Cunters for your pleasure and vilification, I give you these pair of eco loon tossers. Having climbed up the Dartford crossing these pair of tossers caused two deaths, one broken back and injuries to other innocent persons.
They refuse to accept that they any responsibility to these poor sods. Now Morgan is trying to crowdfund for damage caused to his flat by plod gaining access. The other jerk has no fixed abode. Cue hearts and flowers on the violins.
What boils my piss is that some 78 cunts have stumped up over three grand to help this cunt out. Being a New Zealander this cunt should be locked up, and after serving his sentence be deported PDQ. He is also moaning he is not earning at the moment being held on remand. As an added bonus his civil engineers licence is due for renewal.
Hopefully once they are locked up these pair of cunts rapidly become bitches of some psycho fruity types.
Morgan as a top up I will donate the steam off my piss.
Nominated by: CuntyMort
I often moan about the problems caused by darker types, but why-oh-why are all these eco loons white, middle-class wankers?
Probably because these white middle class type cunts are brainwashed by their equally brainwashed and middle class white parents.
These types would appear to be the most susceptible to the media manipulation and the climate agenda.
The younger woke white demographic are usually the ones you’ll see at protests holding placards aloft that are strewn with phrases such as “I wish I had never been born” and other similarly cuntish bollocks.
Yes total lack of diversity. Just proves that white people are total cunts, reason? For doing it and letting them get away with it.
Because they received an edukashun, an edukashun dripping with left wing anti western bullshit.
The keys don’t and if they do they don’t pay attention cause they don’t care, yi know whatamean?
Hang the cunts from the bridge, that’ll show their commitment to just fuck off and die ?
Why do the likes always have beards ?
Suspicious types beard wearers.
Watch it pal.
Do you drink soy lattès, Mis?
I drink Bovril.
The sophisticated beverage for northern gents.
In a cup with a saucer? Pinkie finger held high whilst sipping?
Of course.
If feeling fancy,
In a martini glass.
Bovril the drink of men.
Love it
Ps eco loons should be left glue to road bridge bank where ever to freeze and for the public’s amusement
There are men who can carry off a beard and there are men who would be well advised to be clean shaven. Once when I mentioned that I might grow a beard, our eldest said;
“Dad, if you grew a beard you would look the archetypal paedophile.”
I canned that idea.
Its a visual sign of cuntitude, doubly confirmed if they order a Soy Latte in the coffee shop.
We should be doing what the Germans do with all these eco loons just ignore them and let them get on with it. Superglue your self to a road, dig up the surrounding tarmac and let the fucker go with a the tarmac stuck to his hand, superglue yourself in a car showroom, turn the lights and heating out and leave the bastards there. Climb the Dartford Bridge, leave them there and deny all access until they fall off, graffiti a building have them clean it all off under promise of corporal punishment, then spray the cunt with paint. Minimum sentences to be imposed for all eco loon crimes and disturbances with time to be served in an unheated wooden barracks somewhere cold. Magistrates and judges who refuse to impose sentences, well they can serve the time instead.
It is well past the time we stopped indulging these self serving bastards.
The training is living on a diet of pigeon shit.
Just change the word “Corporal” to “Capital” and you’re bang on the money, WS.
What astounds me is that they think what they did was some heroic or world changing act..
No all you did is inconvenience hundreds of thousands of people trying to go about their business.
You self-important colossal cunts..
Concrete welly each. Helicopter over North Sea. Open door. Enjoy your swim lads.
Morning all.
Helicopters cost a fortune to run, Ron. Think of the ‘Hard-pressed taxpayer’. A fishing boat on it’s way out’ll do the job just as well.
The sentence for their shitty trick is two years working twenty hours a day on a North Sea oil rig.
Refusal to work means dismissal and a long refreshing economic friendly swim home.
If they make it ashore give them a nice blanket..
Then gas them.
Fuck off
What gets me is how many people, mainly young ones but not exclusively, seem to have fallen for this eco lunacy. They’re hysterical and genuinely seem to think the world is going to be burnt to a crisp next Thursday. They don’t seem capable of reading a graph or looking at real world observations as opposed to the models that always are wrong.
As for these tossers, lock them up for good and do an attachment of earnings order for the inconvenience caused. Entitled wankers
I will make my usual donation of 9mm
Bugger that, I’d charge them for it.
Fucking Kiwi, say no more. Infected with horseface propaganda.
Sooner she is compost the better.
Despite living here for a while, this Kiwi fuckwit still can’t speak correctly. Either let him drop so the seagulls can have a “fush und chups” supper, or deport the bearded shitbiscuit after three years in prison sharing a cell with an Albanian drug-dealer and a Polish rapist.
The police are a bunch of useless cunts as well.
Why shut down the M25 for fucking hours?
That will only lead to chaos and accidents.
The cunts climbed up there so just wait, they will have to climb down sooner or later.
If they truly are peaceful protesters then they would not cause any danger by dropping stuff on the traffic below them.
In other countries the job of the police is to keep the traffic moving, not to fucking stop it.
The way they do that is by having a few police officers blowing whistles and waving the traffic through.
If you slow down to rubberneck you get nicked.
The British police still have whistles don’t they?
Yeah, but not enough strength to blow them.
The “job” of the police is to protect these spoiled little rich kids from the righteous indignation of us filthy plebs who actually work for a living.
I personally have absolutely no faith in their ability or willingness to do anything else…
A fucking foreigner breaking the law should be deported, no question. But we all know that isn’t going to happen…….not in a million years.
I note that the media fall over each other to denigrate people on strike with all that shit about cunts’ lives being disrupted and “holding the country to ransom” but these brainwashed fuckers get an easy ride, as do the fucking dinghy vermin. That’s because the Establishment are on their side and they are doing the globalist’s work for them.
All this green bollocks is not a spontaneous movement and it is not an accident, it’s all part of a long term plan. These cunts are well organised and funded and if you think the Establishment and their media friends are on your side you are dreaming.
Razor wire and lamp post for these 2 dimwits.Eco warriors my arse.
OT but has anybody seen the RNLI adverts? The only fucking adverts without any bames in it despite them bringing 1000’s of the cunts in every week.
please give generously to our water taxi service..
hold tight I’m just setting up a direct debit.
Not a penny from me ?
As an retired merchant seaman i would donate regularly to RNLI because they were our life savers, not since they started ferrying these ‘invaders’ have i given a fucking ‘halfpenny’, and if you look at the Ad it’s the ‘wimminz’ on top like they’ve been saving lives at sea forever! well i only know one and that was grace darling a zillion years ago.
Forget locking these cunts up, just throw the vermin off the top of the bridge they used for their poxy protest and be done with these useless drains on society once and for all.
These peaces of shit need to be dealt with properly, a good wack around the head with one of those 6 d cell mag lights and then thrown off the bridge, never to be seen or heard from again, Dirty Harry would have dealt with cunts like this properly, we need more of that.
The world is fucked, but the loons are far worse than global warming in my book…
There’s a reason why films like Dirty Harry and Death Wish are popular. Everyone wants to see the sc*mbags get chewed up and spat out into the gutter. They don’t want to see them get a council house and a fucking social worker.
Politicians please note.
The authorities should have pounded them with suicide drones day and night until they fell off the bridge and died.
They wouldn’t now be dealing with all this shit if they did…………..
More taxpayers money is gonna be wasted on these epic pair of cunts.
I’ve just got a message from my energy provider that tells me. It’s not unusual to see more has used in winter.
When you hear that line, can’t make this shit up, you fucking can’t.
I’ll bet you’re stunned at that bombshell, eh?
*more gas not more has.
fkin phone
There is a distinct lack of common sense in dealing with these people. Common sense would dictate that these “protesters” were removed almost immediately to reduce and avoid the disruption that is caused.
A quick wrapping of the head in cling film produces an almost immediate panic, which exacerbates the lack of respiratory function.
Alternatively, a cable tie around the neck will compress the vascular supply very quickly and resistance ceases very quickly.
I do however prefer battery acid! This produces some entertaining gymnastics, curdling screams and a pleasing rearrangement of the protesters features.
As for these two fuckers up a bridge i would suggest a climber goes up and shackles them there permanently. he would ( or his corpse ) would add to the seasonal decor each successive Christmas.!
They should be treated like mudslimes and stoned to death. How’s that for crowdfunding!
I believe wholeheartedly that the ‘authorities’ are complicit in allowing this shit to happen.
Not directly but cretins like this are useful idiots.
Young people who’ve had a comfortable life need something to rebel against.
So on the one side you’ve got Commie bastards like Roger Hallam who want a revolution and use vulnerable mainly middle class twonks who are desperate to rebel having been to University and on the other hand you have the duplicitous cunts that now dress up as Tory’s and create innumerate amounts of legislation to create Government subsidies that fund so called Green Energy.
Trump for all his faults IMO saw right through the scam and that’s why he was so dangerous.
Financially independent and without any fear of being cancelled or whatever he was a threat to the system that has facilitated the never ending gravy train that sucks taxes out of the system to enrich the gilded few.
When this happens in Russia it’s called out as state sponsored corruption by the West as that’s a convenient diversion from what’s going on at home.
And so I end this little missive where I started.
The ‘authorities’ are complicit as it allows them to paint these useful idiots as the as the bad guys whilst allowing the message to be brought directly into your everyday life through either the inconvenience of being caught up in the chaos or having to watch it on the TV ‘news’ whilst hearing the government message……
‘Climate change is an immediate, clear and present danger to mankind but this is not the way to tackle it’
‘The only way to tackle it is to tax the nation so we and our cronies can massively enrich ourselves with your money’.
Of course I may have made that up but only the bit where they say it aloud.
Exactly that. I’m surprised do few see it for what it is.
Lest we forget, these cunts are also the mechanism that will end the everyman right to protest as ironically the everyman is sooooo pissed off half of them would support cracking down on lawful protest. Turkeys voting for Xmas.
Dress the pair of cunts up as klu klux klan grand wizards and dump them in Brixton.
Electric Avenue near the station. Maybe I should start a crowd fund page and once I collect enough to hire a minibus, pay each one a visit have a little protest about stop oil protestors involving mindful baton dancing and organic sword play.
I’ve cunted these cunts alot previously. There’s still plenty in the tank but I know I’d be up half the night having punchy punchy dreams if I threw another one in do I’ll keep it short as this pair of mung bean munching methane generators cant pass without comment – To me they represent the very definition of what it is to be an entitled cunt. I wish them both the most aggressive bellend and arsehole cancer known to all humanity. Stage 5.