Yes, that’s her real name…..named after a character in the long forgotten American soap “Dallas”. How chavvy is that? No wonder she tries to cover it up.
She’s a politician so of course she’s a cunt, that goes without saying but I’m more interested in the cunts who are trying to cunt this cunt off.
Having declared that she is actually going to DO SOMETHING about the dinghy raiders (yeah, where have we heard that before?) and she dreams about planes taking off for Rwanda, she has made a lot of libtard enemies who are out for her blood.
Having already resigned for this phone business, and then reinstated, the MSM and the usual suspects want her gone. Now the pressure is on the Suntanman.
We’re about to find out who’s side this Goldman Sachs, globalist puppet is really on. No prizes but my guess is that Sue Ellen will be on her way back to Texas very soon. ( well, the political equivalent of anyway)
Nominated by: Freddie the Frog
She really pisses off the woke and the left. I hope she can get some fucking thing done. The department is unfit for purpose and has been for decades so wont hold my breath.
Sue Ellen BeaverMan
If she felt embarrassed having the name Sue Ellen why didn’t she change it to Linda Gray?
May I just say – that’s a smashing blouse she’s wearing.
‘I bought you a coke in good faith! That’s eighty you owe me now… eighty p!’
Christ she’s ugly.
Like a Disney witch.
Nose like something that gets stones out of horses hooves.
She talks tough which means she won’t do a fuckin thing.
All Tories are useless cunts.
As are Labour.
I think she’s full of shite and a ugly cunt to boot.
I might sue her ?
She given me temporary impotence.
I think you’re being unkind. She has strong features. She gives me the RFH.
I’d of said I’d held back!
Pretty much flattered her.
She does look like a bit like Cruella de Vil come to think of it.
I admire her for publicly calling what’s happening on the South Coast out for what it is, an invasion.
It is, very sadly, a sign of the truly fucked up times we live in, that politicians would rather squabble and be outraged over the correct terminology instead of the incredibly serious issue at hand.
It’s not that they’d rather, it’s simply the level of their peak intelligence, ie fucking thick.
Parliament is full of Freddy Nietzsche’s ‘Last Men’ – pathetic mediocre creatures who strive for nothing but their own comfort while everything around them falls to bits.
Fucking tragic.
Squabbling about terminology instead of tackling serious issues is what political correctness was designed to promote.
That’s the whole point of it…
AKA-‘Common-Purpose’ a Tavistock-Institute’ spawned songsheet they all sing from.
Yes, and note how the lefties lost their shit over that word. Of course it’s a fucking invasion, what else would you call it? Last Saturday the cunts were parading their flag around Londonstabistan and draping it over Churchill’s statue. So not only have they invaded they are taking the piss and rubbing our fucking noses in it.
William the conquerors army was only between 5000 to 7000 men. That was a invasion..
But 40,000s plus vermin is what? A fact finding mission.
A Special Operation, perhaps?
They’re so proud of their flag, how about fucking off back there.
Fuckingdo some thing you cunt
It is a fukin invasion. She needs to use more honest( inflammatory to the woke left) language to describe the pond life drifting into our country like turds on the tide. Same colour,same smell just as repellent.
We need some of our fishing community to lend a hand too, preferably with long poles with sharp pointy things at the end. Ideal for puncturing inflatable boats, preferably mid channel on a choppy sea. Glug glug glug.
I was thinking more of a few Royal Navy attack helicopters with door mounted gattling guns, depth charges and some anti-ship missiles.
That’ll do it!
I would agree but unfortunately our wonderful navy has become a taxi / ferry service. The krauts couldn’t invade in 1940 but the Stanleys ,keys and pikies are given a free run.
She is also being undermined by the civil servents in her own department. They seem to have their own agenda that is diametically opposed to anything this government is trying to achieve.
And that’s the problem. They should be told told to either toe the line or fuck off, fired, no pension, get a proper fucking job. They wouldn’t be qualified to stack shelves, that requires some common sense and hard graft, something these cunts are totally lacking.
The Civil Service Blob is the real problem, like a turd in the u-bend.
Apparently these mandarins are almost impossible to fire and get rid of.
Bugger the mandarins, start at the bottom. A general’s no fucking use without his troops.
There’s nothing it says or does that hasn’t been scripted,she will be the illusory ‘counter narrative’ to take the boiling steam out of the national cooking pot while the Kalergi’s project proceeds apace.
No actually it really is Suella not Sue Ellen. That was a MSM piss take.
I reckon she means business but it remains to be seen whether she runs into the Civil Service left wing road block.
The answer to the immo shit is to dump the ECHR but the remoaners and uncivil servants and general do gooders will fight that tooth and nail.
As Scott Morrison said recently, a Rwanda scheme is pretty much what Oz did but they weren’t subject to the cunts in Strasbourg so it worked…
The civil serpents need culling.
They have their own agenda, and each one of them is a Corbynista.
The whole of Westminster needs culling.
We all need to be goading fruity putin to bomb it.
Some schoolyard taunts should do it.
Test he’s fragile ego.
I wouldn’t want to be a thread in her gusset pouch.
Hahahaha classic.
The libtard lynch mob have moved on to Dominic Raab now.
Apparently he’s been requesting that his civil servants pull their fingers out and do their fucking job.
Clearly a most unpleasant individual.
The top echelons of the Civil Service have a serious problem with ministers who are brexiteers. They love the EU with a passion and strive constantly to fuck them up and get rid of them. Braverman has the red dot on her right now.
We have been,and continue to be,invaded.
No point wondering if this MP or another will do anything to stop it because they won’t.
It’s all a game to,legal aid,free bed and board,benefits,court cases,asylum system,policies,outcomes…
The only people who care are those poor cunts who end up with the foreign rubbish unceremoniously dumped into their towns and villages.
They might complain to their MP about it?
What a joke….at some point it will become so overwhelming that vigilantism takes hold.
The evil cunts invading to loot our country are in the same barrel as the politicians who aid and abet them.
They all need gassing.
Well said . Zyklon B works a treat. Designed to get rid of lice.
Had to attend a Citizens Advice appointment recently and noticed one advisor dispensing assistance to a Romanian scrote (unemployed) with 3 whelps on how better to get the blood funnels into the welfare system.The cunt couldn’t speak a word of English.Imagine these wonderful CAB folks having to enable this trash and keep any degree of sanity ?
Pretty fukin chastening to be up close and personal to this shit.Cunts are camping out now in Newport.Not as many swans in the local lake as i remember.
And bring back the Black & White Minstrel Show while you`re at it.
Ah yes, the three front men, Dai Francis, Tony Mercer and John Boulter. Britain’s answer to The Supremes.
Except they weren’t women.
Or black.
Hi Sam,
Is that so you can get paid for playing both parts ? I’d also suggest it being a good idea.
I would bet good money that she got a fanny like Ken Dodd’s haircut
…. and a clitoris like his gnashers.
Or a clitoris like a gherkin? That’s the taste, not the shape.
The fucking limp dick, soy latte drinking perpetually offended cunts are still upset about that one word, she gets my vote just for that.
Invasion, just think if she had really had a free reign ‘piss taking fucking criminal Cunts’, that wound have really triggered the bastards.
When they are turned straight round mid channel I will actually believe we have got our country back.
I’ve been saying this for ages.
Just because they’re not arriving in battleships and destroyers.
Just because they’re not using landing craft to reach the beaches.
Just because they’re not armed to the teeth and offloading tanks.
Doesn’t mean we’re not being invaded.
A dinghy is a landing craft.
But a damned sight more sinkable.
They seem to be pretty impregnable up to now, considering the numbers.
Anybody who dares to invade my privacy unannounced, are likely to get a piece of my mind. A damn good thrashing if truth be told.
And the latest bullshit is to increase the money we are bunging the Frenchies to 63 million pounds. For what? So they can send even more of their unwanted sewage over to Blighty? The Grannyshagger must be pissing himself, the cunt. Imagine this……..
Dear Mr Hitler,
If we bung you millions of pounds every year will you promise not to bomb the shit out of us? Please…….Pretty please.
They are the Con servative party after all
Due to the lack of interest in this nominee, I thought it interesting enough to mention the first pornographic book I ever read was “The Sex Life of a Flea”.
This cold weather reminds me of being tucked away in the crevices of Sue’s snatch, covered by her snug knicker blanket.
Leave the ECHR or forget it.
The civil service and grifting immigration lawyers will make her shut up quite quickly unless this is at least attempted.
The Tories have a big enough majority still, but too many lefties in the party and probably a few who make coin from mass immigration (rise in property prices/more homes needing building.)
They’d probably rebel, she’d be fired and yet another muppet will come along with tough words but no trousers.
The first step is to stop ALL Legal Aid for anybody seeking asylum by just turning up on the fucking south coast, let the cunt lawyers run their cases pro bono. Let’s see how may there are then.
Watch this me fellow cuntmsters.
I don’t like TikCock but this is a superb video:
They are smegging awful.Could’nt organise a piss up in a brewery.Clueless cretins.Bin please.
Two points I’d like to make.
Firstly. As the french are complicit in this invasion, should we not threaten the cunts with serious repercussions instead of giving them money?
Secondly. Is it wrong for me to suggest Suella has nice looking tits?
She’s a double bagger.
One for her head and one for your own in case hers falls off.
Nice baps, agreed.
Very hairy minge though, I bet. That hedgerow will go up to her tits. Allegedly.
Yeah, I’ve got the feeling she may have a substantial garden path starting just below her cleavage.
Doubtless a spot of topiary would tidy it up a bit.
Shouldn’t this be a cunting aimed at the Civil Service, rather than one MP actually trying to change things?
It basically is.
I bet she’s got a tangly, hirsute gash and goes all night long. Quim like a hairy walnut.
I would.
# me too
She’d bang you like a shit house door in a force nine gale!
Expect nothing but noise out of this one (just like the previous one ‘Priti’) and no real action.
She’s a globalist, just like the rest of the Government. To put it in perspective, she is married to an American Jewish bloke, she is 2nd gen immigrant herself and just like Rishi, shes about as loyal to the UK as Putin.
She’s just feathering her own nest. Big MP salary, 2nd home, gold plated MP pension, one foot in the USA as a citizen (via her rich Yankee husband), numerous business interests in big UK/US corporations and no fucks given to this country or its citizens.
She’s a Globalist Stooge and is part of the theatre (and therefore the problem). She talks strong on immigration but does fuck all. Average Joe thinks she’s a good egg but in reality she couldn’t give a shit. In fact, I hear the bitch just gave £63 million away to the Frogs to help stop this invasion.
The daft cunt Priti Patel gave Macron £55 million barely 12 months ago and it achieved fuck all. (Immigrant crossings have INCREASED since the last £55 million bung!!!!)
Just like the Rwanda deal, just fucking words. Just fucking bullshit. Smoke and mirrors to distract the Sun readers.
The French, EU, Ursula Von Der layern and immigrants are laughing their bollocks off at us.
Laughing stock of Europe, we CANNOT even defend our own borders and Cruella Brave heart ain’t about to change that. Just go to Dover beach tomorrow morning and see for yourself.?
We are an island,we don’t really have borders,It can’t be that difficult to secure the coastline,can it ?.
Many,not all,are escorted and helped onto our shore by OUR authorities and rescue services,how is that an invasion ?.
Braverman just trying to make a name for herself to further her career outside of politics.
As another cunter pointed out earlier in this post, 7000 knights came over during the Norman conquest in 1066. That was an Invasion.
This year alone we have 40,000 immigrants (men of fighting age)
If that’s not an Invasion I don’t know what is?
An invasion sadly
An expeditionary force.
Clearly UK politicians do not want to stop illegal immigration. With our declining birth rates they have to get the cheap labour from somewhere.
Same reason Germany let in one million Muslims in one go.
We are being REPLACED…?
Fuck me.
It’s not hard to understand.
A fuckin simpleton like me can see it for what it is.
The political classes don’t want to stop illegal immigrants.
That’s why the token attempts, the messing about, the stalling.
They’re welcome.
It’s us who aren’t.
But our money is. Very welcome.
Bang on the money, MNC. They will never actually say as much, but they do want them here.
With a large chunk of our indigenous population being shit stabbers and rug munchers the birth rate isn’t high enough to replace those who’ve said ‘ fuck it ‘ and checked out.
The only way they can see that the supply of fruit pickers, nannies, gardeners etc. can be maintained, is to let the scum of the earth settle here.
It’s like letting Red Indians settle in Fort Apache.
You just know there’s going to be heap big trouble.
Politician speak with forked tongue.
Bury up to neck on beach and wait for tide to come in.
We’re governed by cunts.
Good evening, MNC / all.
@JM. Sorry, old boy. I seem to have duplicated your thoughts on this shitty matter. I should have read through the other comments before replying to MNC.
Apologies, etc. etc.
The red Indian analogue Jack,
Well we’re the red Indians.
Slowly our ways are being eroded and the foreigners gaining ground.
Just we haven’t fought to rid ourselves of the invaders.
See you on the reservation,
How ?
I have to laugh as MSM say “the plight of the economic migrants”.They ARE NOT.They are money grabbing shitehawkes.Send them back.Simple.Not rocket science.We are being replaced by the dirty Albanians.Boils my piss.
John Morlar@
sorry John just realised my post underneath yours makes it sound like I’m having a pop at you!
far from it.
making more or less the same point,
my frustration is with the ever optimistic that think the politicians are on our side and going to act.
…..but the stinking cunts who land on our shores have no intention of doing an honest day’s work.
None at all.Freebie city.Shoot on sight.
£63 million quid buys an awful lot of .50 BMG just saying!
Well, she doesn’t deserve a cunting from me……..yet anyway.
She is certainly saying the rights things about all the fucking immigrants, and as long as she does actually put decent deterrents in place and deals with the detritus that turns up in Kent every fucking day then she can have my vote. Unless of course the rest of her party and specifically the MSM think she is too ‘radical’ by actually doing something instead of talking about it, then it will be trial by media yet again for a minister that doesn’t suit the hand wringing liberal agenda
Agreed. And she gives me the horn.
Is there any bird who doesn’t give you the horn?……….other than Eddie Izzard.
Useless bint
Apparently Sue Ellen is a Buddhist, therefore unlikely to have a hairy minge. Buddhists aren’t keen on body hair for reasons beyond my understanding.
Just thought some of you dirty bastards might be interested.