I’m sick of this sword swallower!
I get it.
Your gay.
I don’t give a fuck!!
Quit your fuckin whining.
Always making a big song and dance about his sexuality,
People say he’s brave.
I don’t.
I say he’s a shit stirrer,
A trouble causer,
And a boring little cunt.
He’s moaning about Quatar and it’s record on LGBTQ rights (zzzzzz?)
Just don’t go,
Stop telling others how to live,
Thought you’d like them?
They wear nighties.
And I think he’s a wrong un .
Not my first choice as babysitter.
Nominated by: Miserable northern cunt
A filthy pædo (allegedly) who looks like he ought to have died from AIDS years ago.
To give him some slight credit though, at least he (in public) doesn’t don wimminz’s clothes and a pink beret, like thay sickening freak Edwina Izzard.
(You’ve woke in a bit of a grumpy mood, Thomas. Hangover? – Day Admin)
Hi ho, not in the slightest, DA…it’s more, as Mr Fiddler states below, the pandering.
Indulging this degenerate old windbag (who campaigned to have the age of consent lowered to 14).
Indulging/attempting to normalise self-important tran§bumders.
It just winds me up!
Ridiculous that people are trying to force “Western values” onto a Country that is nothing to do with them…pandering to every demented,yet highly vocal, minority group has brought nothing but trouble for the West.
Tatchell ( and others) should keep their noses out.
Agree with the sentiment entirely Dick. However I feel the degenerate would be best advised to go to Qatar and tell the locals what a bunch of intolerant reprobates they are. I’m sure he could talk them out of their old fashioned prejudices.
Perhaps we could do what so many Countries are doing to us by sending their very brightest and best and,in return, send dingy loads of Fruity Gentlemen to Quatar to colonise and turn downtown Doha into a simply marvellous,sparkly Botter’s Middle-Eastern paradise…..Tatchell, Izzard,Tom Daley and,of course, Dame Elton of the Rear-Poopdeck can lead the armada.
I think he should go to catarrh. Free gliding lessons from the car park roof.
Sorry Termujin, I posted at 12:13 before I read your post. But you certainly put it far more succinctly than me!
Great minds think alike Arfur
Morning Fiddler/Thomas/all .
It’s arrogant.
Go to a country and start dictating how they should act.
I was hoping some virtue signaller would push it and offend Arab sensibility.
Get a flogging!
Luckily the next World cup is in North Korea
Oh an Tatchell looks like a young ducky Peter Cushing.
It’s our values. It’s the right thing to do, and other platitudes.
That’s why we were entirely justified in invading Iraq (twice),, Afghanistan, bombing Syria, agitating for Gaddafi’s murder, amongst other international embarrments and war crimes.
It’s why we need to freeze, so the poor oppressed children in the Ukraine can have the right to cut off their genitals, go to Pride marches and young lads can get married to Elton John types. Perfectly normal. Healthy. Desirable for a stable society.
Democracy. Down the barrel of a gun. Be who you are.
Go team bumboy!!!
Russia is actively encouraging like minded people to emigrate there.
Perhaps you would be happier there?
Bit nippy this time of year Gutstick. Like Japan.
Japan aren’t that fussed on taking in anyone whereas Russia will pay you. Probably.
Yes, Putin might even give his mummy and daddy a sheep if he joins up to become cannon fodder.
?️? LGBTQatar i …continues ad infinitum
Another fucking immo causing nothing but trouble. Since when did we have to start importing bummers? Half the Palace of Westminster are leap froggers for a kick off.
As cunts go he is consistent.
Still a massive boring virtue signalling Cunt , but consistent.
This is a medical diagram of what Tatchell is stashing in his slacks:
I read somewhere that there are quares that are deliberately infecting themselves with the Aids. The gift, I believe they call it, bug-chasers they call themselves.
Having a prolapsed pop-hole is probably going to be some kind of fashion statement soon. Sprinkle glitter on it, have a couple of piercings in it.
As the good book says …. they will receive in their own bodies the due reward of their deeds.
Thanks Thomas.
I think I’ll leave the plum tomatoes off the fry up this morning. ?
I’ve seen a prolapsed arsehole. Worse in real life than your picture, Thomas.
In the line of work DCI?
Or leisure?
My work, the patient’s probable leisure! It was almost winking at us!
See Ron Knee’s back? On the ‘Nominations’ page.
Yeah clocked that.
Nice one!
Yuk! too much on a Sunday. Why not something more palatable? A nice clip or pic for the Horn Section on Isac.
Good on the Qatari’s.
Showing some backbone, not rushing to appease every degenerate and ponce that shows up.
That’s how you end up a third world shit-hole like……………………that’s right this country..
Tatchell is an old fashioned gay. As such he doesn’t demand that you acknowledge he’s a girl or wear huge prosthetic breasts and a mini skirt whilst competing in the women’s 100 meters. That makes him look like a he-man and a beacon of wholesome family values compared to todays freaks. Without that contrast he’d be a bit of a sanctimonious cunt.
Just another nonentity to ignore, which is always more painful for them. I only got up for a piss, now I’m going back to sleep.
Last election when Labour took a battering,
They were told it was because they’d ignored traditional British values.
Notice now when Kier Starmer does a speech it’s like a Royal Jubilee with union Jack flags everywhere?
All these think tanks saying “show British values ‘.get the votes.
Lip service.
Any politicians on telly now mentions
‘Our Values’
They mean their values.
“Our values, tolerance,
Welcoming to immigrants, …”
Fuck off.
Not my values.
Why hasn’t he caught Monkey Pox?Dirty shirt lifter.
Nobody loves a fairy when he’s forty – and looking at that old Geoffrey Winn lookalike at 70+ what an insufferable old bastard he is. He reminds me of that other receiver of swollen goods Lord Mandy – they seem to think taking some dirty cock up your arse makes you superior to everyone else. According to today’s Mail it seems Mandy and Blair re trying to get that old closet queen David Miliband back into Parliament – prepare now for World War 3 – and all the other Labour poofters swinging their handbags.
The silly cunt is just in the business of being a fully paid up Gay.
The demented little cock Goblin is secretly gutted that the Transbummers and Lady Fisters have stolen his thunder.
Did I read he went to Qatar recently and survived?
Those Camel Shaggers have gone soft,is nowt sacred any more?
These cunts will get a shock when his leftwing buddies assist the take over our once beloved cuntry by Sharia law. It is coming .
I doubt our Chinese overlords will allow it…
He’s the Only Cunt I know who has a Full time Job as a Professional Shirt Lifter
Who the Fuck is Paying his Wages?
When I was at School in the 80’s I can’t remember any Gay Kids but now it’s Fashionable to be Gay or Tranny or a Freak
I think they just want to be noticed on TikTok etc
Trannies and lifters have self centred values. No care for slave labour deaths or oppressed women just me me me, I want to cottage in the Casbah.
Why is it important to these shirtlifters to bum someone in Qatar?
If there’s no bummers in the country, it’s hardly likely they’ll want to import any.
‘I say he’s a shit stirrer’ with his winkie ?
The Qatar police could have locked this cunt up when he did his little poofter stunt, but they didn’t, no rough stuff, poor Peter was hoping for a different reaction
Raddled old poove. Another one of the ‘look at me ducky’ types. Stop trying to enforce your unnatural beliefs on a muslamic country that believes in the teaching of the ‘good book’
He’ll have plenty to shout about as the sand dwellers take over in Blighty. His sort are encouraging the invasion of these shores, but will be the first group marched to the top of the Shard for a public execution in the new Islamic caliphate of Londonistan.
Piss be upon him.
In other news the Daily Star have a picture of a black fella with massive ears on their front page. Quality journalism.
Looks normal to me.
King Charles is black now?
Winston Churchill was Black.
The clue’s in the name. ?
Another gobshite turd-burglar that wants to dictate how other people should think & behave. I seem to recall this twat had a campaign to “out” famous gay people who preferred to keep it private; well, I’d “out” the interfering cunt – from a helicopter at 2000ft. High enough to do the job, but time enough to reflect on being what a complete cunt he’s been on the way down…
About fourteen seconds I reckon SG. Plenty of tme for reflection when you’re scared shitless.
This sort of sums up tachell.
Yawn. He’s going to die alone in his pokey flat, eaten by his cats and not noticed by anyone till the neighbours complain about the stench.
Hehehe ??
We can but hope.
I think they are used to strange smells.
Old Tatchell looks like he is getting ready to receive the money shot in his gaping maw, in the photo above.
I hope you cunters are enjoying your breakfasts. ?
Qatar and its reluctance to allow bumming is not a problem to the average Brit. We have a vast array of problems at home.
Peter rates the culture of Qatar way above freezing hungry families, homelessness and all the immediate problems facing the average British family. That’s the problem with Peter, no matter what else is going on, Peter gives not a fuck as long as gays can be openly deviant and the rest of us are meant to applaud and celebrate them.
He is noiw a pointless little cunt. He’s got what he wanted in the UK re gay rights….(reluctant) acceptance of his views and the laws changed to suit. He now has no agenda in th UK, so is irrelevant……to keep himself in the limelite he think his views and beliefs should be accepted by everyone else in the world. Dont sit in your comfy safe house in the UK whilst ‘bravely’ telling Qatar should also change their beliefs and laws……fuck off there and tell that to their faces. Cunt
Quentin Crisp (of all people) once asked Tatchell “what rights don’t we have?”
Cue lots of spluttering and fuming from poor little Peter.
Crisp should have got a knighthood for that one…
Quentin was proper.
A bummers bummer!
Cravat, makeup, handbag, scent of violets.
Put the effort in.
Didn’t do ambiguity.
Tatchell thinks he’s causing a culture shock?
Most gays have come out to their parents by 18yrs.
It’s like he’s at a tattoo convention hoping to shock because he’s had his ear pierced!!
Fuck off Pete you boring cunt.
Your not gay,
Your Mundane.
So run-of-the-mill.
Not talked about by chinless wankers at pretentious dinner parties any more.
I feel for him, I really do…
I would have thought it was more likely he’d be found up someone else’s arse.
Wonder if he’s still proud of his support for the P.I.E brigade ?
The one comment I would mention about this halfwits suggestion of lowering the age of consent, is you can’t lower it any further than what he’s already succeeded. (get the sarcasm) Thus by sucking the living daylights out of cocks that lowers the consent to the utmost limits of minus 9 months.
The fuckin tadpole swallower would lower the age of consent to 6months old.
I’m not bothered by bandits,
I’m very liberal minded.
Peed o’s?
Then hung.
Contrary to gay propaganda, they are often the same thing.
Or serial killers.
Contrary to homophobic propaganda they are no more often the same thing than heterosexuals are.
Over 50% of sex offenders currently in prison are gay/trans.
Facts aren’t phobic.
Due to the horse having already bolted, just line the streets with hay. It might come back.