Captain Raymond – British Channel Fisherman

This bell end and his dim witted crew were woken to the cries of migrant scum in the water surrounding their fishing boat. Instead of laughing at them and urinating on their heads, these fucking imbeciles decided to rescue the illegal freeloading benefit sponges. How brave. How humanitarian of them.

It’s cunts like these which are adding to the problem. Those bastard scum illegal savages are dumb enough to attempt to cross the channel in the hopes of entering the UK illegally and with the sole intention of living off the British tax payer. If they then ‘get into difficulties’ along the way, well that’s just dur fromage (hard cheese).

Let the bastards drown, I say. That’ll reduce the number of the cunts getting to the UK and will act as a deterrent to others. A win-win if ever there was one. Thanks to these fucking do-gooders, the problem gets worse. Cunts.

Sly News Link.

Nominated by : Imitation Yank

64 thoughts on “Captain Raymond – British Channel Fisherman

  1. Some cunters have alluded to the fact the captain effectively had a (legal) ‘duty of care’ to rescue these cunts. I’m not sure such a law exists. I haven’t been able to find any reference to an immutable maritime law which states you are absolutely legally obligated to aid and assist in the rescue of criminals in distress at sea.

    Even if that were so, would a French fishing vessel captain rescue these cunts and take them back to France? Would the French authorities then arrest the cunts for attempting to make an illegal channel crossing? Would they fuck.

    The UK and the US with its porous southern border are not there to act as safe harbours to any freeloading Tom, Dick and harry (or should that be Akmed, Mohammed and Abdul) who rocks up with a sob story and their fucking hands out. The UK and US are spending untold sums pandering to these cunts while they infest our societies and gradually take them over. Thus turning our countries into the same shit holes they’re apparently ‘escaping’ from.

    This shit has to stop, but I fear it’s already too late. The West is the architect of its own destruction. Encouraged and championed by the left, liberals, MSM and fucking do gooders like this cunt fisherman. Jesus Christ on a dinghy! We want our countries back!!

    • Sorry to say but yes, there is a law that all us mariners have to abide by. However, that excludes putting our own lives in danger which as far as me and my crew goes, means that if I consider these floating shitbags may cause danger to life I can just give them water and inform the local Coasties!

      • Cheers Foghorn. I found many references to their being an “obligation” to rescue which surely is different from “must” rescue. As you rightly say, if affecting a rescue would endanger the vessel or its crew, then that would get the fishing boat off the hook, so to speak.

        The scum in the water were already engaged in an illegal act. Stands to reason they might be armed, harbour disease or may seek to take control of the fishing boat. I think that alone would be grounds for ignoring the bastards.

  2. What a stupid fucking Janner* CUNT. Do your fockin’ job Bey.

    * = Plymothian.

    Us-all went down the Barbican (in Plymouth) for some fish and chips only to be told that the entire catch for the fishing trip had to be disposed of because it was contaminated with Muslimshit and Arabpiss.
    No wonder the fishing industry down yeere’as gone down the pan
    youm bleddy azzole! Youm fockin mentoe cont!
    Youm baahsturrd.
    If oi bumps into ee down Union Street Oi’ll
    cut ee in aaff!
    Dinn go sleep till ah pas lemm!

  3. AS a sometime fisherman (part of my extremely varied CV – winch man on an inshore trawler) I’d agree that in the International Law of the Sea there is a *duty* (but not a legal requirement) to rescue any poor cunt who finds himself unexpectedly immersed. Raymond and his crew were doing their duty, almost certainly with the thought that shit happens with monotonous regularity at sea, and they might find themselves dependent on someone else’s help in the future. Kudos. As to bringing the cunts back – if they were in UK waters, our conscientious friends the Frogs would be no help at all and the migrant cunts would simply have had another go from the security of the Frog sand dunes. Can’t cunt the skipper, sorry.

    Instead allow me to substitute this cunt, and the cunts who let him get away with it for twenty years:

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