Emergency Cunting for this piece of shit, Jeremy Hunt
This twat announced his Autumn Statement (17th November 2022) and it was clear from the tone that he had watered down some of the rumoured austerity measures until after the next general election (no later than 2024).
Instead, he went on the charm offensive with a few dangling carrots, most of them aimed at protecting public services and boosting the finances for pensioners and the many millions claiming state benefits.
Usually such rises are linked to wages, but on this occasion, he linked it to inflation (currently at 10.1%)
Of course with every carrot there has to be a stick, or in this case a big fuck-off club with the word “Taxpayer” burnt into it. Seems that the taxpayer will be making the great sacrifices in order to “guide the UK to a more prosperous future.” – But for whom exactly?
The Autumn Statement (AS) has been deciphered as anti-economic growth, as there seems little incentive for self-employed people with new or small businesses to bother given how his tax policies are going to make life extreme tough for them to become successful.
Tory MPs are also worried that the AS is penalising the working and middle classes while offering milk and honey to something like 43% of the adult population who do not or cannot work!
He is also throwing an additional £90bn on the Welfare State and almost £7bn at the NHS over 2 year with little or no reform or accountability and patients still can’t gain fast acess to GPs or dentists!
Round these figures up and it would seem that total public sector spending this year will reach almost 50% of our entire Gross Domestic Product!
Not only that but Hunt was on Radio 4 this morning embracing the idea of closer trade ties with the EU, which some MPs and commentators have taken to mean Brexit being diluted even in all but name.
He also came across as being “relaxed” about the news that net immigration is well over 200,000 per year (and those are the ones we know about!) And this is totally at odds with the Home Secretary’s wish to reduce net immigration down to the “tens of thousands”
Is Hunt doing this because he wants cheap labour to make up for the million or so job vacancies a lot of lazy cunts in this country don’t want because they’d be worse off than staying on benefits?
Rumours of another rebellion are afoot, but clearly there is something very wrong/suspicious with this government and its “Consocialist” prinicples. Moreover, it would seem they are laying the foundations for a possible Labour government to build on – or Build Back Better!
Hunt deserves a swift kick in the bollocks by the millions of workers who are going to be fucked over by this smug cunt.
Nominated by: Technocunt
Jeremy Can’t organise a pissup in a brewery.
The Autumn Statement was basically a Labour Party budget. More money for pensioners, benefit claimants and the NHS, all paid for by hammering Middle England.
I smell not so much a rat as an entire infestation of them. What’s the betting that in 2 years time just before the next election he’ll cut one or two taxes, though by much less than he’s raised them? Hey presto, the Tories will claim to be the party of low taxation and harvest the votes of all the dickheads with the memory span of a gnat.
Utter fucking cunts.
Conservative Party….made up of Liberals, Labourites and cunts.
Jeremy Hunt is a nauseating smug cunt
Economic terrorist,put him on the watch list.
Excellent Cunting…hard to add much to it.
A budget that would have had even Jeremy Corbyn blushing by a Chancellor and Government whose pigeons have come home to roost.
Exactly that.
Off topic for a moment Mr Fiddler but I believe you will be very interested in this news story in the Sun today.
It concerns Babatunde Aleshi in the Jungle. Yes this is the second trial that he has been exempted from concerning ‘water’. I’m a Celeb fans are ‘fuming’ about it.
There is speculation that ‘he cannot swim’.
He has very dark skin and dare I say it IS ‘spongy’ looking.
I am reluctant to go with all the way with your theory but certainly it is food for thought.
I hope other Cunters will excuse me but I felt it was important it inform Mr F of this – pertinent to his theory story- as soon as possible.
Told you before,Miles…the buggers sink like breeze-blocks…why else do you think that none managed to swim to shore when they were chucked overboard from slave ships ?
He’s a horrible leperous individual, like Osborne without the charlie habit. He still has rancour about Brexit and would instantly drop his trousers to be mounted by the fuckwit gangsters in the Reich. Nobody voted for him to be tinkering with the finances yet he thinks he has a natural right to leadership. Hunt has a bat-eater for a wife and adores the Chînks, and if that doesn’t convince you of his cuntitude, he even wants to bring back fox-hunting. A contemptible piece of shit.
He is indeed a cunt of the first order.
The sudden,dramatic about turn about government borrowing,the fifty billion black hole nobody thought about nor knew existed til September stinks.
He’s been told by the Bank of England that they’ve decided to lock the Magic Money Tree up for the foreseeable…as it started to look like nobody wanted to buy UK government debt any more.
Instead of cutting public spending massively,reducing taxation across the board,canning red tape he’s done exactly what every other cunt has done as Chancellor for decades and hidden the tax hikes so that we are guaranteed a recession and fuck all growth for years.
His party is finished…until people forget what total cunts they are or the Liebor party finish the job of completely destroying the country.
What a smug rabble of aloof effluent they are.
Oven,full unsubsidised oven.
Fuck Off.
I’ve nowt against the state pension rising in line with inflation but all benefits?
Unaffordable rubbish to appease social media.
What will the little cunt do next year if inflation is at or near double digits?
Put all benefits up again whilst any poor cunt working for a living pays more tax,higher bills and has a reduced standard of living?
Utter shit.
Although I get a State pension, and will benefit by around £60 per month increase, because I was sensible and invested in private pensions, I pay tax, too.
I’d have happily done without the increased State pension if they’d just stop taxing my private ones. They aren’t huge, but by God it guts me to think that, after working from 15, I’m still supporting work-shy wankers who can barely speak English ( I’m talking about people born here, not POC or Albanians), but can still somehow afford fucking iPhone and designer clothing, as well as multiple rug rats, Netflix/Sky, etc, etc.
Freezing the personal allowance probably means that the increased State pension will be more or less swallowed up by fucking Income tax, so thanks for fuck all, you utter, utter cunt.
“…Oven,full unsubsidised oven.”
Your ovening facilities need no government subsidy Terence; just chuck up a quick ‘GoFundMe’ on Friday night and you’ll be 10x oversubscribed come Sunday morning.
Vine, Hunt, Kyle, Corbyn, Clarkson, Beadle, Paxman, Bowen.
A complete team of cunts.
Renaming this site ‘is-a-jeremy’.
Don’t forget that self pitying piece of shit, Jeremy Bamber.
I personally can’t wait to work harder to pay for domestic and foreign vermin that this government seem to hold in high esteem..
That’s because it’s not a Tory government and he is not a Tory politician.
Him, Sunak and a few other of the senior cabinet are WEF stooges and they are carrying out the budget of their paymaster/overlords at Davos.
He has given more benefits to the out of work and penalised taxpayer’s and workers. The WEF aim is exactly this. Harm small business and entrepreneurship and get the masses reliant and needing state handouts.
They are much easier to control when your citizens need money which only you are distributing.
We have witnessed a WEF coup by having Rishi appointed as PM.
As for Jeremy Hunt, a commie globalist Stooge with zero morals. A class ‘A’ weapons grade cunt for sure.
Fucking Quisling bastards all of them.
The plot hole in this story is where does the money come from to pay all these compliant dependent welfare people if you get rid of the taxpayers? Government money is money taken from the taxpayer, and if you are going to get rid of them, where does it then come from?
And if you get rid of them where and what do these people spend their money on?
Someone has to make stuff, and someone has to sell it.
Where do the elites buy their stuff, and as they make their money out of the products and services from their workforce?
Who builds their cars, yachts and mansions?
Hi Donald!
I’m referring to the guy sounding like Donald Trump GJ
Jolly clever of them to appoint a lifelong committed Brexiteer as PM!
Is he bollox.
As I mentioned the other day, I already pay £40k a year in tax and NI.
Now make that £43k, plus a reduction in dividend tax free limit and a reduction in the CGT tax free limit.
Combine that with an increase in the cap on energy prices and I’m starting to wonder if I should give up work and sign on.
It seems that I’m taking a long, dry financial fuck up the arse for being moderately successful, investing wisely and living within my means.
I must be a right Jeremy.
“…for being moderately successful, investing wisely and living within my means.”
…and it’s exactly those qualities that put the target on your back mate. Add in the fact that you’re intelligent, curmudgeonly, of an independant mind AND white and you haven’t two “protected characteristics” to rub together!
Top cunting. Let’s hope enough people remember this shit show come election time. WEF wankers in full flow now and most people seem to have no idea, happy to watch Celebrity Arseholes on tv..
The celebrity distraction is all part of the big ‘shit show’.
Sticking a beat up old drag queen (boy George) in a jungle with a corrupt politician (Hancock) is enough distraction for the sheeple whilst daily foreign men of fighting age land on their beaches and the complicit government taxes it’s hard workers into oblivion to fund white elephant schemes (HS2) and waste money on said new illegal immigrants filling up towns and villages near you all.
All part of the plan. The plan being a one way street to FULL state control of your movements, housing, finances and freedom of speech
Sadly yes ?.I despair.
What I can’t get my head around, is the assumption by Tory’s and most of the media, that our economic woes are all down to Truss and her idiot chancellor. We were clearly fucked before that. In large part due to our present prime ministers largesse during covid, which has been conveniently brushed aside.
Enter Hunt the Cunt. Only he a Dishi fucking Rishi can save us now, apparently.
And the sight of him being congratulated in the commons after delivering that shower of shit on Thursday was appalling.
Patting him on the back after he’s told middle earners to basically go and fuck themselves. And I can’t think of a more odious little cunt than Hunt they could have chosen to deliver that message.
Fucking vermin, the lot of them.
Feed the rats rat poison.Shit weasels.
Is the right answer, Field Marshall.
Problem, Reaction, Solution. That’s how these WEF cockroaches operate.
They cause the problem (Rishi spending all the money as chancellor during Covid 19)
They cause the reaction (Truss takes over to collapse the economy-Takes one for the ‘team’)
They have the Solution (Rishi as new gaffer takes over and his elite financial man Hunt taxes the bollocks off everyone for our own good-Scapegoat of course is Truss & Kwarteng who were paid to drop the ball)
WEF text book espinonage.
Chuck those shit gibbons in a locked room and throw in some hand grenades.The WEF want disbanding.
A quote.”For the few and not the many”.All out for themselves.Gas the bloody lot of them.Traitors.
Uncle Klaus is delighted.
He spoke about the 600,000 cunts who are sitting on their arses for no good reason, getting them back into work…. Well good luck with that, the benefits aka universal give away has increased in line with inflation but minimum or living wage has only gone up by the same amount, what fucking encouragement is it to get a fucking job.
Living wage should have gone up to £11 and benefits frozen, that would get the cunts off their arses.
Personal allowance frozen until 2028, screwing those who work hard, what a cunt but so the middle classes who are medium earners don’t feel bad he has dropped the 45% band to 125,000 ?
The Overseas pissing away our money will stay at 0.5%, wtf , almost apologising for not going back to 0.7, we are still the third biggest mugs in the world at 0.5!
Maybe dropping it to fucking 0.0 would have been a better idea.
Pensions v UC, well I don’t apologise for taking the extra 10%, 49 fucking years paying into the system, how much have the UC cunts paid, fuck all is the answer in many (most) cases
3000 cap from April for energy, but not to worry because again the bone idle cunts will get £900 next year on top of the 1200 they got this year,
Jeremy (the other one) must have been wanking away on the back benches, welcome to new blue labour
Again, make not working appealing, get the masses on complete hand outs and eventually you’ll have full control of them. Lazy fuckers would sell their freedom for security. That 600,000 is just the beginning.
And how would the government bring in money for themselves in that sort of scenario?
Easy. Just keep printing it the way they’ve been doing since leaving the Gold Standard in 1971. Bear in mind it takes 12 cents to print a one hundred dollar bill.
It’s even easier nowadays with computers. Just add more zeroes on the end of the already existing debt.
Not one government economist or president since the Nixon administration either in America or Britain has done anything to stop this insane money printing.
I don’t think economics is your strong point.
Even a thick cunt like me can see the obvious flaw in that.
This should explain it for you:
Granted I’m not a Rothschild, but at least I know about the fractional reserve lending system which all of our banks operate. The rich don’t work for money, as laughable as that may sound.
Most folk on planet earth don’t even know what fractional reserve lending is let alone how it’s fucking their lives
That would be completely unsustainable in the long term.
Jeremy fucking Hunt.
Where’s there a knife wielding Somali when you need one.
living it up in a four star hotel, enjoying three free meals a day, heating cranked up to the max and spunking its £30 a week spending money on khat and weed.
I am still angered by the way in which our country’s financial collapse in blamed on everyone except the sandaled cunt who caused it. In truth, Truss is blamed by many, whilst in reality, NONE of her fiscal measures were ever implemented! Any collapse was engineered by those who 1)Wanted it to happen 2) benefitted from a Collapse 3) Followed Instructions from above.
We have been well fucked over!
I am amazed that Hunt the Cunt , the man so hated and despised by his fellow Tories, a man who fell at the first vote for the leadership, has suddenly been parachuted into the Chancellorship. This fekkin twat fucked up just about every job he was ever in, and earned the nickname of “Huntfail of the back bench” from collegues.
I live in hope that some fucking retard with a big calibre puts these two to the forever box
After holding a referendum, ( in which I was unanimous ). I have declared The Rookery a ‘ Tax Free Enterprise Zone ‘
For ever.
Jeremy can Get To Fuck.
My accountant is in agreement.?
Welcome aboard ?
The drinks are on Jeremy ??
It’s been a lovely sunny Saturday ?
With oodles of tax free Mazuma…. ?
I have been a tory for 50 years. I sincerely hope that the next general election makes 1997 look like a victory. I just do not believe what a bunch of slimey back stabbing socialists they have become. Fucking cunts, WEF lackies.
Ever get the feeling you’ve been cheated?
Every day
And me Baron ?
…on an hourly fuckin’ basis!
Every time I get my white winkle out.
Let’s also not forget that Hunt the Cunt presided over our fucked up health service for SIX fucking years before he tried to be the PM. I remember him performing his smug act on the telly, every time wearing that NHS lapel badge. Somebody should have taken the remoaner bastard out back then. Now look what he’s up to, the fucking cunt.
Can we get the Worcester warrior to give him a sparring lesson, behind a bike shed. Naturally, he won’t back down you know.
They know what there doing the sly bastards. Any hard working tax paying individual who calls out mass immigration is a racist and who calls out tax rises to pay for the feckless is uncaring. Years of brow beating and a constant drip on your head with the brainwashing MSM will see to that. We the worker bees while the Queen bees sit on their fucking arses with their hands out. This country is the pits. Hello, Hungary? Can I come and join you please??
My Hungarian friends keep inviting me to stay in their rather nice 4 bed house by the lake with orchards, vineyards, palinka on tap and endless barbecues by the pool.
They are a friendly and hospitable people who won’t let you leave the place until stuffed to the gills and totally wasted at 3 am.
Unless you’re an illegal immigrant. In which case you can fuck right off.
We need the attitude of the Hungarian people
The next GE I will add a extra candidate and tick that box….
Viktor Orban ???
Serbia, Austria and Hungary doing their best to keep cunts out of Europe
Interesting that the comments on here and the nom itself are quick to slag off Hunt and his budget but nobody seems to suggest an alternative.
The government has no money, it simply takes in through taxes and then redistributes it or raises money through borrowing.
Given the money that was forked out on Covid and the energy prices are mainly due to the Russian invasion of Ukraine, its difficult to see what else Hunt has the wiggle room to do.
And FYI the triple lock on pensions is correctly linked to inflation. It was never linked to wage rises. Definition is –
“The three-way guarantee was that each year, the state pension would increase by the greatest of the following three measures:
Average earnings
Prices, as measured by the Consumer Prices Index (CPI)
2.5 per cent”
Average earnings is not the same as wage rises and in any case even if it was then the CPI is higher and should not be confused with the RPI.
Times are tough fair enough but some of us old farts can remember when it was worse and the government at the time was Labour.
Notice that Reeves asked “Would you be better off under a Conservative government?” She pointedly failed to add “or under a Labour government because we all know the answer to that one.
Vote Labour. Get fucked over. You know it makes sense…
2 cheeks of the same rancid old arse.
@Dio. I don’t disagree with what you say. But it boils down to a very poor campaign slogan for the Conservative party.
” Vote for us, because we’re a bit less shit than Labour ”
Not very inspiring. Is it ?
Edward Wallace has it right, with his short, but very much to the point statement.
Fuck them all.
Jeremy Hunt, single handedly ruined the Nation Heath Service. He had plenty of time to do it, being the longest serving Health Secretary in history.
I’m at the end of my “career” luckily. As a self employed person who has had significant periods without work and has never been allowed to claim anything, I’m going to bust the business and try and get on the long term sick. I’ve just about had it with propping up the work-shy.
Go for it, Lord C.
Don’t forget to mention your “mental elf”, but don’t, whatever you do, mention that’s your “elf” is thinking
“I need a gun”
Glassy eyes like doll eyes,
Six stone little sociapath.
I truly hate this puddled little cunt.
I hate all political rats but this cunts in a league of his own.
He’s given me indigestion the utter cunt.
I hate him that much I’ve started self harming.
Don’t harm y’self… arm y’self!