Alex Scott [4]

This unwanted, illiterate ‘pundit’ has been using her position as the smug BBC diversity hire for life that she is, to flog a clothing line on her social media.

To their credit, she has seemingly been told to stop doing it by the BBC.

According to the article, she’s on about £200k p.a. for part time work. But that’s not enough, obviously.

I’m also going to call her out on the ‘One Love’ armband fiasco. She was quick to berate players for not wearing them after FIFA threatened them with sanctions.

‘Brave’ Alex then proudly and defiantly wore hers, when giving her ‘expert’ opinion pitch side. To be fair it wasn’t just her, it was all of the cunts (Ferdinand, Wright, Keane, Shearer etc) pushing this shite (although I only saw her wearing it.) These pundits know saying anything else, would mean the end of the cushy free hols and gravy train.

The next evening, a male, Yank journalist did the same thing. He was arrested (then released) for it. Then, no word of a lie, the cunt dropped dead in the stadium a day or two later.

Well, it may have been natural causes…but he wasn’t ill and was not elderly. It’s weird anyway.

And did Scott ‘bravely’ wear the armband after that?

Did she fuck as like! Wonder why?

Go on Alex. Aren’t there ‘consequences to all protests’? Hope you’re happy some cunt is now dead!

Still, I will thank her and the other assorted woke- compliant pundits for pushing this shit so much that the already knee-bending unfocused England team shat out to the first decent team (as always).

I would pay good money to have her thrown off the screen forever. An absolute disease of a pundit/presenter.

And the offspring of slave owners too!

Black privilege, innit?

Daily Fail Link.

Nominated by : Cuntybollocks

56 thoughts on “Alex Scott [4]

  1. Loathsome smug bitch.

    Job for life at the Beeb absolutely nailed on and guaranteed and she fucking knows it.

    The sense of entitlement seeps from her every pore.

    Not a fan of female pundits offering what amounts to nothing more than cliches and buzzword analysis of male football but Alex Scott is the very worst of a very bad bunch of box ticking woke cunts.

    I wouldn’t even give her one such is my dislike of her and that is saying something.


  2. Football is enough of a cunt without Women making money from the so called beautiful game.
    Ban football and bring back witch burning, bear bating and occasional wars with the French. Real sports , not over paid cunts making money from fans.

  3. Thanks for the nom admin, but I’m on tenderhooks on the one you said was due shortly a few days ago about ‘double standards’ after a certain football manager received an email and the sender got done for it.

    It’d create gossip on here like Ada and Cissy over the fence.

    Good evening all.

    Fear not, CB. It’s scheduled. It’ll be a few more days yet, but it’s coming – NA.

  4. Nowadays if I can’t find a football stream without a wimmiz commentator I generally don’t bother.

    These no nothing screeching harpies offer nothing to the program.

    Stick to commentating on bake off.

      • She doesn’t bother me, in fact I would like the opportunity to persuade her that she is in fact bisexual and to introduce her to my favourite body part.

      • I’ll second that. She’s quite doable. There is but one way I can think of for her to serve mankind.

  5. Can’t stand this smarmy lezza idiot. Fucking bitch is now a permanent fixture on the BBC coining it in left, right and centre. The female equivalent of Linekunt but ticks far more boxes. Destined to take the wankers place and I reckon he knows it.

    • Aye she presented Match of the Day live earlier. She’ll take his job soon I reckon.

      I don’t suppose there’s no way Linekhunt could do two games back to back today then?

      He’s only on £1.5m a year, the poor cunt.

    • I think you’re on to something there Fred. It’s probably why Lineker said he was racially abused for looking black.
      Next he’ll become trans.

      • The only thing trans about Lineker is the fat in the shit crisps the cunt peddles.

  6. Can’t even speak properly. “Innit”, “Like” “Ya know”. About as intelligent and as much charisma as a very shallow soap dish. Another one on the never ending BBC gravy train,

  7. What the fuck, how can these mega wages be justified, not just her, the rest of the cunts and why so many, but the tart is a long way behind Jason Mohammad (Welsh P*ki) and then the cherry on top is Lineker.

    And why the fuck wasn’t that Scottish tart sacked for her comments about how white the English ladies team was in the Euro

    The whole lot could be replaced by a pile of bricks 😂

    There will be commentary on fucking fashion, it’s Alex Scott, what is she wearing today ffs

  8. These fuckin women pundits, who are made out to have played at the ” top level”. Well thier top level is equivalent to a men’s Sunday league team, at best. Total woke, box ticking shite. Annoying thing is all the fuckin footy coverage has some useless split arse on its panel spouting complete bollocks.

  9. Well I couldn’t give a fuck.

    The cunts that think having this cunt talking about a load of other cunts will destroy the game,at least on TV.

    No doubt in due course this one will be commentating on boxing.

    A jamboree of arseholes.

  10. I want to cure her lesbian tendencies and give her 15 seconds of amazing sex. So far she’s resisted temptation but I’ll not call her a cunt just yet…

    • Don’t get me started on Creepo Jacko still being played on the radio.
      ‘But… But he was never charged or found guilty.’

      Neither was Savile, but the cigar smoking satanist was still guilty. If Wacko had been white, he’d be in record hell with Glitter and would never be heard again,

  11. Saw a headline the other day about some lezza who had broken some scoring record by Jimmy Greaves.

    Seriously?? You’re comparing some bird who would get subbed off after 10 minutes in a Sunday morning Pub league with Jimmy fucking Greaves?
    Good grief!

      • Who knows these days? You can be what you say you are. I could be a real frog if I fancy it and no cunt can do anything about it. 🐸🐸🐸

    • Jimmy -alongside Denis Law – was the greatest striker the game ever saw.

      No wimmin in football ever! Demented woke bollocks.

    • Scoring record don’t make me laugh
      In the past the Englands women’s football team used to play friendlys against under 16 male teams they got beaten by a fairly large margin every match and they try to hide it and now think there fuckin world beaters
      Get the fucking dishes washed they won’t wash them selfs

  12. Its a far cry from when the beeb had educated newsreaders togged up in dinner suits for the radio. Now half-caste women commoners from the streets scantily clad for TV, talking utter codswallop on something they know nothing about.

  13. Why have Liverpool and Wolves flown out to a fly-blown shite hole to play the game ?

  14. I used to enjoy watching Match Of The Day. More of a rugby man, but, enjoyed watching the footy highlights. Now? Can’t watch it as it’s turned into a patronising, box-ticking lecture, frequented by some wimmins who wouldn’t get in a Sunday League teams reserves, spouting about what they’d do in the same situation, (get laughed at, maybe?), with some football highlights thrown in. The minute they showed the shower of Ubercunts kneeling on the Boxing Day MOTD, it went off, and that’s where it’s staying. Enjoyed MOTD since I was a boy, but, like most things I’ve grown up with, it’s been destroyed to suit an agenda.

    Thank you, you utter, utter motherfucking cunts.

    • For a number of years before all the shenanigans of today started, I’d been watching the football on tv in total since. Its become second nature not to hear the few repeated words and phrases of superlatives that can be used and it means I don’t get annoyed at something I can’t hear. Neither do I listen to prematch or postmatch prattle, because of previous experiences. It’s obviously worse now the women are having their say according to you, otherwise I wouldn’t be replying to this nominee.

      There’s one thing that perturbs me, when the women you tell me
      are talking nonsense, why don’t the men on the programme correct them ?

      • Why don’t the men correct them? Fear of being put out into the wilderness by the Twatter and (Un)social media mob, I’d wager.

      • I can tell when they want to say something back but daren’t.

        They look at the floor. There may be lip biting.

        But sadly, not one if them will say anything, and it’s in order to protect their cushty gigs. They all know what line to parrot too on any subject. Go to a pub and ask for 10 views from randoms on Ukraine or the gay armband stuff and you’ll get a diverse range of answers (unless it’s a posh wine bar etc.)

        But every one of the cunts parrots the narrative, which is led by the left on Twitter and reinforced by cunts like Lineker and Scott. It’s not a coincidence.

        They are cowards protecting their cash cows. I could understand it if they needed the money, but the likes of Shearer and Keane are fucking loaded.


  15. If you are employed by the BBC you are automatically suspect until you can prove otherwise or are sacked. Cunts tend to hire other cunts like themselves and nowhere is that more pronounced than the BB fucking C.
    There’s nothing the BBC can’t fuck up, even the beautiful game.

  16. Nice to see the term ‘Grudge Toting Manbaby’ has already entered the lexicon. It will be in the Oxford Dictionary next…

    ‘Grudge Toting Manbaby’ (grunj toe-ting man bay-beh): Pussywhipped ginger cunt, free of self respect and a pair of balls. See also Walter Mitty and Prince Harry.

  17. Fuck off you thick Scottish jig@b00!
    BBC typecast cunt with ,I’m guessing, a slimy bumcrack.

  18. Thought as much. Just wanted to make sure. The MotD lads will lay into the stupid tarts when sight and sound are switched off. Ironically the official show we don’t get to see. Once they’ve got everything off their chests, they’re ready to roll again. That’s why I don’t see the point of bothering.

    • Why don’t we have argumentative debates like they used to have ? Obviously the you-know-who put paid to that. What a pity.

  19. Pundits cuntitry, how many people do you actually need on a programme, well dozens by the sound of it, and seldom do they actually talk sense. Martin brundle talks shit and licks z listers arses for one, going on about when i was in formula 1 yes martin that was a long time ago and hardly a glittering career was it and the cars are an awful lot different now. Jobs for the boys, time for a change of guard on many things??????.

  20. Never heard of her, but from the picture, and Cunty’s expert deconstruction, I get the picture.
    More waste of the licence tax, not to mention fresh air.

    Morning all.

  21. The silly bitch isn’t that Black, she could easily with a short hair cut and some makeup pass herself off as some Mediterranean sort, why would you ever big up your MunKey genes.??

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