Martin Lewis [6], Ladbaby [3] and Some Tart


On the third day of Christmas my true love gave to me……………….this trio of absolute attention seeking cunts

Well the long streak of piss and his ever loyal, opened mouthed wife have joined forces with the cunt that is Martin Lewis

Mr Lewis has been a somewhat celebrity on these hallowed pages in recent months, the self gratifying, doom and gloom, let me tell you how to save money while I sip champagne from a cup of my own good fortune cunt, must be wanting to break Richard Branson’s record for any opportunity to get into the press.

The other two, go by the name LadBaby, who I believe I did cunt around this time of year before. He is a six foot something, thick as two short planks, sausage roll singing cunt, and his wife just gazes in amazement that being a fucking chav can actually bring rewards from the gullible British public.

Some may cunt me for cunting them, after all they do a lot for charity, thing is, they love to fucking talk about it at every fucking opportunity, and believe they are some type of celebrities. Well you are, you are celebrity cunts, you can bring the sausage rolls, and Martin can bring the ‘mincing’ pies.

I appreciate Christmas is supposed to be a season of goodwill to all, so why do we have to have this trio of cunts bringing out their version of ‘Do They Know It’s Christmas’ I and Mrs DryItchy would gladly donate a few quid to stop them releasing a fucking record.

Those three must think it is fucking Christmas every day. I’ll grant you Martin Lewis does offer some good financial advice, but now the cunt believes he can bestow upon us his money saving tips, how to conserve energy, and basically anything else to enable his band of merry followers to worship him. The other two are just a pair of cunts who managed to tap into the lower intellect level of the population……………..if they want to sell more records, they should bring a song out about Sunny fucking Delight.

Nominated by : DryItchyCunt

41 thoughts on “Martin Lewis [6], Ladbaby [3] and Some Tart

  1. Apart from Lewis, I genuinely have no idea – (idea, not ‘Clue’, for fucks sake) – who the other two are.

  2. Super groups never work out.

    3 people I don’t know doing a song I despise for a goal I don’t share,
    And asking for money I won’t part with?

    Good luck losers….

    • Morning DCI you caring cunt?

      First day of strike?

      I hope you left private Pike a note explaining where you keep the plasters and such?

      • Ha! I told Pt Frazer ‘You’re doomed! Have you MET the public? I have and I’m not keen’? I’m on a Rest Day, today but will pop down to the Picket Line, later to do my Citizen Smith bit.

        Power To The People!!

        (Queued for nearly all my shift last week, old biddy in a bad way, had to hand her over to another crew as she still couldn’t enter the hospital. No break, still finished late over twelve hours later. Our strike’s about more than pay – remember that).

      • And, let’s be clear, despite what you read in The Daily Hate, crews will be on station, and will still be respondable to CAT 1 calls and most CAT 2’s, strokes, heart attacks etc, just not the bullshit that will be filtered out Which is what we’re supposed to do in the first place? At least in my Trust.

        I’ll bet you never knew that as it’s not been reported, of course.

      • Last day of work for me today,
        Then I’m off for Christmas ??

        No one ever brings a guitar to protests or picket lines anymore you notice?

        In the 60s they’d be some budding Joan Baez singing away about ‘Joe Hill’ or how they shall overcome.

        Hey! You could do that DCI!!
        Lift your colleagues spirits on the picket line,
        Start a sing song!

        Do Jonah Leweys ‘stop the cavalry ‘?

      • Ha ha! I know a couple of tunes on the guitar so I might do that! I’m working all over Christmas – not double time like Fire and Police, either. Enjoy your time off you jammy cunt!

      • In all seriousness DCI. You should maintain the use of emergency ambulances for fucking emergencies. This whole situation might just do a bit of good in the long run and fuck off the time wasters.

      • Morning MNC, DCI…I drove past our local hosptial yesterday and there were dozens, possibly hundreds, of striking staff out by the road. When they saw me (I was driving a very distinctive car), they implored me to beep…but the joke was on them; I was in a rusty, fucked Mk2 Cortina and my horn doesn’t work.
        That showed those hammer-and-sickle loving commies!

      • Part of its charn, DCI.
        Incidentally, if any of your Bolshevik comrades are black, do they suffer from hammer-and-sickle cell aneamia?!

      • I’ll do a study, Thomas! I’ll bet your average Daily Fail reader’s more prone to a stroke, though.

  3. That couple looks the certain suburban type you see featured on Xhamster. You know the ones – “wife samples BBC for the first time”.

    Essentially, the wife is penetrated by some 10″ Mr Motivator lookalike, whilst the useless, cuckolded Ladbaby stares curiously whilst desperately kneading his soft, little wiener, hoping it’ll spring into action.

    Ho ho!

  4. That Martin Lewis looks like he’d be quite partial to a pork sausage or two.
    And as for the two drippy mongs, so they do a lot for charity, do they? So did Jimmy Savile.

  5. You know that any BBC article that begins with the words: “YouTube stars LadBaby have unveiled plans…” is going to be an utter festival of cunts. Fine cunting, sir.

  6. I suspect “Ladbaby” accurately describes the husband and wife’s sexual preferences..whereas Lewis,as a Jew, would probably prefer to sacrifice a baby Jesus and drink the blood.

    • Morning Mr F…Mary and Joseph could’ve cut down on their Christmas (and nappy) bills by sacrificing and eating the baby Jesus in the 25th Dec in the year 0001AD.

      • It’s a little known fact that The Jews killed Jesus on Christmas Day because trade in their department stores was slow over the winter and they wanted to invent some new holiday that encouraged “goyim” to waste money on cheap tat.

        Sneaky Hook-Nosed Devils.

        Morning,Mr. Cunt-Engine

      • I’m compiling a dossier on them,Mr.Knott….ready to hand over to the relevant authorities when the time comes….that Anne Frank’ll get no free board and lodgings in my fucking attic.

  7. Like most celeb types who ‘do a lot for charity’, it would seem charity does a lot for them also.
    And Lewis may well know his stuff, but don’t be fooled by the ‘I care’ act.
    He wouldn’t dish out his advice on the telly if he didn’t get a fee.
    Like our very own government, he makes money out of other peoples misfortune.

    • This lot played a festival near me back in the summer. Dull comedy punks bereft of any wit or musical talent. Make the Macc Lads seem like Oscar Wilde. Put them in the oven.

  8. They are the pound shop version of Harry Hewitt and Me-gain or for real actual real royalty Beckham and not so posh.

  9. Don’t suppose the bitch owns a current passport. No camera company has yet invented a shutter speed fast enough, to get a picture with her mouth closed.

  10. I could create a better sound than this cunt if I recorded myself flattening my toes with a claw hammer, Christmas No1 now means Fuck All.!

  11. Almost worth spending the festive season, sleeping rough in a cardboard box on the enbankment, eating your own toenail clippings and drinking your own piss to get away from the horror of it all.

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