We all know that for the most part, foreign aid is not an exact science. Instead a good chunk of it probably ends up in the grubby hands of the usual suspects, while only a fraction goes out to those it was intended for.
But it also makes me wonder why the UK keeps on doing this when by and large the countries in receipt of our aid don’t particularly like us anyway, and show little or no gratitude for our money.
It does seem rather ironic that during the height of the British Empire, Britain was offering not only financial aid, but education, science, medicine, infrastructure, justice and above all trade & commerce.
Of course a lot of these benefits are ignored these days. Instead everything is centred on the negative aspects of our colonial past – namely slavery and exploitation.
However, even though the Empire has now been consigned to the history books, the UK still feels obliged to shell out billions to its former domains as well as existing countries within the Commonwealth. But again, one has to wonder why? If those countries want their independence or no longer need our aid they should say so and start standing on their own two feet!
And yet when the government threatens to cut the foreign aid budget there’s a furore from the Opposition, from charities, the MSM and those very same countries who wanted nothing more to do with the UK – except for the money.
And now we have this unsurprising news that hundreds of millions of pounds bound for Afghanistan has ended up in the wrong hands, thanks to a report published by the Independent Commission on Aid Impact (ICAI).
ICAI were quite damning in their findings regarding the management and targeting of aid, more or less insisting that ministers at the Foreign Office must try harder to make sure every penny ends up in the right hands.
But we all know its bollocks. Nothing will ever change. The UK government has given billions in aid to African countries such as Uganda and Zimbabwe in the past, but again huge amounts ended up in the pockets of dictators such as Mugabe and Amin. But again nothing changed.
One of the great quotes regarding foreign aid is that you’re essentially taking money away from poor people in rich countries to give to rich people in poor countries.
Never a truer word has been said and it needs to stop. Now!
Nominated by: Technocunt
We’ve been funding India’s space programme for years…
Excellent nomination.
Foreign aid is yet another misnomer. It’s called what it isn’t.
What it IS:
Leaders trying to sleep at night by thinking they are actually doing good (Naivete at it’s highest)
Corrupt siphoning of our money to who, what, and where only God knows.
A campaign if deception to keep the victims of this theft (us the taxpayer) at ease. “Aid” evokes feelings of goodwill toward man.
A giving away of our nation to foreigners.
The USA is doing the EXACT SAME SHIT.
I remember ex governor of Texas Rick Perry as a candidate for POTUS was going to cut off all aid to everyone and re evaluate. Some cunt journo asked, “Does that include Isreal?” He answered, “Yes”.
I think he would’ve been a good president.
Great nom Techno ?
Give them nowt accept a bayonet point and a swift kick up the Khyber.
A first class cunting.
You’d think after all these decades of doling out billions we’d be in a position to stop this particular gravy train,after all Whitey bad,Blek supreme.
Surely given how excellent Africunts,Stanleys and Chinks are they’d have sorted themselves out and wouldn’t need a penny of our evil bounty.
What a surprise..these lying cunts know a soft touch when they see one,aided by an army of fifth columnists and outright traitors..the BBC,the Twatter army,charities funded by Bill Gates etc etc.
We’ve been bled dry and still they pick over the carcass.
Thick as pig shit
It’s a scam, a fucking scam. The rich and powerful cunts in these shitholes take the money and favour British companies with contracts…….the same companies that are owned by the MPs rich mates and which they probably own shares in themselves. It’s just a system of bribery paid for by the taxpayer. That’s why the money never gets to the poor cunts who haven’t got a pot to piss in. It was never intended for them in the first place.
I wouldn’t give these third world shitholes the steam off my jizz.
Very well said.
As my old grandad put it, ‘wouldn’t give the fuckers the skin off a fart’.
Its funny how the Left decried Britain as ‘insignificant’ and ‘inward looking’ and would damage our reputation overseas as a world power following our vote to leave the EU mafia state but we always need to “lead the way” and “set an example” when there are billions in free money to be had.
Foreign aid should consist of 3ton of rubber Johnny’s and 20 hectare of landmines.
The scrounging brown slurry.
India has money, China has money,
Africa has mineral wealth.
Fuck em.
Any money should stay in the UK for the benefit of our own people.
I hate foreigners,
Mithering all the time.
Even white ones.
We helped Ukraine against russian aggression ,
I think now’s the time to show a bit of gratitude.
Few hundred ton of grain.
Maybe we send them the dinghy people?
That’d be nice?
Yeah, give the dinghy raiders a helmet and a rusty old bayonet and let them take on the Red Army. Seems fair to me. They have hotels over there don’t they?
100% agreed MNC?
Correct, we should be sending rubber jonnies. How many charity ads start with some woman with a baby in the middle of a war or famine?
Proud that we have third biggest giveaway, no I am fucking not, 0.5% of GDP pissed right down the fucking shitter.
I wrote to my MP to ask what is the total amount of money we are giving away, from channel migrants to African shitholes, to my surprise I got a reply, he has asked the foreign office for answers, promising to update me.
My fag packet guess, with everything included it will be in the region of 20 billion, what a fucking disgrace.
The stupid fucking Labour and SNP think that spending shit loads of money in Africa will stop the cunts coming here, just like ‘safe and legal routes’ will make a blind bit of difference to the channel invasion.
Correct,we’ve been had.
Money thrown away by people who tell us we have to turn off our heating yet never pay their own bills.
Our “government” is actively working to ruin us.
They are Unkle.Send the lot to your oven
Our freezing elderly could sit around it and warm up.
Saw a scrounging advert on the box, last night, for water aid or something for Nigeria, so I thought I’d look up their air force – see attached link. If the fuckers can afford a fleet like that, they can afford to sort out their own fucking drinking water.
The feckless cunts.
First line – “Many lawmakers preferred to rely on the United Kingdom for air defence”.
I bet they fucking did!
The Nigerians are quite happy to take western money whilst also being completely in the pocket of the Yellow Peril.
The filthy cunts need nuking.
I’d like to see a few fights between the blackıes and the tiddlywinks, UT.
3 sootıes vs probably 8 or 9 dog-eaters, keep things fair.
Oh very much so Thomas.
A wonderful Christmas gift,if only the bleks weren’t so inept at everything they could have right bloody set to.
Bodies brown and yellow a mile high.
“I say this to you, my friend, that boy has ahhpneumonia, that boy has ahhpneumonia, that girl has a ahhpneumonia…”
That article on your link DCI is surely a piss-take? N*g- n*gs, some of them female, flying fast jets? Have you seen them trying to drive motor cars? Hahahahaha!
I’ve been home down to Leicester this weekend. Our chocolate brethren can’t drive, can they?
I can understand the need for emergency funding in the wake of a natural disaster.
What I don’t understand is my fucking taxes being used to prop up a load of bone idle foreign shite I’ve no interest in, or even heard of in a lot of cases.
Britain first. Oh, hang on a bit, there’s a political party called Britain First, who everyone hates because they want to put Britain first. I wouldn’t want to seem jingoistic by wanting my taxes to benefit British people.
Emergency funding?
You mean to make the disaster worse, DoC?
That’d be the only way I’d give a contribution…if there was some group of shadowy cunts who’d had enough of the proliferation of 3rd world spongers and was actively working to bump ’em off, millions at a time.
Traitors.They aren’t interested in our country.Riding the gravy train.Bunch of feckless shites.Public gallows.
Your money, the money you are taxed on, the money that should stay in the UK.
But no, it goes to this shower of shite..
Taking liberties.Shit weasels.
They are not “refugees”. Refugees don’t have five grand to give to some dodgy cunt with a dinghy and a life jacket. If I needed 5 grand to save my life tomorrow where the fuck would I get it from? Not from this cunting government that’s for sure.
Totally agree Freddie.We are being taken for a ride.Time to stop the water rats coming into our country.Bren gun as a deterrent.
If it’s got 50+ satellites orbiting Earth, nuclear weapons and a space programme (a la Pakistan), it can fuck off (even if they did have a flood (which wasn’t the West’s fault, either)). Sponging Cunts. Especially if its in the Commonwealth or a near neighbour.
Can’t have it both ways chaps, fair is fair and all that).
No problem helping out when the money is needed and proof of its use can be provided. Splurging millions every year on utter bollocks because some political pig fucker thought that giving loads of money to thieving fuckwits was cool. Fuck me we even supported Somalias version of the spice girls.
Money that should be used to better the lives of the people who pay taxes etc ain’t for throwing away.
As for giving money to fucking Afghanistan whoa there boys and girls, ample evidence exists to show that most of US and U.K. “aid” money was spunked up the wall by legions of warlords, bent goveners and so on. An episode in history which is being rapidly forgotten by all those in positions of power over us.
Let’s hope those blankets have been effected with smallpox.
And ?pox
Put Baroness Mone and a few Tory Ministers in charge of dishing it out….that’ll ensure our tax Pounds don’t end up in the hands of those corrupt foreigners and remains firmly in good old British pockets ( or Swiss bank accounts possibly)
Charity begins at home.
Please remember this, if you’re daft enough to donate any of your hard earned to anyone other than HMRC.
Water Aid, pft!
If they can walk 8 miles, they have the stamina to dig a well. Donate a shovel!
As for the staff at HMRC, get back to the office, you fucking idle twats!
Foreign Aid
Dinghy Scum in hotels
Ex services on the streets.
Shameful ☹️
State of our national finances,the Cunts should be sending us money.
Bung! And a percentage returned under cover. Its called corruption. It is criminal, and is a serious crime. Those who participate receive their rewards at some point in time and by various means. No one becomes a Minister without leaving Office far wealthier than when they first went in.
If you or I were to conduct ourselves and our finances in such a way, we would be jailed.
I note that a favourite pastime at tea and biscuits is Monopoly. It is there that most get out of jail cards are collected.
I favour the French Method of bringing about Change ! The Guillotine and a purge of the ruling class.
I wouldn’t give them the satisfaction of chewing the organic cheese behind my foreskin.
Spot on nomination ?
*Foreign Aid
*Net Zero
*Illegal Immigration
*Taxation at record highs
*Energy prices 2.5x the norm
+Road fuel prices 1.4x the norm
*Inflation well into double digits
*Interest rates fast catching up
*Council Tax about to ramp up 5%
*Strikes everywhere
*Electricity rationing if the weather gets really cold
*Politicised police force
*Paying foreigners to slaughter themselves
*London roads a no-go zone if you don’t have non- polluting car
*40 million cars to be banned from the roads in 2030 with <1million electric cars, owned by the rich middle classes, to replace them
*House sales of older, non-EPC compliant properties, about to be banned (that’s 75% of housing stock BTW)
I could go on…
How do we get “normality” restored? It’s certainly not by voting Lib/Lab/Con – wean yourself off the “tribal voting”!
The great re set is looming.I despair ?
The filthy bastards get paid twice. Once within their shithole countries, and again when they arrive here in their dinghies.
Get a fucking grip and listen to the voters you stupid arrogant cunts.
Food banks, folk can’t put the heating on, increasing numbers of our children need free school meals.
Never mind, your hard earned goes to a good cause…?
If your piss isn’t boiling, it will be when you read this..
I blame us ( i.e the able bodied members of society) for not rioting in the streets over this shit.
If I wasn’t so frail and doddering I would make the 5-hour trip to Downing Street and shit on the steps of Number 10.
To generate some UK Business I would give these Countries a Chit to buy UK made Goods only, no Money
I Remember when Zimbabwe Was Given some Extra Aid by Robin Cook under Blair he Just bought Some much needed Guns from China
In Pakistan the Foreign Aid is available as loans to their people.
Someone gets a loan for £20k, they come over here and start a business and then default on the loan payments back home, which then gets written off.
We then send them more loan funds