I would like to share with you guys my nom for the advert that makes me want smash my telly off the wall with a fucking sledgehammer.
This pair of whooping cunts would both fit into a tin of celebration if I had my way, when this advert comes on I can literally feel my blood pressure going up, so these pair of simian looking mother fuckers and the celebrations advert people deserve a good cunting….
Nominated by: Fuglyucker
(An early warning: the header pic in the next nom (11am) is likely to upchuck heavy breakfasts! – Day Admin)
Looking like that is no cause for celebration..
A swift trip to the euthanasia clinic would solve that problem.
What are they?
What everyone in this country will look like in a hundred years..
It’s a pair of off duty coppers.
You’re well out Baz, I’d give it 20 years.?
Cunts, regardless?
parts of Londonistab are already there!
They are probably Pan,Tran Asian Symbiosexual Mongaloids If that is a word
That need a trip to the Oven
Another Cuntfectioner who’s Box Gets lighter each Year
It’s a pakstani inspiral carpets tribute.
Obviously by the same meeja company that are responsible for that dreadful Domino’s pizza ad.
Talk about appealing to the lowest common denominator.
Hopefully sales of Celebrations will plummet after this shit show
If the comments on the link are anything to go by, I’d think it was a racing certainty, Techno.
I don’t like ‘celebrations’.
Their shite.
And I especially don’t like them when some pudding bowl hair Bangladesh cunts been fondling them.
Shouldn’t they be advertising Bombay mix?
Whooping like gibbons isn’t funny it suggests celebrations are the cause of retardation.
By the looks of them mis, not enough bombay mixing. Too much cousin loving.
What a coincidence!
It was only a day or so ago I was assaulted by this fucking nightmare..
Two fat retarded Malaysian F.aggots with Monkees haircuts carrying on about their cheap confectionery fetish.
It’s a damned stiff competition but it’s the worst thing on TV and whichever agency is behind this filth should be hounded into oven.
The two frankly alarming M.ongs should simply be shot as a warning to others.
Good grief.
If someone gives me celebrations as a gift I’d hiss
” you cheeky cheap cunt” in their face,
Turn away and storm off in a huff.
I only like the Bounty ones,
I hate Galaxy anything,
It’s not a gift it’s a insult.
Key their car later.
You can’t resist the taste of paradise then?
Nearest I’ll ever get to the Carribbean…
Red Bounty or blue?
Red Bounty is snack from the gods.
Remember those ‘sexist’ Bounty ads?
Check this sort out.
Size of those bars too. No messing.
They probably use some fat, blue haired tranny nowadays, I daren’t look.
Or eddy izzard…..urgghh
Red Bounty every time, but sadly can’t seem to get those anymore. Wouldn’t buy now anyway since about 70p for two miniscule bars. Used to buy them for about 5p…about 50 years ago.
The red Bounty is the best one. But 89p for one in my local Spar is taking the piss. Still love ’em though.
And chocolate ads are now distugingly woke. Two benders advertising Creme Eggs (implying that the filling is spunk, dirty fucking bastards). And then there’s that fucking revolting thing on the Maltesers advert. ‘I’ve got the best man’s number!’. Fucking implausible and hilarious. It looks like something Davros threw away.
This year I gave on behalf of my section boxes of Walkers shortbread to other sections that made our job easier. They thanked my boss, racist cunts! If it was her they’d have gotten a potato. Next year they’re getting stale Bannocks.
I wonder what the “next nom header pic” will be of – as per admin’s warning above?
A nude pic of Boris Johnson wallowing in a bathtub full of millions of Euros, perhaps? Or a nude Diane Abbott finally coming out as a man!?
Kerry Katona’s OnlyFans page Techno.
Sorry to spoil the suspense.
Diora Baird’s OnlyFans page. That’s more like it.?
There once was a nom picture that looked like a naked Dawn Butler on the bog. I can’t imagine a horiffic abomination worse than that.
A naked Diane Abbott on the bog?
If there was ever such a thing as adverts for annual mudslime religious events, featuring white men goofing about, there’d be fucking uproar.
We’ve got wimminz infiltrating mens football coverage, silverbacks pretending they’re stay at home dads and now this. Park keys pretending they’re integrated enough to celebrate Christmas.
Give me a fucking break!
I never buy them anyway
Reminds me of the Mongy waitress in that cafe who was apparently asking if I wanted tea or coffee…although I suspect she was actually wanting to hump me.
Care in the Community is a threat to us Beautiful People.
My apologies Dick. but I have just spent the last 2 minutes choking on my coffee after reading your last sentence. I have never laughed quite so much!
Morning Mr F….your waitress…was it alleged comedian Rosie Jones?
If so, I do hope you managed to sieve all of her mong drool out before taking a sip of your beverage.
Also, tea or coffee?
MNC mentioned drinking coffee the other day.
I thought you proud northerners drank nowt but strong tea and regarded coffee as metrosexual gayness?
I called him out on it Thomas.
The only male coffee drinkers I know from up north, tend to have large moustaches and keep asking you if you’d like for them to fix you a drink. I don’t know why, but they always look both ways before stirring your drink.
Hahaha ??
Young MNC is a wonderful chap, but a bit reckless.
A number of renowned scientists have conducted studies that conclusively prove that prolonged coffee abuse induces the Gayness.
It starts with one cup.
Just say NO !
I’ll have a word.
Morning, Thomas. ?
I actually made my excuses and left when it was explained to me just where we were….pretty shitty,I know, but I can’t handle that kind of thing.
I wonder how long it’ll take us to let them on the ‘talent’ shows?
I wonder what Simon ‘definitely not gay I shagged Sinita and everything’ Cowell would make of this?
You’ll be playing it in your cars later.
You’re welcome.
I’ve got to go and syringe my ears now, and the dog won’t stop howling, so thanks for that, CB.
Years ago I used to regularly go swimming with a mate of mine,
He worked for social services.
One day after swimming we went in cafe that was known for doing great cooked breakfasts.
We were seated awaiting our food hungrily when a Down syndrome lad came over.
He was on a work placement there,
And knew my mate who’d been his support worker.
Our food arrived ,
But the Down syndrome stayed excitingly talking to my mate
As he talked the fat tongued cunt was spraying spital all over my Full English.
Now I’m not a fussy eater but I’m not keen on mongs gozzing in my meal,
I was bordering on tears.
My food remaining untouched.
And that’s why I hate Down Syndromes.
Exactly the reason I fled,MNC…nobody knows just how certain conditions are spread and I’ve got no fucking intention of being a guinea-pig in some Spacca/saliva test.
Just invite John from ‘John’s not mad’ around his gaffe and see how he likes his turkey twizzlers covered in goz.
Imagine sitting down for a meal with those two and Roy Hattersley? If he’s still alive that is, I can’t be arsed checking…I’ll feel like I killed him myself if I check and he’s dead.
You’d have to wear scuba gear.
Throw in Bob Carolgees with his canine sidekick Spit.
I was wondering if anyone knew if down syndrome sufferers have or need a photo card licence or passport? as they all look like each other how do you tell who is who?
Downs and Somalis all have the same heads.
Somalians have bulbous foreheads,
Sweetly reminiscent of John Merrick,
And members of the dolphin family.
CB, an event which happened many years ago now and still makes me smile when I recall. My wife as a student had a part-time job as a waitress in a posh restaurant. When a fat man she didn’t recognise tried to pay his bill with a personal cheque and no plastic card she demurred. The guy spluttered; “Don’t you know who I am? I’m Roy Hattersley MP!” My wife’s reply; “Yes and I’m Princess Margaret.” The restaurant manager almost had a cardiac arrest on the spot.
Thought then, I should marry this one.
Looks like a bunch of Democrats at the White House Festivus Celebration to me.
I quite liked the Celebration advert ! In fact I see it as a stroke of genius. The composition was exceptional, portrayng knuckle dragging effnicks as little more than the fucking chimps they are, putting it on National Telly, and getting away with it. Gimmee more !
Good point. They’re basically becoming exhibits in a modern day Victorian freak show.
The pizza add was a good example. Spear chuckers making incoherent noises to communicate with each other.
Now there’s a blatant stereotype if ever I saw one.
But the wokies never noticed.
Another indication of the deterioration of the English language.
In the same vein as the Domino’s adverts, amongst others, human ( ? ) communication is reduced to whoops, yodels, pops,clicks and whistles.
So inclusive.
Welcome to the jungle.
And Get To Fuck.
Dead right. Lowest common denominator. Fucking savages.
Evening Jack.?
I was Googling ‘shit celebrations advert’ last night to see who is responsible for this, a new low in publicity. The equivalent of a dog cocking it’s leg up a lamppost and expecting you to sniff it. I couldn’t find out who it was, but they need strapping inside a gibbon enclosure along with the actors, some of whom would probably be at home.
I suppose that in a way, you could say that the cunts have suceeded, because here we are, talking about the product. No publicity is bad etc…
Personally a naked Salma Hayek holding the tin is much more likely to attract my interest, but I’m funny that way.
Morning all.
Oh yeah! I’d rush out and buy a few tins if she was on it!
I’m waiting for the day when the ad for whatever portrays two people sat side by side, texting each other.
Last company I worked for Jeezum had a call centre where scores of young folks sat at closely packed desks. They would routinely text one another even when they were communicating with the person next to them.
And in true YouTube style, there was an advert before the video of the advert.
Weren’t these two mongs cunted last Christmas as well?
I hope the manufacturers of celebrations go bankrupt as a direct result of that shitfest.
Very good cunting
Massive bag of wank.
As every advert now appears to have 70% non-white, this trend continues with charity ads.
I’ve just seen a begging ad for ‘Crisis’ charity asking for £29.07 (damned weirdly specific amount) for the homeless and half of them were sooties.
If there’s one thing guaranteed to make us give fuck all to charity, it’s the thought that our money might help a gølly over an indigenous sponger.
Why don’t these alleged homeless darkıes just go to Dover with their two-tone hands out?
Indeed Thomas. It’s remarkable how clean, well-clothed and well-nourished all the ‘homeless’ people in the ‘Crisis’ ad appear to be. Even the soots. Not that I’m suggesting they’re all played by actors of course.
I get the impression that they want you to believe that they have really thought about it and the bottom line is £29.07, not £29 or even £30.
That is exactly how much it will cost to give some dozzer a dinner at Christmas.
That ad is often shortly followed by the supermarket advert that tells you that you can give a Christmas dinner to a family of 5 for under £20.
Yeah, but you’re forgetting that any self-respecting charadee has a massive London hq to pay for in the process, not to mention a chief exec on a £100k plus car and expenses acct.
These things don’t pay for themselves.
You know why the palms of their hands and the soles of their feet are white don’t you TtCE? It’s the way they stack ’em when they spray ’em.
Another example of advertising using the technique of “two cunts, both the fucking same” (TM) Anton Pillar. Other examples include The Dominos Pizza Adverts and the Twin knife throwers Mischka and Grischka featured prominently in the James Bond film Octopussy.
Thanks to this pair of lloyd christmas cuntalikes, my idiot lantern spends more time on mute than on full reheat. Whatever next francesca martinez advertising how to ice a cake. RIP terry hall.
To think these cunts were paid to act like cunts. This stupendous arsewipe of an advert has one thing in its favour it achieves something almost magical. This knob rot of shite makes the Yodelling pizza ad appear highbrow. Fuck me that took a hell of a lot of doing.
They weren’t acting, they’re natural cunts. Wow, getting paid just for what you are, I want a job like that.
I went to the flicks las night and saw Avatar – I enjoyed it, despite the blue things talking like w*gs. Anyway, there was an advert for Pepsi with a female black but, unusually, they had a young white guy as well. However, they made him talk like a black. Bit like that stupid cunt DJ who was a honky, but pretended to be black.
ps – just listening to an advert fro black blood only (sickle cell or some shit)
They do the same for Curry’s ads and GoDaddy.
Both these companies use white actors on the telly with black voice overs.
Fucking cunts.
Honky DJ talking like a blik?
Tim Westwood by chance. Pride of the BBC.
that’s the fella!
If this is what they want, why did they get rid of the PG Chimps?
At least you could understand what they were saying
Mr Shifter would be turning in his grave
All those fucking chimps put on the dole thanks to political correctness.
Good nom. I commented on this pair of cunts just yesterday.
Time to add Celebrations to my embargoed/special operations list.
I think they’ve nicked the script from Planet of the Apes…?
I suggest not to watch adverts, if you want to stay sane.
Anyone else find it hard to spot the white guy?
Ffs. Where are we, Beijing?
Yes ?
I blame Blue Mink
This shit is unacceptable, well it used to be
The times they are a changing
I live in a world I hardly relate or belong to
Is it a parallel existence
Isac vs the media cunts
It’s as bad as that utter wank that is Domino Oohhh hoo cunts.
Utter utter shite advertising and torso lack of creative ability.