Kanye West (5) – Yeil, Hitler!

West, or “Ye” as he likes to call himself these days, has had his Twitter account suspended due to violating Twitter’s rules on hate crime and incitement to violence.

His upload of a Swastika merged with the Star of David, was the final straw for new Twitter owner and CEO, Elon Musk.

According to Musk, Ye (or “cunt” for short), has been repeatedly posting anti-Jewish comments and has been quoted as saying “I like Hitler!”

These comments were also the final straw for some of his sponsors, including Adidas, and his Management agency, who have distanced themselves from his inflammatory remarks to the point of dropping him completely.

West has always been a bit of a cunt, but now seems to be in so desperate need of attention that he has to resort to anti-Semitism to remain relevant no matter how controversial.

Even more interesting is how the likes of the Guardian and the BBC have yet to report this news. Basically West is making racist comments but most of the MSM don’t seem at all “interested”.

It also means the Woke libtards find themselves stuck between a rock and a hard place. West is obviously black, but does this trump Anti-Semitism? Will the woke support him, suggesting that Musk has banned him purely because he is black? Or will they criticise him for his racist remarks against Jews?

It would also be interesting if the MSM interviewed West and asked him if the Holocaust really happened?

But then again even if he did admit 6 million Jews were murdered, he would insist that the BLM movement is far more important. Although what the BLM would think of him after his racist comments, would make for a perfect popcorn moment!

aljazeera News Link

Nominated by: Technocunt

With further evidence of cuntdom provided by : Gutstick Japseye

This talent free skid mark on the pants of modern music has spouted some shit in his time, but when you make Alex ‘Sandy Hook is a Hoax’ Jones blush, you know you’re three ways fucked.

Appearing on the dreaded InfoWars internet conspiracy theory shit shovelling show alongside fellow holocaust denier and beta male incel looking knob Nick Fuentes, Kanye, wearing what looked like tights over his stupid head, declared he ‘loved Hitler’ and what a great guy he was because he invented highways and microphones.

Jones tried to tone the Nazi love in by saying ‘I agree the Hugo Boss stuff looks cool, but come on….’

Hitler didn’t invent roads, or microphones, and Boss didn’t design the Nazi uniforms, no matter what Dave down the pub says.

They were on Jones’ show to talk about their recent visit to see Trump at his Mar a Lardo complex, where they did whatever retards do behind those closed doors.
Throughout the show, Kanye had his bible with him, ranting about Jews and porn.

Considering he married a plastic skank whose entire fame came from a fucking sex tape, it’s just another reason to lock his dumb arse in a rubber room.

Cunts of a feather……

Express Link.

135 thoughts on “Kanye West (5) – Yeil, Hitler!

  1. Does he really believe what he’s saying though or is just for clicks? Or is he legit a mental case? Either way, he’s an ocean-going cunt.
    Perhaps he puddled his brain when he whacked his malteser into a sign in this amusing clip:

  2. Once upon a time deranged cunts like this would be locked in Bedlam and completely forgotten about.

    I have to wonder what would happen if Edward Ginger Cunt Sheeran said that he thought African slavery was a splendid jape?

    • He was on the Rats thread last night calling you a cunt and offering you out.
      Even left you a name and address, if it’s real…

      • ‘Normanomates

        December 11, 2022

        My name is Jeff gray
        Ruislip ha4 7js and I think DCI Hunt is a cunt, as are all his ilk.

        Outstanding!! Care In The Community has a lot to answer for.

      • Goes with the turf, LL. No wonder we’re getting more 136’s with fruit-bats like Hatefillednormanomatesswagger around, offering folk out behind the bike sheds. If anyone turns up!

        Comedy gold!

    • To be fair the IsAC Christmas get together usually descends into a cross between Animal House and One Flew Over The Cuckoo’s Nest.

    • Jeff’s obviously offering up a snide address there, Ruislip is nowhere near Worcestershire, the cowardly cunt.

    • Oh there you all are … the ISAC sideshow buried in a weirdness of YE …apologies for my tardiness but at little busy at work … in the spirit of the thread … ‘Arbeit macht frei‘ … well it does unless your one of them useless lazy fuckin’ union loving strikers.

      Evening cunts … what have your little thunk up today.

      • ‘at little busy at work …’

        Evening, Jeffrey. What is it you do? Freelance bare-knuckle fighter or freelance village idiot?

        Anyone turned up?

      • Damn. I really hoped you would ignore it, Gene.
        Much love to my boyfriend,
        Yours forever Jizzum Priest.

    • … none of the above but I won’t bore you with that. Now I really will fall out with you if you insist that I could possibly be called Jeffrey … fuck me my parents were right bastards but even they were not that cuntish.

    • Now, now.
      He’s obviously showing his solidarity with wimmin forced to wear the burqua on pain of being arrested by the Morality police.

  3. I’m loving this deranged cunt he wore a white lifes matter shirt and got shit for it, he’s slagging all the minorities off.

    He’s fucked in head but watching all the woke cunts getting triggered by him is hilarious.

    where’s the popcorn.

    • A looser than lose cannon, but very entertaining, he may be suffering a visit from the mental elf, some talk about him being manic depressive? Being part of the Kardashian’s funny farm may well had provided a trauma trigger for poor old Kane
      The way he is winding up the woke is funny his comments re the Jewish people are crass. Anyone who has a liking for Adolf obviously knows very little about the man.

      • A loose stool, more like. A turd that need to be flushed. Billionaire’s love a MOAN these days, eh? Poor billionaires! Hard life having the money to buy a private Pacific island, innit bruv? 😀

      • You’re on to something here.

        Every man who gets involved with them goes nuts.

        Bruce Jenner decides to become an unconvincing woman, thinking that will finally get him some attention and money, like the rest of the gang. He is wrong.

        Lamar Odom marries one of them. Next thing he knows he’s strung out, facing multiple charges, half dead in a motel room outside Vegas with a tranny hooker from Bangkok.

        It’s Kanye West’s turn.

  4. In his own words, he’s a lyrical wordsmith and musical genius.

    To everyone else, he’s just a thick cunt who married a hobbit.

  5. Trump has just said that Jewish leaders are ungrateful for what he did for Israel.
    Maybe he was influenced by Fuentes and Kanye at the dinner.

    KW has certainly lost billions by what he has been saying.
    ‘I feel free’ he is reported to have said by Candace Owen.

    Blacks were in America before the white man came.
    Blacks are the real Jews.

    He reminds me of Will Smith. An evil? Partner fucking with his mind.

    • In fact it was reds who were in America before the white man came and began the Great Replacement.

    • The true history of ancient North and South America is mysterious as fuck, controversial as fuck. Black people have been bouncing around the Earth for thousands of years, though. Australia? Negroid people in Japan? Official history is bullshit, written by the aristocrats..

  6. A bit fucking rich from Adidas given their founder was actually a Nazi Party member


  7. He’s a publicity seeker par excellence, just nowhere near as scheming and clever as Sparkletits. I don’t think he knows what he is saying most of the time. He called his daughter North…….. thus she is North West. What a fucking cunt!

  8. West saying he likes Hitler…

    We all liked him!

    But he’s gone now.
    What we don’t like is puddled black midgets !

      • They were both great Baz.

        Hitler edges it for me because he was artistic,
        Painted, drew,
        Sort of a Austrian Tony Hart.

        Starlin wasnt artistic,
        Although he liked ‘colouring in’ and had a lot of crayons.

      • Enrico Caruso said he loved Napoleon on the Jeremy Vine show in 1904 and that’s why he was taken of Spotify. Very sad end of a great man.

    • I only found out recently that Mr West is 5 foot 8 inches tall. I always thought he was one of those big niggas like, err… Biggie Smalls, but he’s the Tom Cruise of Hip Hop. Fuck me, there’s an image.

      I’m a Top Gun, put a cap in yo’ ass
      Days of thunder when I walk into class
      Risky business is how I roll
      Bend over punk, wanna fuck yo’ HOLE!

      • My mission ain’t impossible, it’s in the bag
        Come over here bitch, on ma dick you will gag
        My wide eyes ain’t shut, they are fully open
        I’m Jack Reach-around, your dick I am GROPIN’

  9. Kayne West — gone west, who cares deranged cunt. Not worth the square root of fuck all.

  10. This up himself slut screwing sambeau is a total cunt for all this Nazi shit. But, had he praised Eldridge Cleaver, Robert Mugabe, or Winnie Mandela, or if ‘Ye’ had said whites or ‘colonials’ deserved to die, no cunt -on social media or anywhere – would have batted an eyelid. It’s all selective and about who you are allowed to have a go – and not have a go – at.

    It’s like that Frankie Boyle cunt and his revolting militant treeswinger pet, Sophie Duker. They say they want to ‘kill whitey’ on the BBC and it goes by virtually unnoticed. Yet, if they had said ‘kill blackie’ or ‘we love Hitler’ we would not have heard the last of it.

    Racism and prejudice should cover all bases, but it doesn’t. Anyone white, heterosexual and western is fair game. And the joke is that all these social media dickheads who say ‘don’t say this!’ ‘You can’t say that!’ and ‘Ban them/fire them now!’ are closer to the policies of the Nazi Party than they are to any supposed liberal or progressive organisation. As Ronald Reagan (RIP) said ‘Fascism will rise again in the guise of liberalism’. How right he was. West is a copper bottomed cunt. But a lot of the people who will be be condemning him on social media will behave like Nazis more than he does…

  11. Kanye West is obviously a Manchurian candidate programmed by the Democunts to further fuck Trump’s chances of winning back the presidency next year.

    • That Fuentes fella is a funny one. Says proudly he is an ‘incel’. That’s someone who cant get a lady friend.
      Also they can go nuts and kill people out of frustration.
      I wonder was he vetted before the dinner?

      • I had a wee peak of that Fuentes cunt and he looks like one of those guys who comes out of court for shoplifting from Poundland.

    • Why’s he so famous?
      Little mudder fuckers about 4ft 2.
      Headtheball .
      Makes shitty trainers and shittier music.

      How did he get out of that loony bin?

      His issue with Jews ,
      Whats up with him?
      He’d be the first to go bananas I called him a chimp.
      But he’s all Jeremy Corbyn for the Israelites?

      I hope Billy shatner beats him up.

      • He’s like the black Ed Sheercunt.

        Sheeran has no talent or ability whatsoever.
        Can’t even rhyme words together.
        His music is shite of the highest order.
        Looks like a gargoyle dipped in a bucket of ginger pubes.
        Has a personalty that makes Ken Barlow look like Iggy Pop.

        His fame ans popularity is worthy of a Twlight Zone episode.

    • Sorry, it’s 2024, not next year.
      Kanye’s not the only puddled one here.
      Thing is, I got up this morning and found our hot water had gone for a burton.
      Plumber (if we can get one tomorrow) is bound charge an arm and a leg.
      Even if it’s just a minor adjustment…
      Don’t get me started on plumbers.

  12. I do have a few issues with Techno’s part of the cunting. Firstly, his bullshit is being reported in the Msm, when I looked for a link to back up the cunting there were plenty to choose from. It’s also well reported the lead up to his latest outright Nazi love declaration, with plenty of coverage of his actions and the responses of his sponsors.
    Secondly, I can’t see him bigging up BLM any time soon, quite the opposite, like his fellow fuckwit Candace, he ain’t a fan.

    Kuntye has also taken the heat over his visit to Trumps tacky compound, and left that odious alt right soyboy Fuentes free to sneak out the back door.
    Nice company you’re keeping Donnie, a loser surrounding himself with other losers.
    Talking of Alt Right soyboys, why are there so many? I feel a cunting coming on…

  13. Why do these black “Artists” go through the stupid fucking name evolutions? Puff Daddy became P Diddy and is now Diddy or some other shit. Kanye became Ye. Prince became the Artist Formerly… . Is it something you do to celebratet not getting shot in the first few years of fame?

      • Magic Roundabout.
        Too good for kids.
        Dylan, the stoned rabbit.
        Zebedee, with that mustache!
        Time for bed, I’ll bet.

    • Seems to be some new guy, Norm, who should be ignored, but isn’t. He has his moments, but isn’t doing much. The veterans of ISAC seem to enjoy his attention.

      Swagger should put his Christmas lights up! 😀

      • Mine are up Gordon.
        And two wickerwork stags with fairy lights.

        Very exclusive.
        Very chic.

        Don’t think I’d like most other cunters decorations?

        Tenners worth of Poundland tat.

        They may as well not bother,
        Just embarrassing.

        I’m all about style me.

    • Full-size wickerwork stags? Is a little voodoo doll of Edward Woodward inside one? 😀

      All of my decorations are really really nice (poofy) wooden and metal pieces with warm-white subtle glow lights.

      And a family tradition now – an Ian Huntly effigy done up as Santa holding baby Jesus with the England team, naked, pulling the sledge towards Jerusalem.

  14. When Kayne and Slag Kardashian’s kid grows up, their kid could be called Granada.
    Then they could get Gordon Burns to say ‘From the North West, this is Granada”.

  15. Guess YE ain’t so interested in running for the position of POTUS anymore. Going the anti semite route is guaranteed bad juju (pun intended) and a set up for failure plus he’s gotta have a bunch of othersskeletons in his cupboard that would ultimately be used against him. Shoulda stuck to the dodgy music n designer clothing and stayed out of politics.

  16. You always have to worry about the mental elf* of someone who decides to change their name to a symbol, or a single syllable.

    *Not to be confused with the elf that apparently lives on the shelf, and only appears at this time of year. Where is the little fucker the rest of the year, eh?

  17. I’d love to go to Donald’s compound.
    Bet it’s ace!!

    Like Disney land, Wonka’s chocolate factory, and the vaults of the Vatican rolled into one.

    Gogo dancers on platforms, strippers everywhere,
    Loot lying about,
    Official secret service paperwork screwed up everywhere.

    Bet he’s got some of the space ship from the Roswell crash?!!

    Brilliant ?

    • Going by his Trump Tower office, his compound would be an unclean mess, hoarded with amazing stuff like Mike Tyson autographed boxing gloves that any Kid Dynamite fan would kill for, but Trump just leaves his priceless gifts lying around because he has ZERO attention span.

  18. ‘To be fair the IsAC Christmas get together usually descends into a cross between Animal House and One Flew Over The Cuckoo’s Nest.’

    Aye, Liberal Liquidator. We could have it in my kidney unit. Just keep on the fit nurses that are there and kick all the dark personages out.

  19. The final proof that old Ye lad has flipped his lid will be when he’s caught in bed with Brucie Jenner playing hide the salami…

  20. You mean we’re not having the annual bash at Fidlers?
    Or is Admin Towers hosting this year?

    • Mr Fiddler has taken in 26 channel-hopping darkıes for Christmas, JP, there’s no room left for us IASCunters.
      All out of the goodness of his heart.

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