Captain Raymond – British Channel Fisherman

This bell end and his dim witted crew were woken to the cries of migrant scum in the water surrounding their fishing boat. Instead of laughing at them and urinating on their heads, these fucking imbeciles decided to rescue the illegal freeloading benefit sponges. How brave. How humanitarian of them.

It’s cunts like these which are adding to the problem. Those bastard scum illegal savages are dumb enough to attempt to cross the channel in the hopes of entering the UK illegally and with the sole intention of living off the British tax payer. If they then ‘get into difficulties’ along the way, well that’s just dur fromage (hard cheese).

Let the bastards drown, I say. That’ll reduce the number of the cunts getting to the UK and will act as a deterrent to others. A win-win if ever there was one. Thanks to these fucking do-gooders, the problem gets worse. Cunts.

Sly News Link.

Nominated by : Imitation Yank

64 thoughts on “Captain Raymond – British Channel Fisherman

  1. Catch them in your trawler net, bash them over the head, gut them, then sell them in Billingsgate Market @ £2 a kilo. Job done.

  2. Just a tad off topic but I happened to catch an RNLI advert whilst trawling (see wot I did there) through the tv channels to find something worth watching. The pious fucker droned on and finished up with a line ‘we rescue people and bring them home’. My pissed boiled immediately as I screamed at the telly ‘ Dover is not the home of any of those disease ridden vermin’.

  3. Now I have to ask what was a British trawler doing fishing in British waters.

    Surely that’s illegal.

    • It is. When he returned port his catch was confiscated and is now being stored in a four star hotel somewhere in England before being thrown back into Albanian waters.

      • Yeah, I thought only the French were allowed to fish our waters and steal our fish. A Frog boat would have left them for the RN or RNLI sea taxi service.

  4. I’m a very hard sleeper and wouldn’t have heard them. That’s why Mrs Curtains has the gun.

    If I had heard them I would have used the boat propellers to turn them to chum.

    The U.S. southern border has become a well organized partnership between murderous cartels and our government to flood the land with brown skinned spongers.

  5. FFS West cuntry television had the owner and the skipper all virtue signalling. Needless to say the folks at Cunty towers were not impressed. The slogan should have let the cunts drown was heard.

  6. It’s one thing to sit on the internet thinking you’d let another human being drown but it’s another thing when it’s happening in front of you.

    It’s what civilised people do!

    It’s not the fisherman, it’s not the migrants it’s the fucking Vichy government of globalist puppets we need to deal with.

    We can all look forward to a reversal of Brexit and free movement returning with a vengeance soon.

    • Amen to that. You can’t blame these people for trying to make a better fist of life in the UK.

      The ire should be directed at the cunting Cuntservatives who simply refuse to stop illegal immigration and control legal immigration to sustainable levels.

  7. It was instinctive why the fishermen saved them, but must’ve felt right cunts afterwards. I also think some will have turned a blind eye.

    • Depending on which pubs the helpers and non-helpers socialise, there’s going to be some fun tonight.

  8. £5000 per seat in a rubber Dinghy. Yes….just £5000 will give mohammed a new life. One he could only have dreamed of. £5000 per month could bring Happiness and a golden smile. Yes. £5000 per guest will yield an income of £110 k per trip, and the Transporter will feed his children from the “£Raft of Plenty”

    Please send your £5000 ( cash only ) to. Ferrers . A Dark Place in Huntingdon.

    Feel good this year….just give

  9. Arrrr, Raymond’s a scurvy dog as ever sailed the seven seas.
    A pox on him and all who sail with him.

    Cheating Davey Jones of Moors and landlubbers will awaken the Kraken.

    The silly bowlegged woke cunt.

    • Davy Jones must have been beside himself!
      The UK fishing community is a fucking disgrace.
      No,wonder Boris sold them down the river with his oven ready Brexit Withdrawal Deal.

  10. Will their be a new menu in our local chippy?
    Rapist and Chips? Battered Wifebeater? Terrorist Finger Butty???

    Seriously though, these human filth (all peaceful men as usual) have no place here. Almost all of them are wrong’uns, every time.

  11. It’s probably maritime law to go to the aid of another vessel in distress.

    Anyhow,if they left the vermin to it no doubt a vastly expensive enquiry would have found some mobile phone footage taken by Mtebu of the trawler ignoring the cunts,leading to…yes..

    The crew going to prison and damages being paid by us to the families of the unwanted flotsam.

    The Royal Navy should take a leaf out of the Chinks playbook and aggressively patrol right up to the boundary of French territorial waters..when dinghies are sighted sink the bastards on the French side and let those cunts sort the mess out.

    Let the bottom of the English Channel house the foreign thieves.

    • Afternoon IT…it’d only take a couple of days of undersea living and these parasites would open up an aquatic pakı shop and start fondling underage dolphin girls.

    • 1. That probably about right.
      2. More than likely – knowing the way English courts work!
      3. see (2)
      4. As Mr Punch says-That’s the way to do it …

  12. The stupid, virtue-signalling cunt won’t be so pleased with himself when his daughter is being drugged and passed around a gang of the fucking vermin, because it’s a ‘cultural thing’.

  13. Don’t worry, a few more dead dinghy rats and they’ll be bringing them across on the Eurostar. Not in first class obviously……..that’s reserved for the libtards and the virtue signallers. We can’t have them mixing with the trash.

  14. The few remaining ragheads in these sandy shitholes must be rubbing their hands in glee…there’s probably 10 birds for every bloke…like a fox in a henhouse.

  15. The main problem isn’t the rescue at sea, although consciously getting into an unsuitable craft in winter during the night suggests these cunts aren’t desperate they are certifiably insane, it’s all the outpouring of sympathy.

    Four died, possibly more who knows but all this ‘blame the people smugglers’ is bullshit, labour banging on about going after them is just a fucking smoke screen, until the EU secures it’s external border and the French start arresting anyone who tries to get into a rubber boat then they will keep coming.

    The only think the UK can do is stop picking them up, arrest them if they land on our shores and lock the cunts up before deportation and that requires political will and emergency powers/legislation.

    Dangerous crossing, busiest shipping lane in the world! Yep keep the mantra going but when only 4 out of 45000 die no one listens

    • It ain’t dangerous, Clarkson and crew crossed in converted cars a few few years back.

      With radar and definite shipping lanes there’s not been a collision since the mid eighties, the odd ferry issue is soon forgotten in the numbering of crossings.

      The dinghies are fine on a calm day, when it’s rough the sand dwellers wait in the dunes for a suitable weather window, knowing full well they’ll be welcomed halfway across.

      The problem is the political collusion to effect the invasion. But hey there’s footy on, so no one cares.

      • Yes you are right, the public won’t get alarmed until the numbers go north of 100,000 although, after the cost of living it does seem to be the number 2 on the minds of the majority of Brits

        Just wait for the swell of Albanian drug gangs with 10,000 foot soldiers who have crossed this year.

  16. Anyone that makes a living at sea knows the dangers, have seen the awesome power and drowning is their worst nightmare.

    The Navy, during war time does not celebrate the sinking of an enemy boat.
    It is just one of the horrors of war.

    For these people, saving someone from the sea is instinctive.

    However, the captain is indeed a cunt.
    He could and should have taken these people back to the port that they set out from.

  17. In 1347 The British took Calais. In 1558, they took it back. Unfortunately by then Henry V111 wasn’t around any more, because the man who effectively invented the Royal Navy, would not have put up with such outrage!

  18. Suella Baldyman just has to change the law and get out of any relevant Treaties and Conventions, Look how fast the government can make emergency orders and bring things into law when it suits them.

    There is obviously no political will to do anything except gleefully spend, spend, spend and tell lie after lie. Labour will do the same.

    Sham of a sham of a sham.

    • Indeed, when they want to lock us down, push us around and tell us what to do they can do it overnight. They can also blow away fucking billions to achieve it.
      Yet they can’t back out of some treaty or other signed in 1951!! What utter bullshit. We are being screwed up the arse by these cunts, make no mistake.

  19. My dear old Dad recently returned from a cruise.

    The poor old boy lost 6 hours of his visit to Madeira because of some illegal dinghy pirates were spotted by a container ship several hundred miles off the African coast and somewhere near the Savage islands

    The cruise liner had to circle to see if there any survivors.

    Fortunately there were no survivors and my Dad had a great time anyway.

    I do feel that the RNLI are somewhat to blame for not patrolling the middle of the Atlantic looking for floaters to scoop up.

  20. He’s following the time honoured tradition to aid those in peril on the sea. What a fucking joke, the dinghy raiders set out with just this in mind, they are not in peril when they know there’s a welcoming flotilla of border farce and RNLI cunts waiting for them just over the maritime border.

    I’ve no time for commercial trawlerman, having seen at first hand the damage they do to the fish stocks in our waters. The 70 tonnes of prime Bass landed by Newyln boats last month under the pretext of ‘by catch’ is another story.

    This cunt of a skipper would be better off protesting the European super trawlers that have been raping the English Channel for the last year, but hey ho, clearly thinks owt of his livelihood, the cost, the wider country and the damage the vermin he helped ashore will bring.

    Hopefully next time he shoots his nets a Russian sub will drag the fucker to Davy Jones Locker.

    Ps, if we had a decent government, they would have told the frogs, that for every boat the UK intercepts full of illegals, you loose a fishing licence, the invasion would stop in weeks. Sadly our government is complicit in the invasion.

    • We on IsAC offer many sensible solutions to this and many other situations in which the people of the U.K. now find themselves. The only difference between HMG and us is that we have functioning balls.

  21. In an article in the Daily Fail a week or two ago, Richard Littlejohn declared his view that the lefties have blood on their hands whenever a dinghy rider drowns. Too fucking right they have.
    They more or less actively encourage it.

  22. It’s a pity the fishing boat was not captained by Stanley Lord. He was captain of the SS Californian, the nearest ship to the Titanic , who shut down the radio for the night and, when he saw the distress rockets said “it’s just some cunt’s birthday.”
    I would put Stanley in charge of the whole Channel operation. You know it makes sense.

  23. What grips my shit is how everyone wants to make out that the ‘evil’ smugglers are the problem – that’s tantamount to blaming the ‘evil’ landlord if you get nicked for driving your car pissed.

    It’s cause and effect, the smugglers are there because the filth is there. Until we get serious, which is unlikely, the shit-stained, flotsam and jetsam, filth of the world will continue to pour ashore, like fucking sewage, and cunts like Cap’n Birdseye here are just making the problem worse.

    Should’ve extinguished all lights, tripped the breaker for his VHF, turned to port and motored straight back to blighty, the stupid cunt.

  24. Why all the opprobrium heaped on this chappie?

    We should be thanking Cap’n Raymond with all our hearts!

    He saved 31 people from drowning!

    That means 31 aspiring doctors, teachers, engineers, architects, software developers, trick cyclists, accountants, pigs, Supreme Court judges, payday loan officers, electricians, social engineers, pharmacists, ISAC admins, armed insurrectionists, Equality, Diversity and Inclusion advisors, plastic surgeons, celebrity chefs, hairdressers, flying pickets, Home Secretaries, Prime Ministers – the possibilities are endless, as aspiring woman MP Eddie Izzard once said.

    I mean, it’s not as if this country is exactly brimming over with talent, is it?

  25. Captain Pugwash and his Jolly Jack Tars ?‍☠️, should be exiled to Pitcairn Island. ??
    They could do with some fresh blood over there.
    The inbred cunts. ??

    • Pitcairn Island? Isn’t that where the Bounty mutineers ended up? Fletcher Christian…….now there was a hero. Gave his country and his way of life up for his fascination for exotic pussy. A bit like Harry Hewitt now I come to think of it.

      • I feel sorry and guilty for those piss poor, inbred Pitcairn Islanders. The victims of a British naval officer’s actions from 1780…..whatever it was. Reparations and another massive raid on the taxpayers wallet is in order here I think. It will make me feel so much at my next Islington dinner party.
        I can feel a letter to the Guardian coming on.

  26. What draws a man to take to sea?

    Rum, the lash, and sodomy.
    An Matey bubblebaths.

    What’s the first rule for any sailor?
    Dead men tell no tales.

    Raymond should not only of let them drown he should of put his own crew to the cutlass .
    Fed em to the sharks.

    No wonder sailors are considered puffs nowadays!!

    Set sail for the west Indies boys!!
    All the gold you can eat,
    An a double ration of Old Jamaica, you manky dogs!!

    • Such a wonderful life Mis! The Press Gang. Getting keel hauled before breakfast. Being made to walk the plank. And after all that, if you were still alive, it was 50 lashes from the cat o nine tails. Just for stealing a loaf of bread from the local convenience store.

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