Lady Susan Hussey and the Royal Family (2)

Turns out the silly cow has now apologised to race-baiting fraudulent Africunt Ngosi Fulani (real name Marlene Headley) who attended a party at Buckingham Palace dressed up as some sort of Africunt, supposedly wearing Africunt gear.
We all know the story – Hussey asked Fulani where she came from, etc, etc – cue wokey racist UPROAR!

So now Hussey (and by extension the Royal family) has apologised…
Don’t these upper class twits get the fact that appeasement never works?

The sooner MeGain and Halfwit bring about the demise of these “Royal” parasites and all the lickspittles who sail with them (including Megain and Halfwit) the better.

Standard News Link

Nominated by: Minge Juice Bottler

Endorsed by: Ron Knee

May I heartily endorse this nom Admin?
They’ve taken the knee to a very dodgy race-baiter; no doubt the ugly cow will be all over media again, crowing like fuck.
Nothing will convince me that this incident wasn’t a set-up, a variation on the honey trap, and the stupid fuckers have only gone and vindicated Headley!
Give me strength!

72 thoughts on “Lady Susan Hussey and the Royal Family (2)

  1. Fucking cowardly pack of self flagellating, apologist, spineless sell out cunts.

    Shame on them.

    That is all.

  2. Lady Hussey ought to have offered an apology as sincere and genuine as Jeremy Clarkson’s ?.

    To those seeking to take down our heritage, culture, history and national identity – no more apologies or appeasement! Fuck right off, in fact.

  3. On the bright side it looks like The Charities Commission is taking an in depth look at Marlene’s little enterprise.
    I think/hope that she is exposed for what she is.

    • Are they now actually doing this Guzzi? Last I saw, the CC was ‘considering’ its response to an in-depth analysis by some guy who’d raised concerns based on what he’d been able to find out.
      My guess is that Headley will wriggle out whatever.
      KCIII will be apologising to those other race grifters the SkidMarkles next.
      I just wish that for once, somebody would do a Katie Hopkins and tell the likes of Headley ‘fuck right off, then fuck off again when you get there’. I suspect that whoever did would be surprised at just how much support they’d actually get from a pissed off Joe and Jane Public.

    • It would be a fucking triumph if it turned out her parents named her Marlene after Only Fools & Horses.

      Allegedly, they were great fans back in the day.

  4. Why wasn’t this immigrant’s offspring laughed out of Buckingham palace?
    She’s supposed to be British, and the daughter of two immigrants from Barbados, so dressing like an African has to be cultural appropriation.
    Race baiting cunt.

  5. The Royals just don’t understand that going woke is only going to alienate their traditional support and do absolutely nothing for their popularity among the wokies. The wokies hate their guts, just as they hate Trump, the Tories and the white working class and nothing can ever change that. I feel sorry for the old Doris having to crawl to this fake race grifter but the orders obviously come from above.
    I understand that King Chimpboy has had a couple of eggs chucked at him recently. If I was him I’d keep my eyes peeled for close encounters of the turd kind…….or even worse!

  6. i notice the race grifter jam spoon has had to shut sistah space down because of threats to her and her staff. The question needs to be asked what would happen if a whitey had turned up looking for a refuge amongst the sistahs? Cue wood fire cooking pot and JuJu drums mayhap?

  7. I do so hope,in great festive tradition,that when the inevitable corruption involving this thing’s alleged charity is uncovered that it has a lengthy prison sentence handed down…

    Which it can serve in an Angolan prison,because anything else would be racist.

    The filthy cunt.

    • I’m sure she’d be able to arrange to serve any sentence at Buckingham Palace as a form of reparation for all the racist hurt she suffered.

    • I wouldn’t hold your breath Terry. I would expect to see the Sun rise in the West before she received so much as a good telling off.

  8. Realistically the Royal family had no option but to apologise. If there hadn’t been an apology it would have given Harpy Meg more ammunition.

    The fact the woman at the centre of the controversy arrived looking like she was fresh of the boat with a gibberish name totally unknown in the UK is of no concern to the woke mob!

    Before cunting people for apologising imagine it’s you being slaughtered in the press and your livelihood being shredded.

    If you feel very strongly the royals were cunts for how they handled the situation get yourself on TV or in the press and vent your anger publicly without the anonymity provided here.

    None of us will because none of want the shitstorm that would follow. Imagine what it’s like being in the public eye all the time with the woke watching your every move waiting to pounce.

    • If I was 70 or 80 odd with a few mill in the bank and a mansion or two, I wouldn’t give a toss what anyone thought of my opinions.

      It’s harder for Joe Normal as they can lose their job, career, home etc.

      Put £10 mill in my bank account and I’d have told this mong to fuck off and die.

  9. In the header pic Marlene has dressed more appropriately for meeting someone of superior breeding.

    The charities commission have given Sistah space a warning over accounting issues and have said would investigate any further issues, I really hope this cunt has fiddled the books and gets found out.

    Lady Susan must have been gritting her teeth apologising to this wannabe Afro Caribbean queen of tower hamlets and Hackney councils arch enemy.

  10. Apology should have mentioned name change and WI heritage. I know the royals have to be diplomatic but if you don’t call out attention whores for being cunts it just encourages more BS. I like the idea of an ISAC spokesman being interviewed on BBC news, demanding to see Marlene’s salary and the charities accounts, “Well you can’t trust an African, can you?” Wearing a Zulu warrior outfit and blackface obviously.
    GB news should look into how many women the charity actually helped, and how her friends and family are coping without the brown envelopes full of cash now that racism has stopped it helping the needy.

    • HOW ABOUT AN ISAC YOUTUBE / *other more free-speech friendly* CHANNEL?

      Lets earn some £ out of our mourning of and dismay with our once-superb country. I’m sure the silent majority would support

  11. If I’d of been there I’d not have spoken to either of them.

    Either the shade dressed like Tarzans mam or some snotty old royalist.

    I chose my company wisely.

    Food would of been shite
    No sausage rolls,
    Cucumber on the butties
    Fish eggs instead of pork pies.
    No ale.

    Fuck that.
    I’d of dropped my strides pissed on the carpet and told them all to suck my knackers ?

  12. Problem with Marlene is she’s never been brought to heel.

    A snap of the fingers,
    A terse ‘UNGOWWA!! ‘

    Good as gold.

    It’s all in your delivery.

    Lady Hussey hasnt mastered international diplomacy.
    Probably got a soft palate and weak chin?

  13. The bitch dresses like an African and gets away with it. Yet you cannot wear a sombrero in case it fucks off a Mexican. Cunts all of ghfm.

      • Oh aye LL ?
        Lads Christmas drink.

        Missus gave me a 24hr pass.

        Looking forward to it.

        Few sherries with the sewing circle?

        If in the right mood an a bit tiddly later I might treat other punters to a singsong.

        Did I mention I have a lovely singing voice?

      • I’m sure Mis is all man Barry, the fairy lights in his beard and the family of nesting robins are all part of his roguish charm.

    • I remember when Adele wore a Jamaican flag dress or something, and the wokefucks went apeshit divvy. To her credit, Adele told them to fuck off and get a life.

      Then again, these are the sad weirdo cunts who think cartoon charcater Speedy Gonazles is racist and that Pepe Le Pew is a sexual predator. The mind fucking well and truly boggles.

      • Speedy is pretty much a national hero in Mexico. Made the complainers look total cunts when they tried to get Warner Bros to scrap the character ???
        “Vamanous muchachos”

  14. Lady Susan also asked me the same question at a recent Palace function. Laugh? We had a damn good chortle I can tell you!

  15. I don’t understand how you can run a shelter for battered women, funded in part by government grants, and say it’s for blacks only. What happened to the Race Relations Act? Try saying whites only and see what happens.

    • Dead on, Freddie. When they did this sort of thing in South Africa, it was seen as wrong and cunts never shut up about it. But those black cunts aided by white snowflakes do it in reverse and under our very noses and no fucker gives a crap about it.

      And like those fucks at Sainsburys and their blacks only ‘safe rooms’. And the BBC (there’s a surprise) having ‘black actresses only’ auditions for Doctor Who (what else?). It’s rife in the UK. White people will be wearing white star stickers in ten years time. Before they get gassed….

  16. Looking like that 40 years ago I would have been striping her arse with a Sjambok if she came from SA. Always deal with the mouthy cunts first.
    As she was born in England to parents from the Caribbean, I have a problem with the African bit cos she ain’t.

    • She’s about as African as I am the lying bitch. Charlie, being the Head of the Church of England and Defender of The Faith, should send a missionary around to convert her. Fucking slag.

  17. Unfortunately saying sorry, is often seen as an admission of guilt. Compo will surely follow.

  18. I hope during the meeting that a sincere Lady Hussey says:

    “I assumed from your tribal garb that you were from some 3rd world shithole. I didn’t realize that you were Marlene Headly from Kilburn, London and this disguise is just a part of your race baiting scam. By the way, would you happen to know where I could score some good ganja?”

  19. It’s uncanny, but she reminds me of one of them well dressed women, that held a couple of starving babies in their lap. Aid for Africa, I think the bottomless pit was called. On the face of it though, if they really were the mothers?? They should all have been done for serious child neglect.

  20. Maybe by way of an apology the royal family could offer the offended party a job in the Royal Household?

    Perhaps chief Janitor? Lead boot polisher?, Lucky-Lucky-bird toilet attendant (night club style)?

    Probably best to be a chimney sweep, that way no one would see the soot on her face…….

  21. I’d have more respect for the ‘Royals’ if they’d just come out and said ‘faaack oorff’ to this race baiter.

    Maybe in 2023 politicians and royals will all start to read the room a little more, sadly I doubt it though.

    • Yes, extremely doubtful especially when they are going to get another kicking from Harry Hewitt, the wokie glove puppet, in January. Fuck knows what Charlie the Chimpboy is going to do about that. Fuck all would be my guess.

  22. Sorry, off topic, but are we on a new posting schedule, or have the Stazi finally found HQ?

    • Admin’s been at the cooking sherry again!

      (That’ll be Night Admin – Day Admin)

      • Never mind.
        I’m sure NA will get him settled in his cot and normal service will be resumed shortly.
        Don’t put him on his back, NA. Put towels behind him to stop him rolling over, and a puppy pad under his head, for the drool.

      • Actually, all joking aside, I hope all is well at Admin Towers.

        (All is very well at Admin Towers thank you, JP. We have reduced the number of noms down to 2 per day for the Christmas period just so that we can all spend a bit more time with our families and blow up dolls of your favourite celebs. – Day Admin)

  23. What a Godsend this whole thing has been for everyone!
    Lady Hussey’s got a brand new bag, I mean bestest friend.
    Marlene’s got oodles of free publicity for her corrupt, racist “charity”.
    The Royal Family got lots of BLM/Woke brownie points for for sacking Hussey and subsequently making her appear to apologise.
    The MSM got days and days of nonsense to get all hysterical and/or self righteous about 24 fucking 7.
    And last but not least, IsAC got several great cuntings out of it.
    Everyone’s a winner, baby!

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