Stormzy (4)

..The musical genius has decided to stick he’s nose into diversity in football.

Teaming up with Adidas this race grifter plans to get more black people into roles off the pitch..

OK fair enough you might say as only 6.7 percent of the roles are held by poc.

But on the other hand 39 percent of Premier league players are black or mixed race..
So it’s best man for the job when it comes to kicking the ball. But not for coaching or management then it’s let’s shoehorn in some diversity.

Maybe look to your own profession that seems to be overloaded with blacks..
Make some room for those honky rappers you cunt..

Sky Sports News Link

Nominated by: Barry zuckercunt

Seconded by: CuntyMcCuntface

Second this Nom.

Never let the facts get in the way of a (good) story

Statisa News Link

3% of the U.K. population is Black and 2% mixed so by my reckoning per head of population Blacks and Mixed Heritage are over represented by almost 50%.

It would appear Michael Owuo is ignorant of this fact, or perhaps he isn’t, perhaps it’s just another free pass to race bait.

A triple dollop of cunt sauce for this cunt.

60 thoughts on “Stormzy (4)

  1. Put it in a dress with lipstick on and drop it off in Qatar with a placard round it’s neck “Fighting for Gay Pork Rights”.

    • His record company rented him a flat where I work.

      It spent most of its time trying to scrounge fags off of my dooshka labourers.

      Nobody likes a sulky, skint fuckwit with no musical talent.

  2. Stormzy. Yet another uneducated fuck-nugget that thinks we should all listen to his subnormal IQ lectures on topics he can barely pronounce. Fuck off, you talentless cunt.

  3. I heard one of Stormzy’s “great new tracks” on the radio the other day.

    lyrically banal, Roxy Music or 10cc would have nothing to fear.

    There has been some outstanding black music over the years. Stormzy’s isn’t in this category.

  4. Off the pitch?

    Pitch black?

    Don’t see why not?

    Assign one to each player.
    Keep the boots polished.

    Call them. “shine boys’.

  5. All dat litter be needing picking up after matches, da stadiums dey need d sweeping ? da bigs need cleaning.

    Fucking loads opportunities

  6. I’d rather get a hand job from ‘Hook man’ Abu Hamza than listen to this cunts music.

  7. Unlike our ‘conservative’ government, I think Stormzy will find that football clubs don’t have the time to experiment with unqualified black persons in positions of importance.
    We’re talking about one of the most avaricious enterprises on earth and he’s banging his head against a brick wall with this one.
    Anyway, apart from ‘Arry Redknapp, most football managers are relatively bright, with football knowledge that goes beyond bling, tattoos and spit roasting slappers in hotels.
    You’re wasting your time son.
    And mine for that matter. So fuck off!

  8. Why is Stormzy not campaigning against over representation in the NBA.

    Oh I get it in areas where there is statistical under representation it is prejudice but in areas where it is over, it is all down to talent.

    Right ho. Fuck off cunt.

    Using his logic we don’t actually need to change anything.

    Quite frankly, I doubt today’s player can really be arsed with the pains of management when they’ve made 20 mill from the game by their early 30s

    Why bother?

  9. What is it with this Cunt, hasn’t he got an Album coming out? Not been in the News enough?
    Find another Drum to bang Cunt maybe Finding out why you Cunts keep Robbing and Stealing

  10. Presumably this cretinous cunt thinks those of his ilk are ideally suited to football management. Well it’s just like spouting incomprehensible simian gibberish into a microphone, isn’t it? Sorry Stabzy, there’s a bit more to it than that.

    By the way, shouldn’t someone phone Whipsnade Zoo to let them know one of their silverbacks has escaped?

  11. His comments infer that the majority of football managers and coaching staff have got their positions through some sort of ‘white privilege.

    Football managers should get together and tell the racist cunt to fuck right off.

    • Is he called Stormy because of his moods?

      Fuck me, right whining, little shit .
      Cheer the fuck up and be called Sunny!

      Think earning a few quid would cheer the sour faced fuck up wouldn’t you?

      Tell you what,
      Get a tyre swing.
      It’ll change your life.
      Never be happier.?

    • Come to think of it, if I was locked in a room with Stormzy, Owen Jones and Jack Whitehall, and I had a gun with only two bullets, I’d shoot Stormzy twice!!

  12. He is just another loud mouth fucker from the Londinistan ghetto with a massive chip on his shoulder, who somehow thanks to his colour is being given an audience, if he was the equivalent but white it would be a case of shut the fuck up you gobshite,.
    Same for cunts like Marcus Rashford and countless of cockiweasles who are most talented at sharing their fucking unwanted opinions about how life is intolerable as a poc in the UK.

  13. As far as I’m concerned the filthy overrated fuzzy-wussy can fuck right off.
    I’d rather pick the scabs off my inoperable cancerous knob than listen to his drivel.

  14. The jet black twat should continue to stay in the background, carrying the suit cases, being a toilet attendant, sweeping the streets. If they get a bit shirty, we can always give them a bomb disposal operators job. That being the only way of getting ahead(less) in life.

  15. I had the misfortune to see a few minutes of one of his gigs on the tv from a festival.
    Each to their own, personally I was pleased to have a remote control to switch this shite off.
    What amazed me was how many ‘right on’ luvvies appeared to be enjoying it. I wasn’t sure if they were acting, or if you force yourself to like it by having it on repeat 24/7 for a year you can start to appreciate it. A bit like in 1984 when Winston realises he loves Big Brother.
    As for his selective statistics, he can do one.

    • Me being forced to watch and accept Stormzy would be reminiscent of the scene from Clockwork Orange.


    • They pretend to like it, to appear ‘relevant’. In reality they probably like to listen to obscure math rock bands playing in a shed in Dalston.

  16. Could have ‘chain gangs’ cleaning up the grounds and surrounding areas … after all they do like chains n stuff …

  17. Whatever the number/percentage of the population it appears that there are more here than the census shows, basically too fucking many.

    A majority white country, ‘celebrating’ Ramalamadingdong, Divalawali, Ape history month, sorry but I don’t give a fuck about effnicks or their ‘culture’

    Some big n*gga who was an aspiring something now peddling shit music and giving his worthless fucking opinion, Fuck off Mick Umbongo.

  18. What’s Romelu Lukaku doing wearing a crown and staring solemnly at a union flag emblazoned stab vest?
    Shouldn’t he be in training and preparing for the world cup with the Belgium team instead of race grifting?

  19. Stormy should learn from black folk from the 70s.
    Always a big smile an a sunny disposition.
    Put em in matching outfits and let them do a dance routine they’d be over the fuckin moon.

    The ojays, Boney M,Earth wind @ fire, always happy.

    Or Grover off the Love Boat.
    That cunt was happy as a dog with two dicks.

    Ask him to do something?

    “Right away boss!
    Sure thing.”

    Not chippy an whining all the fuckin time.
    I think stormy and others like him have SAD.
    Not enough vitamin D giving sunlight.

    I hear Africa is pretty sunny?
    Maybe think of settling down there?

    See ya!✋

    • It’s the hair, MNC…back in the 70/80’s, they had big afros and were jolly.
      Now they’re miserable, aggressive and entitled.
      It’s white liberals fault for identifying them as human.

      • I agree Thomas, the music was better, the black music was better then too, you never heard any Motown artists shouting about popping a cap in yo ass, they were respectful and wore suits and we’re always cheerful , the complete opposite of Stormzy and all that gang crap

    • Some great black artists from the 70s. Smokey, Marvin, Stevie, Temptations, Sam and Dave, Aretha, Dave and Ansil Collins and more…

      Now, all black acts are chippy arrogant turds who are never happy, regardless of their fame and wealth. From ‘What’s Going On’ and ‘Innervisions’ to whinging tuneless shite from cunts like Stormzy and Kanye. How times have changed, and not for the better I might add.?

  20. Are my eyes deceiving me or is the blank sheet there to remind us of the Black Out during the war. Which reminds me, these good for nothings could be used for shielding us good folk from the sun, if this global warming does ever happen.

  21. This ‘Black British’ sack of shit is African. End of.

    Also, didn’t this lowest common denominator spearchucker spew out a load of hate against gays a while back? Ah, but he got away with it. Cos he black….

    Because he is (a) black and every misdemeanour and crime is overlooked and (b) he is such a hypocrite and a two faced plastic woke shit, his opinions are worthless. So, he can fuck off back to fuzziewuzzieland.

    Oh, and this strutting uppity bogo doesn’t like his ‘people’ being searched. Why should it bother himor them if they hae nothing to hide? Not carrying offensive weapons or drugs, by any chance? Surely not? Not those salt of the earth good as gold black folk? But… But… They enrichour country… Yeah, they enrich it like a fresh festering reeking turd…

    • Darker skinned people are held to a slightly lower standard by the liberal elites and the chattering classes.

      As a result, inconvenient misdemeanors like homophobia, misogyny and anti white racism must be immediately ignored and preferably swept under the carpet. In the interests of diversity. You know it makes sense.

    • A storm in teacup.
      What I would like to ask this nonentity under an an armed guard, is what’s it like having to put up with being black for the rest of your miserable life. But cheer up, in your case you are fortunate, you can’t get any blacker.

  22. Another fucking n*gnog with attitude. Yea, I too would like to see more s*mbo’s employed off the pitch. That ducking cotton won’t pick itself. Come on, chop chop Kuntakintoo!

  23. Same with those African cunts in the kidney unit. Never the remotest smirk out of them. Never fucking smile ever. The most miserable bastards on Earth. All this smiley friendly African stuff is a total myth. There is this lad who works there, funny as fuck. But he’ll never get a grin out of that lot. Dour fuckers….

  24. They say ‘diversity’, but it isn’t diversity at all. Diversity just means blacks, compulsory blacks. Same with ‘equality’. All that means now is wimmin, poofs, or (again) more blacks. White people never come into it. So, where’sthe diverstyor equality in that? Fuck ’em all…

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