Naga Munchetty [6]

Once again the jug eared cunt has crossed my radar.

Goes out on the razz, then gets all hoity about being paid a compliment, wtf.
”You look nice tonight”

How offended would she have been if one of the girls had said that?
But no, it’s a man, therefore a predator. Like she didn’t go out hoping to prevoke this very reaction? Who’s the cunt? Not the bloke.

Her tits must be starting to sag, if she’s resorting to this kind of Fuckwittery.

Nominated by : Jeezum Priest

72 thoughts on “Naga Munchetty [6]

  1. What an ugly looking cunt. She’s got a head like one of those things that kids used to make with old potatoes by sticking the eyes, ears, mouth and nose on.

  2. Naga Munki-Machete is entitled to act like a snotty celebrity cunt. After all, she’s had big career in TV and films. Just look at her record…

    BJ and the Bear.
    The PG Tips adverts.
    Pipkins (as Topov).
    Numerous Tarzan films.

  3. These no talent telly cunts really do have a very high opinion of themselves..can you imagine having to work with these twats, I wouldn’t last the day.

    Oy monkey face, you snooty cunt ” Fuck off”

  4. Head on it like a chewed up minty. Have a look at those fucking ears,did she get them of Frankel.

  5. Best thing to do when she comes on the telly is switch it over to something else
    Another of the so called BBC Super Elite an over paid condescending stuck up twat with a large chip on her shoulder Too opinionated for my liking imagine being married to that I’d buy her a drink a pint of hemlock ?

  6. I’m calling bullshit.

    Who would stop her and say she’s looking great?

    As someone earlier said, she does look like Mrs potato head.

    Any of you cunts in here with a potato fetish?

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