A Life on Benefits: How do they do it?

The last time I claimed benefits was way back in the 80s during Thatcher’s Recession and 3 million out of work. Back then I had to claim Unemployment Benefit at my local “labour exchange” and then the DSS to ratify.

From memory I received something like £18/week, but I had to constantly show proof that I was “actively seeking work” otherwise my benefit (which only lasted 12 months before moving onto Supplementary Benefit) would be stopped or reduced.

Therefore the incentive to find work was very apparent and fortunately I found work after about 11 months of applying (by pen & paper/typewriter. No computers/internet back then)

Ever since then I’ve been fortunate enough to stay in work and contribute shit-loads of income tax and NICs.

But what I don’t understand is how some people on benefits can receives many thousands of pounds in benefits every year and not being forced into proving they’ve been “actively seeking work”

How do they get round the system? I know having kids and/or playing the mental health card are a couple of options, but I’m sure there must be millions of lazy cunts – nothing wrong with them – and yet can play the Benefits game year in year out without any rebuke from the DSS (or whatever they’re called these days)

I ask this because it seems Jeremy Hunt will be increasing Benefits by the rate of inflation rather than wages; while at the same time hitting workers with “tax drag” stealth come his Autumn Statement on the 17th November.

Most people on benefits will also receive more help for their energy and cost-of-living over winter, but next to fuck all for taxpayers.

So how the fuck do these cunts get away with it? What is the secret of their success, because quite frankly it pisses me and probably millions of others right off!

Leicester Mercury News Link

Nominated by: Technocunt


95 thoughts on “A Life on Benefits: How do they do it?

  1. It’s beyond me, mate.
    Like that family with 8 kids and 36 dogs, who got banged up for child abuse/neglect.
    £7k a month in benefits!

  2. Disgraceful.

    Not sure how they do it,
    Or how they get away with it?

    There shouldn’t be any unemployment in the UK!
    Plenty of jobs out there!

    A chef can walk into a pub and name his price,start right away.
    Same with bar staff.

    Plenty of work for fruit picking in summer.

    NHS is understaffed?

    No reason I can see to be on the dole if able bodied.

    • There was something I read the other day about up to 250,000 young people never plan to get a job and work a day in their lives.

      No self-respect for themselves or other people who will have to support the lazy bastards and just gives more weight to the argument to people who say we need more immigration to fill gaps in the labour market.

      I don’t understand the mentality of these leeches. A complete contrast to the old warrior who has just passed away in the DP.

      Sunak needs to stop listening to the bleeding hearts and the fucking Guardian and cut these cunts off at the knees.

      • You’ve hit the nail on the head. No respect for themselves, therefore no respect for anyone, or anything else.

      • Yes, I saw that it’s a fucking scandal, the entitled lazy bastards enabled by a soft as shit government (governments)

      • Well said, squire. My other half is Eastern European. Lived here for six years. Paid into the system since coming off the plane and is mortified that evasion is even a thing.

        Can he find work despite being more honest than most of the lazy fat young scratters in this once-great country? Can he fuck. Does he refuse to go on benefits? Yes.

        Is he in bits that he can’t even get a fucking temp job because “you’re not born here, are you?”

        If it carries on, we’re off back to the Baltics. Better quality of life. Proper seasons. Few fat cunts. No [persons of colour] (Edited – NA).

        Sorry. I’ve been drinking again. But this post has sent my fucking blood stratospheric as nobody who moves to a new country with honesty in their heart deserves to cry and second-guess their choices.

        See you in Tallinn for a cunters meetup in 2023?

    • Yeah, but they revel in being scum, MNC. Probably laughing at their neighbours as they head off to work.
      Actually, probably not, as they’d finally get up 3 hours after their neighbours and take their fat, ugly children to school still in their pyjamas and slippers before whizzing home (via Spar to buy shit quality cigs) in time for Homes under the Hammer.
      It’s rather a shame that indolence doesn’t bring about fatal blood clots.
      To cover my own arse, I ought to mention that weekday posts on ISAC are undertaken during my designated break periods…

      • Hehehe ?
        £50phr and I spend a lot of it sat in the van posting nonsense on here.

      • Quite right Thomas!

        I regularly post on ISAC while sat in the DHSS to sign on ,
        But I’d definitely work if it wasn’t for my dry beard condition.

        Something that starts as round 11.30am-3pm,
        Local, pays well ,
        3 days a week,
        Light duties,
        Company car,
        And I’m there.

        I often say to the other lads on jobseekers,
        Your a bunch of lazy dossers.

      • Oh yeah.
        And how many days off sick am I allowed?

        Always the first question you should ask at a job interview.

  3. Wish I knew. But no government does anything about it. It seems to be a lifestyle choice now.

  4. There is a couple on benefits across the road from me.Been on it for years. Apparently he could go on mastermind and answer any questions on how to scrounge.
    His mrs is supposed to have MS and gets pushed round in a wheelchair by some live in gopher payed for by the social.
    Caught her very early one morning running out to the camper van which is also supplied by the social .
    So there you have it.. A life of claiming every benefit under the sun and living a nice comfortable life.
    And that’s probably the tip of a big iceberg.

    • Spot on FF, not enough checks are carried out on claimants to ascertain their current situation, really is worth taking the piss as the financial benefits far outweigh the chance of being caught. Most investigations are started by people grassing up the cunts to the DWP fraud line.

  5. There’s a family down the road from me.
    He’s got 5 kids, 3 are adults and a grandchild living with him and his missus.
    Never had a proper job in his life, nor have any of the other adults, and yet he can afford to have a Christmas light display that can be seen from the moon on, from early November until January.
    Where I live, they supplement their benefits by drug dealing, shop lifting and burglary, it’s a right shit hole.
    Glad I won’t be around much longer.

    • Yep, same near me, this twat drives past smoking a roll up in his flash benefits car. Drives me insane.
      Supposed to have a glass back.
      I caught this cunt carrying two huge bags in the supermarket and his missus saw me and grabbed them. To add insult to injury these 2 cunts now have solar panels.
      I fucking hate them.

      Also in my local another scrounger joined our company and when my mate went to the bar he said. I’ll get these, you’re working.
      I just fucked off.

  6. Fuck me, if one of us was Prime Minister, things’d change overnight.
    Imagine the headlines in the Guardian:
    “Prime Minister Cunt Engine’s ‘work or starve’ campaign claims over 10000 victims in first month”.
    I’d happily watch hundreds of thousands of long-term idle dolescum literally starve to death whilst I ate delicious fish and chips in full view of them and safely out of reach.

    • Adolf would have gassed the fluckin lot of em Thomas and for once we would have a healthy economy

    • Bravo indeed Thomas.

      As your Home Secretary I’d implement the hanging of all those who have entered the country illegally over the past decade.

      Oh and the lawyers who defend the stinking rabble would,to a man,be burnt at the stake.

      Give Them Hell.

      Then scotch.

      • Ha ha the scotch is for me I should clarify,not the corpses of our enemies.

        Piss on their (unmarked) graves.


  7. These bone-idle cunts should be put to work litter picking, cleaning up dog shit, and fixing pot holes. The latter on live carriageways preferably.

  8. Wasn’t Universal Credit supposed to end this nonsense? Wasn’t it meant to ensure that people would be better off in work than on benefits, much to the chagrin of the bleeding-heart liberal establishment (Grauniad, Beeb et al) when it was introduced?
    What happened?

    • The plan was flawed because the difference between sitting on arse and getting out of bed to go to work was wide enough.

      Benefits is the new life style of choice for the hard working Brit (and all the cunts who jumped on the bandwagon from Eastern Europe)

  9. Scumdog Millionaires. Little known fact: the cunts need to go to ED as they have a paper cut, call 999, go through triage, no truck sent as it’s bullshit. They moan they can’t get there as they don’t drive and have no money so we send a taxi.

    And it ain’t them paying…

    • I should add that we turn up, fuck them off at High Port, they whine they can’t get there so, just to make our lives easier, we call Despatch and get them to send a taxi.

      Vermin. And they’re ‘Entitled’.

  10. ‘I ask this because it seems Jeremy Hunt will be increasing Benefits by the rate of inflation’

    …..Fuck me, so roughly translated that will now mean people on these benefits will expect a ‘pay rise’ every year


      • You mean The Death Star? 30%. Minimum. 111 disbanded and a Glock with 16 rounds per month, no questions asked.

        Where’s Normanomates? Not sure it got the reaction it was expecting! Hatefilledcunt aka The Worcestershire Warrior, I reckon.

        The thick cunt.

      • Yeah he misjudged the room didn’t he?

        I told him straight

        ” We stand shoulder to shoulder with comrade Gene!
        There’s nowt we like better than stood around moaning near a fire in a metal bin .
        So fuck off.”

        An he did.

    • What makes me laugh is those dumb Albaniaian arseholes assume Tik Tok and YouTube offer jobs.Send them back.Shit biscuits.

  11. What really pisses me off is when idiot fucking politicians come out with ‘people don’t want to be on benefits’, yes they fucking do because we have been breeding a fucking work shy, lazy, something for nothing population since the 80’s and it has grown out of all proportion since 2004 when we allowed millions of Eastern Europeans to come in a do shit jobs for shit money because it was 5/6 times more than they could earn in their own countries.
    We left the EU fifteen years to late.

    1 million (allegedly) vacancies and millions on benefits, what a fucking joke, and cunts seem to think more immigration is the answer.

    The country is finished, any bets of that coal mine in Whitehaven getting started, the Green wankers will do their best to stop it (who cares that the local community are all for it).

    Cut benefits by 10% and increase the minimum wage by another 10%, might just get some of the cunts off their arses!

    • Agree……we now have a ‘class’ in the UK below working class. ‘Benefits class’ of which there is no shame breeding and making a career out of it…..we are now on third generation benefits class and they know no different.

      The dole when I was starting out in work, was some money the government gave to to see you ‘between jobs’ When people now say ‘have am I supposed to survive on this?’ Well, it shouldn’t be something you should be able to survive on as a long term option- the money was to help keep the wolf from the door whilst applying for employment- paying for bus fares to get to interviews etc.

      Benefits now, are a fucking career option for some and that’s simply is wrong.

      • When I left school I was looking for a job for 6/7 weeks, £6 a week from the dole office and I only got that because I had been paying tax and stamp working at weekends and holidays while doing A levels.

  12. I tried to hire someone using ZipRecruiter recently. It appears that the cunts being referred to me are all just applying to meet some requirements to keep the unemployment money rolling in. None answer, call back, or if they do hey drop off the Earth after one interview.

  13. Lady Susan Hussey’s old job is up for grabs.

    ‘Elderly aristocrat preferred for light duties including handing over scissors for ribbon cutting and inane small talk with provincial councillors and foreign types. Experience in casual racism and outdated attitudes would be a plus.’

    • I’ve sent in my CV.

      Very experienced in casual racism.

      Like big hats.

      Offend people easily.

      Like easy money.?

      • How dare you question my gender!!

        You can expect to be reported to the authorities for your Hate crime.
        (Nice to see you back Ron?)

      • You need to become ‘racially competent’ Miserable. That is the way forward.

        So you’re not making those dreadful faux pas when anymore.

        Like feeling their fuzzy hair and exclaiming ‘its like a brillo pad!!!’.

        That Ngozi woman is offereing advice on to the Palace on this.

        Yes ‘racial competence’ we all need to get up go speed.

        Admin could offer guidance maybe?

      • I thought I’d mastered that Miles?

        I offer them a peanut,
        Say “I like your hat”
        Oh. It’s your hair.

        And show them how to hold a fork.

        I’m a diplomat really.

  14. I can only hope that LBC’s James O’Shithead reads this site…
    Hopefully his blood pressure will go through the roof.

  15. The benefit system is totally fucked yet also actively encourages scrounging cunts.

    Paid in? You might get dole for a maximum of 6 months.

    Paid nowt but claim to have a bad back or a bad brain?

    Then you can open the door to all sorts of treats,fuel payments..full council tax rebate..free prescriptions..all on top of cash benefits running to hundreds a week.

    Oh and for complete proof that the system is set up to reward bone idle cunts there many cases of couples both claiming to be too ill to work but claim carer’s allowance for one another,which in turn means they receive additional cash premiums on their weekly payments.

    It’s fucked and only really helps those who use it to fund their entire lifestyle.


  16. Off topic:
    Today is a day for much celebration!
    The US has shown the World we are NOT racist or homophobic.
    Our national treasure Britanny Grinder is coming home so she no longer has to languish in a Russian labor colony.
    Oh happy day!

    • Why? The tuppence lapper fucking hates the US of A.

      Let the lanky entitled cunt languish in a proper prison where it belongs

  17. Sooner or later the gov will not be able to pay all benefits on time and riots will ensue.

    Can’t wait to see the show, tbh.

    • That tipping point may or may not have been reached in the US. Where what the government pays out is more than the amount collected from tax payers.

      It’s an interesting dynamic. People retiring early who have made their nest egg leave behind jobs companies can’t fill with equivalent skills, knowledge and experience. Income tax returns go down, demands on social security payouts goes up. The quality of the work force diminishes. Under-employment goes up. Welfare payments increase. And so on.

      It’s the era of the individual. Look after yourself and your family and bollocks to everyone else. It’s hard to argue against that philosophy when you see what happening in the world.

      Some smart arse think tank in the US who has predicted the outcome of every presidential election for decades along with various social and financial changes, has predicted they’ll be widespread civil unrest in the US within 10 years. I believe it.

      • I think it’s inevitable Mr Yank.

        I am seriously thinking of transferring all assets into the wife’s name and running my business as long as possible but default on tax, flog everything a couple of months before the bailiffs turn up and declare bankruptcy.

        Need to do more research, but it’s a possibility.

        Major problem is the amount of trust placed in the wife.

      • I hear thee, Termujin. I really do. Had a similar concern with a previous version of Mrs. Yank.

        The bitch knew we were heading for divorce. Behind my back she went to see a lawyer who told her to bide her time for financial reasons. I bought the house we were living in and put down a huge deposit on it. Mortgage was only $435/month, but I was paying it off at the rate of $3K/month. Thus increasing her equity share in a house she contributed nothing to. Community property laws in Texas say that assets acquired during the marriage are jointly owned by default, regardless of who actually paid for them. What bullshit is that?

        Kniving, deceitful, dishonest, manipulative, gold digging bitch cunt. Regular church goer and all very Christian, religious, praise be the lord and Jesus is our saviour bollocks. Funny how the teachings of Christ go out the window when you have something to gain isn’t? Care to comment, Miles?

        Some of the most vile people I’ve met claim to be god bothering types. Fucking hypocrites. Fortunately, I upgraded several years ago and the new version of Mrs Yank is much nicer. She wouldn’t do me like that, plus she knows I own several firearms and a shovel. 🙂

      • Yes, similar story Mr Yank, very similar.

        My ex was all sweetness and light, to everyone, except me and the kids.

        New one is a marked upgrade, but in some ways markedly similar, due to also being a female, and they are not to be trusted 100%. Ever.

  18. It seemed to me, back in the day, being on benefits was awkward and embarrassing, borderline shameful even. It was a means of last resort. Maybe back then you were just so much better off working thus making employment something you wanted and strived for. I guess that’s changed. It seems these days being on benes is almost a badge of honour and there’s no shame associated with living your life with your hand out on a constant basis. And whining about how hard done by you are too.

    There’s a basic economic fact. Things you tax you get less of and things you subsidise you get more of. Subsidising laziness and sponging off others is at a level that incentivises that behaviour. Hence you get more of it. It’s the same reason the dinghy cunts all flock to the UK – there’s a financial incentive to do so.

    The logic is simple – stop or reduce the financial incentive to live off the state.

    We live in bizarre times. Applying that logic would expose you to all kinds of “isms” and “ists”. It’s like the argument the lottery is a tax on the poor. Who’s forcing the poor to buy lottery tickets I wonder?

    Life isn’t fair. We all know that. Some succeed. Some fail. Some become rich, while others spend their lives scraping by. The air of entitlement and wanting something for nothing is so pervasive these days. Somewhere along the line people’s attitudes changed from looking after themselves to demanding what someone else has regardless. Not sure how governments address that, but I’m pretty sure financially crucifying the tax payer isn’t it.

    • Well said Fake Yank. When did we separate wages from work?
      It’s all about creating dependency and the power grab.

      • I know. It’s sick, Meat – it really is. It amazes me why the unsustainability of it is never addressed. Yank politicians seem utterly clueless. I say “seem” because I think they know exactly what they’re doing. Becoming a senator or a house representative is a ticket to the gravy train that will enrich them beyond their imagination. If a law gets passed every now and then, that’s a happy coincidence nothing more. Working for the people, my arse.

  19. No problem with any foreigner who wants to work and contribute. The bone idle native people are the problem. Deport the lot to Afghanisthan or North Korea.

      • Yes Johnny, except an awful lot don’t contribute, do they. Cash-in-hand barbers, takeaways, hand car washes, Polish “grocery” shops, cleaners, nannies, all paying fuck all in tax while we pay their fair share.

  20. What a surprise the big gangly lesbian is free after the US has to contort itself and release a major fucking criminal

    Look love I knew from an early age not to pack cannabis products in my bag and then cross international borders.

    Personal responsibility would be nice but no, the Russians must be racist right and not just pissed off at having their law shit on.

  21. A friend of mine has a wonderful solution. We push them through muck spreaders or those tree munchers alive of course and maybe put some goodness back into the land, or bag it up and sell it at garden centres .
    That way we keep the environmentalists happy. Job done ?

  22. The secret to a lifestyle on bennies is to have brats…….lots of them. The first thing an Albanian dinghy rat needs to do is find himself a dirty old slag and impregnate the bitch.
    Of course the wokies love that idea! Mixed races, uncertain nationalities, no ties, no identities. The system is not designed that way by accident.

  23. Mrs Fistula’s Polish family and friends ask me why so many immos go to Britain . It’s simple i cry , we have an over generous benefits system and Poland has no benefit system at all

  24. Like so much of what is sick about modern Britain, this benefits shitshow can be traced back to the Bliar and Brown years, when they came up with what they thought was a cunting plan to keep Labour in power… forever!
    As they saw it, the problem with cunts bettering themselves is that as soon as they do that – maybe start their own business, get promoted at work – they begin voting Conservative.
    To solve this problem Brown set out to trap millions of people, including the middle classes, on very generous benefits.
    First he invented “incapacity benefit” to extend a benefit that previously had only been paid to the severely disabled, so that now fat cunts, or those with any number of other imaginary or exaggerated conditions, could have great lives without ever having to work for a living.
    Next he made a huge number of “safety net” benefits MUCH more generous, meaning the “safety net” now paid for big-screen TVs, leather sofas, foreign holidays, etc.
    For the middle classes he invented generous “tax credits” that paid out considerable sums, especially to parents.
    To pay for all this he went to ridiculous lengths, like selling 395 tons of gold reserves when its price was at rock bottom.
    Next Government borrowing went off the scale. Add to that the disastrous PFI and PPP deals where new schools, hospitals and other projects were financed by deals that cost the Government nothing in the short term, but would cost the future taxpayer 20 times the actual cost over the long term.
    We are paying for this madness now.
    Eventually the electorate saw these cunts for what they were – much like they have now seen through the Tories…
    Anyway, Mrs Bottle is nagging me now to lag the pipes and order a Chinese.
    Fuck them all.

      • It’s a Friday night.

        It must be a euphemism.

        Nobody in their right mind would be seen sliding a rigid foam over a tube on a Friday night.


      • You been on grandpa’s cough medicine again HJ? You’ve lost a day mate, it’s Thursday?

        Always had MJB down as a man with exotic tastes. Sex on a Thursday, sober?

        Good grief, brave man.

      • Good lord above. Of course it’s a Thursday.

        I’m away with the family for the weekend and as today was my last day of the week at work – I’ve been thinking it’s Friday all day.

        Weird how that happens sometimes. When a random day in the week feels like another.
        Or maybe it’s just me.

    • It’s the holidays that I struggle most with.


      Fucking holidays – while claiming benefits and contributing nothing in return.

      Absolutely un fucking believable.

      I know this first hand because one of my young naive colleague’s has recently escaped from a relationship with a sponging workshy bint who was also the product of 2 workshy cunts.

      They still somehow managed a foreign holiday every year though. On fucking benefits.

      Cunts !!!

  25. How do they do it?


    A combination of ten plus kids, unheard of disabilities and a conversion to the Religion of Peace and away you go. 80K a year.
    Add an extra grand per trans-gender/special needs kid you spit out too………………….

  26. fucking took me years before cunts signed me up for the sick, said I could use a spaz chariot in an office cos of me falling over.
    A fucking OFFICE!! I would be in Wandsworth now for murder if I had taken up that offer. Even telling the feckers I was antisocial on a nuclear scale cut no ice. Wasn’t till I got the cancer and it effected me continence that they relented, thank fuck for Brexit now nobody is in-continent.

    • I’ve fallen over at work loads of times, but that’s because I was still drunk from the night before.

      Not mocking, hope you’re coping ok ?

    • Like the rest of his band he had that excellent menace factor in spades which belied his fairly cultured approach in the song craft stakes.He co-wrote a good few of their more…mellifluous outings,Golden Brown,La folie etc.A fine and well regarded paradiddler for one of our most superb rock groups.

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