, Dick. I was at a job, recently, that was a real eye-opener where immigrants are concerned. Certainly raised my eyebrows.

    • @FF

      The elephant in the room as always.

      Back in 2020 while most of the country was practically under house arrest – the borders were wide fucking open to any Tom Dick and Abdul to just wander through.

      • Glad you didn’t say Harry there, I don’t want that delusional moron wandering back in, even on a dinghy.

  5. What a steaming pile of wank.

    Another one of my clients dropped dead at home the other day.

    Early 50s and fit as a flea. (was fit as a flea)

    I’m just glad that my tinfoil hat has kept me safe from all things Covid.

    • I hear the Taliban are staging a book burning later this week over in Kabul after Friday prayers.

      All 10 copies.

      • They should invite him to Kabul for book signing ?

        France 24 reported that lawyers representing the palace have requested transcripts of the Harry pre-launch interviews but I have seen that on other news outlets

      • Waterstones in Piccadilly opened at 6am this morning to deal with the anticipated queues wanting to buy Spare Prick by Half-Wit. One person turned up, according to the Telegraph.

        Penguin Random House, who paid 20 million for this pitiful garbage (apparently ghost written by Nutmeg more than the official ghost writer, because Harry can’t read or write). They will get their fingers badly burnt.

        Serves the greedy cunts right.

  6. It appears that we have belatedly fallen in line with those other countries mentioned in the nom:

    “On 30 December 2022, the government announced that it would require people flying directly or indirectly from mainland China to England to provide proof of a negative pre-departure test, taken within 2 days of departure. This came into effect as of 4am on Thursday 5 January 2023. This applies to transiting passengers, as well as those whose final destination is England.”

  7. Where’s that cunt Chris Whitty when we need him?
    Has Wee Jimmy started her Covid briefings/party political broadcasts again north of th’ boorder?

    Afternoon all.

    • Now that the numbers of excess deaths are higher than during the “pandemic” it would appear that daily gaslighting briefings are no longer required.

      Afternoon Ron.

      • That’s a real shame.
        There’s nothing that brightens my day more than seeing Nicola von Gobbkacken’s delicious form on the telly. And oh , the exquisite sound of that throaty, sexy voice. It sets my nerves all a-tingle…

    • I expect Professor Neil “pants down” Ferguson will be wheeled out soon.Razor wire and lamp post.

  8. Are the complete waste of time that are masks making a comeback? The ones when you breathe and your breath comes out at the top? I wore masks, had all the Covid jabs and have had Covid twice. If any cunt tells me I have to wear them again I won’t be responsible for my actions.

  9. Why call out the Chinese.?..I want you to know that their Packed Luggage contains the necessary documents needed to enter the UK unchallenged. How dare people discriminate against them!
    ( It is important that our politicians are enriched )

  10. The chinks are filthy little bastard’s riddled with all manner of diseases.

    From sliteye fever, yellow dengue, Gill rot and rice ebola .

    They should be screened COVID or not and at their own expense.

    Charge them £500 for tests, no test no entry.
    And make them pay for 3 weeks quarantine.

    Soon earn it back when they open a low hygiene chippy .

  11. The politicians don’t want to upset Charlie Chan because they know he will be ruling us one day. These fucking quisling bastards expect to get their reward for services rendered.

  12. This country allows any old shite to just breeze in from anywhere.

    All foreigners carry germs some diseases,
    They should all be health screened before entry.

    All sorts of things making a comeback, typhoid, scarlet fever, yellow fever (Chinese again) rickets,
    Polio etc.

    They cry about the NHS coping?!
    yet allow some typhoid Mary from Guyana to just rock up and mix with the beautiful white indigenous people of these isles.

    Infected by chinks
    Contracted from blacks
    Poisoned by ethnics.

  13. What was the point of God giving us the English Channel and our beautiful island if it wasn’t for us to keep the vile foreign hordes out, he must be scratching his nut in bewilderment at our stupidity and our embracing of the modern ” love and welcome all comers” ethos.
    Will definitely end badly for the indigenous community, or if the cunts succeed, end brownly.

  14. A bit of tin-foilery but I am amazed at the apparent volte face of the Chinese government. We are to believe that the Authoritarian CCP that has lock-downed its people for the last 3 years or more with martial law have now seen the error of their ways and opened all doors, a free for all, dancing in the street..and the consequence ‘billions’ (what I heard) of new infections.
    Just odd that to me.

    • Who can fathom the inscrutable oriental mind Miles?

      Strange bunch at the best of times.

    • The Chinese were finally getting a bit fed up of pointless lockdowns and got uppity, calling for the overthrow of the government. Not that msm reported much about it.

      No airport restrictions worked anywhere.

      • As has been pointed out, it was these slant-eyed twats who gave the coronavirus to the world, and while most countries have found a way to deal with it, it’s now the Chinese who are suffering most because of their inadequate inoculation programme and their crap vaccine.
        Serves the fuckers right, I hear you say. Now they have the nerve to object to other countries bringing in restrictions to check the number of covid-ridden yellow cunts desperate to get away. Fucking indignant they are.
        It’s each government’s duty to protect its citizens and I wouldn’t let one of the bastards land here if I had anything to do with it, whether they’d taken a test or not.

  15. I would love 40,000 Covid infected Chinese to come via rubber boat tomorrow and claim asylum, then watch the balding Suella squirm and squander more of our money.

      • She’s Suella Baldyman.

        That gap in her part isn’t normal for a woman unless about 85. I wouldn’t mention it if she was competent and smite any lefty who dared mention it, but seeing as she’s completely useless, fair game I say.

        Enjoy gawping at the baldy bit next time she’s on the news.

      • It’s not hair loss, Ms C, it’s depilation: everybody knows it fashionable to “shave your cunt” and Dishi-Rishi is no different ?

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