Moaning Cunts

Here in my neck of the Lake District woods the local highways authority and council have announced some road improvements to the area.

This follows various complaints, protests and petitions from residents who claim those roads in question are dangerous due to poor lighting, pot holes and poor signage.

After many months of waiting the residents are getting their wishes and the roads are going to be resurfaced,remarked and new signage added along the route.

However, these same ungrateful cunts are moaning about the delays on the roads now that the work has started. They’re moaning about the temporary traffic lights; they’re moaning about the noise, they’re moaning about the smell of the tarmac and quite a few other things besides.

Another example is of a local shop/general store. People complained about the high prices for some of their items and refused to shop there and opted to travel miles to the nearest town and one of the big supermarkets.

Inevitably the little independent shop closed its doors about six months ago and guess what? Those same people moaned about the shop closing while blaming other people for not using it.

Last night we had a power cut in the area, which lasted around 2 hours. People took to social media via their 4G network and firstly, complained it was the fault of the government and the much rumoured winter power cuts being brought forward; and then they moaned about how slow the engineers from Electricity North West were at fixing the problem despite the appalling weather and that it had happened in the late evening.

When the power was finally restored no word of thanks to those same engineers, just more moaning, especially from those who missed their favourite soap opera on the box!

These people should be rounded up, dumped on a plane and dropped from a great height into the battlegrounds of Ukraine. That’ll give them something to complain about, the ungrateful, moaning cunts!

Nominated by: Technocunt

126 thoughts on “Moaning Cunts

  1. Good nom.
    It’s the same with rural pubs. I’ve seen so many close, and who are the people who organise and sign the petition to keep their ‘local’ open? Why the very people who never use it, of course.

  2. Cunts, all of them. I never moan… 36 hours of rain, hose pipe ban lifted. What the fuck do you want a hosepipe for when everywhere is flooded. Rugby, England are shit. Fuck it….

  3. Moaning cunts who whine when we turn up twelve hours after they’ve dialled 999 for some trivia and haven’t taken paracetamol etc, or tried to contact their GP, but ‘Just want checking over’ and whine when all their observations are normal. The feckless cunts.

    Every. Fucking. Day.

  4. I love a good moan. It’s good for your mental elf, let it all out. So stop fucking moaning about it you moaning cunts.

  5. The me, me, me society. Talking with a London blitz survivor last night in the pub. Basically said the country is indistinguishable from the society he grew up in. Neighbours helping each other out, camaraderie , a sense of being in it together. Now he says, a selfish, spoilt country that’s lost its identity due to mass uncontrolled immigration. People moaning about things that don’t matter in the grand scheme of things. People need to get a grip but I don’t see anything changing. The woke selfish brigade will continue their brainwashing unhindered.

  6. Sorry Techno, im reigning North West champion in both moaning and whining.
    It’s traditional.
    My grandad was a moaning cunt as was his.

    Everyone I know is a moaning cunt,
    It’s the northern affliction,
    And we wouldn’t have it any other way.

    It’s what made this country great!!!????

    Although it’s rubbish now,
    And everything is smaller, less tasty, not as much fun, shabby, inferior, etc etc….

  7. There’s a bloke, somewhere in Worcestershire, moaning because every fucker he offers out around the back of the bike sheds doesn’t turn up.

  8. I blame that alien cunt Zuckerberg for giving every going a “platform” for petty bullshit.

    Full oven.

    • That Zuckerberg is one truly creepy looking cunt.

      Hope a Blade runner catches up with him.

      • He is very creepy looking and his views, actions and goals are creepy. Turn us all into digital slaves or just slobs, hooked up to a virtual reality world of banality and no vim and vigor. A slow death for humanity on the sofa.

    • Zuckerberg resembles a goose trying to wear human skin.

      The talk about lizard folk is so turn-of-the-millennium.

      It’s space geese you need to worry about.

    • Pet hate of mine Terry, never joined because most people are cuhts and I don’t care what they do or say. Eventually signed up as Honky McHonk as part of my investigation into big tech spying on everybody. (clownworld was in vogue at the time) My maiden post was also my last, “Zuckerberg is a twot”, as cunt and twat breach community guidelines. Kicked off within an hour, beating my Twitter troll account record by quite a distance, and proving basement dwelling moderators are on the ball there. Admin, I’ve just insulted your raison d’etre*, what you gonna do about it?
      *Not a french cunt so that might not be right.

  9. Can’t beat a good moan. And so many things to choose from. As long as it’s put in perspective, a good whinge is good for your mental elf.
    And I bet those roadworks are taking for ever

    • Actually the roadworks completed 2 weeks ahead of schedule!

      No doubt there’s some cunt who has moaned about that too

  10. I agree with the nom. But it’s a bit rich considering we are all of us on this site. moaning cunts, myself included.

      • A day is incomplete without a few good good moans. Everyday I wake up and greet the glorious dawn in anticipation of what I can moan about that day. It makes my life complete.

      • ….and the great thing is that in 21st century Britain there is no shortage of things to moan about.

  11. Moaning cunts on the rise
    Am I a moaning cunt
    Think most on here are
    I moan at work people are fucking useless there is no consequence for shithousery as they can’t get other lazy cunts to work in the motor trade
    The country is on a downhill race to the bottom with cheap imported cunts and an inept government who only care about themselves and have no opposition
    The roads are fucked
    The shops are closed or too dear
    Amazon are real prison camp cunts
    I’ll shut the fuck up now and don’t mention African type adverts and the bb fucking c
    So yes moaning is growing fucking right it is
    Matt Hancock is a massive cunt

      • DCI @

        I wish Hate filled Cunt had stayed around.
        He should of owned it rather than got embarrassed!

        It could be his thing,
        Offering out politicians, celebs etc.

      • Same here, Mis – comedy gold! I reckon he still looks in and must glow like a Ready Brek advert, in embarrassment at his offering anyone out that disagreed with him! He was a prolific poster for a while, too.

  12. Gratitude is the foundation of happiness and most people are unhappy now days. Nothing satisfies, and nothing is good enough. Road work is the temporary inconvenience needed to get the desired result. Roads always need repair, updating, and more added.
    With that said, when the fuck is mine getting done?! Like a pothole slalom.
    There is a joke where I live: You swerve when you’re driving sober.

    • Why is it roadworks never get done in this country? Meanwhile, half of the UK’s motorway network is infested with roadworks, lane closures and 30mph limits enforced by Nazi traffic cameras with no evidence of anyone working? The M4 has had the same roadworks for about 15 years now. Cunts.

  13. I don’t moan, I complain. There’s a subtle difference. You’re liable to get something done with a complaint. Knowing you’re right in the first place. Moaning is just for moaning sake, knowing you’re wrong in the first place.

  14. If I see adverts I set new records in moaning.

    As yet another dark gent with a white woman appears I count, “1, 2, another one 3!, fucking 4, 5
    ..” as they appear on the screen usually followed by something like ‘it’s almost as if they’re trying to tell us something…’

    Mrs said I was being paranoid but even she said the other night, “Why do they have so many black people on the telly nowadays?”

    Which set me off again.

    In fact, I feel like a good moan now…

    • Yes and they all live in big fuck off houses and sell their posh cars to scam on line car buyers it ain’t fucking real
      Tell me do only mixed race couples respond to tv ads cos I deliberately won’t by anything form the cunts that advertise in this manner

  15. I had some moaning old cow giving it large on are you understaffed? Yes I replied. I rang for ten minutes and no answer. How am I supposed to get these scripts to the surgery? can you take them? Yes I reply, you can also leave them at the plastic box hanging up outside the managers office. Wednesday the old tarts got her dentures at my jugular again. Why aren’t my husbands medication with this order? Well we are understaffed like I told you Monday. Well it’s not good enough, you need to get more staff in. Good luck there then, have you any dehydrated pharmacists assistants in your pocket? She didn’t like that bon mot. I am going to report you, please do was my reply. I got back to my boss wetting herself at her phone call. CuntyMort please don’t wind the old cow up like that again. I replied if the old witch speaks to me like that again she is going to get a darned sight worse than that. Fucking retired religious cunts man and women a bunch of cunts of biblical proportions.

  16. It’s a scientific fact that the level of moaning in Britain is directly linked to the Latitude where the moaning person lives.
    Midlands folk moan more than those in the South (and have the added problem of sounding like they’re moaning even during the rare times that they’re happy).
    Northern people moan more than those in the Midlands (with an added level of aggressive militancy).
    But it’s only when you get to Scotland where the people have developed moaning into a fine art which defines every waking moment of their lives that it truly becomes a thing to behold.

  17. I’ll end up ‘going viral’ one day as my road manners are particularly appalling, mostly because most other road users are fucking morons.

    Only today some twat in a lorry pulled out not giving way, which resulted in a tirade of filth and me doing a full Joey Deacon at the bellend shouting in Deacon voice “You fucking spastic!” with the wrist slapping actions and everything.

    Most of the time I chunter away “Oh that’s right, the fucking road belongs to you, doesn’t it, prick?” or simply “Wrap you and your ugly family around a fucking lampost, cunt!”

    Although I tone it down if others are in the car (well, sometimes at least).

    • I even ‘will’ other road users to hit lamposts for annoying me.

      “I’m fucking willing you to swerve and hit the next lampost….go on, maybe the next….”

      Horrific thing is, if they actually did I’d probably stop, jump out and jump up and down in front of their car going “Yes! Yes!” at the top of my voice as they lay trapped in the burning wreck.

      That’ll teach them for not indicating.

      • Back in the old days of IAC, there didn’t use to be a separate section for cuntings. Therefore, you had to write them on the page, like this. I wrote so many for People Who Don’t Use Their Indicators Are Cunts but they weren’t used. Still now, I’d put them up there with GP Receptionists or hipsters.

      • Don’t get me started on GP receptionists.
        ” and why do you want to see a Doctor?”
        “Is that actually any of your business?”

  18. British peopke are rather good at moaning. The world champions are the Australians though. Olympic moaners.

    • Septics are pretty bad for it in my experience.

      Even I’m in awe of their moaning levels.

      • I thought yanks were all really positive upbeat types,
        But I met one who didn’t stop fuckin whining for hour after hour.
        Too much even for me.

        Nothing was to his satisfaction,
        Food, weather, language
        Even the temperature.

        We were in France sitting out a storm.
        And in the end I said

        “Why don’t you just fuck off back to America you cunt?”

        And by his reaction,
        He’d not considered this.

        I’d helped him!?

      • Oh, the masters of moaning has to be the Jews! Jewish women at the apex of moaning…

        “Excuse me waiter, this glass is stained. And this fork is bent. And the table cloth, I mean look at it? Disgusting! And it’s so cold in here. Can we move to another table? No, not by the fekakta toilets! We deserve a discount.”

  19. Moaning dinghy riders complaining boils my piss.What are they expecting?The Ritz?If you aren’t happy Smeg off back to where you came from.No shiny shites awarded via me.

  20. my dear wife says I am a moaning old wanker, the old is true cos I got 22 years on her the moaning bit is not right at all just because I usually hold the less favoured side of an argument or option its deemed moaning, seems to me if you dont like what the majority like ur a miserable old cunt, things such as shitty xmas, talent shows, bummery, celebrity worship etc I could go on for hours. it’s ok for them to like stuff and voice their opinions but watch out if you voice yours.

  21. It’s all Karl Pilkington’s fault.
    And Arthur from On The Buses.
    And Blakey.
    Made moaning trendy, they did.
    Wretched fuckers.

    • Don’t forget the king of miserable, moaning TV cunts,Victor Meldrew.

      What a moaning old cunt he was. Glad we don’t get his sort on here.

      • David Renwick’s, One Foot in the Grave is one of the greatest TV shows ever. Almost every scene in every episode is a masterclass in comedy writing and performances. And unlike Only Fools and Horses, it never jumped the shark by taking the arc of the story and characters into stupid situations like David Jason playing a mafia boss lookalike or setting the series far in the future. Best TV series ever, I feel.

  22. I love Karl Pilkington.

    And a good moan.

    Got to be about summat worthwhile though. Price of tabs, dog shit on the pavement, idiots who set an air bomb off at 11am, that kind of stuff.

  23. The irony that this site’s modus operandi in taking moaning to hysterical heights seems to be lost on many users here! LOL! 😀

    • Hysterical heights??

      Only chaps with tight trousers get hysterical, when their hair colour rinse turns out more carrot than red.

      We, however, take a more measured, lugubrious approach. Almost as if we’re resigned to it.

  24. This is a timely nomination.

    I’m currently moaning like fuck because the neighbours are currently setting off yet more chav rockets.

    It was Bonfire/Guy Fawkes Night yesterday and today is the 6th November.

    You ignorant anti social fucking cocksuckers !!!

  25. I Don’t like moaning, I just don’t have a choice. You are constantly surrounded by Cunts who won’t do their job properly

    The always have an Excuse for me not to Give them a Smack in the Mouth and that’s before you talk about the Cunts in Parliament

  26. Lurt Shifter.
    I have noticed that you put capital letters in unexpected places when you post.
    I’m wondering if you are, in fact, being held captive in a cellar?
    Possibly by the owner of a vast country estate?
    Are you trying to signal us, for a rescue attempt?

    • And apologies if that’s a bit personal, but I’d hate to think that you may be Gemma, trapped and frantic.

  27. Starmer
    Fat bot
    ? Shaggers
    Sleepy Joe
    I’m a celebrity

    What’s to moan about….?

  28. The choice is endless.
    I like to have a go at the hard of thinking, like silly tarts that have tattoos that turn out to be wrongly spelt.
    Oh, joyous day! Like Greggs, done backwards, or Greegs.
    Wonderful stuff.
    If thats moaning, let’s have more.
    There’s some silly twat in the news atm, so tattooed she’s unemployable, has 3 done a week, and is tattooing on top of existing ones. If you thought the lizard bloke was grotesque, Google this munter.

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