I have been watching a quite fascinating series of YouTube documentaries on the “Free Documentary” channel. One particular playlist – “Most Dangerous Ways To School” follows the lives of young children travelling to local schools in the most dangerous regions/countries on the planet.
There’s around 13 of these school docs in the playlist and I’ve seen only around 5 so far. However, I have to say what a mammoth eye-opener they have been!
For example, there’s one set in Yakutia, which is part of the Russian republic 5000 kms east of Moscow.. It is officially the coldest inhabited town on the planet with average temperatures of around -40C (yes, that’s minus) and wintry temperatures touching -70C!!
Following on from that there’s one set in Tunkhel, Northern Mongolia, where temperatures are relatively mild in comparison – a mere -30C average, but the area has far more hostile weather conditions compared to Yakutia.
And yet people still go about their business, including school kids walking to school. And when I say walking, I mean walking several kilometres in thick snow, blizzards and early morning temperatures somewhere between -40C and -55C.
Other kids might be lucky and ride similar distances on horses and/or their dad’s motorbike, but still face the same rugged and downright inhospitable conditions, including crossing ice covered rivers and navigating around deep snow drifts.
And then once they’ve spent a few hours at school the kids have to fight their way back home in the same way they arrived. And once home they have to spend a few hours helping their parents with housekeeping and looking after the farm.
Compare and contrast to kids over here in the West. Not wishing to make generalisations but right now as soon as we have a few flakes of snow or some freezing temperatures (-5C) and all of a sudden schools close and/or parents decide it is too risky to take their kids to school in the car or by foot.
On top of that the whole country seems to grind to a halt, especially on the roads and train networks after a couple of cold nights and a centimetre or two of snow.
Far Eastern Russians and Mongolians may look like they’re still stuck in the Stone Age, but fucking hell they’re hardy bastards compared to the snowflakes scared of a few snowflakes over here!
(Additional link provided by our travel correspondent, Night Admin – NA)
Nominated by : Technocunt
Greta thundercunt is very quiet about the cold weather, no mention of global warming from her, maybe she is too preoccupied with the 12″ long black bully boy vibrator she got for Christmas, can you imagine her face when she is on the vinegar strokes ? I bet it looks like the elephant man’s face after it’s hard a stroke, morning all
They just change the narrative and say “climate change “. Ffs, the climate has been changing for billions of years.
I blame global warming for the cold spell in America
Good grief man.
Global warming due to climate change only occurs in the height of summer during forest fires. Then it goes away, goes back to normal climate for winter and spring. Al Gore emails me this information.
The demise of the great barrier reef has not only been reversed, but is now revitalising itself at an exponential rate, and the ozone layer is shrinking, Greta’s keeped her big mouth firmly shut about this, then again, she probably doesn’t know
Better not tell them how cushy everything is over here or they’ll be on the next dingy from Calais.
Or my just swim over to prove how hardy and useful they are.
My. Might
All I can say to these children across the world who have arduous journeys traveling to school, is I was fortunate to have lived in the same street as my school. That’s where it ends. Never clever enough for further education.
I was, apparently, and it was a complete waste of time as I never used my degree at all, ever, anywhere. I massively regret not learning a trade, which I reckon I would have enjoyed, or going into the RAF when I was offered a commission in ATC which I didn’t fancy at all, stupid cunt.
You’re no more of a stupid cunt than very many others Moggie. Last estimate I heard was that 50% of graduates were in employment that was unrelated to their degree. My experience was that shortly through secondary school we were split into two streams. The kids rated higher then studied German rather than Engineering. As you guessed I did German though by then I knew I would go into technical work. I found no need for German even when working in Germany; the Krauts all spoke English. Coincidentally I also actually had all the paperwork for joining the RAF and I also funked it. Ended up having to finance learning to fly out of my own pocket. But hey, no significant regrets. Couple of years out of school got into work I enjoyed for fifty years and made a good marriage now lasted forty-eight.
Admin – please delete my earlier attempt under the name ‘Geaorid Twatt’. I know, it’s a bit early in the morning to be this pissed, but hey, we did beat Linecunt’s outfit 3-0 yesterday. As to my comment…….
Found it. Binned it. Carry on – NA.
It’s all very well saying the Mongolians and eastern Russians are a hardy lot Techno, but have they ever had to cope with a bit of slush on the road? With their broadband being down for half an hour? With their Deliveroo being 5 minutes late? With being unable to get a mobile signal?
If you ask me they have it easy.
Tick the, ” Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment.” box below your name and email details, GT.
Okay, thanks Gordon.
Geaorid Twatt
When I was a kid there was no central heating in family homes, certainly not for any of the kids in my school.
No parents had any money.
There was a single paraffin burner in my house which never was lit except for a single flame, like a candle.
To keep the chill off.
I remember going to bed fully clothed with a rubber hot water bottle and waking up with icicles on the inside of the single glazed, badly fitting windows.
School was the one place where you could warm up.
A bottle of warm milk at break time and a hot meal at lunchtime.
Schools never shut for bad weather.
Looking back I suspect that the teachers used to be grateful for the school central heating and they always had lunch alongside the kids.
I remember that when I had worn through the soles of my shoes my parents would try to make them last longer by using cardboard for insoles.
There were no affordable warm coats in those days, just anoraks.
Winters were always cold with snow.
When we eventually made our way to school we would hang our wet, cold clothes, including our socks, on the hot pipe radiators.
“You have stolen our future, HOW DARE YOU!”
The kids today really have no fucking idea.
And even when the inkwells froze, life just carried on.
Sounds like my childhood, especially about the shoes and iced up windows.
No boiler, just filled the bath with buckets of water boiled on the stove.
This was 50’s and not so swinging 60’s.
I’ll expect there will be comments of “Luxury” from certain Cunters! ?
Morning AC, morning all.
Christ on a bike! that brought back some unwanted memories, i also remember ice on the inside of the window, walking the three miles to school and back in all weathers no brekkies (probably why i’m a skinny cunt now in my dotage) no shove all that shit don’t wanna be going back to that.
They have “Personality” ? What a crock of festering festive shit. Ive seen more vigorous and lively personalities in our Day Room ! (and half those fuckers are dead )
Duh ! Wrong nom …sorry
If I were living in those places there is no way that my nom de cunt would be Guzziguy.
They just put spikes in the tyres and have ice-speedway.
I am not risking frozen todger for anyone.
Great documentary Techno. I was expecting to see a yeti or two, jump out from somewhere, in the Siberia clip. Soundtrack was a bit too much though.
How dare you demonise the poor lambs.
They have enough on their plates nowadays.
Probably been mis-gendered, didn’t get the latest smartphone for Christmas, and their favourite influencer has quit YouTube.
Life is hard for your lazy entitled stupid child these days..
Even in the UK it was tougher in the 60s.
A duffel coat and wellingtons was the norm for winter schooling.No gritting, huge snow drifts. A coal fired house, which also heated the water. Food came from proper shops, or the market, supermarkets did not exist. Who remembers plucking the chicken for Sunday dinner?
Thunberg, who has been brought up in modern comfort, would be wailing and complaining for the opposite reason if her tech was removed from her.
No gritting these days either. Council spending all their budget on housing immigrants and employing diversity officers.
I can remember going to school in the heavy snow and ice on the inside of the bedroom window as well.
My kids school did stay open. Though I was told that a few parents kept their kids at home.
Pea soup and ribs,jeez what a culinary atrocities me mam dished up wenweralad.
I sometimes wonder what will become of the country when the next 63 style winter comes round.
Yes Arfur, it would make a pleasant change down here in the south east, to watch the sea freeze up again!
I never knew mongoloids had such a cold country?
Notice not a single snowman, or snowball fight.
No imagination.
Western inventions see?
They should send a white man on a high salary (me)
To teach the mongoloid kids how to enjoy their natural climate,
Notice they’ve got squarish heads?
Wonder why?
Is a cube shaped nut better for cold climates.
Inuit means ‘brother eater’ they prefer to be called Eskimos.
It’s a little known fact mis, that’s where the idea for ice cube trays came from.
Someone observed them all sleeping in a row..
Probably the ‘wrong type of snow’ Mis.
It’s easier to scrape ice off a cube than a sphere.
Marcus Rashfords head is flat at the back like an Albanians.
We’re back to the “any excuse to avoid work” thing. Parents claim that they have no alternate child-care for little Butterball and Specialneeds and so need take the day off work to care for the brats…this involves “chilling”(with the heating going full pipe),ordering deliveroo,watching netflicks and whining that the taxpayer should give them more money.
Teachers naturally get in on the act by closing the schools at every opportunity.
Fuck them all.
It’s all very well battling your way to school in weather that a polar bear couldn’t be arsed with, then busting a nut on the family farm for 3 hours, but how would these Russian and Mongolian kids cope if their Facefuck likes didn’t reach double figures, or if they were accidentally deadnamed during transitioning by a hurtful elderly relative? Western kids have it much, much tougher…
How is it that nurses, doctors, police, firemen and ambulance drivers can always make it to work, despite the weather? A right fucking ball-ache when they close the school, the kids are at home and you’re on an early shift.
Schools used to be reliable and the teachers almost always lived locally so would walk in when the weather was bad.
As a country we’ve gone soft,too much molly coddling government bullshit and alarmist propaganda in the media…seemingly perpetuated by entities that hate us or at very least find us really very inconvenient.
Those far eastern wasteland style artic countries have found the scientific cure to extreme cold.
Vodka with every meal and in between.
When our kids were at school there were numerous occasions where teachers didn’t turn in for whatever reason. In my day this was virtually unknown. You expected teachers to be there like you expected the sun to rise every day.
You forgot the bloke that drives the snow plough, DCI. I don’t think it is classed as his company car!
How do the snowplough drivers and gritter drivers get to work? They must be right hardcore.
He drove a Vollswagen Beetle according to the advert!
I walked to school every day. At infants and juniors in the 1960s I walked about a mile in every weather. In fog, snow, rain whatever the weather threw at us. In shorts, leather sandals and a wool duffle coat and wooden mittens. I remember my knees being red and sore and my hands were unworkable. No central heating, literally ice on the inside window ledges. People are useless cunts nowadays.
Wooden mittens?
Christ Bertram!
That’s tough.
I lived nearby to school.
Out the back garden down a narrow entry,
I’m there.
These fuckin Russians loved their kids they’d move nearer the school.
Rather than have them snow blind unable to watch russian Rentaghost.
Fucking phone lol
Russian rentaghost.. wasn’t that the 80s politburo.
You might have lived near a school but did you ever attend? Rumour has it you failed the round/square window entrance exam for Play School.
And what’s with this bragging about having a garden? No wonder you were gifted CotY by admin. Posh boys sticking together? Ron Knee needs to do an investigation into your claims to be a true Northener.
Bloody hell Bertie I remember walking to primary school in short trousers as well. My knees and thighs looked and felt as though they’d been sandpapered! Back of my hands were broken and raw.
Fuck that for a game these days. There’s some sleet falling, so I’m staying in the house with my feet up, eating Quality Street and drinking coffee, and savouring the sight of the wife’s tight little bottom as she wanders in and out.
Morning all.
Remember having to play football in the winter Ron?
On a frozen pitch in the fog.
Wearing just your shorts and a T-shirt.
If you fell over the frozen mud would cut you.
The leather, laced up football would get wet and weigh about 10 pounds.
If a bigger kid was able to kick the fucking thing high enough for a header then everyone would duck and get out of the way.
No way would you want that thing landing on you.
The sports teacher got to keep a little warmer by wearing a track suit.
The sadistic cunt.
I am feeling cold just remembering these things.
Then cross country runs the Hereford mob would baulk at.
Three fucking miles through mud and icy puddles, in shorts and an Artex t-shirt, in plimsolls.
With the bastard Head Teacher shouting
“Come on, lads” while wearing a damned near floor length wool coat and sipping whisky from his hip flask, whilst chain smoking!
Ah, yes, I remember it well!
Golden school days, my fucking arse!
No mistake Bertram, they used to sell them in Woodworths.
Different Worlds, different Worlds, amply illustrates how helpless so many have become in the coddled country England.
Bloody hell, I have just turned the heating up.
Back in the big freeze 1963, I was in what was called, in those days the infants school. The fiercesome head mistress Miss Quartly gave us one concession, we could wear long trousers!!! Outside toilets in those days.
Outside toilets with frozen pipes. At least those at our school were.
Same here at my junior school. If you went out for a piss it steamed like a pressure cooker.
Wonder what the temperature is like in Yakutia in summer?
I like to wear hot pants in summer.
Apparently it’s been known to reach the giddy heights of -10.
In Yakutsk, it’s a good idea, once in a while, to jump in the fridge, to thaw out. Or so a bloke down the pub told me. Blah, blah, blah!
Soft wokies.Oven them to warm up.
Now now Edward, don’t go hurting their ‘feelings’…
They’ll demand an apology.
Nah, just tell them the oven is a safe space. Climb in shut door. frying tonight.
I was a schoolkid in the winter of 63. Did my paper round. Walked 11 miles to an unheated school. In bare feet and speedos.
Funniest thing I’ve seen in ages (outside of this fine website of course)…
That was priceless, Baron.
Enjoyed that Baron.
What a soft fucking twat.
When I was 6 i walked about a mile to and from school.
Well, I say walk but I ran everywhere in those days. I guess the Peter Files thought I was too fast to bother chasing. Or too ugly (as if!)
Used to do ‘cross country’ in PE during winter. It was just the PE ‘teacher’ being a lazy cunt, watching us run around and around the huge school field. He’d check every so often from the comfort of his office window with a brew and newspaper in hand. I remember my breath burning my chest to fuck, due to the freezing cold air.
We’d play school football matches on waterlogged pitches. It would be freezing and the ball would end up weighing about 10 stone and moving about 2 foot if you wellied it through the swamp of a pitch. In primary (yes primary) I remember broken bones and concussions during games. Games carried on. One lad in secondary was told to ‘run it off’ (a broken ankle lol). His mum kicked off about that one to be fair.
Oh and the ex army PE teacher in secondary was a big cricket fan and wanted to get us to ‘defend’ against an 80s West Indies style attack. He’d bowl bouncers at us idiots without helmets on. A few got hurt but fuck knows how nobody got killed.
Toughened us up though.
We didn’t have tranny kids in my day. They’d have been stomped unconscious…and the teachers would’ve joined in and ‘all.
No kids ‘transioning’, no sissies or nancy boys.
No kids with allergies or intolerances.
We ate everything that was put in front of us.
No kids ‘clinically obese’.
No kids with ‘mental health issues’.
Every boy had a pocket knife, nobody ever got stabbed.
And best of all…… No bloated sense of self importance due to Social Media.
Good point about allergies. I don’t remember one kid with an allergy when I was at school.
We had a kid allergic to deadarms.
Kanye “I like Hitler” West is on Piers Morgan at 8pm, btw…
Probably going to be a batshit-crazy 2 hours.
Fuck me, watching this now and Ye is a fucking spaz. Piers asks him to clarify his horrifying remarks and he just acts like a child. Guy is going to end up smearing himself in his own shit and running on stage and the Oscars or something worse. Total Froot-Loop. If this is what having billions of dollars does to the human mind, I’ll give that a miss.
Does he have a point or not?
Personally, I think four be twos are sound, but they have a few over paranoid types, who think honkies are going to gas them again.
That fear is understandable, looking at WW2 imo.
But some go too far. But some of our honkies are worse.
A mixture of commies and a minority of over paranoid fourbees is why the world has gone mental
I might write a book about it.
Honestly, I have no idea what his points are. And that was after a 2 hour interview. He just babbles away and acts serious then silly, Piers cunt though he is, came off as a calm, reasonable person just wanting clarification and if anything, Mr West will have confused Jews and the rest of us even more after this. Kind of sad to see a great artist like this just lose the fucking plot over… George Floyd, Jews, Hitler? He needs to take the rest if the decade off, go live in Africa like Dave Chappelle did.
Here’s the Kanye interview in full. Worth watching…
Yeah, Kanye is… not well, he looks very tired, not making sense. Not sure what he wants us to do. I’m not gassing Jews, mate, too much like hard work. Just carry on with your lives, folks, the world’s current state of play is just temporary.
Various highlights of Kanye’s brain-farts…
He called Biden, “retarded” that’s so cruel. Joe Biden is the greatest leader of all time.
Kanye calls Piers Morgan, “BOY!”…
Hahaha! 😀 What a circus of spastics.
Andrew Tate is on Piers Morgan at 8pm…
You’ll love him, he says the unsayable.
Andrew Tate is an absolute cunt and god to teenage incel school shooters.
What’s with the fake American Accent? He grew up in Luton FFS
He beat his girlfriend who was some sort or e-thot.
Everything he does is for fame/notoriety/self promotion/money at any cost.
This is what passes for a role model in the 21st century.
No wonder we’re so fucked as a society.
Tate is an interesting guy. We need to de-pussify men in society and though he isn’t exclusively the guy to do it, it’s a start. He’s someone to keep an eye on, whatever your opinion on him is. He looks like Ming the Merciless, though! 😀
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is the laughing stock of the world.
We are seen as weak, self defeating, self flajulating, self destructive, disorganised, innefective – hell bent on implosion …. and they are right.
Our ‘leaders’ took the ‘GREAT’ out of our country and flushed it down the toilet long ago.
I have little hope left for change for the better.
My ancestors, who fought wars for this country, would be disgusted at the state of this country today 🙁