Inclement Weather (in the UK)

The first bit of the ‘white stuff,’ and as usual. the dreaded “D” word (Disruption) is in force.

If things stay as they are, or god forbid, get any worse, the whole of the U.K. will come to a grinding halt, on the roads and the airports. It’s already been classed as a severe weather warning, so anyone would think that the mercury was somewhere near -30C when it’s in fact only -1 here in the south east anyway, where the trains have been seriously affected. Bring back some of those Diesel Loco’s, like the one I saw shoot up the line earlier, defrosting the ‘third rail,’ the main reason for todays cancellations.

Get them out, and put a plough on them, like they do in other countries. Same shit. different year.

Things just don’t get any better.

Today (December 12th) has been the same sorry story, with the trains. But with two strike days coming up,Tuesday and Wednesday, it looks like they are reducing their opperations. Just any excuse to really fuck things up.

Nominated by : Lord Scunthorpe

83 thoughts on “Inclement Weather (in the UK)

  1. Fucking cold ( inclement) weather is a Cunt. Especially in the uk however, lord scunny you are right ; the way we deal with it is a bigger Cunt.

  2. We had 38C just 6 months ago. Now it’s -8C. If that doesn’t prove climate change is real, I don’t know what does. There, suck on that all you Climate Change Deniers.

    Comment brought to you by the St Greta Foundation For The Return Of The Stone Age.

    • Yes Geordie. They had -67C in Yakutsk Russia, recently. No one heard any cries of help or distress either. A steady temperature of around -40 has continued. Some 300,000 inhabitants have ‘just got on with it,’ in the worlds coldest city. Amazing!

    • I like to think of it as opposed seasons. Summer = warn
      Winter =. Cold ?

      Fuck of Greta cuntadome

  3. The strikes are really fucking things up. I think Michael Lynch needs the Iran treatment – they have the right punishments for the wrong reasons. Flogging for adultery?. If I were 50 years younger I’d commit adultery to get away from the spouse with a nice little mistress. But strike makers – 40 lashes in public. That applies to Royal Mail and the nurses too. In fact, I think Lynch might need the crane……he’s gone beyond flogging now and needs the ultimate punishment.

    • I was on a train to Stroud on Saturday 10th, which wasn’t a strike day. We got to Swindon about an hour late, from Bristol. The reason given was that the severe cold had made the signals seize up. I was mystified as earlier trains must have proceeded with no problems, when it would have been much colder. It was about 9.30 – 10am when we got to Swindon and the sun was fully out, any ice melting everywhere. The cheeky cunt train manager said ,laughing, that things were better on strike days. I’m not normally a complainer but I made a note of that remark on my claim form for a refund, cheeky commie filthpig cunt.

      • Hope you put down “Wrong type of snow” as the reason Mary. That is a familar excuse, first used in 1997.

  4. Trouble is since Covid,every Cunt is looking for an excuse not to go to work…weather,royal funeral,football etc…they then pop up to wail that ” I can’t afford to buy the bairns a Christmas present…the govvermint should give us extra money”

    I don’t know exactly when The Shadowy Cabal plan to take over but I wish they’d get a fucking move on….seeing 99% of the population being herded into Chinese labour camps before being “disposed off” would certainly bring a warm,fuzzy Christmas glow to this Cunter.

    • can us Isac regulars pretend to be war-torn migrants seeking shelter by entering your vast mansion estate for the next 2 years, Dick?

      it would have to be completely rent free of course and all food and heating and supplies also free of charge because we are poor migrants from far off shores (the Lake District is miles away from Northumberland according to my cheap Chinese made satnav)

      Thanks, Dick. we will pop round on Christmas Eve just in time for Christmas dinner and lots of prezzies. ?

      • I’ll say the same to you as I said to that carpenter and single Mother with a squalling brat in her arms who came looking for shelter one snowy night…” Fuck Off and don’t try sneaking into one of the byres later or I’ll set the Hounds on ya…sponging Cunts.”

        Took a pot-shot at those three Know-All Windbags who turned up later saying they were looking for “Ali Saveor” or something….must admit that I hadn’t noticed that the child was a fucking muzza ilegal immigrant or he’d have got the bucket of cold piss chucked over him and his trollop of a mother.

        But seriously….I’d love to invite all my …ISAC chums to my palatial country residence but the fact that I consider you a bunch of irredeemable Windbags,Perverts,Oddballs and complete Mentals makes it impossible unfortunately….I’m sure you understand and sympathise with my position.

      • I’ll say the same to you as I said to that carpenter and single Mother with a squalling brat in her arms who came looking for shelter one snowy night…” Fuck Off and don’t try sneaking into one of the byres later or I’ll set the Hounds on ya…sponging Cunts.”

        Took a pot-shot at those three Know-All Windbags who turned up later saying they were looking for “Ali Saveor” or something….must admit that I hadn’t noticed that the child was a fucking muzza ilegal immigrant or he’d have got the bucket of cold piss chucked over him and his trollop of a mother.

        But seriously….I’d love to invite all my …ISAC chums to my palatial country residence but the fact that I consider you a bunch of irredeemable Windbags,Sexual reprobates,Oddballs and complete Mentals makes it impossible unfortunately….I’m sure you understand and sympathise with my position

      • ‘Jaguarpig

        December 11, 2022

        Get on strike you caring cunt, where are dick Fox fucker pretend rich tosser and grunkstick festering knob end licking your arse’

        This chancer might turn up though, Dick. You’d have to take refuge in the secret nuclear bunker beneath the estate’s grounds until he’d gone back to Worcestershire/Ruislip.

        If he gives up looking for you.

    • I don’t think it’s the Chinese, DF. Even though they (their government at least) are cunts too.

      The ‘Conspiracy theory’ (if that’s what it is) is that us honkies are too ‘clever’ and ‘difficult’. The ‘regime’ (as they are known by ‘conspiracy theorists’, if that’s what they are…) were most displeased with the voting for Brexit and Trumpy.

      This ‘theory’ (‘The Great Replacement’) then claims that the plan is to replace honky in western lands, by breeding with other races if necessary (I’ll shag owt so not too arsed myself) via mass media campaigns and mass legal immigration and doing nothing about illegal immigration.

      The theory also claims that illegals will be practically encouraged to come here in dinghies on the promise of a free 4* hotel room, free meals, free bills and a place at the head of queues for social housing and bennies.

      These theorists also claim that the overall plan is to create a lower IQ society, which is easier to manage and will work for less. And that they will not use their own vehicles under the guise of ‘saving the planet’ , rather than just allowing only the wealthy and the ‘regime’ access to empty roads like in the adverts.

      Now, a few years ago I would’ve laughed and told such adherents to go and have a nice lie down and wait for nursey.


      Well, I’m not so fucking sure, put it that way.

      Merry Christmas. It might be one of our last before the ‘big whatever they’re up to.’


      Or is it?

      • Plenty of civilisations in the past have fallen when they became weak,complacent,self-indulgent and allowed their blood-lines to be diluted…..were The Shadowy Cabal behind those “Great Resets” too ?

        Na,sorry….I can accept that some evil Cunts are “stirring the pot” but I believe that 90% of the problems are caused by our own faults and a reset is,if anything,long overdue.

      • I honestly don’t know DF, but I’m sure we’ll find out one way or the other some day.

        There’s fuck all I can do to stop them anyhow.

        Not with my arse grapes.

      • Didn’t Theresa May sign the UK up for the “Global compact for Migration” back in 2018?

        Roughly translated as – any cunt from any shithole can come here by any means available and once they do get here, they are given all the government help available in order to settle here. Permanently. No questions asked.


        I don’t think the US under the Trump administration actually signed up for this but since the installation of Biden then it’s been full steam ahead with illegal uncontrolled immigration into that country through it’s southern border regardless.

        I don’t know if this “pact” extends to honkeys who wish to up sticks and fuck off to a country of their personal preference though.

      • HJ

        I can fucking guarantee you it won’t allow for the likes of you or I to turn up unannounced and demanding housing and money, in New Zealand or Canada for instance.

        Not a fucking chance.

      • ‘Low IQ society’? CAT 1 call, low oxygen saturations, racing pulse, SATS of 57% using own SATS probe.

        ‘No, sir, you’re reading it upside down. Your SATS are 100% and your pulse is 57 BPM…’

      • I don’t plan to try and stop them…I plan to offer my services in support of them…after all.someone’ll be needed to run those labour camps and I like to think that I’m just the man for the job.

  5. If the trains don’t run because of: snow / industrial action / a leaf on the line*
    (*Delete as appropriate, or add another bullshit excuse), is there a marked difference?
    I’ve always thought the timetable must have been written by Hans Christian Andersen anyhow.

  6. Local and national officials are far too busy looking after Albanians,Eritreans,Kenyans,Syrians and other assorted flotsam to bother with trivial matters such as gritters and providing transport infrastructure that doesn’t collapse at the first sign of a snow flurry.

    • What a treat yesterday..the Energy Secretary Grant “Grinning Cunt” Shapps on the news giving us energy saving tips from his taxpayer funded mansion.

      Fortunately he’d managed to hide his expenses claim for his gas and electricity bill down the back of the sofa before the TV crew turned up.

      The useless little cunt.

  7. The BBC love to tell us peasants that it was minus 15.7 degrees in some remote place in Porridgeland. I always wonder how many people live within 20 miles of the place. Bugger All I suspect.

  8. we had ,10 minute of sleet last night leaving a dusting on the roads.

    it wasn’t mentioned on the forecasts so clearly it’s due to climate change and we all must try sacrificing our old fashioned heating for the good of the planet and little Greta’s future by simply dying of hyperthermia.

  9. It’s been cold, I think it’s called winter,

    I’m going to pop outside in a while.

    Got a load of plastic to burn in my back yard incenerator.

    Then I may wash the salt grime of the vehicle later.

    Warming up a treat here. Keep calm, carry on and ignore the MSM.

  10. Its winter, its fucking freezing. Get on with it. In the fifties I could still manage to nick coal from the pit where shitihad millionaires now play. We had fuck all and I mean fuck all !

  11. Ah… yet another beautifully crisp morning down South, in this best of all possible worlds!

    • Did not even snow near you Ruff?

      Here we have thirty different words for snow.

      It was reasonably deep on the peaks.
      And when getting in the van the other morning a brisk -10.

      Don’t think I could live in the subtropical south.

      • Morning Miserable.

        Only had a few light dustings of snow here so far.

        Temperature minus 2 last night, currently 2 degrees.

        Don’t think it’s gone below minus 5 this year, everybody wearing shorts and Hawaiian shirts. ?

  12. 1970s – There’s an ice age coming by the year 2000! (I was told this at school and saw panic TV shows on this too.)

    Fuck all happened.

    1980s/90s There’s a hole in the ozone layer. Earth will be like Venus by the year 2000.

    Fuck all happened.

    2000s Global Warming. The Maldives will be underwater by 2020 and it’ll be tropical in most of Europe. Lots of droughts and death.

    Fuck all happened.

    2010s to date: Climate Change.

    Now this one is genius. Hotter than usual? Climate change. Colder than usual? Climate change. Some weather about? Climate change. And we’re going to die because of it. They don’t say how. Drought? Floods? Freezing to death? Seems any of them could happen anywhere. They don’t know when (some have said 12 years!) she or how, but by God, only ‘retards’ and evil climate change ‘deniers’ (very clever use of language again) would deny this truth.

    Whatever it is.

    However some things are for sure.

    They need to increase your bills, for you to work harder for less,for you to never own a home, more of your tax and you need to get off the fucking roads and eat bugs, you cunt.

    They can suck my bell end!

    • Older cunters will remember all those predictions of our impending doom CB. You left out one from the seventies; we will run out of oil by the year 2000.

    • Forgot to add that they never say what weather they want?

      Surely, they need to say what weather/temp range they want in every location on Earth for every day of the year, taking into account solar activity etc.

      But they never will.

      It’s a fucking grift.

      I bet if we had exactly the same weather in every location on Earth 50 years running, they’d say ‘The climate not changing is dangerous. There should be some change and this is because of Climate Change. We’re all going to die soon unless we take radical steps.”

    • Hottest day ever recorded on earth was 134 F in 1913 Death Valley California. A figure not usually spoke about.

  13. It’s winter in Spain.
    About 21 degrees during the day but the night temperatures drop to 14 or 15.

    That doesn’t stop the idiot tourists going out in the evening in a T-shirt, shorts and flip-flops.

    I think that is all they ever pack.

    • The be fair, if you’re from the north of England or Scotland, those temperatures are T-shirt, shorts and flip flops weather.

  14. The Ice Age came in 1963 and nobody bothered. So it fucked off. We came closer to the sun for a lengthy period in 1976 and people enjoyed without bothering what was happening. There will be more freak seasons coming and going. It makes a change from normality.

  15. The UK has just recently endured it’s coldest night in 12 years according to the Beeb news website.

    “Now that’s interesting” I thought to myself.

  16. The sadistic beeb have always told us the worst will happen, whether its to do with the weather or employing perverts.

  17. Sitting here waiting for the snow (or freezing rain), the weatherman said ‘Amber Alert’ ?

    ‘I ain’t fucking bovvered’

  18. As well as low temperatures for the last few weeks there’s also been bugger all wind. So just when we could do with generating a bit of extra electricity the bird-mincing white elephant wind turbines have produced next to nothing. And we can’t burn fossil fuels to keep warm, can we?
    So freeze you fuckers, freeze. It’s your atonement for having created Climate Armageddon. Or slavery. Or something.

  19. Granted snow slows the whole country so just go out for essential supplies wrap up warm and try not to slip!
    You can order in most of the old Christmas stuff…

    Think a lot of our stuff in past years used to come from the old catalogues my parents would save up for Christmas through out the year pay a bit off at a time…suppose the internet has kind of put a stop on catalogue shopping?
    I’m still looking forward to Christmas day

  20. And yet still, somewhere in Worcestershire, Jeffrey will be there, behind the bike sheds, shadow boxing to Eye of the Tiger. He never backs down. No one ever turns up though.

  21. Last time I saw a snow gritter on my street was December 1979. Plenty of snow in the years and decades after that, but I haven’t seen one since then (including the ‘Beast from the East’ in 2018). That – if anything – shows how shit our local councils are and how standards have dropped year after year.

    Also, what makes me crease is how people now wet themselves when we get cold weather at the end of the year. In the 60s, 70s and 80s we got it. But it was expected and no fucker went on about it. OK, we didn’t like it (who does?), but it wasn’t news headlines, it wasn’t on the front page of the tabloids (‘Cor! What A Freezer! Cold Weather In December Shock!’). It’s Britain for fucks sake, and we’ve had cold weather since the year dot. But, with the once famous stiff upper and Bri lip and British resolve long gone, people nowadays are just soft bastards and they get mardy about Winter weather just like they get mardy about everything else.❄?❄

    • With the once famous stiff upper lip and British resolve long gone, people nowadays are just soft bastards and they get mardy about Winter weather just like they get mardy about everything else.?❄❄❄

  22. Also, this current cold weather is nothing. Nothing.

    When I was a lad (cue Dvorak ‘Hovis’ music?) there was proper snow and lots of it. My grandad had to get a shovel and dig out his outside toilet from under about eight feet of snow. And me and our Andy (RIP) with our United kits on one Christmas, playing with an orange ball as our feet couldn’t be seen in the snow below us. Global warming? We fucking wished!

    It’s natural for the UK to freeze at the end of the year. and it (mostly) always has done. But there are cunts like that Greta mong and her BBC acolytes who make out that this is all new and that it’s down to climate change. Complete bollocks, of course. You should have seen the snow in 1963, 1979, 1984, and 2008 Greta, you little bullshitting cunt.

    • I remember 2008 – myself and my sister went sledding on this cycle path by our house. Steep hill one side, brambles on the other – steering down the hill trying to avoid the trees then the brambles at the end was great fun.

    • I knew these warnings about global warming were a load of shit, it’s wet and fucking freezing and me and my cat are having to stay in. She’s disgusted and she’s gone to bed. Are we expected to live like this?

    • You brought back memories of when I also played football in the snow and slipping on my arse in the ice streets without cars to trouble us. I wore the United shirt with the V-Neck that came down to my navel and short sleeves showing my bony arms. Was I cold ? Was I bollocks ! It’s true everything you say. They don’t know they’re born today and having nothing to look forward to. You grabbed pleasure for the moment and did the best you could.

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