Michael Gove (11)

The former “levelling up” Secretary has suggested he wants a “quiet life” after stepping down from frontline politics while enjoying throwing a few unhelpful barbs at Truss and her cabinet from the safety of the backbenches.

For a person who wants the quiet life what the fuck is he doing at the Tory Party Conference in Birmingham suggesting that the Tory Party has lost its way and that there is already discontent amongst prominent Cabinet Ministers regarding Truss’ leadership and uneasy relationship not only with her Chancellor, but the Bank of England and the Office of National Statistics (who incorrectly claimed the country was officially in recession, even though it isn’t. At least not yet) – (Obviously things have moved on since Techno submitted his nom last month. But the facts remain the same, Gove is still a cunt! – Day Admin)

Gove is an oily little shit, quick to stab anyone in the back, and always hopping between ministerial roles but never achieving anything of note. And what the fuck he did during his 5 minutes as “levelling up” secretary (what a Mickey Mouse title) is anyone’s business.

Gove wants to be seen as some kind of Tory Grandee, but in essence he is nothing more than a bitter and twisted individual, primarily because he never became leader or PM – a position he never openly admitted to wanting but the hints were always there.

Instead he’ll end up like Heseltine, Lawson, Brown, Blair, Major and other embittered old cunts put out to pasture with nothing better to do than rabble-rouse to the media and earn a few thousand quid from the lecture circuit slagging off the Party.

Telegraph News Link

Nominated by: Technocunt

39 thoughts on “Michael Gove (11)

  1. He always looks like he has melted butter smeared around his mouth to me.

    Horrid little twat, needs a good punch in the throat.

  2. That cunt should identify as a jam spoon, the amount of people he has stabbed in the back..

      • I don’t think the cunt was cuntish enough.
        He should have pushed them all further to the right where they should be.
        I’m fed up with all the middle ground politics.

  3. His ex missus Sarah Vine reminds me of the She Devil actress always remember that for Tom Baker the ex Dr Who grabbing her knockers!
    (Julie T Wallace’s not Sarah Vines!)

  4. Well at least Johnson’s gone.*

    Gove is a minor irritant by comparison.

    * Gone to COP 27 to peddle his NET ZERO bollocks.

    Just rejoice at that news and congratulate our forces and the marines!

  5. I remember the Govester from the Referendum campaign. Whenever I saw him I thought……get this creepy cunt off the telly! Every time he opens his gob he costs us thousands of votes! He really is a greasy, untrustworthy, backstabbing arsecrawling cunt. A very punchable face.

  6. Massive self serving Twitter listening back stabbing Cunt among a whole army of afore mentioned cunts in Westminster

  7. Can you imagine this cunt when he was on coke? He’s an annoying enough prick when sober.

  8. His delightful wife must be so happy to have detached herself from the odious little slime ball, now she can find a real man.

  9. One of few who are uglier in real life than their spitting image puppet… A budgie in a suit.

  10. T.N.T Up his ringpiece and detonate on the fifth of November. While we are at it Kier and Angela as a Guy Fawkes of equal opportunities scheme.

    • Considering how oily dame keir is he would burn longer than the Springfield tyre fire..

  11. So the slithy Gove desires a quiet life??
    Perhaps he will be Me-again’s 2nd husband…

    • This little 6stone speccy abortion bucket climber gives me the fear.

      Everything about him screams WRONG!!!

      He slithered into my home I’d take a shovel to him .
      Then burn the bits.

      He’s a affront to God.

  12. He is, indeed, a pompous old wanker, who will be the next Dominic Grieve. In fact, the landlord at The Ship & Shovel in Beaconsfield has told me that when Dommy is unavailable for his weekly Sunday lunctime gig at the electric organ (“something old, something new, something gay and something blue”) he is replaced by The Mike Gove Trio, with Mike playing NAAFI style boogie at the piano, with Johnny Mercer at the bass and Anna Soubry thrashing away at the drums) – when Johnny and Anna get pissed at the bar and drop out Mike plays his “Tribute to Mrs. Mills” act solo). He last appeared during Yom Kippur, and will be back for another gigYet another strike loving class war zealot from Starmer’s school of clowns. when Dommy has his next oil change. As ever free admission (the noncers are chucking them in) but £20 if you want get out early.

    Like old Labour farties like Antony Blair, Jack Straw and Mandy some of these olt Tory cunts never know when to fuck off to their retirement prostitutes.

  13. A tired little fart who offers nothing useful or good to king, country or the British people.
    An absolute louse on the pubic hair of humanity.
    A total oxygen thief with the morals of a rattlesnake.

    Massive Cuntoid for sure……..

  14. I can not stand this japseyed eyed former fat fuck and full time machievellian cunt. Fewer morals than Fred west. An uber cunt of the lowest order. If he got gang raped I’d set up a crowd funder for their defence. He embodies what even torys hate about the torys. I don’t like him and anybody that doesisa cunt. That’s my cunting for the cunt.

  15. What really irritates me about this cunt – and hence my nom – is how he still manages to win the eye of his prime ministers and is thus rewarded with some ministerial role. Only for him to completely fuck up or doing nothing about before being moved along or resigns in a bit of a huff.

    He lingers like a bad fart in a lift and yet people still take him seriously.

    He must be laughing all the way to the bank and no doubt when he does finally step down he’ll be rewarded with a knighthood for being shit at everything he’s ever done along with being kicked upstairs to the House of Old Cunts, where he’ll be in good company with other useless cunts and failed politicians.

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