Recommended Reading Lists

We get frequent emails from head office with information about things happening in the company, business news, market trends etc.. all well and good. However, they have become more and more woke in the past years and actively buy into Black History Month.

So, in addition to promoting talks and events by the likes of Akala, they also included their list of recommended books by black authors. Lo and behold, three days later, these exact same books arrived at the office.

Thanks, but no thanks. I’ll read what I choose, not what you choose. Fuck off Akala and Maya Angelou, plus whatever other crap they sent us.

Nominated by: mystic maven

(Presumably if you don’t read the “recommended” books say goodbye to your job! – Day Admin)

164 thoughts on “Recommended Reading Lists

  1. Impossible to escape this crap these days. I would toss the books straight in the rubbish bin if they are forced on you. Reading is an exercise in freedom. You should be free to read what you want and when you want to read it.

    If I were you I would ostentatiously place a copy of Agatha Christies “Ten Little Ni***rs” on your desk and say you are too busy reading that. If you want to be more subtle you could go for a latter edition where it was renamed “Ten Little Indians”. Probably still get you in trouble though.

  2. A pretty dismal selection, if I don’t say it myself. A few copies of the Anarchist’s Cookbook, would make for more interesting reading.

  3. No doubt Harry Halfwit’s new book will be on the next list. Anything as long as it’s anti British.

    • Spare us Oh Lord.
      Spare us ‘Spare’
      Spare us all.

      Spare us your ‘struggle’.
      Spare us the Victimhood.

      No he won’t spare us.
      He will give us every last detail.
      He will heap it on.

    • Imagine being the editor of Harry’s manuscript?

      Editor: “Hello, Your Royal Highness? Yes, it’s Roderick. Now, the last time we spoke, I recommended that you not use the phrase, “Satanic kid-raping lizard-beings” as the will lead us to myriad legal problems, including intellectual property suits with a Mr David Icke – have you heard of him? Hello? Hello?”

    • No, it will be a hate crime to burn these books.

      Try The Illiad, Canterbury Tales, Crime and Punishment, Brave New World and Nineteen Eighty-Four

      • Le Cunt.

        I think Ill turn on you.

        David Icke LOOKS stupid.

        Same as that wanker Jimmy Dore who you are aleays putting up.

        You have got to get more ‘discernable’ in the people you follow.

        Don’t just accept everything bacause it is ‘against the narratuve’

      • I’m done with the Ukraine thread, it’s fucking painful to engage with that monumental cretin-fest: Zelenskyy, Putin, Biden, our PM/MPs, the corporate media slugs. What happens now will speak for itself.

        World Cup is coming, Christmas is coming, got my magical lights up in my house, and I just want to be cheerful from now to January, Monday 9th.

        I’d advise you guys to do the same. Think of it as a ceasefire, a respite. We can’t affect the war now, so just chill and be cheerful.

        Peace. 🙂

      • I’d say to pray for peace, but you and I are the only God-botherers and I don’t bother God all that often via prayer, just by my excessive wanking! LOL! 😀

      • Once the World Cup starts, I’ll probably only post in the perma-thread on it. The upsets, the great goals and of course, Harry Kane’s kidnapping by the Taliban.

      • There’s a few others to get started on, Mis’;

        ‘Harry Potter and the..’

        We could power the country for a few millennia on the copies of that derivative shite.

        No offence, Jo Rowling. Your jugs look fantastic.

  4. We’ll have a new type of Harry Potter phase, with blacks on public transport, trying to understand what they’re reading.

  5. It’s bad enough seeing the useless cunts plastered all over advertising and every other forms of media.


    Dear me,simply fuck off you whining feral shite.

  6. At my past government job a book called “It’s Your Ship” was assigned to the management. Bored out of my grape one day I decided to peruse the unopened book that my supervisor was given. Turned out to be an excellent book. Since the shit show continued unabated I’m guessing no one else read it.

  7. Now considered a cult classic is St Lineker’s ‘Gary Lineker: Strikingly Different – A Biography’ hardcover available from Amazon for £3.48p & free delivery.

    Obviously this is another golden opportunity for Gary to cash in with a follow up with the recent revelation that he is actually a black man and has been living a lie for the past 30 years since it was written.

  8. I’d take recommendations from users of this site whether it be books, films, series or music.

    Not pron though, there are some disgusting contributers on here.

    • The ragged trousered philanthropists – Robert Tressel, 1984 – George Orwell, The world according to Garp and The cider house rules – John Irving, Shogun – James Clavell, The Mayor of Casterbridge – Thomas Hardy, anything by Tolstoy.

      I got more if you want ’em ?

    • ‘Picking Up The Brass’ and ‘Eddy Nugent and the Map Of Africa’, by Eddy Nugent – pant-wettingly funny and ‘Chickenhawk’ by Robert Mason, great book, a ‘What?’ ending.

    • Post Office by Charles Bukowski
      Bartleby The Scrivener by Herman Melville
      Almost all Tom Sharpe’s novels
      Twenty Thousand Streets Under The Sky by Patrick Hamilton
      Catch 22 by Joseph Heller
      Woke – A Guide To Social Justice by Titania McGrath
      Suicide And Attempted Suicide by Geo Stone
      London Belongs To Me by Norman Collins
      Filth by Irvine Welsh
      Russia’s Lost Literature Of The Absurd by Daniil Kharms and Alexander Vvedensky
      A Guide To Psilocybin Mushrooms by Richard Cooper
      The Keep by Paul Wilson
      Fear And Loathing In Las Vegas by Hunter S Thompson
      The Boy Next Door by Enid Blyton

      • Some late entries (not that it makes any difference to ya)

        A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens
        Decline And Fall by Evelyn Waugh
        A Short History Of Tractors In Ukrainian by Marina Lewycha

        Night y’all.

    • Terry Pratchett’s Discworld series is a good laugh. Think LOTR crossed with PG Wodehouse with real world satire thrown in.

    • Thanks to all for the recommendations, I’m off on a 5 week trip in December so I’ll be getting a few.
      I’ve read about 50% of those mentioned and Catch 22 five times. Still funny!

    • Here’s some of my favourite books –

      Absalom, Absalom – William Faulkner
      Typhoon, Lord Jim Hear of Darkness and The Secret Agent – Joseph Conrad
      David Copperfield and Bleak House – Dickens
      Howards End – EM Forster
      The Lord of the Rings and The Silmarillion – Tolkien
      Remains of the Day – Ishigaro
      The Carla Trilogy – John Le Care
      Collected Stories – Arthur C Clarke
      The Foundation Trilogy – Asimov
      Short Stories – HP Lovecraft
      Sigfreid Sasson – The War Poems
      Sherlock Holmes and The Lost World – Conan Doyle
      Consider Phlebas – Iain M Banks
      The Jeeves and Wooster and Blandings stories – PG Wodehouse
      Collected Essays – George Orwell
      Unreliable Memoirs – Clive James
      The Crystal Bucket and other TV reviews – Clive James
      The Time Machine and other short Stories – HG Wells
      Gullivers Travels – Jonathan Swift
      Revelation Space – Alastair Reynolds
      The Sleepwalkers – Arthur Koestler
      Burnhams Celestial Handbook (if you have no interest in astronomy you will after reading Burnham)
      The Pursuit of the Millennium – Norman Cohn
      Anything by Philip K Dick
      Short Stories – Edgar Allen Poe
      Ficciones – Jorge Borges
      First and Last Men and Starmaker – Olaf Stapledon
      Joseph and His Brothers – Thomas Mann
      Gravity’s Rainbow – Thomas Pynchon
      Leaves of Grass – Walt Whitman
      MR James – Ghost Stories
      Collected stories – Robert Aickman
      Poems and stories – Rudyard Kipling
      A man on The Moon – Andrew Chaikin
      The Naked and the Dead – Norman Mailer
      WH Auden – Collected Poems
      Anything by Len Deighton and Frederick Forsyth.
      The History Man – Malcolm Bradbury
      Scoop – Evelyn Waugh
      Rendezvous with Rama – Arthur C. Clarke
      And the Revs Keep Rising: Great Drives in Fast Cars – Mel Nichols
      Cars – Stephen Bailey
      Any motoring book by LJK Straight

      Sorry, I could go on and on….

      • Miles has done what always happens when the subject of books comes up on any online discussion; somebody offers up a list of recommendations then another resorts to oneupmanship.and ‘hipsterism’.

        Same happens with musicians.

  9. I will only recommend one book, a must read for any aspiring young man who wishes to become a Labour MP:

    Blair, Anthony: “A Longer Journey (The Unexpurgated Version)” The original books two missing chapters included “Cottage and Cruise To Win”, detailing his 1970 nights as Miranda and “Bum Fun With Mandy”, which speaks for itself.

    Published by The Whoops-Duckie Press Ltd, Mincing Lane £45 in a plain sealed cover

  10. I would rather earn a relative pittance as a self employed tinkerer and trader than endure so much as a second of this corporate brainwashing shite.
    And it’s probably just the beginning…

  11. As I said to my kids who came back from school with their black history month homework, this brainwashing is only serving to put race relations back 50 years.
    It’s making people who didn’t give a shit about race see through the propaganda and hate how blacks are being put upon pedestals.
    All a massive gravy train for the diversity officers as they unwittingly stir up racial discontent.

    • Correct. It’s a gift to the far right, with the over-representation of ethnics on tv – copper/judge/solicitor/anyone in authority – ethnic, usually female, virtually EVERY relationship is mixed-race. As you say, people that usually wouldn’t give a fuck about it, me, for example, (I couldn’t do my job if I was any way racist), are getting fucked right off with it all. It is, as you say, a form of brainwashing.

      • Too right DCI. Taught as a kid that you take as you find and don’t judge someone by their colour.
        However, the last 5 years or so the constant pushing by the MSM of blacks, other ethnics and gays/trannies at the expense of white straight men is making me despise it all.

    • Race relations is an industry. If there wasn’t trouble then you wouldn’t need Diversity Officers and all those crappy jobs filled by people who would otherwise be unemployable. It is in their interest to promote disharmony.

    • I can only be as racist as the blue-hairs want me to be. It’s a meaningless term now, but arguably, has been for a while.

  12. I read Justine when I was a teenager along with The Perfumed Garden and the Kama Sutra. My sister was a hippy……. Just saying.

  13. I regularly buy books from a used book site, they’re cheap and they don’t charge postage.
    However, they have recently started emailing me with ” recommended reads” by guess what colour authors.
    I think they may find they’ve just lost a customer, there’s other used book sellers out there.

  14. It’s Friday! Let’s mix some jokes into the outrage to lighten things up.
    I’ll start.
    Did you hear the one about the farmer’s daughter who couldn’t keep her calves together?

    • haha
      A Jewish fella tells the Rabbi that he wants to live forever.
      To which the Rabbi replies, You’ll need to get married then.
      Will that make me live forever?
      No, but it’ll take the desire away.

    • A blonde calls her boyfriend..

      “Please come over here and help me. I have a killer jigsaw puzzle, and I can’t figure out how to get started.”

      Her boyfriend asks, “What is it supposed to be when it’s finished?”

      The blonde says, “According to the picture on the box, it’s a rooster.”

      Her boyfriend decides to go over and help with the puzzle. She lets him in and shows him where she has the puzzle spread all over the table. He studies the pieces for a moment, then looks at the box, then turns to her and says,

      “First of all, no matter what we do, we’re not going to be able to assemble these pieces into anything resembling a rooster.”

      He then takes her hand and says, “Secondly, I want you to relax. Let’s have a nice cup of tea, and then….. he said with a deep sigh” …………

      “Let’s put all these Corn Flakes back in the box…”

  15. If this is such a racist country how come these cunts get their books published complaining about that racism in the first place? It’s like an alcoholic complaining that cunts keep selling him booze so it’s all their fault that I’m lying on the pavement in a puddle of my own piss.

  16. Off topic, did any of you see Stuart Rose asda boss on question time last night, FFS.

    Topic illegal camel shaggers crossing the channel, his response was,,

    We need these people, we need people to pick turnips, we need cheap labour, they shouldn’t be put in hostel they should be put to work straight away so they can contribute to “our” society…

    WHAT A MASSIVE CUNT, I was spitting feathers at the box. , BB fucking C .

    I ain’t shopping at asda again…☠️

    • Isn’t that their idea. All labour as cheap as possible. Everyone earning the minimum wage, because if you won’t accept it a immigrant will and will replace you.
      I used to think these great reset ideas were delusional, now I’m not so sure.

      • All of the above consequences were predicted and waht is worse, were entirely predictable. The British voting public have no-one to blame but themselves at this point.

    • Another Ratner moment eh John? Was getting gradually more pissed off wih QT for some time but when Fiona Bruce argued genetics with Ropert Winston that finished it for me.

    • He’s just telling the truth, and not dressing it up as some sort cultural enrichment bollocks.

      Big companies want foreign cunts they can bully and who have low expectations and demands. I don’t think this is anything new since the mid noughties.

      • You’re fucking right he’s telling the truth, the politicos on the panel where aghast when he spouted the true agenda. What pissed me of even more was not one of the spineless cunts in the audience challenged these statements..

        Clearly though he was repeating actual government policy…





  17. I would replace every one of those positive discrimination shit wipes with copies of Mein Kampf by a Mr A. Hilter.

    it’s a boring, whiny read written by an insane, one bollocked kraut. But they still have to be inclusive.

    • Read the book for my A level history. Fuck it was a hard slog as it is so boring.
      Probably get interviewed by the Police if you read it now.

      • I don’t read books.
        I’m too clever already.

        And I own a TV,
        So no need.

        These books at work,
        Just say

        “read it.
        Got it from the library.
        It was rubbish.”

        They can’t make you read or buy books,
        Cheeky cunts.

        If they push, tell them you identify as a dyslexic woman,
        And do they fancy a day in court?

      • Reading loads of books is a great way for a crashing bore to pass himself off as a windswept and interesting raconteur of vast learning, profundity and almost oriental sagacity.

        But that’s cheating.

    • I’ve got the graphic novel version,
      I never realised it was meant to be tongue in cheek!?

      • My apologies. Yes, Herr Hitler was indeed born Austrian.

        Still a whiny, boring one bollocked cunt though.

      • @Le Cunt
        I luke this poem by rabid left wing poet Tony Harrison.
        Captures how divisive books can be.

        Book Ends by Tony Harrison

        Baked the day she suddenly dropped dead
        we chew it slowly that last apple pie.

        Shocked into sleeplessness you’re scared of bed.
        We never could talk much, and now don’t try.

        You’re like book ends, the pair of you, she’d say,
        Hog that grate, say nothing, sit, sleep, stare…

        The ‘scholar’ me, you, worn out on poor pay,
        only our silence made us seem a pair.

        Not as good for staring in, blue gas,
        too regular each bud, each yellow spike.

        At night you need my company to pass
        and she not here to tell us we’re alike!

        You’re life’s all shattered into smithereens.

        Back in our silences and sullen looks,
        for all the Scotch we drink, what’s still between ‘s
        not the thirty or so years, but books, books, books.

      • Heres anotheryou might like-

        A study of Reading Habits

        Philip Larkin

        When getting my nose in a book
        Cured most things short of school,
        It was worth ruining my eyes
        To know I could still keep cool,
        And deal out the old right hook
        To dirty dogs twice my size.

        Later, with inch-thick specs,
        Evil was just my lark:
        Me and my cloak and fangs
        Had ripping times in the dark.
        The women I clubbed with sex!
        I broke them up like meringues.

        Don’t read much now: the dude
        Who lets the girl down before
        The hero arrives, the chap
        Who’s yellow and keeps the store
        Seem far too familiar. Get stewed:
        Books are a load of crap.

  18. I’d like to recommend 1951’s “Here comes Noddy Again” by Enid Blyton to spinless wokester.
    As you can see in the below picture, the author was generously giving us her warning about immigration, a full 17 years before Enoch Powell plagiarised Blyton’s thesis for his ‘Rivers of Blood’ speech.
    Gawd bless yer, Enid!

      • I’m enjoying your breakout book Ruff ‘This Country is Finished : Volume one’. I picked it up in the local Barnardo’s along with Berties ‘Its a Punderful Life’.

      • Evening LL.

        As you’re no doubt aware, This Country Is Finished was my first book.

        But what a read!

        My next – This Country Is Rising Like A Phoenix From The Ashes! – is due for publication later in the month.

        And don’t forget my perennial Xmas blockbuster:

        The Bumper Fun Book of ISAC Cuntings and Comments for Boys & Girls, but not Trannies or Gender Fluid Attention Seekers.

        A runaway best seller every year – available from all degenerate book sellers and capitalist pigs like Father Christmas, NOW!

  19. Fuck me sideways! My piss boils when I get an email about ‘black history month’ or ‘Tr@nnie Week’ or some such bollocks. It’s definitely a step too far when the cheeky cunts are telling you what to read in your free time. That’s called indoctrination. Tell them to stick the books up their arse and walk.

    • Now Readers Wives is educational,
      These fuckin eggheads and bookworms sat in libraries in Oxford and that?
      Do em good!

      Learn about working class types, basic biology,
      The opposite sex,
      In a intellectual way obviously.

  20. Industrial Society and its Future. Read that, you can get it free on the Internet.

    Great holiday read.

    • “Industrial Society and its Future.”

      Now THAT is essential reading, Uncle Ted nailed it… good call CotL

  21. This nom and the posts in response makes me realise why I read ISAC every day. Despite the sarcasm, the ribald language etc., it is intellectually stimulating and a breath of fresh air. I am serious.

  22. Anyhow all this dreadful modern shit needs to fuck off..

    For the British reader I recommend The Phantom Major by Virginia Cowles..

    Stirring stuff from an age before we went into the sewer.

    • I hate ‘bookish’ types.

      You fill a large cardboard box with 30 books.

      Heavy innit?

      Now carry it up two flights of stairs.

      Then another 30 times.

      “Oh them yes I’ve read them all.
      Been meaning to donate them to charity..”

      I’m breathing out my arse and you don’t even want them??

      ” Oh youve worked up a sweat!
      Where’s my manners would you like a cup of tea?
      I’ve no sugar I’m afraid”…

      You despicable 4eyed cunt.

      • I don’t understand the need to keep hold of books you’ve read, unless they are dense and good reads, or reference and coffee table books for impressing a quirky slut.

      • You’re an obscurantatist Miserable.

        Books are to open the mind.

        Trouble is ‘a little learning is a dangerous thing’

        I remember my mate Daryl. Normal lad before he went to ‘Uni’.

        Came back full of intellectual shit.

        Machiavelli with him. ‘The Prince’.

        Now he KNEW what it was all about.

        And that’s all he talked about.

        Also…forgot his name. He became artistic.

        All about Beckett. Too long to explain.

        But he found Beckert who he liked. But never read anyone else.

        So everything became so ‘absurd’ with him.

        It fitted his loose lifestyle.
        That was all.

      • I knew one of those, Miles.

        ‘Catcher in the Rye’ and talk of everybody being a phoney.

        The embarrassing part was he was a 40-year-old man at the time.

  23. Place a copy of Mein Kampf on the table in the lunch room. The cunts in charge might get the hint then.

  24. Sven Hassel Wheels of Terror etc is my reading list.
    Tiny, Porter, The Old Man. Great characters.

    • Shaun Hutson’s novels about the German Army’s Sledgehammer unit are Hasselesque, with gratuitous violence thrown in and a character called Dierks, who was a pervert.

      Seriously, very good.

      • NA,

        Why can I write ‘buggerfucktwatbastardknacker but not pervert?

        (Unfortunately, WordFence is a bit picky with certain words most of which are beyond our control. And “Pervert” is one such word that ends up in our moderation queue – Day Admin)

    • Those Sven books were always sort of…hanging around i recall as a shaver circa 1970/80’s.I dipped into them randomly but this was way before the torrent of SAS books came on-tap via Bravo 2 zero which kept me occupied for years.Proposterously titled machismitry in certain cases as you’d expect from men who pushed it to the max but there’s a few shimmering jewels to be found that really get’s the attention.

      The Sierra Leone assault-‘Operation Certain Death’..(l think ?)

      ‘Eye of the Storm’-Peter Radcliffe (The only NCO ever flown into a war-zone to replace a sub-par officer)

      Several more including Faulkeners SBS accounts…can’t remember the title,All like crystal meth at one point.Thankfully out of my system.No need to offer my services with selection in the Beacons no longer,i feel i’ve already been badged lol.

  25. Most of these black authors are illiterate and They’ve written more books than they’ve read

    Chris Rock said a Funny thing about Nggrs, If you don’t want Nggrs to steal your Money, Hide it in your Books

    Books are like Kryptonite to Nggrs

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