Moaning Cunts

Here in my neck of the Lake District woods the local highways authority and council have announced some road improvements to the area.

This follows various complaints, protests and petitions from residents who claim those roads in question are dangerous due to poor lighting, pot holes and poor signage.

After many months of waiting the residents are getting their wishes and the roads are going to be resurfaced,remarked and new signage added along the route.

However, these same ungrateful cunts are moaning about the delays on the roads now that the work has started. They’re moaning about the temporary traffic lights; they’re moaning about the noise, they’re moaning about the smell of the tarmac and quite a few other things besides.

Another example is of a local shop/general store. People complained about the high prices for some of their items and refused to shop there and opted to travel miles to the nearest town and one of the big supermarkets.

Inevitably the little independent shop closed its doors about six months ago and guess what? Those same people moaned about the shop closing while blaming other people for not using it.

Last night we had a power cut in the area, which lasted around 2 hours. People took to social media via their 4G network and firstly, complained it was the fault of the government and the much rumoured winter power cuts being brought forward; and then they moaned about how slow the engineers from Electricity North West were at fixing the problem despite the appalling weather and that it had happened in the late evening.

When the power was finally restored no word of thanks to those same engineers, just more moaning, especially from those who missed their favourite soap opera on the box!

These people should be rounded up, dumped on a plane and dropped from a great height into the battlegrounds of Ukraine. That’ll give them something to complain about, the ungrateful, moaning cunts!

Nominated by: Technocunt

126 thoughts on “Moaning Cunts

  1. Not sure what’s worse, bastard councils spending thousands on fucking firework displays when they are already skint… Or the moronic mongs letting them off in their back gardens, frightening the cat.?They are all cunts though,

    • Evening Norm.

      They’re still at it here.

      My dog hates it as well the poor fella.

      Being a fairly reasonable member of society, I am happy to tolerate the noisy cunts having a blow out one night a year where the chavs, clubs and councils alike, can light up the sky until their hearts are content or their money is spent.

      However, letting the things off on any night that isn’t the 5th of November, is a proper cunts trick.

      I’d happily and violently insert an entire box of fireworks into the anus of the perpetrators before igniting them.

      • My dog didn’t want to go out for a pee.
        Fair enough.
        He peed on the sofa.
        He is literally in the dog house.
        He’s having a night in the crate to ponder on his decision to pee on the sofa, as apposed to the vinyl in the kitchen.

    • Soz RTC, I enjoy moaning about fly tipping, dog shit, those fucking gas filled balloons bearing the legend
      “Happy Birthday, our Princess”
      that somehow end up in my garden, and shit like that.
      I enjoy a good moan, but always try to make it a worthy one.

  2. I can’t endorse this cunting, as I am a moaning cunt (although I know a few people who go far beyond this and are now so despised they can only speak to their parents. I’m sure one of their father’s actively ignored his cancer, just to get away from his whinging man-child of a son.

  3. I love a good moan, especially when I’m driving in my banger.
    “cunts, fuckers, bastards and Quares” no one is spared in my ramblings to myself, occasionally looking in the rear view mirror for another cunt to appear too close to me.
    I get some strange looks from other drivers the odd time when in slow traffic, but i take that i just appear like someone in conference with multi millions at stake.
    After all this shit is off my chest, I glance down at my mobile phone smart arse, resting on the passenger seat and wonder
    Am i being recorded by Bot the Bollock

      • My favourite moans

        Political scum
        Green activists
        Any other activists
        Other drivers
        Foreign food
        Puff vicars
        Funny looking cunts
        Sun lovers
        Flipflop wearers
        Hip hop
        Elderly hipsters
        Young hipsters
        Anyone young
        And vegans.

        But as a rule I’m pretty laid-back…

      • Students really get on my gonads. I like to moan about them.

        OK, I don’t mind the odd fit and sexy female one. But most of them are knobheads. No fucking manners, thick as pigshit, slaves to their phones, and they look like bellends. Paying to have trousers with holes in them, and that latest hairdo that lad students have. Shaved off with a perm on top. Looking like a poodle that’s had its arse shaved. Total wankers and utter poofery.?

      • You could be a modern manager MNC when the shit hits home.
        Norman, the students of today will buy any new shit, but fail miserably in the old tried and trusted.
        They are so easy and innocent as fuck but good luck trying to tell them so

      • Evening mecuntry.

        The only job I’d like bar the one I do now is judge.

        But in more sensible times when being a judge was fun.

        That black cap would never be off my head!

        “For the crime of liking fireworks I sentence you to be taken from this court to a place of execution,
        Where you shall be hung by the neck until dead.
        My god have mercy on your soul.


      • MNC, in more “sensible times” says just about everything
        We have judges these days handing out ridiculously low sentences for absolutely horrific crimes against innocent victims

        The reason being that if they don’t it will be challenged later on, on the severity of sentence and only lead to a mistrial and off walks the cunt who should have both bollock severed forever.

    • Classic MJB, It wouldn’t be touched if in todays world, as most wouldn’t get it. “wahs eeh on abou” would todays reaction by the giro munching minging Mags

  4. I’m sorry, gentlemen. But I cannot agree with this cunting.
    Moaning cunts are the backbone of this glorious country.
    We didn’t get where we are today, without moaning.
    If I hadn’t had a moan to the dozy young bint behind the counter, this morning. I’d still be waiting for me two cups of tea, ( milk, no sugar ). Moaning gets things done.
    And what about yer more famous moaners, ‘eh ?
    Alf Garnett….. life would have been much poorer without him.
    I know that The Abbopotamus doesn’t like him, but she’s your typical Labour, ain’t she ?Stands to reason. Silly moo.
    Les Dawson, another moaner par excellence.
    Of course, there are those that stand head and shoulders above the rest…..
    I give you, the ‘ Great Moaner In Chief ‘……
    Oliver Cromwell. He was always banging on about the monarchy, quite right too. He moaned that much, that someone lost their noggin.
    What a result. There’s dedication for you.
    He was a record breaker was our Ollie.
    Pity we let the cunts sneak back in.
    Now we’re on our third Charlie.
    What a carve up !
    Changing gear……..
    My dog has been to fucking hell and back with the fireworks, this weekend.
    We’ve had the biggest bombardment this side of Ukraine.
    I thought there was a fucking recession ?
    I hope that weedy cunt, Rishi Threepak, leads us into the most desolate financial wasteland there is.
    There’ll be no money for fireworks then.
    Won’t bother me.
    I’m alright ( Jack ).
    Off to bed now.
    Get To Fuck.

    • Sleep well, great Cunter Jack
      Im on the whiskey and willing to stay longer but will probably nod off sooner than later

  5. Two Great British traditions here – Queueing & Moaning. If you have a problem with that, you cunts? Fuck off! Get to the back of the queue.

  6. St. Peters Church in Sandwich Kent. Well here stands an ancient gothic building that was built almost 1000 years ago. It has bells, & up until recently they “make a noise” every 15 minutes. That was until the church had a recent refurb, & the bells got turned off. But when they got put back on again, a couple of months later, all hell was let loose. Yes! Take it from me, Sandwich is full of moaning cunts, & some of thos lot was also responsible for the Manston Action Group. That fucking lot were not happy about planes flying out of an airport for fucks sake. So a compromise was formed. The bells at the church now only chime between 8 A.M. and 10 P.M. & no more planes fly out of Manston.

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