Brighton University (Brighton Poly really, carry on – NA)
Aka the Ebenezer Scrooge school of fuckwittery.
The eggheads here want to ban the word “Christmas” as it is too Christian-centric, and instead call it “the winter closure period.
Why the fuck do you think it’s called Christmas in the first place, you lame brained, bunch of cunts. I don’t give a fuck if non Christians don’t like it. Fuck off to Mecca, Tel Aviv, or anywhere else you want, and don’t come fucking back.
A much better idea would be to keep Christmas, and ban the woke shitheads that constantly try to alter our way of life to suit a bastard minority of cunts that nobody asked to have in the country in the first place.
Nominated by : Duke of Cuntshire
On a similar note, here’s one from Lord of the Rings
A yuletide cunting to anyone who wants to cancel Christmas, School Nativity plays, or rename them “annual break” or “winter festival” for fear of offending some precious ‘snowflake’ (sorry – I mean ‘frozen water droplet’ obviously)
link :The Sun News Link
I don’t go complaining when people celebrate Diwali, Ramadan, Eid al-Fitr or Eid al-Adha. I don’t throw my toys out the pram when Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur are happening.
So shut the fuck up and stop trying to change or outlaw everthing from my religion and heritage. Equality means being tolerant and respectful of others customs or beliefs – so stop trying to erase white christianity from the world, you woke poncy cunts.
I wish all you Cunters a very Merry Christmas, and peace, good health and happiness for the year ahead.
? ? ? ? ⛪ ☃️ HAPPY CHRISTMAS ? ? ? ? ⛪ ☃️
Even if I didn’t celebrate the birth of The Savior this time of year I wouldn’t bully everyone who did into accommodating me.
Even if I thought someone’s religion was ridiculous and stupid I wouldn’t declare war on it unless they were trying to kill me or take over my entire culture.
All universities are full of woke crybabies, spoilsports, commies,
Add in Brighton
(The Ducky factor)
You’ll get this bollocks.
If they feel so strongly go knock on doors on council estates and tell the residents of their ignorance,
Sure you’ll convince them in a lively debate!
I was always overlooked for school Nativity plays!
The teacher must of been fuckin blind?!!!
Star quality exuded from me even as a sprog.
Like a 7yr old Robert deniro I was,
Not as Mard like,
But a ok actor,
Lot better looking too!
Didn’t do that weird facial tic he has.
Hope that teacher regrets her foolish hostility.
But…but…I’m cunter of the year!!!
How dare you!!
But the years nearly over mis..
Fame is fleeting.
Indeed BZ. ‘Fame is fleeting’.
Remember that Miserable.
Sic Transit Gloria Mundi
Is that ford’s new model for 2023, miles?
Gloria? In a transit?
Now your talking Miles!
Filthy little bleeder .
See Mr Fiddler was ‘Cunter of the Year’ one year.
But has it made him happy Miserable? An emphatic No. Has it made him contented Miserable? No I say.
He’s still the dour Northumbrian misanthtope we all know.
Actually,Miles, I’ve never been Cunter of the Year…a quite scandalous and incomprehensible state of affairs,I’m sure everyone agrees.
Well, Brighton!
Enough said, eh Mis?
Sorry you missed out on the Nativity play experience, as a sprog.
I was, and still am, an ugly cunt, but I have a beautiful speaking voice. I was always the Narrator.
A face made for radio, as one teacher kindly remarked.
You were never awarded the title Mr F? I thought you had.
What a travesty.
There should be a Second and Third I think.
Gutseye could have been given Second. Placate his paranoia.
Third? Gordon I think.
Maybe General Cunster could be given ‘Foreign Cunter of the Year’
You would get behind that surely Mr Fiddler.
Evening JP?
My teacher would of made a terrible talent scout .
She clearly had a learning disability or a personal vendetta against me.
Asked me to play a donkey.
I said ” are you backwards or something?
I’m auditioning for the role of Casper one of the 3 wise men.”
Gave me detention.
And year after I lost the role of second shepherd because I wanted to write my own lines.
I quite agree, Mis, a donkey? You?
Now, the wolf going for the sheep that were peacefully grazing…
Oh, hang on, I don’t think that was in the Nativity.
Should have been, though. All the boys would have fought for that part.!
My manners.
Evening, Mis.
Maybe make it a permanent winter closure, with the help of a JCB digger..
Preferably with said cunts still inside.
Quick, everyone send a Christmas card to the Dean, preferably one with the baby Jesus on it and overtly religious.
Anyone who is offended by the word Christmas should taken to the Ukrainian front line and used as battle field cannon fodder.
I don’t give a shit about Christmas, it’s over hyped, over commercialised and generally a pain in the arse but it isn’t offensive.
Fuck the universities and museums, all run by fucking cunts.
I’m all for it, along with changing ‘Brighton University Degree’ to ‘Sixty grand for a worthless scrap of paper’. Contemplate that, graduates of this august institution, as you do your post grad PhD in burger flipping for Maccy Dees.
Happy winter closure period, you suckers.
Oh jolly good,the long March of The Offended Mentals goes on,trying to destroy British culture along the way.
Gas them.
I say Merry Christmas to them, now fuck off and sling yourselves off the pier (preferably when the temperature’s below freezing)
And yet, what has Christmas to do with British culture? It’s un-British. We’re supposed to praise a Jewîsh saviour, receiving gifts under a pagan tree, listening to songs about a Middle-Eastern desert, surrounded by pictures of a fat, bearded German trespasser.
Quite so, Herr Kapitan.
It’s time we took back control and reverted to our indigenous celebration of Yule, back before the Romans imported Christianity, a foreign belief system culturally appropriated by the Roman Empire that undermined and supplanted our native beliefs to the benefit of our colonial rulers.
I often thought you were just a late riser RT. But now I realise you must be up early dressed in your druidic robes worshipping the Sun coming up over the horizon.
Pre Christian beliefs of these northern isles were ‘culturally appropriated’ from the Saxons.
You could argue.
Idea that Yule is ancient debunked…
Saturnalia was the Roman celebration. Lots of rape went on during Saturnalia. I’ll give that a miss. Give me the humanitarian message of Jesus Christ, gift-giving and watching wholesome movies with my family.
Controversial movie, but awesome…
Powerful stuff!
Idea that Yule is ancient debunked…
Saturnalia was the Roman celebration. Lots of rape went on during Saturnalia. I’ll give that a miss. Give me the humanitarian message of Jesus Christ, gift-giving and watching wholesome movies with my family.
Romans were Johnny cum latelys.
We had religion and cultural beliefs way before those spaghetti hoops showed up.
God’s of a good harvest .
And before that God’s of a good Hunt.
Christmas/Yuletide/ whatever.
I like it!
Controversial movie, but awesome…
Powerful stuff!
The Last Temptation of Christ
1988, Martin Scorsese
163 minutes
Full movie:
RE. CM’s astute observation –
I have coincidentally just been reading what Friedrich Engels had to say about the origins of Christianity* (you aren’t allowed to agree with him, but on a good day he was rather a fun writer.) He points out that the only NT book showing any evidence of its early origin – ca 69 AD – is clearly the product of a Jewish sect rather than the religion of Constantine. That’s Revelation.
He fairly makes the additional point that early communism was as prone to charlatanry and corruption as early Christianity, both being working-class cults.
On The History of Early Christianity. First published in Die Neue Zeit, 1894-95.
But… fat German trespasser? No, sir. Obnoxiously pious Greek cunt who picked the winning side in the Arian controversy, yes.
Merry Christmas Brighton University, you cunts.
I don’t like christ-mass either, but don’t call it a hamshankism !
Boll9cks to Christmas. I saved masses of money this Yuletide, telling everybody that Father Christmas and the reindeer sadly didn’t recover from the Covid.
Exactly. Who in their right mind would think a one man business could last this long.
What a daring thinker you are.
I wonder how the Brighton Poly staff members José Christian, Athena Christoforou, Susie Christensen or (best of all) Hedley Christ,feel about sounding a bit too Christian to their colleague Mohammed Arif. I bet he has no qualms about sounding a bit too muzzie centric.
How does the Poly describe Brightons annual weekend whoopsie festival in terms that aren’t færie centric and exclusive to hetros? No doubt they’ll get around any issues by claiming certain groups, but not Christians, have protected characteristics that allow positive discrimination in their favour and deny any contrary views (in the name of inclusivity).
Brighton is to Britain what California is to the US: home of degenerate woke cunts. A well deserved Christmas present for the fucking place is a 20 megaton warhead. Cunts.
The clue is in the name, for not being to bright in the first place.
The Guardian ranks 121 UK universities. Brighton is no. 102 on the list.
Geordie Twatt ranks 121 UK newspapers. The Guardian doesn’t even make it onto the list.
Point is though Geordie of all the rags even the Guardian rates hard left, woke and 100% PC Brighton university as a crock.
Point taken, arfur.
Mrs Bastard is Brighton girl from the 50s and 60s. Even she says what a total shitpit it is now. University?? It is just a cunt factory churning out woke leftists……. Fuck em fuck em all.
‘People change,’ she said
‘Oh, no they don’t. Look at me. I’ve never changed. It’s like those sticks of rock: bite it all the way down, you’ll still read Brighton. That’s human nature.’
Graham Greene, Brighton Rock
A brilliant novel, Miles.
I wonder if we bunged your Chinese woohan lab worker a few bob they would engineer a nice little virus that would only affect your wokey wankers and then leave the front door open when they had a fag break. Imagine the joy of that ripping through the right on intelligencia and the leftie cunts.
What do you think AIDS was?! Nixon’s admin wanted gays DEAD. Nixon himself wasn’t that bothered with gays, but many others in Washington were. Cut to 1978-1981 and we have an AIDS epidemic mostly in San Francisco and New York, all gay men. It didn’t work, though. We’ll eventually reach an era of the natural order of life being reasserted, but in the meantime… CHAOS WILL REIGN!
And then the Reagan admin laughed about men dying from a disease (AIDS)…
The idea that AIDS just came about “naturally” after eons of men bumming each other is asinine. It was created to kill gays, make them hated in an age of acceptance of the gay lifestyle.
Hahahah!!! Stobbit, I’m pissin meself! And I thought I’d met some crackpots in the line of duty!!!
I misread that as the museum of the Hove…
Hmmmm, It seems the ( cough ) Educated Persons of the Higher Institution have failed in their broader knowledge of Ecclisiastical History and Fundus Catholicus.
The Mass of Christ as established in the First Council Of Nicacea in around 325 AD
The Bringing of light to the world in the body of Christ was to be celebrated each “Annus” ( no, not the arsehole ). The Jew to celebrate in their way and the non Jew to hold Mass of Christ. The Birth in Bethlehem went to the vote which eventually took some 200 years to agree. 25th December was to be the “Feast of the Mass Of Christ” ( shortened to Christ Mass ) in or around the year 780 AD.
The good people of Brighton Academia, cannot alter the fact of Ecclisiastical Doctrine without the “High Convention” and the Approval of Christs Vicar.
They are not likely to succeed, and therefore their puny incursion into Church Matters is both futile and of little consequence
The Church takes these matters very seriously, and have even calculated that Seasonal Derby Matches are most likely to be held on the 2 days following Xmas
If you have enjoyed reading this shit, and even understood it, then I raise my glass to your health, and wish you all a very happy christmas.
And for those curious to know if Jesus knobbed Mary Magdalene….Yes he did !
You can buy your degree from Brighton University quite cheaply. As little as £1.50p per roll. All you have to do is write the subject of your choice, and scribble out the word “Andrex”
It is indeed a cunt factory!
Teaching cuntishness to the entitled gender confused woke Cunts.
When they leave they have the ability to scream like a toddler at anything they don’t like or about issues they don’t understand.
Brighton in Britain’s most dangerous city.
One has to be on constant lookout for the fruity gentlemen, whom are omnipresent in Brighton.
Within minutes of opening your car door or leaving the train station platform, expect cat calls and “Ooooh hello honky tonk!” aplenty.
Under no circumstances accept a drink from a male Brightonian. They tend to look both ways before stirring the drink they ‘fix you’.
If this happens and you drink the concoction, expect to wake up 2 days later in a hedge with a sore head, an even sorer ringpiece and no memory of the previous 2 days.
If you are foolish enough to enter a public toilet, you will be immediately covered in spunk, from the waiting hoardes of masturbating gays.
You are Jay from the Inbetweeners and I’m claiming my £5.
No surprises at all, that this is happening in Brighton, particularly the fucking Marxist Univershitty of Brighton Hall of Knackerdemia. This seaside craphole is jam packed with students whose votes, together with the cunts who’ve absconded from various leftist London boroughs, have lumbered the place with a council from hell, a fanatical “green” zealot as one of local MPs and a Hamas fellating Labour cunt as another.
I now refer to Brighton as Islington in exile and propose a Royal Charter, renaming it as Fuckwit-on-Sea.
The day chosen years ago that Christ was born on was called Christmas, Christ Mass the religious celebration of his birth.
The word Christmas can only be Christian centric because Christmas relates directly to the reason for the Christian religion.
May I humbly suggest that these cunts, paid for by us are given the opportunity to visit Afghanistan on sabbatical to instil into the Afghan adolescents the full power of the woke. I bet they will be praying their pro nouns faster than Scud my dog can drink my bloody beer, again
But muh Paganism.
Don’t tell me in your smart arsed (but misguided) voice. Save it for God!
And stop celebrating ‘Christ’s Mass’. The clue is in the fucking name, you thick cunts.
They are all filthy benders and degenerates so Christ abandoned them long before they abandoned him.
Dirty bastards.
Dry phuq them all in the ass…
If the cunts don’t want a Christmas Break, they can all keep working through the ‘Open Winter Period’. Closed Winter Period; my (hairy) arse.
I’m not sure what the “Museum of the Home” is but I’m afraid it’s been closed to the public and is now full of gimmigrants.
No homes for whitey in Brighton……unless they take it up the bumhole.
Another myth..about the bollocks that Xmas offends non Christians…is total bollocks..I know a few British Asians..Muslims..who also like it..yep they actually do a Xmas dinner , buy presents..For years…Mosques…donate food to the poor ..I shit thee not…It’s the do gooding quasi middle class shit stirring wankers behind this…rebranding…