Out of Africa

Africa not going back appears to be such a Cunt?

BBC News Link

We are taught , or were taught, read somewhere that new theories are emerging; that Africa is was the cradle of man / human kind.

Many commentators have championed black and African achievements. ?

Still for a second pause for reflection, assume some of the above to be true, why then is every fucker trying to leave? And is suggesting that those trying to do so illegal should return such a wicked thing. ?

The link is the tale of a french mp who said so in parliament. Now of course the media beeb etc claims he said it to another FRENCH born mp who happens to be black. And of course deviates from the actual comment.

Return the illegal fuckers back.

Back to paragraph one. Why is it such a Cunt?? Apparently.

Nominated by: Everyonesacunt

35 thoughts on “Out of Africa

  1. Went to the Berlin technical museum recently and I was amazed at the technological development of the European race which had obviously come from africa.

  2. I spent a week in Wakanda and they’re miles ahead of us in technology, science,
    And the construction of fruit cocktails.

    Lots of people site the exodus from Africa as being down to the smell.

    All should be issued with a magic tree ? around the neck or a peg for the nose ,
    Turned around,
    Given a swift boot up the arse and sent back.

  3. This is just a storm in a teacup deliberately created by politicians and the msm to distract attention from the real problem, which is that Europe’s elite (including the UK’s) have no idea what to do about the ongoing invasion by African and Middle Eastern illegal immigrants. We had the same politico/msm bluster here when the Home Sec used the word ‘invasion’. Personally I couldn’t give a jizz what any politician says, I just want those in power to stop welcoming illegal aliens.

    • I’d like to see the “Vlad the Impaler” solution on Dover beach.
      The corpses of hundreds of attempted immos stretched out for a couple of miles with stakes up their arses and seagulls pecking their eyes out.
      There could also be a runner’s up prize on the lottery…you’re legally allowed to spend the day on Dover beach sporting a Dragunov SVD sniper rifle and taking shots at attempted dinghy landing craft.

      • They should receive on landing

        1 beating each
        A forehead tattoo saying cunt
        And airdropped into French waters.

      • Hope you don’t mind Thomas if I could use your idea on the lines of mosaic plagiarism.

        Here goes: Any black man or woman wishing to enter our country illegally must agree in writing to audition for King Edward l l and Joan of Arc, respectively.

  4. Can’t say I’ve ever heard of any Black folks wanting to return to their motherland, or for that matter our Asian/ Arab types either.

    Can’t be that bad here, can it..

    Perhaps racist whitey isn’t as bad as the BBC make out..Shame really, just think how much better it would be if they did.

    FUCK OFF….!

    • Do you not find it strange that the illegal gimmegrants fleeing persecution in their homeland often go back to their third world shitholes for a holiday?

      Only after they’ve got their foot in the door over here with endless welfare, a free council house and a new people carrier to ferry the tribe down to the DSS office once a fortnight, of course.

  5. The great milestone of 8 billion humans (well loosely speaking) on the planet was reached last week, the great exponential growth is in Africa, in particular Nigeria.

    There was a report from Lagos, fucking hell what a shit hole, some ‘township’ with shit everywhere, the ground was covered in plastic bottles and cartons, like a bloody carpet.
    The government trying to persuade the great unwashed to use birth control but it’s not their culture, it showed one woman who looked rough as a bears arse, 5 brats living in shit, and I am sure there were many more.
    Just breeding and breeding with no thought of how to feed the cunts, maybe white man will provide init!

    How come Africa is still so backward, the cradle of humanity my arse ?

    • Imagine what percentage of the human population will be genuine honky by the end of this century? Less than 0.5% I reckon.
      That’s 1012% by Dianne Abbott’s reckoning.
      Hurry up, zombie apocalypse!

      • The report went on to say that the population of India and China would start to fall by some date, can’t remember, and would be outstripped by Africa, planet of the apes well on its way ?

  6. Didn’t you cunts realise that quantum chromodynamics was discovered in Bongo bongo land???

    • Their contributions are magnificent indeed aren’t they, HtB?
      At least Jeffrey Dahmer tried to redress the balance by only bumming and eating darkıes

    • Who would have thought the Battle of Britain would be a waste of time?

      We’ve been invaded and plundered every decade since the end of the war.

      Now we have the creeping hand of authoritarianism just to make sure we are totally up shit creek.

      Fuck me,clone ten thousand Douglas Baders and let them have at our profoundly unwelcome “guests”.

      How I wish we would rule the waves once more.

  7. What amuses me is the shock and horror of the lefties when a decent immigrant here in the UK also says that they should send back the illegals.

  8. African countries may be totally backward but they certainly have their priorities right by protecting their borders from invading scum.

    There are only 5 African countries that people from other African countries can enter without a visa.

    Of course not.!

    The UK should learn from them.

  9. Africa is gradually being bought up by the Chinkies, gobbling up land and mineral rights. When they take over they will use the indigenous population as slave labour and won’t let them leave.
    Charlie Chan……our only hope!

  10. The Cradle of Life…….

    Politically corrupt.
    Little infrastructure.
    Hardly any sanitation.
    No idea what to do with their natural resources.
    Uncontrolled population growth.
    Can’t feed themselves.
    Can’t source clean water.
    Cannot form coherente societies.
    Perpetually at war with each other.
    Cannot control the spread of diseases.
    Absolutely no contribution to the modern world.

    Yet travel to any African country and you will be confronted by a Border Guard, a chimpanzee in a badly fitting uniform, who will examine your passport whilst eyeing you up with suspicion.

    As if you are there to take something from their shit hole of a country.

  11. The story of Africa being the birthplace of civilisation has been doing the rounds for decades. Same with other fly blown shit holes like Iran, Iraq and India.
    Due to their warm climate’s, it may be safe to assume that human life started there, as opposed to Norway. But civilisation? Fuck off!
    The only thing Africa is any good for is wild life programs and making Lenny Henry and Bob Geldof rich.

  12. Why on Earth would you go back to a disease ridden war torn corrupt shit hole when in the UK and Europe you get a house, car, medical, handouts and security for your family for free!

    • Give it 20 years and the UK and Europe will also be a disease ridden, war torn, corrupt shit hole.

  13. Africa is blessed with a Natural beauty unrivaled in this world but cursed with the worst inhabitants.!

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