Harry & Meghan (14) and Netflix (8)

The Skidmarkles’ Netflix Trailer

Rejoice! Rejoice! The trailer for the Markles’ mockumentary has arrived, and the reality show will soon be hot on its heels. I can barely contain my enthusiasm; if the trailer’s anything to go by, the series will be better than sex.

Word has it that St Migraine of Monteshiteshow is seen healing the sick and dying, and apparently the scenes where she teaches Vladimir Putin to embrace his feminine side, renounce genocide and become a warm and wonderful human being are beyond compare.

Stunning and brave. Tears have been streaming from my left eye for hours.

BBC News Link

Nominated by: Ron Knee

(Welcome back, Ron! – The Admin Team)

82 thoughts on “Harry & Meghan (14) and Netflix (8)

  1. The Ginger Hewitt offspring isn’t known for his intelligence.
    Little Miss Sparkle Tits has played this utter Tool like a proverbial fiddle.
    It’ll all end in tears for the thick ginger mong especially when the Netflix cow has been milked and the public finally lose interest.
    He’s an outcast within his own family led astray by this narcissistic attention seeking cunt.
    Personally I’m sick of hearing about these two monumental twats and their ridiculous antics all of which are wholly motivated by greed.
    I hope people see sense and boycott these two grade A wankers and I also hope King Charles removes every entitlement and title these pair of bastards have ever received and organise an ‘accident’ for them both via MI6 in a Paris underpass or the like .

  2. Charles may have to look up Phil’s mechanic to see if he can do the same break service they did on the cunts mothers Mercedes’ in Paris

  3. You could see the Sparkletits plan very early on. She invited the Clooneys and Oprah , Hollywood royalty, to her wedding despite the fact that neither her or Halfbrain had ever met them.
    Then she refused to attend a royal banquet in honour of visiting President Trump and Halfbrain had to go on his own. I bet he got a right bollocking when he got home. I expect he took full advantage of the free booze that we paid for before he had to face the music.
    The signs were there early on you just had to recognise them.

  4. To say that I loathe these two cunts is a massive understatement. The fact that they have put this self serving dog turd out when the late Queen hasn’t even been dead for six months shows the world what a pair of cold and cynical cunts that they truly are. Everyone knew – even even in the event of Her Majesty’s demise – that Megan Mantis would not be able to keep her gob shut for long. I only hope that the day comes soon when she is permanently shut up.

    • It’ll be interesting to see if they pitch up for the Coronation. I get the impression that they’d be as welcome as a floater in a swimming pool.

  5. A thorougly righteous righteous cunting in the witty and eloquent style we’ve all come to love and miss. Welcome back Mr. Knee.

    With regard to the Despicable Duo there is no low to which they won’t sink. No lie they won’t speak. And no dollar they won’t chase. Other than that, I’m out of things to say about the utterly repulsive, formerly royal cunts known as Hazbeen and Nutmeg.

    (I’m not as up on my royal Privileges and Protocols so I’m not sure he actually can, but I really hope Charles da Turd takes away their titles.)

    I will also say a word about their defenders. Surprisingly, they do have them here in the states. They must be the same kind of people who fall in love with convicted murderers and become serial killer groupies.

    As a side note…Mr. Knee…the next time you visit the states…particularly Florida (or anywhere in the southeastern US for that matter), by all means let me know. Florida is an easy drive for me and I visit there often. I’d be pleased to buy you and (the presumably lovely and charming) Mrs. Knee a Ginger Ale…or 2 or 3.

    • Thanks General!

      As far as removing their titles is concerned, it’s a bit of a two-edged sword, I’d say. I think it would be a popular move with the public, but it could just feed their victim narrative; ‘look what they’ve done now to poor little us…’.
      I think more and more people, many of whom previously were neutral towards them, or just not that interested, are starting to see them for the grifting wasters they are.
      Perhaps the Palace’s so-called ‘long game’ isn’t such a bad idea at that. Give a cunt enough rope…

      • Let the race baiting shitehawks keep their titles, for now….
        The more they piss off the Firm and the more they shit on the king (both present and future ones), the longer and harder their fall will be when it comes, and it will…

  6. Yes General, King Twatface can take away their titles but that isn’t really going to happen. I also understand that Parliament can do it for him but that isn’t going to happen either. We just have to put up with this pussy whipped little ginger whiner slagging off our country. Every other cunt does it so why not him? At least he’s an emigrant and not a fucking immo on the p*nce.

    • ‘It’s amazing what people will do when offered a huge amount of money’.

      Harry SkidMarkle, 2022.

    • Hey Freddie,

      You (and indeed Ron) are closer to the situation and have a better knowledge and understanding than I do. But just to play Devil”s Advocate for a moment:

      It is indeed just the type of thing a feckless Parliament might do. It has no down side. It is popular with the people. It solves nothing. It doesn’t lower winter energy costs. It doesn’t stop dinghys. And it has nothing to do with the EU. So why not? There’s no downside (that is readily visible to short sighted politicians) and it makes everyone feel good…and is (as they will claim) for the good of the nation.

      As for He of the Enormous Lugholes…I think he is just the sort of small minded, petty, little wannabe, tyrant cunt who would think this makes him look like a strong Monarch. He defended the institution of the monarchy by taking a principled stand against a rogue family member…also (it will be claimed) for the good of the nation (of course).

      As for Mrs and Mr Markle…they may very want to force the issue. Obviously, they revel in playing the victim but there’s another possible motive.

      It is said that Suitcase Girl has political aspirations. After team Biden stole the 2020 election…Ole’ Flatback Harris had to resign her office as Senator in order to become Vice Perpetrator. California Governor Gaslight Gavin Newsom would then get to appoint someone to finish her term.

      It was reported in the American press that Yacht Girl called Gaslight to “introduce” herself. The clear implication being that she wanted Flatback’s old bed…uh seat. Of course there was no upside for Gaslight so she didn’t get it.

      However, some American “media” outlets like MarieClaire and Vanity Fair claim that Meghantoinette has Presidential aspirations. Just one problem. Conventional wisdom holds that Article 1, Section 9 of the US Constitution (commonly known as the Emoluments clause) prohibits any one holding foreign title to hold elected office without express written consent from the US Congress.

      As the formally, royal courtesan is loathe to give up her title, she may actually want Chucky to take it away. As Ron said, this allows her to perpetuate and indeed expand her victim street cred. And given that she would almost certainly run as a Victimcrat this might give her added incentive to continue to lie and slander.

      Who knows? But this cunt is such a schemer that I put nothing past her.

      As for Hewitt? He couldn’t find his balls if she took them out of the jar and gave them back to him.

      • No General, neither King Chimp Boy or Parliament are going to do that. It doesn’t make any sense but they are all for licking the wokie arse…….the very cunts who want to see them dead. Don’t ask me why, it makes no sense to me.
        As for this foreign titles business in your manor, that can be easily overcome.
        I can see Sparkletits doing Governor of California > Potus , no fucking problem. It’s not like it hasn’t been done before.
        In fact if she goes down that route I can see Hewitt being kept on……the dumb fuck would be a bit of an asset to a female politician.

  7. I despise these cunts, especially that fucking little Walt! I’m hoping jug ears will have all restrictions and D Notices surrounding his alleged military career lifted, because once that truth gets out he will be finished for good. If he thinks the press are viscous now, he hasn’t seen a fucking thing yet as they will tear him up for ass paper! As for that yacht whore, I hope a few of the wrinkly old millionaires come out and give a few interviews. Hoping the pair make Cunt of the Year, once again?

    • True enough Foggy.

      If Henery Hawk of Hewitt saw action in Afghanistan and he personally killed Taliban nutters, then I am shagging Diora Baird all next week.

      And I’m not….☹

  8. Funny how the first husband of the faux black praying mantis is never seen or heard of, isn’t it? No tell all exclusives, no book, no TV stuff, no nothing. You would think that he’d want to put the boot in, as she obviously shafted him till Tuesday (it’s simply in her nature), whoever he is.

    So, I wonder, how much have Megain and the Orangutan paid him? Is he even still alive, come to that?…

    • As I understand it, Pussy-whipped Harry is her THIRD time around the block.
      Her second, Trevor something, is supposedly now writing his own book on life with The Markle. Could be a fun read.

      • How are yer Ron.?

        Funny, how Megain is supposedly so pro-black.
        Yet all her husbands have been white. She loves black people so much, she won’t marry one….?

      • Aye up Norm.
        Yeah, apparently she’s always described herself as ‘Caucasian’, until she landed on her feet with Ginger Balls, and discovered the advantages of the race card.
        Poor old Hazza; stuck with that. No wonder the cunt looks miserable so much.

  9. It is inconceivable that Charlie hasn’t done a DNA test on the sly. If they continue flinging shit I think the shocking result will find itself leaked, solving several problems at once. The newly divorced Harry will be able to find work on strictly etc. In other news princess Meg titty pics are easily found on t’internet. They are actually quite nice.

  10. The King can look on the bright side, I suppose.

    If Megain Mantis and Clyde from the ‘Which Way’ films don’t turn up, then there’s a fair bet that her darker hued relatives won’t be seen either. Charlie can have a proper Christmas dinner with a bit of Bing Crosby playing, instead of jungle music, fried chiggen and fucking yams.

    That said though, it’s well known that Megain’s family (the white ones, that is) hate her as much as anybody else. Probably more so, they’ve met her. Poor cunts.

    • Oh Christ, there’s another trailer out.
      Hazza accuses the Palace of ‘lying to protect his brother’, whatever the fuck that means.
      Also they just ‘had to get out’. Yeah right; soon as the Queen wouldn’t let you have your hokey-cokey half in, half out, pick the glamorous engagements and fuck off the rest.
      Hazza Hazbeen; a cunt for all seasons.

      • They just had to get out. Yet they wanted to copyright the ‘brand’ Sussex Royal to flog their crap and to keep their titles. Utter cunt trombones.

        Also, Megain has done a grand job splitting the two royal brothers up. Straight out of the Yoko Fucking Ono handbook.

        I will never understand the boy Harry. He was a popular royal, seen as one of the lads, seemed to have the common touch, went on the piss, got into the odd scrape or two, and he could have had infinite society and celebrity fanny on tap. Yet he has thrown all that goodwill, that life, and all those shagging opportunities away. And all for a whip cracking devious piece of Septic Tank trailer trash who has about as much charm, class and sex appeal as a dog turd in a heatwave.

  11. Just think, if Henry VIII was king now instead of Charles III, those two media whore cunts would be on Netflix, but knelt in front of chopping blocks.

    Ah, if only….?

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