A long overdue cunting for Activists demanding that white people all should be Slavery Apologists. And a double cutting for those who entertain this shit.
The Slave trade was almost 300 years ago, was not an original idea of “whitey”, just commercially optimised by the Brits who had more business sense than their competitors.
So, why now are we expected to apologise, reverentially cow to “activists” and endorse these kind of art display, undoubtedly funded by the taxpayer?
Blacks attempts at changing the narrative again. White “indentured servants” were prolific well into the 20th century, I know as I’ve ancestors who were slaves by all but name. I don’t see any tributes to them, or kneeling before sports games, but they cant wait to do it for black criminals or “aspiring grime artists”.
Oh, and is the BLM founder still living in a huge mansion in a white part of Louisiana?
So, a massive cunting for all the propagandist twats and those that believe them.
Nominated by: Diego Tardelli
We Have Given Them Our Country Without A Fight. What Else Do They Want?
All de whitey in a mass grave.
What civilisation & society do you imagine these savages will create. When all us whites have gone?
See Somalia for details…
Grape Fanta and a bargain bucket.
Some Jamaican wanker was on The World At One last week – he is suing a Tory MP for “reparations” (how quickly they pick up white man’s language) as the MPs family owned slaves three hundred years ago, and is talking of suing the Royal Family (good luck with that) and the government.
They are too lazy to make money of their own they just beg, borrow or steal everybody else’s.
California governor Gavin Newsom is planning to give almost $570B to every black resident, almost $223,200 each, for past housing discrimination in the state.
Its a good job that California hasn’t got a massive homeless problem or anything. Maybe Hollywood can just stop making films for a couple of decades and give the cost of the films that would undoubtedly have been woke flops straight to the comoontiee as reparations.
That’ll buy an awful lot of guns, trainers, crack and chiggun.
And hoes, Ron.
They must be very active gardeners with the amount of hoes they seem to get through.
The cunts have always had a chip on their shoulders but when some twatterist decided to link it all to slavery it sent the whole rotten mess into overdrive.
I doubt they’ll ever shut up about it ever again.
What they possibly have overlooked is that the vast majority of people see them for what they are,fulling bad eggs and a drain on any society.
Fuck off you cunt of a phone or I’ll post you to Haiti.
Haiti has a postal service?
Black slaves are a total MYTH.
All photos that exist are in black and white.
If they were in colour you would clearly see that the so called chains are infact BLING!
So they were well paid that’s for sure.
Very selective about this aren’t they?
The slave trade was less black and white ( literally) than presented by wokies. The clue is in the name “ trade”. Africans traded with whitey to capture and hand over slaves to export to the Americas. Africans were motivated by tribal grievances and good old fashioned money to do this. An abhorrent trade for sure, but one in which Africa is as much to blame as anyone else.
Strange how they never mention the 5 million African slaves that currently live in the UAE.
Obviously, I use the term ‘live’ very loosely.
We all have 2 parents, 4 grandparents, 8 great grandparents etc………
Go back to the early 16th century when the African slave trade started and that’s about 10 generations.
We are all directly related to about 1.000 ancestors from that time.
Despite what we consider as being our ‘whiteness’ it is almost a certainty that each of us have a direct relative that was a slave.
Similarly, despite what they consider as being their ‘blackness’ it is almost a certainty that each of them has a direct relative that was a slave trader or plantation owner.
There is fuck all to apologise for.
Should English people be demanding apologies and money from the Italians and Scandinavians that invaded their country many centuries ago and took slaves?
Or indeed anyone who’s family may have been whisked away by Barbary pirates.
They seem to gloss over that one.
Word of advice for Lord Fiddler:
You’d better make sure you’re only keeping white sex slaves in your dungeon. Any sooties will be demanding reparations once you tire of them and set them free.
There’s no worry about reparations when they leave my boudoir of carnal delights,Geordie….my vast patio isn’t built on the blood,sweat and tears of the exploited poor…oh,no,it has much more solid foundations than that.
Like Fred West’s? ?
Any negřo can have reparations if they can write the word down legibly, with correct spelling and without a honky to help them.
Result: zero payouts.
Dems lurrned how to spell and do numbers at the Diana Abbot College of Maffs and Engrish.
Dayy 1: How to get dat compensaation, innit. Aks, and you shall receive.
‘Aks’, CM?
I think you’ll find it’s ‘axe’.
If they were complaining on the grounds of animal cruelty they may have a point.
They want us to become slaves. No togetherness just trying to be divisive and break everything and get a free pass on their own racism. Fuck um.
All a bunch of wankers
All a bunch of useful idiots, dancing to the tune of the cultural Marxists to bring about quiet socialist revolution.
There was slavery in the UK well into the 20th century.
My grandmother’s 2 sisters and a brother were “domestic servants” on the Northumberland estates of some rich cunts in the 1930s.
Paid a pittance, housed in pokey draughty attic rooms,at the Beck and call of even the most junior members of the family 24/7.
My great aunt told me that they were regarded as just another possession of the estate owners, slaves in effect.
Why did they go into service in the first place?
Because there was no alternative. These rich bastards owned everything for miles in each direction. Farms, whole villages even. Everything.
And to travel anywhere else meant only that you’d be on the land of some other rich cunt and the same rules applied.
Poor buggers even had to go cap in hand to the Lord of the Manor for permission to marry.
Chances are your ancestors were all affected by this system.
Should we all be seeking reparation?
Certainly we have as much right as these activist bastards.
Next time I fill in a form or cencus that asks for my ethnic group, I may put myself down as a white w*g.
Still goes on today. It’s just more subtle.
Good Afternoon GG
If I were you I would have a word with Sir Dick Fiddler. I am sure he would be up to give you some reparations, maybe a visit to the hall for the weekend, a ride out with the hounds, shoot a few cyclists. free use of his sex slaves and as much of his Cockburn’s ’53 that you can drink. Would that sort things out?
It is amazing how we have all become more equal during the 20th and 21st centuries.
Those workers of the industrial revolution during the 19th century were little better than slaves and in many cases were worse off, with a very similar life expectancy. probably less since we didn’t have the benefit of the Caribbean sunshine. As you say above people only flocked to the industrial mills because conditions in the countryside were even worse.
Of course it is the descendants of these workers who are being asked to pay the reparations.
There’s no Fucker who’ll get as much as a brass farthing out of me.
I don’t want your farthing sir.
But I may sneak into your stately glasshouse and relieve myself against your pineapples and nectarines.
Orangery is the correct term. Fiddler will be disappointed in the etiquette.
They’ll be flying day trips to the Moon before any apology comes out of my mouth. The ungrateful, chip on their shoulder bastards.
Time someone told these inferiors to fucking shut up.
Namby pamby soft cunts who refuse to say
1 where did the slaves come from. Arabs and different black tribes.
2 who stopped slavery, WE DID.
King Flap Ears and Prince Baldybollocks have already apologised for slavery as has Evil Eyes Traitor Blair. So they already have the “evidence” that they need. You can be sure that those cunts and their ilk won’t be parting with a single penny. We all know who will be paying for this assertion of “historical justice.”
I’m seeking reparations for my great,great,great grandad who was forcibly removed from behind the bikesheds by the Worcestershire warrior clan..
Selling oneself into slavery to pay off debt should be legal.
I would apologize for slavery if I had participated.
I didn’t.
So you’re invited to fuck off!
You want reparations? Move to California. That cunt governor Newsome is starting that bullshit over there where they must have orchards of magic money trees.
They’ve been here for 70 years and think There’s no British history without black people?
The narcissism and ignorance is incredible.
Keep pushing this shite by all means, media luvvies. Resentment is brewing amongst the 87%.
As for slavery, try getting cash from the Turks, Arabs, Berbers and Portuguese and see how far you get. The Arabs are still at it, and they were into it before the Brits.
Slavery is still alive and well in Africa, 190 years after it was abolished in the British Empire.
No doubt some handy, well paid “expert” will declare that it’s “our” fault anyway…
I full support educating children in schools about slavery in Great Britain, but let’s not cherry pick, eh, to pander to a certain race and anyone suffering from the dreaded “white guilt”.
Let’s teach about slavery on a timeline when the Romans took British slaves during the Roman Conquest, let’s go onto medieval slavery in the UK, yes, teach about the African slaves but also the early 20th Century British slaves and even modern slavery in Africa.
Blacks do not have the monopoly on slavery, despite what some disenfranchised ones attempt to ingrain within the more feeble-minded in society. There’s money and power to be made out of protesting how downtrodden you are due to your skin colour. Just look at Patrisse Cullors and how well she is now sitting in her £6m mansion. Her obedient Blek Lives Mither supporters could only dream of such a windfall.
Daft cunts.
Also tell them that this country was the foremost in the world to end the abhorrent trade. We employed the navy (whilst still fighting the French) to intercept slavers, leading to War of 1812 with the Americans, during which we burnt down the White House. 🙂 . We gave out subsidies to France and Spain to end their use of slaves. We have a lot to be of which to be proud.
France stopped slavery before Britain, Wanksock. It was the first major country to abolish it.
My Great great grandfather fought in the Anglo Brazilian war about slavery. Dirty Portuguese were doing it until fairly recently. How about go piss them off and get water cannoned instead.
My Great great grandfather fought in the Anglo Brazilian war about slavery. Dirty Portuguese were doing it until fairly recently. How about go piss them off and get water cannoned instead.
The British Government (the British people then) took out a massive loan in 1834 to pay off slave owners and this was not fully repaid until 2015. As this was clearly a waste of time and some people clearly still don’t regard themselves as free agents, can we have this money back plus interest?
Reparations? We are all still waiting for our compo & an apology from the Romans, Vikings & Normans, ‘for what they did to us.’ Until then shut the fuck up & join the queue.
Yeah! Get to the back of the bus!
How about some compo from the Japs for the war crimes committed against our POWs? They’ve got plenty of dough.
Oi!! Cough up Tojo you tight fisted slippery cunt.
Ah yes,the Roman occupation.
Let’s all picket our local Italian restaurant for free pizza as reparation for the atrocities of their ancestors. Lousy,evil wop slavemongers.
When Claudius marched into Colchester,he headed an army comprised partly of African and Asian soldiers.
The fucking darkies were looting and raping on the English High Street 2000 years ago.
Here we have an argument for counter claiming reparation from the negroid community.
See how far we’d get with that argument.
We’d be cried down as stupid, irrational and barking mad.
They had the balance right in 30s era Alabama and other southern US states.
Why if a negro so much as dang held your gaze he’d receive a whupping
You could go dance an drink with other decent white folk , go honkey Tonkin.
Then in the pickup on your way home,
See that chippy cotton picker?
You could blow his melon off with your shotgun.
And the town sheriff would help dump the body.
Same with those civil rights types in the 60s.
After that things went downhill..
As long as there’s money to be made out of race-baiting, there will be those who will milk it.
‘Racist’ has now become one of those go-to knee jerk responses of the wokerati towards anyone who refuses to bow down slavishly to their agenda. My immediate response would be ‘mindless race-baiter!’.
Afternoon all
Hello dere Ron. Where’s U bin?
Get cunting.
Seconded from me. Hope you have been OK Ron?
Thanks lads.
Yeah, having not been away for years, in April the wife and I decided to splash out big time on our own ‘grand tour’, taking in Florida, Gran Canaria, Scotland, London, Northumberland and Andalucia. We’re now back home for the festive season, but will head off again in the NY.
I’m glad to see that all you cynics are keeping up the good work.
Fuck reparations for them….their descendants still haven’t paid my family for kindly shipping them from a mud hut in Africa to a tin-shack and guaranteed job on our extensive sugar plantations in the Caribbean.
Fucking Ingrates.
Slavery has always been endemic in Africa. It still is. The Atlantic trade was kicked off by blacks in what is now Angola/Congo because they wanted Portuguese baubles. Around 1500. Before the plantations in the New World.
The slaves that ended up over the Atlantic were by and large supplied by blacks.
Wherever the fuckers ended up – Caribbean, USA, S America and now Europe, has been impoverished by their presence.
It’s all bollocks.
They fuckin loved it!
Why they can’t shut up about it.
Only time they’ve all worked or had structure to their lives.
Don’t let em kid ya.
They’d have those manacles back on and be singing in the fields first chance they got.
They like it hard.
300 years of work since man evolved..
And most of it outside in the sun..
That’s like working one morning delivering newspapers once a year..
What they complaining about…
Ah,those beautiful pre-motown hits.
Dat ol’ man ribber.
Hey lordy, pick a bale of cotton.
Poor ol’ Joe.
De Camp town Ladies, do da do da day.
We can experience emotion and have some sympathy for what our parents had to endure through and after the war years.
We may have some thoughts about the plight of our grandparents in earlier times, but for all of us it stops around there.
We are too far removed from our great grandparents and ancestors further back to have anything other than passing curiosity.
That’s the way we are wired.
It’s impossible to feel any real emotion for what our distant relatives endured during the days of the Spanish Armada or the Roman occupation, for instance.
The outrage and indignation that black people claim to feel about events hundreds of year’s ago is entirely manufactured.
They think that they should be angry and so that’s exactly how they act.
But that’s all it is, an act.
They want sympathy, special attention and of course, money from their acting.
Anyone giving in to their demands is an idiot.