Ngozi Fulani (2)

This is a real piss boiler, any which way to call Racist.

It involves Lady Susan Hussey, who is not a cunt, former lady in waiting to the late Queen.

The attached link from the good old BBC reports that at a function hosted by Camilla about violence against women Lady H had a conversation with Ngozi Fulani where she clumsily (assuming the conversation was reported accurately) tried to establish Fulani’s heritage.
Posh royals do tend to speak in a way which isn’t ‘normal’ but from what I read it was far from racist, but don’t let that get in the way of sticking it to the royals (wait for MeAgain to wade in)

Who is Ngozi, well I am fairly sure I cunted her some time ago when her organisation Sistah space had their ‘office’ fitted out courtesy of Hackney council and then kicked off because they said it wasn’t suitable.

Lady H has done the honourable thing and resigned from her duties in the royal family to save further embarrassment but I firmly believe she wasn’t being racist.

Looking at the way the Nigzol was dressed anyone would assume she had flown in from some African shithole.

BBC News Link

Nominated by: Sick of it

And supported by these guys:-

Chuff Chugger

W.C. Boggs

Miles Plastic


Lord Cuntingford




(There were so many long and detailed nominations for this cunt that we decided not to cut & paste each one into a consolidated nom otherwise it would have been far too long and almost unreadable. Therefore we are crediting the authors instead. Fill yer boots! Thank you, guys – Day Admin)


128 thoughts on “Ngozi Fulani (2)

  1. Lady Sussan Hussey has a new fan in me, its just a shame she didnt say, how fuck did you get in here, is that our silverware in your huge headgear you fuck ugly egg and spoon, no pussy footing and trying to be nice required, it obviously dosnt get you anywhere, so fuck it, call a spade a spade and be done with it.
    May as well be guilty of what we are being accused of if we are going to get thrown to the dogs for being pleasant.

  2. No doubt a nice fat cheque from a certain isolated mansion in California will be winging its way to this fake bitch’s fake charity. Reward for a job well done.

  3. Question for Admin: is there a way to add an option on the mobile version to see older comments without having to switch back and forth?

  4. I imagine some people will be reading this fully justified cunting today and be sitting thinking “if it wasn’t for that racist old white woman – all of this could have been avoided.

  5. If this fake bitch is “British” how come she’s waltzing around dressed up like Winnie fucking Mandela? Isn’t that “cultural appropriation”, as is calling yourself a ridiculous African name?
    Or does that only apply to whitey?

    • Maybe, just maybe Lady Sussan Hussey at 83 years of age is displaying signs of senile decay. You do not touch a black mans head and certainly not a black womans head hair without their permission. Because this is how slaves were counted on plantations and slave ships. Ngozi when asked repeatedly ‘Where are you really from’ replied ‘From Hackney’ and that should have been the end of it in my my opinion and I’m not even black. The Lady should have taken the hint and fucked off and minded her right Royal own business instead.

      • I hear different.
        I heard they like to be patted on the head.

        The harder the better.
        It’s a sign of respec.

        Or pulling their wigs off.
        They like that too.

      • Lady Hussey should have asked her where she parked her spear.
        Maybe ‘Ngozi Fulani’ (real name Marlene Headly) can take her fake outrage, her fake victimhood and her fake African culturism and shove it up her enermous anti-white, pro-megain,anti-royal arse.
        We have a monarchy in this country. If you don’r like it fuck off.
        Ideally to America, where you can worship lying narcicst Meghan from afar (she won’t want to actually meet you, you aren’t uber rich or famous you pathetic cow)

  6. Racism will never be eradicated whilst there’s money to be made from it.

    And, fuck me, are they looking hard.

  7. Looking at the way the Nigzol was dressed anyone would assume she had flown in from some African shithole.

    Most places in the UK then ?

    • Exactly. If you dress like Eddie Murphy’s mum in ‘Coming To America’, expect questions.

  8. I give Fulani’s ex-husband full permission to come back and knock skittles of shit out of the self-obsessed little cunt, then smack her across her big fat rubbery lips, and perhaps a blacker eye. . Perhaps she needs the Sasha Johnson treatment?. She was another self-righteous attention seeking bitch.

  9. A few years ago, I nominated ‘Job Interview’ questions after a list of questions you’re not allowed to ask anymore was published. Here is the list:-

    1. What year were you born?
    2. Do you have any children?
    3. Are you physically fit and healthy?
    4. Are you in a relationship or married?
    5. Have you got any plans to start a family?
    6. Where is your accent from?
    7. Will you need flexible time for family life?
    8. Did you grow up outside the UK?
    9. Will you need time off during Half Term?
    10. Will you need personal time off for religious holidays?

    This latest bollocks is the continuation of this. It’s perfectly normal to ask which is somebody’s native country. I usually don’t as you have to pretend to be interested in their answer then listen to their endless gibbering about how beautiful it is, how warm it is, how fucking great their food is.

    If your country is so fucking great, might I suggest something….

      • Interviewer: What do you see yourself doing in 5 years time?

        Me: Sitting behind your desk you cunt, can’t you think of a more original question

  10. Married to BBC Chairman ‘Marmaduke’ Hussey.

    There is no way that she could be ‘up to date’ with racism married to a man called Marmaduke.

    I blame Marmaduke for not getting her up to speed on race relations nowadays.

    It was Marmaduke’s fault.

  11. How dare she ask what country this creature is from? She should have asked which planet.

  12. She’s just pissed off because she isn’t white.
    Tough shit, cunt.
    I’m whiter than white.
    It’s great. ?
    Get To Fuck.

  13. I think Lady Hussey is wiser than she lets on. Did I hear that King Charles has decided to make a number of redundancies and cut-backs? If Lady H was to be retired then maybe this was a last big “Fuck You!” to the lot of them.

    She should have been briefed as to who exactly Ngozi Fulani is, so there would have been no need for such questions. I think she probably read up on “The Duke Of Edinburgh’s Guide To Interviewing Ethnic People” before her visit.

    I do hope Ngozi Fulani goes the same way as Camila Batmanghelidjh and her “charity”.

  14. I’ve seen a few thumbnails relating to this on various sites but couldn’t be fucked to look further.

    Nazghul Full-fat fanny?

    Lady Hussey isn’t a racist. You’re a fucking grifter. Get in the fucking dinghy and paddle out to the fucking Azores, you ugly cunt.

  15. From my vantage point here in the states…and I’m a bit removed from the day to day workings of the Royal Household and its various personages…I don’t think Lady Hussey is a racist. Though I think she might have been a bit more diplomatic and asked some no-threatening non-judgmental questions. Like:

    Q: What 3rd world shithole did you come from?

    Q: How was the dinghy ride from France?

    Q: When will the rest of your family be making the channel crossing?

    Q: Which luxury hotel are you staying in?

    Q: After getting settled are you worried your apartment building will collapse?

    Q: Since arriving on our fair shores is this the first time one of the native Britons have offended you?

    Q: How do you plan to make our country your country?

    Q: Can you show us the celebration dance you did when Meghan Markle married into the Royal Family?

      • Thank you Guizzguy. That’s quite a comp[liment.

        I’ve always been fascinated by the Royal / Parliamentary system of government.

        As a Royally appointed council of insiders rather than a Privy council we might constitute a sort of Cunty Council. Charles da Turd would do well to heed our collective wisdom.

        As a political / governing body rather than a Shadow, Coalition or even a War Cabinet we would certainly constitute a Cunts Cabinet.

        As the only American I would push for an American like program but with a decidedly Anglo / Saxon twist…Make England* Great Again or MEGA.

        However, in such distinguished company as you suggest, I suspect that the Cabinet meetings could get a bit heated and tempers might flare. I fear there would be blood.

        Nonetheless, England would be a better place for it and pigeons would be crapping on statues of the IsaC Cabinet for centuries to come.

        *I said English rather than Britons because in the immortal words of the Pythons…”Oo are the Britons?”

      • @MMCM

        And astute observation and factual comment by the Hon. Cunter.

        If I may be allowed to revise my remarks perhaps I should have said Cunters Cabinet.

      • I would be on board with that, General. Just keep Fidler away from it. The man’s a loose cannon ?

  16. Years ago, it was all about ‘ Roots ‘. Kunte Kinte, and all that palaver.
    Black folk we’re saying how important it was to know where they came from.
    Now, they don’t want to know.
    Because they’re ashamed.
    The cunts.

    • Maybe Lenny Henry should have been stood next her wearing his ‘African’ robe from Tiswas, yelling “Ktanga my friend!” and making Cataw noises….
      …ohh, I forgot….he’s sorry and regrets that…now he’s just a proffesional black victim and white hater

  17. UNGOWWA!!!

    I’d of roared.
    She’d instantly have dropped to the floor in the presence of the Big White Death.

    Just a misunderstanding.
    That posh old biddy isn’t multicultural like me.

    You have to assert control with them.
    Bit of Swahili and a tap with a stick.
    Good as gold.

    • Failing that, shout loudly “UNGOWA!! UNGOWA, ONK NIKEEMA NGOZI! BAWATMAH N’JU”. Fucking kafer would soon shift her lardy ass! Tarzan made an Elephant herd turn and run by doing just that! Scared me just typing it!

  18. Around 20 years ago I was working at a training seminar. There were facilitators from around the World. One boozy night a couple of us got chatting with a black American guy and his girlfriend both from Alabama. Our conversation drifted into the subject of discrimination, preference and inevitably the R word.
    After long discussion our black American friends defined racism as “genocide of the type perpetrated on the Jews in the Holocaust or the killing fields in Cambodia, Pol Pott’s regime the KKK. Not petty discriminations and use of language”

    Oh that the World could embrace that doctrine instead of the bollocks we have to live.

  19. You can never let them be cheeky or get over familiar.

    Negresses tend to be a bit puddled.

  20. Why did this known anti-monarchist turn up and turn up with a microphone? Why was she even invited?

    Some footage is out of her chatting away to Queen Camilla yet she claimed she was isolated and ignored.

    The story stinks as does the upcoming Harry & Me Me Me gain documentary.

  21. Nothing left to say except that I too unreservedly endorse this cunting of a black shitstirrer whose obviously African name inevitably gives rise to questions about its nationality. What a monumental cunt. Too late for COTY?

    If a cunt of this magnitude can achieve the dismissal of a senior Royal staffer on its say-so alone, then not only are we fucked, but I have run out of descriptors for our lamentable state.

    I was once asked by the Queen Mother, “And what do you do?” Those were very different times, but the question would be regarded as unacceptably classist now….

  22. The Lady Hussey should’ve asked “Did you get the last human skin suit in the shop? I’ve had mine for ages” Fucking low breed lizard should know it’s place.

  23. Anyone would think that the sexy Lady S mistook the hideous jigab00 for one of the royal lavatory attendants.
    Go and get battered you disgusting creature.

  24. “It would be ‘oh, she has a chip on their shoulder”. That’s right you chippy cunt.

    Its a fucking scandal that a few innocuous words can trash a lifetime’s service by the MSM, whilst for others a lifetime of race-baiting is ignored or even venerated by the same. Cunts.

  25. Obviously a Spy for Megan & Harry

    The Cunts have their Netflix Shit coming out and a Good Ginger (anag) Story helps with Sales

  26. This reeks of a set up. And the Ngozi thing isn’t even African. It’s not even its real name. What the frig is a thing like that doing anywhere near a royal residence anyway? Did they think it was Megain’s mum or something??

    On the subject of our – cough – friends from the dark continent, the Bogo that causes the most trouble on the kidney unit was on prime form Thursday night. Moaning about the air-con being on (when it wasn’t. They tried to tell the daft black bitch that they don’t have it on in December), demanding this and that all night (and putting her hands out every time in the classic African ‘begging’ position), and expecting cooperation from the staff when she gives them none, ever.

    I know I am in for treatment on Christmas Eve, but I am also at the end of my rope with these jungle folk as well. So, I had a word with one of the top nurses (gorgeous lady from Hong Kong). I asked her which slot had the least dark personages on it and I told her why. She told me that none of the lazy fuckers like to be up and ready for the ambulance until 4pm. Four in the fucking afternoon! And that the cunts all are there more or less around five in the evening. They don’t deviate from this time and they will not change their times to ever help the staff out. She also said that some poor sod of a patient (who does help the staff out) will have to wait on a taxi on Christmas Eve night, because the drivers always take the entitled Mills and Boons first, even if they are the last out. The nurse said she entirely understood my predicament, and she very nicely put me on the lunchtime slot, where ther are considerably less dark personages.

  27. This person of shit superheated my fluid; I had to sit in the fridge to cool off.
    She’s as laughable as that Batmanjelly creature…

  28. Cunt’s name is Marlene. Changed it to Ngozi , mainly because she didn’t want anyone thinking she wasn’t British FFS.

    Race grifter of the highest order and a right cunt.

  29. Apologies if this has been mentioned already … so many views on here… The more I read in the MSM and see ‘opinions and comments’ by the majority of honest folks that can completely see through the fact that the Royal Aide was completely set up ..
    I’m hoping all the media (especially that cunt O’Brien on LBC), that had the poor old woman condemned from the minute the ‘story’ broke .. ‘disgraced’ .. ‘racist’ etc etc have the balls to step up and say they were duped by Marlene Hedley.
    As folk say … she probably couldn’t point to Africa on a map to save her fucking life.
    The media say you can make no excuses for her being an 83-year-old woman (if you do, you’re a racist) …. but they seem to be making plenty of excuses for the tax dodging snake fucker that set her up.

    • … and … and … I used to have a bit of time for Prince William .. (having a motorbike and the like) … but he can fuck right off for not backing up ‘one of The Firm’. Cunt

      • Yes indeed what a pathetic simpering slaphead.
        Not leader material.
        Should ditch trying to be popular by showing an interest in green issues.
        Should stop apolgising for being white.
        Should have the courage to tell the n1gn0ggey to know their place and fuck off.
        Silly cunting cuckold,

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