Peter Tatchell (4)- Up his Own Arse!

I’m sick of this sword swallower!

I get it.
Your gay.
I don’t give a fuck!!
Quit your fuckin whining.

Always making a big song and dance about his sexuality,
People say he’s brave.
I don’t.
I say he’s a shit stirrer,
A trouble causer,
And a boring little cunt.

He’s moaning about Quatar and it’s record on LGBTQ rights (zzzzzz?)
Just don’t go,
Stop telling others how to live,
Thought you’d like them?
They wear nighties.

And I think he’s a wrong un .
Not my first choice as babysitter.

GBNews News Link

Nominated by: Miserable northern cunt

73 thoughts on “Peter Tatchell (4)- Up his Own Arse!

  1. How this filthy old queen has escaped either jail here in the UK or deportation back to his native Australia is beyond me?

    A very shady and sordid past indeed and one that if investigated a bit more closely would I imagine expose some severe wrongdoing. I’ve copied and pasted a paragraph here:

    ‘In a review of a 1986 collection of essays compiled by Warren Middleton, former vice-chairman of the Pàédo-phíle Information Exchange (PIE), Mr Tatchell, a gay rights campaigner, said that children should be “educated” so that they can decide when they want to have sex’

    Full article here:

    I’m sure cunters will draw their own conclusions about Tatchell suffice to say he is alot more than a ‘gay rights campaigner’……………….

    • Sure Harriet Harperson could help with any research on this matter. Being as she was in charge of the civil liberties group. PIE got their foot well in the door there.
      Cleanse with fire you know it makes sense.

    • I suspect Tatchell wouldn’t give a second thought to defiling some poor, confused 13 year old.

      Vile arsehole bandit.

  2. Isn’t he the cunt who poured engine oil on a test match cricket pitch to protest abaaht summink back in the 70s? Sums the cunt up.

  3. I was hoping that this whining bottybasher would be fed to dogs in Qatar.
    Ah well, can’t have everything…

  4. I couldn’t give a fuck about Tatchell, The FA, this England side or FIFA. they’re all bent, one way or another.

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