Unfamiliar with this character? Let me explain. Mulvaney is currently ‘transitioning’ to become a ‘girl’, and has chosen to do so in the full glare of the internet and social media.
I’ve said it on here before and I’ll say it again. If someone aspires to become a woman, or indeed a cat or a cabbage, then that’s their choice, and good luck with it. It’s no skin off my nose.
No, what I object to is the flouncing, ‘girly’ parody of womanhood that Mulvaney projects. Does he seriously believe that this is how women see themselves, or would want others to see them? It’s all a bit sickening to my taste, not to mention rather deluded.
Such is the seeming degree of caricature involved that some have called young Dylan out as a troll. That remains to be seen, but in the meantime, I’ll take things at face value, and call him/her/hem/they whatever out as a total twat.
Nominated by: Ron Knee
This geezer is not really giving much thought about his future.
At the moment everything may be fun and frolicks, he might be earning some money by being an ‘influencer’.
When middle age starts setting in he will look even more ridiculous and unconvincing.
He will be unemployable.
He will have no friends and no money.
Hopefully he will kill himself.
It’s interesting that the ‘lad’ is apparently coining it in, in advert and sponsorship deals, hence the accusations of trolling.
Any, a twat’s a twat by any other name etc.
oh what a tasty little morsel it is…
You’ve got to like those shorts in the link mind.
We can only hope, Artful.
I see posh spice has got off her fresh air and lettuce diet.
He’s a dirty pædo, same as all transbumders.
Hear hear, I don’t get it, at all, and unlike Ron it is skin off my nose, I have to live in this sick society and have my kids exposed to these weirdos.
I disagree with the part of the nom that says it’s no skim off my nose. These people are contributing to the demise of our society. Their choice is destructive to the moral fabric.
There should be active push back and every effort to put shame back into this mental illness.
Sorry MC, didn’t see your comment before saying the same thing.
I’ll say the same thing too, I’m fed up with what must be a very small minority being promoted at every available opportunity, the abnormal cunts.
It’s causing skin to come off my nose.
Increasingly these types are turning up in womens public toilets as well, and act like you are the one in the wrong place. They never just do the necessary and go either, there is always a full on flounce in front of the mirror, like the point hasn’t been made forcefully enough already.
I’ve cunted this cunt before back in October. I can’t believe this daft fucker is anything more than a massive troll. Since the last cunting, he has had a meeting with Sleepy Joe – I wonder if the old cunt sniffed his hair.
The cunt.
It’s odds on Dkc.
He will be a shoe-in for a position in the Hair-Sniffer-In-Chiefs administration following fellow degenerates Rachel Levine and Sam Brinton.
Welcome back Dark key cunt.
Excellent cunting as always Ron!
Never left mate. Been watching on but haven’t contributed. Many thanks.
‘Since the last cunting, he has had a meeting with Sleepy Joe’
Yes he had a meeting with him. But he didnt employ him. Like this creature–
“Sam Brinton – Wikipedia” https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sam_Brinton
Sam had some ‘baggage’ it turned out.
Women’s baggage from an airport!!
‘Samuel Otis Brinton (born September 11, 1987)[1][2] is an American nuclear engineer and LGBTQ activist. They served as the deputy assistant secretary of Spent Fuel and Waste Disposition in the Office of Nuclear Energy from June[3][4][5] to December 2022. Brinton left the position after being charged with luggage theft twice.’
And there we have it. ‘They’ served…
That’s because hes two people….
Who comes to m8nd? Say Truman. Or Eisenhower.
‘We have important person for you to meet Mr President…but just to say hes bald, wears lipstick and dresses as a woman.’
‘Bring him in!’.
Here’s another one to get the IsAC horn section in the mood.
I’m stiff as a baseball bat as I type.
‘Normalise the bulge’?
Cameltoe with bollocks? Wtf.
It’s all very confusing at my time of life if a pair of panties hasn’t got a fanny in them.
I know plenty of blokes, who when they put their underwear one, have a right cunt inside them.
A good nom Ron.
Admittedly not all.but an awful lot of gay women and men turn into charactors….a la john inman or tillie tant.
Its like panto season in some of the pubs in my town.
Why the fuck does a gay man think he should act like fucking ryland? Just be a gay man and get on with it. Same with fucking gay women…’ im turning gay, so i’m going to shave my head, gets tats, piercings and wear dr martins…and hey presto i am now a lesbian.
Fuck off….just be who you are and how you look gay or otherwise.
‘Caricatures’ fucking phone.
The wife’s theory about boot ugly lezzas is that they try to make a ‘virtue’ out of their ugliness; they think it makes them look more ‘butch’ and attractive to sweet little thing lezzas.
The transistion is considered complete with the issue of regulation dungarees
What some cunts will do for their 5 minutes or 10 I’ve forgot; of Warhol s fame.
Well… at least he /she /it took the trouble to shave his /her /its legs. The tranny slob I saw in Iceland the other day couldn’t even be bothered to do that. Or wash its long greasy hair. Quite funny as it happens, it was queuing at the checkout and I’ve never seen so many uncomfortable white faces in one place.
From the sublime to the ridiculous old son!
You want to change supermarkets Ruffers, I bet you don’t get that at Portmeirion Aldi.
I’ll go to Lidl next time, LL. They’ve got a sign in the window that reads:
“Big on quality, Lidl on trannies.”
Went to a (previously) gay bar a few weeks ago to watch a mate of mines band. It still gets a few gays in…no probs. But on this particular evening there was an ageing ‘queen’ propping up the bar making little or no effort to convince anyone that he was very definitely a bloke in a frock. Had two days of stubble, with make up applied via a trowel. Ill fitting wig, which got more an more distorted on his head the more he drank. A pair of kitten heels with holes in his tights.
Spend all evening trying to pull blokes queueing at the bar. It was the stuff of nightmares. He did have a nice handbag though according to my wife.
Gas it
Years ago, cunts like this would be committed to an asylum, not given a global platform to masquerade as normal and influence the impressionable, aided and abetted by a society intent on its own destruction.
Great pair of tits in the pink bikini picture, mind.
No matter how many drugs, hormones or surgery Dylan has he will never look as good as this ?
It looks like Skeletor on the Costa del Sol.
I wonder if Dylan advertises jam rags or other feminine hygiene products ?
What a fucking clown, his shorts are definite proof that HE (loosely speaking) is not a woman, female, lady, girl, maybe he could be described as a stupid tart though.
He gets sent them for free. For some fucking reason as he’s got nowhere to shove them.
Jam rag companies virtue signalling by pandering to an insane troll – great message to send to their core customers, not.
Yes he does. He’s become an advocate for Tampax. You couldn’t make it up.
Well, I think I will start carrying tampax, just in case someone needs them ?
Do they work on nose bleeds, perhaps that’s why he carries them just in case someone smacks the cunt ?
He reckons he carries them about in case a ‘menstruating person’ (woman, FFS) needs one.
Pure bollocks, no woman would ever accept a tampon from a random stranger (esp dressed like that), far less answer the question “are you menstruating?” !!! Fucking creep.
Let him swallow a box of them one by one, followed by a litre of water and watch them expand in his lil tummy. He hits a very raw nerve with me, this guy. ???
Maybe he sticks them up his arse and pretends it’s time of the month
From what I gather, this is the way early poofery began when it became legal.
imagine the scenario of a son/daughter bringing “this” home to meet the parents for the first time!
I’d like to think that if I’d have had children they’d have been brought up with enough sense not to bring such a thing home unless they wanted to be disinherited.
Excellent Nom, Ron Knee. Agree with everything you wrote.
This abomination is an insult to women everywhere, the prissy cunt.
That’s what gets me more than anything. To mind he doesn’t look, sound or act like any woman I know; rather, he flounces about like a raging flamer.
An insult to women indeed.
The fucking poster child for the pro death policies of abortion / euthanasia.
Quite agree General. Any abomination (prospective or otherwise ) should be euthanased preferably by hollow point !A young German Dr comes to mind…now what was his name ?
It will end up with a shit smelling faux cunt and be incontinent for the rest of its life.
Put it out of its misery.
It’s for the best.
Could become Prime Minister otherwise.
Good afternoon.
Indeed there should be wimminz out there that are appalled at this mincing degenerates version of femininity. However, many have only themselves to blame.
For too long now, many wimminz have viewed this shit a fun. A bit of a joke, but harmless.
Watching things like drag race and those revolting trannies on BGT hardly helps their argument if they get the hump.
I’ve no sympathy for wimminz on that score, but plenty for society and the poor fucker who finds this one’s body after it’s topped itself in a few years time.
I was recently on a Gynaecology (wimminz bits) ward and came face to face with a tranny patient. He had the fucking nerve to give me a filthy look, probably for not being on point with my makeup and hair a day post op, the judgemental prick. Under current rules, had I complained about his presence on a female only ward, I’d be the one to be thrown out. Anyway, I win cos I’ve got what he’ll never have, a natural female feminine body and face. So he can fuck off.
Re your point FMC, a lot of females find these ‘specimens’ pretty unsavoury to say the least
Couldn’t you have kicked him in the cock?
Begs the question as to whether ‘they’ still had one, moggie!
Maybe I’m a bit thick, but what gynaecological reason could they give for him being present in there?
Must be very off putting for those poor women present.
I can only guess they (‘Our NHS’) may have been providing him with a Vertical Bacon Sandwich, Field Marshal C ?
I think it’s a piss take,nobody could be that deluded.
Silly me,it’s been Mentals season for at least the last ten years.
Give it a lovely Christmas gift,an elegantly wrapped white phosphorus grenade.
Yes ‘they’ is being increasingly called out as a troll, mainly on the grounds that young Dylan’s shaping ‘themself’ a business model that’s turning out to be a very sweet little earner.
Another attention seeking narcissistic wacko.
When is Dylan having the penisectomy then? He can keep it in a pickled onion jar as a reminder of the folly of treating mentally ill narcissists as if they’re competent to make important decisions. You wouldn’t have let Perter Sutcliffe give motivational talks to high school girls, or let Jimmy Saville have the keys to a hospital mortuary.
if he wants his gender reassignment done I will do it free of charge, just hand me a chainsaw
Makes you wonder who actually pays for this stuff in the States. Surely private health insurance woudn’t cough up (??)
Utterly wretched individual.
Send it to Afghanistan for the Taliban to look after.
It’s not normal and no matter how much these characters claim it is, or the BBC, MSM platform/champion them, it never will be.
I’ve seen this revolting little fa**ot boy on YouTube a few times. He really is disgusting and it’s a sign of the times that he doesn’t get his head kicked in every day.
Looks like Popeyes bird,
Olive Oil.
In the spirit of Christmas I’ve made it a replica clit out of some leftover bacon and blutack.
No problem??
Wtf is leftover bacon??
Note to self
Propose new adult confectionery to Swizzles Matlow,
Clitoris Allsorts.
Where can I buy a bag?