Ngozi Fulani (2)

This is a real piss boiler, any which way to call Racist.

It involves Lady Susan Hussey, who is not a cunt, former lady in waiting to the late Queen.

The attached link from the good old BBC reports that at a function hosted by Camilla about violence against women Lady H had a conversation with Ngozi Fulani where she clumsily (assuming the conversation was reported accurately) tried to establish Fulani’s heritage.
Posh royals do tend to speak in a way which isn’t ‘normal’ but from what I read it was far from racist, but don’t let that get in the way of sticking it to the royals (wait for MeAgain to wade in)

Who is Ngozi, well I am fairly sure I cunted her some time ago when her organisation Sistah space had their ‘office’ fitted out courtesy of Hackney council and then kicked off because they said it wasn’t suitable.

Lady H has done the honourable thing and resigned from her duties in the royal family to save further embarrassment but I firmly believe she wasn’t being racist.

Looking at the way the Nigzol was dressed anyone would assume she had flown in from some African shithole.

BBC News Link

Nominated by: Sick of it

And supported by these guys:-

Chuff Chugger

W.C. Boggs

Miles Plastic


Lord Cuntingford




(There were so many long and detailed nominations for this cunt that we decided not to cut & paste each one into a consolidated nom otherwise it would have been far too long and almost unreadable. Therefore we are crediting the authors instead. Fill yer boots! Thank you, guys – Day Admin)


128 thoughts on “Ngozi Fulani (2)

  1. It seems to be a carefully planned exercise in it fits into the Markle / Hewitt narrative rather to well to be coincidence.
    I forced myself to sit through a two minute interview with this woman and she came across as a person determined to milk this non event for everything she can.

  2. I think what if it was my Mum. Poor old dear – thrown under the bus by the fucking royals. And how about her godson, William. Did he stand up for her? Well, at least it has now confirmed me as a Republican.

    • He doesn’t seem to do anything useful and first chance he gets he fcks his mom’s best mate off sharpish.
      Should have said ” Cultural misunderstanding, no offence meant, move on” and support the old dear out of loyalty, for her decades of service to Liz.

      And wtf is going on with having shaved apes at the palace in the first place? Fckrs will have the silver away soon as look at you.

      It’s this sort of shit that makes me want to join the SS.

  3. Hussey’s first 7 questions should have been:
    “Where did you get that pug-ugly face from?”

    • I nominate Lady Susan Hussey for honorary membership of ISAC under the “handle” of LadyCunter. She can sniff out fraudulent cunts from a mile away and isn’t afraid to confront them.

      A bit of a climbdown form Buckingham Palace, admittedly, but a huge honour, never the less.

  4. I think we can conclude wherever the Dark Key goes there will be trouble.

    They’re a divisive bunch of cunts,always on the take,always ready with a sob story or an extra helping of De Rascisms.

    What a shame we ever gave this rabble a foothold in this country.

  5. Anyone would think she said “Who the fuck let you in?” or asked her if she was selling magic beans.

    These cunts are the ones who constantly bang on about their heritage and their supposed ‘culture’ and being black. Prince Philip got away with much worse than a bit of clumsy language, at least she didn’t get the elephant gun out.

    Prince William is a cunt too.

  6. This N’Dozy cunt is a fake African. She’s of Afro-Carribean descent and the assumed Africa name is not her real name. Yes, her ancestors would have come from Africa but she does not know from where or from which tribe because slavers didn’t keep these types of records.

    N’Dozy chose to go to Buckingham Palace in some assumed fake African tribal outfit looking as if she’s stepped straight of the Banana Boat in an attempt to flee Tarzan. No wonder the silly cunt was asked some penetrating questions questions by Lady Susan, who must have a well honed bullshit detector. And no wonder N’dozy flew of the handle, because she realised she was about to be outed as the pathetic poser she is.

    • Good Morning MMCM

      That’s absolutely right. Lady Susan was confronted by a race card carrying SJW, who has a charity at least partly, probably wholly, financed by public money, dressed in some sort of African national costume who claimed to be British. At 83 Lady S is probably a bit mutt and Jeff so asked the question again assuming the woman in front of her hadn’t heard the question. I know the feeling as I am resisting getting a hearing aid.

      This story tells you more about Ngozi Fulani, who had no qualms about immediately reporting a private conversation to the press. She may have been born here but she certainly doesn’t have any British values, just a gob firmly sucking on public sector tit.

    • Here’s the most liked comment on the thread to the Daily Telegraph’s piece this morning:

      Why would a Black Activist called Marlene Headley (born in the UK) change her name to Ngozi Fulani . Then set up a BLACKS only Women’s charity and dress in African Robes to meet the Queen. Then “Race bait” a loyal Lady in Waiting to our queen.

      And the best of the replies to it:

      Because she is actually full of hatred of European civilisation, envious, insecure and full of shame of her origins. Just like MM.

      • Desperate wanna be victim, talking to what she was hoping was going to be and elderly Brit with a blazing saddles attitude to Heady [ thats Headly, the camp town ladies do da do da] she is no better than Lenny Henry now waving his season ticket race card in the fucking air

  7. If you dress in a provocative way, with turds for hair and speech being a grammatical failure. You are bound to be asked where you are from. Especially at a function where you don’t fit the criteria.

  8. ‘Sistah Space supports women of African and Caribbean heritage across the UK who have faced domestic and sexual abuse.’
    Might I enquire as to the heritage of the abusers?

    • The whole shebang she ‘runs’ is racist for a start.

      She says they deal with spooks who are too afraid to go to the police in case the police kill their abusers.

      A) Tacit admission that blacks are wife beaters.

      B) Tacit admission that they’re behaviour is so bad the police have to shoot them to get the fckrs under control.

      C) Whites need not apply

      Fckn race mongering spear chucker who should be stripped of her passport and fckd off to Guantanamo bay.

      • I think you’re losing your “U” key Termujin, I’m hving the sme shit with the bstrd ” ” key on this ncient fucking craptop

    • Would it be OK if I set up a support group for white girls who have been raped, groomed and “passed around” by Taxi Drivers and Fast food workers in every urban area in the UK.
      I am also thinking of doing the MOWO awards.

  9. Head of a charity which only supports African and caribbean women who suffer domestic violence. But not British women ? according to her twisted logic. Never trust a person who looks like 20 people have taken a shat on they head.

  10. If Charlie had any sort of balls at all, he would immediately reinstate Lady Susan and fire a shot at the horrendous Markle and her pet orangutan at the same time..

    But, of course, we all know he hasn’t…

    Also, some Papa Lazarou look-alike gets ‘offended’ (and when don’t they?) over an off the cuff remark from an 83 (fucking eighty three) year old lady, and all hell breaks loose.

    Yet some unfunny dark slag called Sophie Duker goes on our national public service broadcaster, and makes remarks about how she wants to ‘Kill Whitey’, and no fucker bats an eyelid. In actual fact the BBC cunts have her back on. The usual puke inducing one sided favouritsim and double standards where the dark personages are concerned. ‘It only Ooookaaaaaay when dem do it!’

    • The BBCunts encourage racial division.

      Racism is a two way street. It seems to me that the race relations industry just fuels the fires of disharmony, in order to preserve their ludicrously over paid jobs.

  11. With any luck, one of her simian bruthas will ventilate her skull, Sasha Johnson-style.

      • No-one dare switch off the life support machine. Imagine the riots if a white doctor did it.
        Christ knows how much it is costing.

      • She’s not on life support, they’ve just wired her up to an Atari and run Pong to make it look like there is life. Cheaper as well.

      • How do you know when a cabbage has boiled?

        The wheelchair floats to the top. ?

        I’ll get my coat.

  12. You know what? This has that slimy, race bating, shit cunt, yacht slag Markle written all over it! Why was this fake African wired up with recording equipment? I bet that cuntard orchestrated the whole fucking thing! Lady Hussey should be reinstated without further ado, and that fucking n*gnog arrested!

    • Going into a royal residence with recording equipment?
      Isn’t that treason?

      The black cunt (No, that is not racist. She is black and she is a cunt. Perfectly accurate) went in there purposely to get a royal ‘scalp’. And, as you say Foggy, probably on Megain’s orders.

      • Never underestimate a narcissist, WankSock! The ones I’ve come across are as smart as fuck. They are experts at reading the way things are going, and are able to twist any scenario to either be the victim or the hero. The only thing they cannot seem to grasp is when people absolutely despise them, and also not good at reading the room. The yacht slut was a perfect example of this when she turned up to a Harlem ghetto school dripping with jewels and wearing a designer label suit! I would have phased myself is she’d been robbed at knife point by one of da bredren!

  13. Oh, and just watch the Markle creature lap this up and do a ‘heart wrenching interview’ with some fat dark American personage about her ‘trauma’ and ‘oppression’.

    The idealist in me is hoping that this is all a very well set up royal trap. That the Megain slag was given an official warning after the death of Her Late Majesty. Something like’Open your ferocious fucking gob once more, bitch, and you will cop it. Savvy?’

    Of course, everyone knows that the revolting little tart can never keep her piehole shut, and that this latest ‘racist’ royal ‘inicident’ would be too much for her to resist. The trailer trash duchess opens her mouth and gobs off, and then (hopefully), wallop.☠

    But, all that said, that spineless cunt Charlie will probably let her get away with it. He usually does…?

    • He took a dim view of Diana’s whoring.

      So pissed off he refused to service her Merc, apparently.

  14. Given the when Harry met Meghan nonsense, the staged marriage and ridiculously over the top African American wedding ceremony, clearly designed to rub white British culture’s face in it, and make a massive deal out of the fact that one of her parents was black (these cultural marxist BLM “elites” appear to be very racist) and the scripted falling out which followed, I’d say the royal family, including the nanny are fully in on this, to cause more division and pave the way for more mass immigration under a cloud of media manufactured “racism” and “white guilt”.
    The royal family aren’t even British, they’re not Christian and they don’t even consider themselves to be white!!! That’s how they can betray us with such ease. Ask their partners in crime, the Rothschilds, although given certain photos of Sir Evelyn de Rothschild prodding Charles in the chest, a junior partner at best!
    Bring back the Tudors!

  15. These type of cunts really get on my tits. They cannot get away from slavery. You are English so fucking act like an English lady not a common foreigner. What is that ridiculous name about? FFS, I’m of Polish heritage but I’m not called Wojciech and I don’t wander around eating sausages all fucking day. This whole ting looks like a set up. Also, when did it become ‘racist’ to ask someone where they are from?

  16. Says so much about what is a major wrong in this country.
    There is fuck all wrong asking someone who obviously doesn’t originally come from a place where do/did they come from.

    It’s not just skin colour I can tell the difference from a pole Romanian Hungarian Dutch etc and engaging in conversation about their original country is perfectly fine.

    Unless you are a race baiting macaroon that as a certified self important stick shoved up your backside. Lubed up there by the race baiting cunts at al beeb etc.

    Fuck off mssss ombongo (can’t be arsed trying to spell her real name ) fuck off back in your closet shut the fucking door and never open it again.
    Al beeb etc. Cease to exist.

  17. The only question should have been ‘don’t you find it difficult picking cotton in that outfit’, may as well be hanged for a pound rather than a penny ?

    I watched QT last night, as usual the only remotely right voice on the panel was Olivia Utley who had some defence of Lady S, and in the specially selected BBC audience only one guy had any support of her, luckily he was quite a strong character and wasn’t intimidated by Fiona Bruce.

    Fulani is absolute cunt, for someone who runs a charity supporting abused women you would expect
    1 A thicker skin and 2. A little more empathy, maybe that only applies to Black women.

    Can anyone believe that a charity would be allowed to exist that only supports white women, there was only one racist in that two way conversation and it wasn’t Lady Hussey.
    In her mind the royal family/household were already guilty of racism over MeAgain, so it was easy for the cunt to find something to reinforce her perception.

    I wonder how much Willian will donate to Sistah space ?

  18. Rather daft of Lady Hussey to ask ‘where are you from?’
    It’s bleeding obvious innit bruv?
    Twycross Zoo are missing a Silver back Gorilla.

  19. Yeah, it was a set up…….a fake African with a fake African name and a fucking Commie to boot? This doddery old upper class Doris walked right into the trap. No doubt this will make the Royals even more woke to appease the Twitterati. They are digging their own graves.

  20. Wonder when Migraine Markle is going to realise that she ain’t really black and I believe she has a honky daddy , she must be in a constant turmoil with all they racist honky Gene’s coursing through her veins.


    Why are we tolerating this shit still, these fucking endless victims,crying waysism at any opportunity, making problems where there isnt one.
    Well this gormless chimp that is supposedly British has just put back the bad feeling towards coloured people for millions of used to be sympathetic people.
    Now its got to the point where they are actually trying very hard to find anything they can call wasism and this pathetic attempt is the worst i think i have ever seen, who knows what this gormless cunt was trying to achieve here, but now all i can say is her name is Falani, if she wants real rascism go to Nigeria and check out the feelings of the tribes there, believe me its much worse there than here, however she is one cunt i would love to send back to wherever her roots are.
    She is the cunt that is racist, check out the above Nigel Farage, he is bang on and this flea picking shit gibbon is part of BLM, so battered black womens refuge [ maybe she has had a well deserved kicking] lord knows she deserves one thge cunt…

  22. How and why did the plumper get an invite? Which stupid cunt didn’t see this one coming? The whole fucking thing seemed well orchestrated and I am particularly offended by the “Old people’s” of yesteryear haven’t caught up with modern life.

    Fucking retarded twats! Old values still count. We are white and have fuck all to be ashamed of !

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