The Term “Refugee”

A timely cunting for the use of the word refugee. Remember those black and white films of long lines of men , women and children carrying or pushing whatever they could save as they fled some battle raging around what was left of their home. Trying to get to anywhere as long as anywhere was safe. To me that is what refugee means..

Now the refugees appear to be mainly young men, with mobile phones and they never appear too haggard or brow beaten. They arrive on our shores with little if any paperwork pertaining to identity etc. They have obviously passed through numerous safe counties to get here, a fact on its own which is telling.

Plain as the balls on my mates bulldog these are just piss taking cunts we are a soft touch. Get this Rwandan bollocks sorted HMG cos those are real black clouds gathering on the horizon and I do not mean dinghy riders.

Nominated by: Black biscuit

67 thoughts on “The Term “Refugee”

  1. In the good ‘ol US of A we call them “Asylum Seekers”. Not one shit is given to determine from what they seek asylum. The goal is clearly to get as many here as fast as possible through a partnership with murderous cartels.
    So they parasites will outnumber the producers. Do the math. We’re fucked.
    Off to work. Gotta pay for them bennies.
    “Welfare is a necessary safety net.”
    It’s more like a hammock.

    • Interesting that America has the “British Disease”, a lifestyle choice of benefits and freebies without any contribution to society ( excepting the occasional theft/burglary/trafficking etc )

      You would have thought the Americans would have looked and seen the “benefits of Benefits”

  2. It’s just a joke now. Real refugees must be a tiny minority of this lot. They should apply abroad. Anyone who turns up on a dingy should be jailed, it’s illegal. What do they do if you manage to get here to an airport without papers? They turn you back

    • When I worked for BA in the nineties the airline lived in terror of letting someone board a plane for the States without all the right permissions and paperwork because any error and the Yanks would put them straight back on the plane and fine BA. Reading MC’s post above I wonder if that is still the case.

  3. I think it will only be fixed when we have seious social unrest BB. The Tories have proven over recent years that they are not going to fix it and the Labour party will fix it by removing controls so that they can come in through the tunnel in comfort.

    • Tories, Labour and LibDems to the middle-class: “You’re fucked.”
      Tories, Labour and LibDems to the working-class: “You’re even more fucked.”
      Tories, Labour and LibDems to veterans living on the streets with PTSD: “Guess what?!…..”
      Tories, Labour and LibDems to dinghy riders: “You can have an upgrade because all the four star hotels are full now.”

  4. Hopefully, the current woeful situation of the U.K. economy will force politicians to realise that the ordinary British taxpayer does not want to continue to cough up large sums of money to these freeloaders who despise our civilised way of life and tolerant attitude.
    I am not holding my breath however.

  5. Enoch wasn’t wrong. Our so-called “leaders” are importing an ever increasing army on a daily basis and positioning them all over the country. And we’re supposed to be scared of Russia?! When the switch is flipped, it’s not going to be pretty…..

    • I agree.

      My Dad says roughly the same thing.
      It is an invasion on the quiet.
      A trigger word will be announced, they will all rise up amongst us, and a war will be won by them without a single trigger fired on our account.
      Mudslime laws will be brought in on how women should dress and act
      Our young girls will be targeted.

      I have said to my other half that if I see one of the cunts walking repeatedly past my house, and eyeing it up because we have a ten year old girl, I will end up in prison for fucking murder.

  6. The system that allows the misuse of what we see as a genuine refugee is the real cunt.

    I am claiming asylum because I will be persecuted in my own country
    Sorry your claim doesn’t meet the requirements
    I want to appeal because I a gay and will be persecuted.
    Sorry it still doesn’t meet the requirements
    I want to appeal because I have converted to Christianity
    Sorry that still doesn’t count
    I was trafficked into the UK and I claim I am a victim of modern slavery (another self inflicted kick in the bollocks)

    What the fuck!!

    Virtually all the migrant movements to Europe and UK are either economic or worse, very few would meet a true definition of refugee.

    • I watched a report about one of the NGO boats that picked up a load of cunts in the Med, Italy refused to let them dock (well done to them) so the boat goes to France and and the Frogs let them dock.

      Guess where they will be heading, the UK, so the Frogs are complicit in trafficking migrants!

      • I’ve mentioned the book before but this latest development is ringing clangerous bells when set beside the chillingly prophetic plot of…

        The Camp of the Saints – Jean Raspail

        …sooooo… how long do we think before a few Albanians sourcing tiny little RIBs decide to set their sights towards something a little more ambitious such as commandeering a 20,000 ton coaster or container ship at gun point, loading it to the gunwales with human dregs and setting (a well publicised) course for the Med.
        Would it be stopped in the Suez Canal? Unlikely given the recent chaos resulting from the last ‘beaching’. Would the British ‘navy’ even dare to put to sea to intercept/board/sink the cunt as it passes Gib? Would they fuck!
        Sooner or later that book will be translated into dooshka and it’ll happen. You heard it first on ISaC folks.

    • Mr. CC,

      Thanks for the book link. Very good and also very sad.

      A war cannot be won if one side refuses to fight.

      I decided, 20 years ago, that the West is fckd, the white race will be obliterated and the vast majority of the world’s population will be dramatically reduced and drastically impoverished.

      The only things that concern me now are my loved ones and preparing for utterly horrendous times.

  7. There have been outbreaks of diphtheria in Kent, a disease practically unknown here since WW2. But don’t worry, all the freeloaders are being vaccinated. It may take you 3 weeks to get a doctors appointment but the parasites get dealt with straight away.

    • Remember the ‘Kent Variant’ of C19?

      Soon after that they started to rename them Alpha, Beta, Delta etc……

      I’d like to say they must think we came in on the last banana boat but that’s actually where the ‘Kent variant’ came in from.

    • not to mention polio either, that is on the rise too, been imported by an effnick , it was eradicated decades ago in the UK, ask James o Brien about it and you are a racist, well I hope job gets diphtheria and polio and his entire family, the self righteous ginger cunt

  8. It’s simply just anyone deciding on a whim to seek refuge here because we’re an easy target, for which they won’t get in trouble for.

  9. I think we will just start to see in the coming months how this might pan out.

    The Home Office have decided too many illegals are heading into the cities so for “the sake of fairness” they are going to be shipped out to places where there aren’t any of the cunts.

    Who decides what’s fair? Some chinless wonder in London.

    That may well be the tipping point..but quite frankly in the insanity that is modern Britain it’s almost impossible to say.

    Everyone from the oafs at Westminster down to a binman knows the foreign rubbish that’s been rolling up for decades isn’t fleeing anything other than the fact they are from shithole countries and they fancy looting our country instead.

    The fact that Albanians are bobbing over in their thousands only highlights the farce.

    Legal means of dealing with this invasion have failed and I wouldn’t be surprised to see mob violence and civil unrest in the near future.

    The British sense of “fair play” and “asylum applications” needs ripping up and the feral shite need the boot.

    Foul vermin.

    • And the useless tossers in “Government” want 200,000 a year to come in yearly.Ha ha ha not a chance in Hell.We need a revolution Unkle T.We are a laughing stock.Micro Macron the granny shagger is giggling his tits off at us.I despair.

      • Even if 200 were true, which it most certainly is not, what is not accounted for is the claimants’ extended family members’ ‘right’ to live here, granted automatically. Nor are the way above average birth rates. Apparently being born in England makes one English, so they don’t count.

        We are literally importing a city the size of Stoke on Trent on an annual basis, with no new schools, roads, hospitals etc, and generally speaking a large number of these imports have zero intention of integrating.

  10. The writing was on the wall ever since decimalisation, from 240 pennies in the pound, to only 100 !

  11. I watched a report on GB news, a luxury hotel and wedding venue in Kent (The Blazing Donkey) was offered a million pounds to take over the hotel for 12 months, all the 25 staff would be replaced with the contractor staff.

    The owner said fuck off.

    • Good on him, but maybe it is because he can reasonably expect to earn more than that in that period?

      • I doubt he would clear 1 million as profit, he said it’s a family business and important to the local community and he had wedding bookings.
        It also has some glamping tents which are apparently very popular, who would want to turn that sort of place over to cunts
        From his description of the interaction with the home office contractor as soon as they said what their intentions were he said no straight away.

      • Not arguing mate, just saying.

        He would not clear a million if paid that from the Gov either. Corporation taxes etc.

        I think it’s right he said no, but he came across as a bit self righteous to me. His business is very successful and 1 million is not enough for him to trash it’s reputation. I wonder if he would have refused if offered considerably more?

        I’m just a grumpy, cynical old man ?

  12. I work in an office, around the back of the complex there’s a ‘school’ and endless streams of these cunts come and go all day long. I look out of the window and some cunt dressed from head to toe is shuffling past. It’s fucking depressing.

  13. Excellent nom.

    ‘Illegal immigrants’, ‘Destroyer of Cultures’, ‘Human detritus’. The list of terms more appropriate than ‘refugee’ is almost endless.

  14. £7,000,000.00 / a day being spent on the illegal immigrant cunts.

    £2,500,000,000.00 a year. + £15000,000,000.00 a year on “overseas ” fucking aid..!

    Hunt then stands up yesterday and tells county we are all going to have to pay more tax…

    Why oh why are people not rioting in the streets…

    Still, we’ve got strictly and celebrity to numb us into submission..

    Words almost fail me….?

    • I think serious civil unrest and rioting is coming.
      It’s only a matter of time.
      One if these Mubarak’s will, in our eyes, put a foot wrong, in the wrong town with the wrong person.
      The wrong person will take the law into their own hands.
      The police will then be on hand to slam a life sentence in said person.
      That will be the trigger for the riots and unrest.
      I think they will be so bad, that they will put riots like Oldham, Brixton and Toxteth to shame.
      We need a good riot every now and then.
      We are long overdue.

  15. Refugee?
    I prefer the terms ‘potential rapist’
    Or ‘potential bomber’.

    Tories love em!
    More than Labour does!

    They point out the difference between illegal migrants and legal ones.

    I don’t differentiate.
    I’d gas both.

  16. How can you be a “refugee” when you’re escaping from France? Admittedly I wouldn’t want to live there (too many Frenchies) but that’s not the point. I note the excuse the libtards use is they all speak English or they already have relatives over here. Well of course they do. Every cunt in the world has relatives over here.

  17. Refugee equals Cunt
    C heating
    U nderhand
    N efarious
    T wat

    Also applies to fuckers that call em refugees and especially MP s

  18. The key job of any government is the security of its people and borders.

    How can the British Government ignore this cornerstone of the roles and responsibilities of its constitution when this year alone 40,000 have landed on beaches in Kent.

    Get the Royal Navy to start defending our border integrity with Boat, Helicopter and Drone.

    They kept our borders safe in Napoleonic times in the channel with little more than wind powered galleons and a keen eye in the crows nest.

    Having all the technology in 2022 means no excuses for detecting and apprehending these fuckers.

    Trouble is the political will to stop this debacle is not there and hasn’t been for quite a few years now.

    It’ll be even worse WHEN Labour get in.
    They’ll be greeting the ‘Refugees’ with open arms on the beaches.

    I bet what’s left of the WW2 generation wishes it didn’t fucking bother defending these islands back in 1940………..

  19. Listening to Hunt and his Autumn Statement (just another glorified budget) and as expected hard working taxpayers, SMBs and successful business people are being put to the sword with clever fiscal drag tax rises.

    By contrast he announced 10.1% “pay rises” for those on benefits, as well as throwing in almost an extra grand on top of the £650 for the cost-of-livng crisis.

    Now I don’t know if ths includes extra “pocket money” for those migrants currently housed in hotels and stately homes, but it wouldn’t surprise me!

    And typically he never announced any intentions of cutting back on government waste in the public sector, the NHS, Whitehall, local councils, benefit scroungers, furlough fraud and a shit load of things he should be looking at in order to ease some of the debt burden.

    As it stands, therefore, he is more or less saying be a lazy sponging cunt and we’ll throw more money at you (inflation linked); and that includes migrants, which will only act as an incentive for thousands of others to pay us a visit, courtesy of the fucking taxpayer!

    • Apparently if every government department saved a fiver in every hundred pound, in their departments budget, one billion would be saved.
      Mind boggled.

  20. That Asda boss let the truth slip out on question time.

    ” This country needs cheap labour ”

    Well arsehole, it may benefit your kind but it certainly doesn’t benefit the indigenous working people of these shores..

    To think, my father was torpedoed by U413 and many of the crew died so these raghead twats could wash up here like flotsam and jetsam to put their hands out for everything FREE…

    Politicians = treasonous cunts…!

    • Cheap labour is the reason industry is woefully under invested. Why pay for efficient machinery when you can employ cheap lackeys.

  21. Of course cheap labour suits those cunts fine but they pay fuck all tax so it’s not them who have to wait for doctors appointments and operations, can’t get their kids into schools or suffer the crime which these cunts bring with them. No, they’re all right Jack. There won’t be any “refugees” living in their fucking street despite their protestations of sympathy and care. Bullshit.

  22. What is a Refugee?

    Kier starmer doesn’t know what a woman is so a refugee is way over his head.

    If he was pushed he’d probably say future voters

    • Refugee=parasite.

      They’re now talking about shipping them into the countryside now they’ve filled all the luxury hotels.

      Put them on King Charles grouse Moors,
      The cunt owns half of Scotland,
      Let him have the smelly cunts.

      • By today’s definition I most certainly am a racist, but I’ll take my racist head off for a moment and ask myself two serious questions.

        Can I think of any immigrant or immigrant stock that I know or know of that has benefitted me, my family or nation in any way? If there are any that I don’t know of that have genuinely benefited the nation, is it possible that this benefit could have been provided by an indigenous person if they had been afforded the same treatment?

        The answers are no and yes.

  23. They interviewed 2 of the cunts now housed at a nice hotel just outside Hull on Turnip TV last night.
    Left Syria 5 years ago.
    Males around 30 years old.
    Dressed immaculately.
    Came to UK for ‘freedom’ which I suppose the couldnt get in Turkey, Greece, Italy, France or whichever way they came. Although perhaps no hotel accomodation in these countries.
    Meanwhile the residents of Skeggy are going apeshit that 5 hotels there now house these vermin. Council powerless as the incompetent Home Office calls the shots.

    We are a country of fucking idiots ruled by incompetent idiots. Any attempt to get the Civil Service to actually do their jobs is of course bullying.
    Move the cunts out of London and lets see what a midlands/northern service can do. And stop fucking knighthoods for timeserving or anyfuckingthing else.

  24. All these hotels being filled with trash must have repercussions for the local economy. People who stay in hotels spend money in the local businesses…..restaurants, pubs etc. Take those people away and replace them with filth and only the local drug dealers will be making money. Has the local council in Skeggy, Margate, Bournemouth etc thought of that or are they too busy virtue signalling?

    • It’s easy being virtuous and caring Freddie when the repercussions are never gonna effect you and yours.

    • Certainly some stupid councillors are welcoming this filth into their areas Freddie, but the real problem is as pointed out by CC above, central government can and do override local councils.

  25. That’s why I never give to any ‘childrens’ charities any more and haven’t done for years.

    Save The Children and Children In Need (yeah, them cunts) cater for those filthy men from the Calais Shitheap. Anybody else remember that ‘child’ who looked like Dave Clark crossed with Alan Partridge? Well, there’s loads of them. And these charities (and the bastard RNLI) go out of their way to help these pieces of shit and human vermin.

    And remember when checking dental records was ruled out because it was ‘racist’?
    How the fuck can a medical routine check be racist? What they meant was they didn’t want their precious human filth men-children being found out….

    • I went into Stockport town centre today.
      Get the missus a Christmas present while I had the chance.

      There was a old bloke from the salvation army with a collection tub.
      I gave him a couple of quid.
      And I thought what if I bump into those RNLI cunts out on the tap?!

      Would I just walk past?

      Would I give them a mouthful of truth?

      Not sure, don’t trust myself not to,
      And if they answer back?
      Wouldn’t be much fun getting arrested!
      Missus would be well pissed off.

      Anyway I didn’t see them the fuckin treacherous rabble.

  26. The term ‘ Refugee’ means someone looking for refuge. And many of these cunts end up making the place they stay look like a refuge tip.

  27. Taking into account there is a lot of shit in this world and our once great country these cunts are the biggest problem
    Simple answer is in the mobile phone
    They all have them they are full of information
    No passport or papers take the phone
    Tell me am I being a simple white middle aged heterosexual male in a monogamous marriage who pays tax and works
    Why don’t this happen
    Jeremy vine is a bigger cunt than Matt Hancock but still neither can match That poofter Blair

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