Dealing with Protestors – the Aussie Way

That’s the way to do it!

Hats off to Aussies, who don’t take no shit when it comes to dealing with Eco warriors. Like Just Stop Oil.

Telegraph News Link

They have a similar hard line approach to illegal immigrants. Read the article, but basically they refuse them landing rights.

Lessons should be learned.

So, why isn’t our Government taking a leaf out of the Aussies Rules?

You’re guess is as good as mine, but I have a vote, none of the immigrants/refugees do, illegal or otherwise.

Personally, I think they’re deliberately fucking up, so we’ll vote the reds in, who’ll need two decades to sort all the shit out, but in four years time the Conning Barstards party will start cacking about misrule and the hard of thinking will believe them.

Nominated by: Jeezum Priest

56 thoughts on “Dealing with Protestors – the Aussie Way

  1. They are reminding us of when we dumped all their criminal ancestors ashore and don’t want it repeated.

    • Reminds me of the old joke when entering Australia and asked at customs if you had a criminal record replying “I didn’t know I still needed one”.

  2. We need to deal with Harry and Meghan the Aussie way, or SAS them – this is becoming so boring.

  3. It also looks like the Aussies have got the same type of stupidly named middle-class jobless waster with a degree in liberal arts such Deanna ‘Violet’ Coco that we have.

    Australia also doesn’t have the French on its doorstep and would not be stupid enough to pay them bribes for their police to do their fucking jobs properly and stop the invasion.

    • Even if they did they would send cunts that arrive to an island and prison not drop them off in a hotel

  4. As far as the illegal camel shaggers are concerned, both the red, blue an EU parties want them in Europe and GB.

    Cheap labour that will breed more cheap labour, to make the rich, richer and the indeginous population more subservient, in fear of jobs and housing.

    Unless there is a rise in extreme right wing politicians, which as usual will be swiftly crushed by the ruling all powerful liberal leftist elite…

    We’re all doomed Mr mannering..?

    • I’m still optimistic that the native populations will throw off the lead blanket of woke libertarianism and start electing increasingly hard line parties that will deal with illegal immigration once and for all.

      The first glimmers have started in Sweden and Italy,others will follow.

      • Trouble is in the UK too many are fucked on a literal diet of handouts, Fast food, BBC and MSM lies social media, having the latest £500 smartphone and 24/7 Footy.

        It’s mind control for the masses. Clapping for covid showed how easily it’s done.

  5. Thatcher mobilised different police forces against miners. Working people on strike, whatever the rights and wrongs. Including cavalry charges. All of dubious morality if not legality. We now let middle class tossers do as they like. With a fucking police escort. Boris bought water cannon, as used in Europe – but oh no no we cant have that. So now we have mob rule. Courtesy of Tory government.

    • I’d love to see a cavalry charge against a Just Stop Oil protest by His Majesty’s Royal Mounted Rhinocerous Riders where the rhinos are equipped with titanium-tipped horns and spiked armour.

      • That’s not the first time the authorities have cavalry charged protesting workers.

        The Peterloo massacre in Manchester

        And they had swords.

        Tight bastard’s.

    • Fair point. The Blue Labour Party have spent the last decade fucking it all up for the indigenous population of Blighty.

      More depressing is those saying we need a change, and that the Red Labour Party under Kweer Kneeler Charmer is the answer…


    • You just wait till Kneel Smarmer and his extreme left backers get in power. It will be a free for all.

  6. There’s an article in the Wail Fail today regarding one of these extinct wankers.

    He’s been complaining that his being ‘in custody for weeks’ since his arrest has ‘ruined his life’ and his partner is at risk of losing rented premises. He just wants to get back to work and is very remorseful. Aww didums.

    ‘Alfred Beswick, 26 scaled a motorway gantry on Nov 8th and was arrested for causing public nuisance’

    What a fucking cunt. Suck it up Soy Boy, harsh reality of life that your pathetic actions have consequences. What about the thousands of motorists going about their business that you interrupted, medical appointments, funerals, deliveries and the like…….. Be thankful you can protest in such a (sadly) tolerant country.

    Elsewhere in the world you could have well and probably should have vanished by now…

  7. The British establishment doesn’t have a spine between any them, and haven’t for decades. Too scared of what the BBC / The Guardian / Twats on Twatter etc might say. And now any cunt walks all over the country, while the establishment takes a knee. Fuck them all.

  8. Aaargh, Mr. Priest, your news link is behind a pay-wall! However, Camilla Tominey is gorgeous (I’ve seen her on t’telly), and the twat who’s front and (nearly) centre in your picture is a Guardian reader if ever I saw one.

  9. Has any of these groups actually achieved anything yet?

    Apart from inconveniencing millions of regular people trying to go about with their lives..

    All their antics has probably created more pollution than doing nothing at all.

  10. Not sure I can fully endorse this cunting, Jeezum old boy. The Convicts had to suffer a wretched 500 days of lockdown and when they protested, quite correctly, the Melbourne police fired rubber bullets at them.
    Rubber bullets at lockdown protesters.
    In Australia.

    • Got to say, Captain, I was not aware of that.
      I’d have only given our milk and water Government half a cunting, for their policies on dealing with the Eco twats and immos, had I known.

      • It’s always the same, Jeez. When we disagree with the protestors, we want them battered; when we agree, we think it’s police brutality. Nonetheless, some consistency by the law would be rather acceptable. Were any lockdown protestors here made a cuppa by the Police? Were they fuck.

    • Agree.Disgusting scum in uniforms have shown the true and incredibly darker side of that country which defies belief.Dan Andrews has to be one of the most repellent,satanic pieces of shit to have ever polluted this planet.

  11. Don’t any of these proper cunts drive a car, that occasionaly needs oil put in it? I very much think not. & even if they ride a bike, it would end up getting rather squeeky, then sieze up, without it.

  12. She got 15 months for holding up traffic on Sydney Harbour Bridge. They should have saved the effort and expense and just chucked her off the bridge.
    Regarding no illegal sea arrivals since 2013, that’s hardly surprising as you’d probably become a crocodile’s breakfast if you tried to land a dinghy on Australia’s northern coast.
    Now there’s an idea. Would it be possible, I wonder, to breed cold water crocodiles and introduce them into the English Channel?

  13. I like Aussies.
    Their common sense.
    Their can do approach.
    Good on em.

    Don’t like their shitty pop stars, soap operas, and wank beer,but nowheres perfect.

    Aussies famously throw ‘shrimps on the barby’.
    Not sure why?

    Try steak, or beefburgers,maybe sausages.
    Much better.

    Anyway I’ll never go there thank fuck.
    Too hot.

    • I’ve been there and loved it. Like Britain used to be, but without the shit weather. Speak English, drive on the correct side of the road, adverse to wimp, pussies and woke shit, call a spade a spade, proper immigration controls.

      • I went and I liked it. Beaches heaving with fit birds in dental floss bikinis. That was the best bit. The abos I met were pretty cool and all. Not like the chippy entitled humourless dark cunts we have to put up with here.

    • Crocodiles are too heavy to throw on the barby even though the impression is that the fuckers are everywhere.

    • Don’t bother, Les. It’s like a shit Britain with sunshine. The Convicts are as chippy as the Irish, but louder and lazier.

      • Don’t worry Maggie.
        If it doesn’t rain
        Serve decent ale
        I’m not going.

        I didn’t get that job at Lonely planet ☹️

  14. it must be because we’ve signed some treaty with Europe to be an open border to Roma scum and Albanian gardeners

  15. You’d think the film Romper Stomper would have made immigrants think twice about moving Oz, in particular Melbourne. Anyone remember the catapult scene?

  16. The trouble with those Just Stop Oil protestors blocking various motorways and A roads is that the’re discriminating across the board – including cunts driving eco-friendly EVs.
    As a consequence they’re doing themselves no favours at all and I’m sure EV drivers are just as pissed off with them as everyone else.
    It would also be interesting to know if any of these eco warriors actually drive EVs themselves and have eco-friendly heating and don’t use nasty old central heating.


      • He does.A hypocrite of the highest order.A total shit weasel.May he catch the Monkey Pox.

      • Now, now EW.
        It’s Mpox, got to appease the silver backs, those tender sensitive morsels that burst into distraught tears when the M word is mentioned.

  17. Naaaargh … can’t ever say the Aussies are good at something … they’re all proper cunts … but at least a loada the white Northern Hemisphere types are our cunts. We shoulda kept the whole continent as a penal colony, holding centre and experimentation facility. The place would’ve been a great refuge for all the scroungers and all in a superb Mad Max setting … Albanian ‘businessmen’, Jihadi brides, Outta Africa slackers n deviants, Iranian Special Forces (supposedly 14yr old minors looking for family members) … all of the shit we don’t need nor want.

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