Recent times in clown world has seen a rise in claims that issues/movements such as BLM and Climate Change are not political, they’re moral.
This has seen the likes of the BBC, Sky, BT and more importantly, our own education system, pushing this shit on people.
You’re now a ‘Climate Change Denier’ or a ‘nazi’ if you even question the narratives being pushed.
First of all, of course these things are political. The BBC, to their credit for once, told their staff not to wear BLM badges as they are deemed ‘political’. Unlike Sky and BT who went full, chippy, oppressed black man. They’re still at it too.
Shame the BBC shit out to Greta Cuntface though.
First of all what is the aim of both movements?
BLM want to defund cops, put Trump in prison and van him from politics for life. No matter what you think of Trump, that makes it political. They want white people to pay taxes to black people for muh slavery. They want black people in the most powerful positions within government, the media and all important institutions. They aim to bring in legislation to do this. In Parliament or its foreign equivalents. Obviously political then.
Climate change alarmism is also now considered ‘a moral issue’ within the media and government. Never mind that it’s going to skint every cunt and make a tiny handful of people very wealthy.
Do you think the likes of Greta and leaders of ‘green industry’ will go without cars and flights abroad?
Will they fuck!
These issues are political. Unless you’re a fucking idiot like a Time Magazine journalist/activist or that brain donor, Rio Fucking Ferdinand, of course.
Nominated by: Cuntybollocks
Funny how these “movements” always turn out to be scams,inevitably involving corruption and lies.
Blek Lies Mither? Every stupid cunt in the western world donates and the originators of the scam are now millionaires living in gated communities far away from the braindead rubbish they represent.
Climate emergency? Greta the little tells fancy stories with no basis in fact and it’s some sort of crusade?
They are just bent cunts on the make.
Just Stop Oil is the most fashionable fad presently and it’s disciples behave as though in the grip of some sort of tremendous religious zeal.
In fact they are hypocritical cunts who need their heads cracking then locking in an asylum,the silly fucking cretins.
‘Just Stop Oil Painting,’ seems to have been the latest nonsense.
Bob Ross would be turning in his grave.
Always wondered if his paintings were of the places where he buried his victims.
One of the Just Stop Oil disciples had a photo of her recently in Argentina. I don’t suppose she paddled there.
And the Goblin Greta has recently come out and called for the end of capitalism.
Moral my arse
Army sniper first Unkle and oven afterwards
That picture of Greta is her coyly saying yes after I’d asked her would she suck my cock.
Hers is probably bigger than yours.
Even with the extra apostrophe, still nowhere near.
Of course, tiddles doesn’t have one.
Sadly Sammy, you’ll have to share with her good mate Sir David. She pulls that face when he asks her the same question.
I don’t think Little Greta eats meat Sammy. But maybe she will make an exception if no one is watching
This is a classic tactic from the Left who push these agendas. You turn the issues into overly emotional rhetoric like “climate emergency” or “trans rights are human rights” at the expense of hard facts, science and logic and then claim to be on the right side of history, another meaningless soundbite spouted by twats.
I don’t think it would be unfair to say that we’ve been consistently fucking lied to over the last few years.
I think it might be longer than that.
A century at least and about everything.Empire of lies,Vlad wasn’t wrong with that quip.
BLM really only gained credence, ot a sort, in Britain when that cretinous arsewipe Starmer, as one of his first acts as leader “took a knee” with that whore of a deputy of his, Rayner, who is often to be found on her knees sucking blokes off in her bukkake and dogging sessions – old Kweer is still very much a cautious Marxist, saluting a Marxist organisation, but it was done with very much with one eye to the camera and the other to mollify his BAME MPs most of whom are also Marxists as well as race bating scum. They ought to be a ;proscribed organisation.
As for Thunberg they ought to lock her in in a dark cell overnight with a bunch of sex offenders who have not had to do with a woman for years, with a tube of KY Jelly. That would shut the little bitch up.
What happened to acid rain? Or is that not ‘fashionable’ any more……?
Propably banned for being racist C.C.
The rave scene accepted it too willingly and the Gov’s PR people realised they had lost the yoof vote.
Hey Chuff –
I was listening to some Peter Gabriel the other day and the track “Red Rain” came on. It too reminded me of a time when “acid rain” would be the end of civilisation. If memory serves sulphur was the enemy du jour at the time. Acid rain was supposed to decimate the rain forests – “the lungs of the planet” – and we’d all perish unless drastic measures were taken to stop sulphur emissions.
I’m guessing sulphur had a word with the eco-mongs and threw carbon dioxide under the bus, so now that’s the enemy du jour.
None of the eco-mongs ever admits that none of the catastrophic predictions have ever come to pass. According to Al Gore – the patron saint of making shit up and putting it in movies – half the US should be under water by now. I just checked. It’s not.
Most of us on here see through it and realise this eco/green bollocks is the new “cold war” and a means to control the masses through fear. And as per usual, if you dare speak out or stand up to these loons, you’re labelled with some derogatory term and/or cancelled.
I don’t think anyone is suggesting that pumping huge amounts of noxious substances into the atmosphere is a good idea or polluting rivers and the oceans doesn’t have consequences. But to suggest mankind is killing the planet and we should all be taxed to death to prevent that is absurd.
Yep. I remember that. Acid Rain, the Ozone Layer a Mini Ice Age and other crocks crock of shite which were followed by., An amazing initiative that required increased taxation. An Overspend that nearly Bankrupted the Country, borrowing that was necessary to save the day.
Recently, a Covid disease that required a smokescreen to cover so many very unsavoury financial transactions!
Telling junior school aged kids (especially the white type) that the world is going to end within a decade is of course, very moral.
Unfortunately, for white kids the world will end, it’ll be a caliphate by then.
The way they’re carrying on, you’d think the world was going to end next Thursday. Emergency my arse.
Various organisations have been fined for such scaremongering. the Energy Saving Trus put out an unfounded campaign video many years ago, using simplistic animation to scare children.
OfCom banned, OfCom also ordered the BBC to remove that hysterical Liz Bonnin documentary from Iplayer because of bias.
“Energy Saving Truss” sounds like something Joe Biden and A. C Grayling could do with.
Oh Dog,
AC Grayling… I’d ALMOST forgotten about that floppy-haired n{;c~.
Apologies for the incoherent structure of that comment.
I should write for Buzzfeed.
Twisting language to suit an agenda. The political argument is lost, so it’s adherents say it’s a moral issue, ergo anyone who doesn’t accept the politics is immoral.
The same works in reverse. FIFA tried to ban the home nations’ football teams from wearing poppies on their shirts because they said it was ‘political’, which is, of course, complete bollocks. I feel it’s my moral duty to remind people of that on today of all days.
50 years ago we had scientists telling us that we were about to enter a new ice age and that we should be pumping CO2 into the atmosphere to warm the planet . Simultaneously, we had others warning us that the planet would run out of oil by 1980.
I remember it well Guzzi and also that one of the leading propagators of the impending ice age myth a short time later was on the global warming band wagon. In the late nineteenth century American newspapers published letters from people warning that with the growth in the economy the streets would soon be knee deep in horse shit and we would run out of whale oil for lighting.
A little internet research reveals that the human population of the entire earth at the end of the last ice age was less than the current population of London alone.
I don’t think people in those days had cars, oil, gas, electricity, or even windmills. But there was global warming anyhow.
It must have been the selfish bastards trying to warm themselves and cook on a campfire.
I thought it was dinosaur farts.
Proof of blindness to their own bias.
Common amongst white liberals who think their values are universally held, or should be.
The smug liberal couples who travel around Africa and the middle east, posting that ‘evil is a myth” to Twitter, before getting tied up, arse-raped and slaughtered.
Frankly, i’m glad these cunts believe it.
There was some dozy Italian tart a few years back who was going to walk through the middle East in a wedding dress in solidarity with some old bollocks or other.
made it as far as Turkey before being brutally raped and murdered.
I nominated her for a Darwin award.
My problem with the Climate industry is the use of narrow timescales for geological events. Climate has always changed. Now we have vested interests – the climate industry above.
Then there is the Messianic bullshit around Thunderpants and her ilk. The new religious hysteria.
The climate will change. We will adapt. Population control would help. Any aid to the shitholes of the world should be radical birth control.
It is Putin who may doom us.
They were on safer ground with ‘global warming’.for a while, until it didn’t warm as quickly as the models predicted and the Maldives and Seychelles are still dry.
Once they released that climates have always changed, the PR teams had to change it up to a ‘crsis’ and ’emergency’, and now ‘Hel’l.
I’m not denying there could be a problem in the future (methane released from permafrost), but these changes are occuring at a pace far slower than the alarmists would have us believe.
It’s fast becoming an epidemic of madness, or pandemic if you look at COP, it’s gone from reducing carbon output to a platform for handing out cash to shitholes, it is a moral issue (well so we are told).
If anyone wants to see Greta in action, there is an interview she did with Amol Rajan (a few weeks ago), he was trying hard but was finding it difficult and at one point she went into some sort of laughing fit, Amol didn’t know what fuck was going on. He must have thought he had triggered her Hamburger syndrome or whatever the fuck she has got.
Just Stop Oil has called a halt to fucking up peoples lives on the M25 to allow the government to sit on the naughty step and consider how badly they have behaved, just can’t make this shit up.
We’re trying to bribe he Africans not to develop their gas reserves, but it isn’t going well.
They want reparations and/or payment for loss and damage, how else can they fund their damaging fossil development. ?
The Chinese are building the infrastructure. They’ll probably siphon off most of the gas as well. They don’t care about black people.
The mid term elections in the US have turned out to be an utter fucking disaster. For both the Republicans and for those who value common sense. One of the reasons is the youth vote. Normally unreliable they turned out in force this cycle. And one of the reasons they turned out is climate change.
These brain washed little cunts believe it is their sacred duty to save the planet. Along with oil and coal they have issued a fatwa on cow farts and have included them in their jihad.
They do this under the guise of science. Science is the new secular religion and anyone who opposes their “scripture” is worse than a heretic…they are a science denier.
In their world view, the all knowing entity of science has replaced the all knowing being of God. They have adopted the worst elements of the Catholic tradition…devotion to Universal science…and the worst of the Islamic tradition…submission into their doctrine. They are embodied in their dogma and must not be questioned. And they are just as fanatically devoted to their cause and crusade as were the worst of the old fashioned religious zealots.
As it is a moral and not a political issue they…as did their religious predecessors…feel completely justified in using whatever means are necessary, no matter how violent or destructive to achieve their goal.
Perhaps we should be grateful that they turned out to vote instead of turning out to riot.
I saw a report from Nigel Farage that some state (maybe Arizona?) are allowing ‘mail in ballots’ to be received and counted until tomorrow. Surely when the polls close they close for in person and postal …. What a fucking farce, no wonder so many people think it’s a fix, see how the count is going and if it’s close send in late ballots to try to swing the result ?
God Bless America
Amen SOI. Massive cheating and fraud. We are so so fucked.
Of course it’s not a fix……Pennsylvania voted for a dead guy! (Tony DeLuca, died a month ago).
After the Democrats stole the last election, many state legislatures took steps and passed laws to ensure that the magnitude of voter fraud seen in 2020 would not be seen again. As a result, there were noticeably fewer claims of fraud this cycle.
There are 3 notable exceptions…Arizona, it’s neighbor Nevada and Pennsylvania.
In Arizona, voting machines in Republican areas didn’t work and people were denied the right to vote. There are lawsuits pending and it is estimated that 7% of the electorate was affected. It is important to note that this only happened in the Republican precincts of Maricopa County.
And Arizona is indeed still counting. As to when they will complete the process? The elections officials in Arizona and Maricopa will not commit to ANY date and say it could be well into December before they know the results. The Head of elections in Maricopa cited Arizona state law which gives them until December, 21 to complete the tally.
A similar situation is happening in Nevada. Polls in the Republican areas outside of Las Vegas were closed early…ostensibly because of weather. Once again, only in Republican areas.
In Clarke County…home of Las Vegas…the only stronghold of Democratic support in the state…the Head of Elections will also not commit to a date. He said words to the effect; this is the way it always is.
In Pennsylvania the US Supreme Court and the Pennsylvania State Supreme Court ruled that the Secretary of State must follow state law and count only those ballots that are signed, dated and arrive in accordance with state law.
The Secretary of State made a public statement and said they would not comply with the law and would continue to count ballots regardless of the time. date of arrival or absence of a verified signature.
But….But….B…B….But…. There’s no evidence of voter fraud.
It just sometimes takes a state 3 weeks to count votes and thus come to the correct result.
Nothing unusual about that.
But Biden said- ‘it was a good day for Democracy’.
That sounds far too coherent.
Are you sure he said that Miles?
Trump is fucked now.
Actually, Miles you’re close to being right.
Trump was mortally wounded by the results of the midterms. The MAGA movement is in a coma. The Republican Party is on life support.
Given the nature of American politics, the 2024 General election is several geologic epochs away. That makes it tough to make long term predictions. But as a a future candidate I think Trump is well and truly fucked.
Afternoon General.
Trump absolutely should not run for president in 2024.
“… that the magnitude of voter fraud seen in 2020 would not be seen again.” It’ll still happen, it will just be hidden much better.
Hey Herman,
Good morning (9:35 AM CST here in America.)
Joe Biden is the most unpopular President since Jimmy Carter. Donald Trump the best American President since Ronald Reagan. Neither should run in 2024.
Sticking with Trump…I have been a supporter and defender of the former President. But after the midterms it is clear…his time has past.
He went around the country hand picking candidates. I read somewhere that his endorsement record in primary elections was at one point something like 35 and 1.
But with his choice of candidates he made this election about him, his ego and his redemption and NOT about the issues or the current state of affairs. Currently, his midterms results are about 50 / 50 at best.
We need to understand that Trump by his very nature alienates a lot of voters. There is a considerable portion of the population who will walk across hot coals, kneel on broken glass, cut their wrist with a jagged piece of metal and mark their ballot in blood if it means voting against Trump.
As for those Republican candidates that won and won big…like Florida Governor Ron Desantis…they are being described as all of the Trump policy with none of the Trump personality.
With Desantis’ great election success he is widely being hailed as a 2024 Presidential contender. And that makes him a clear threat to Trump who is now attacking him and calling him personally disloyal. That emboldens Democrats hurts the MAGA movement.
MAGA is still the correct message but Trump is now the wrong messenger.
EDIT: That should be…PASSED and not past.
Greetings General –
I read your election comments with interest and find myself agreeing with your analysis. I would add though that you can never underestimate the power of stupidity. There are a lot of stupid, ill informed and gullible people in America and a lot of them seem to vote Demoncrat.
The midterms SHOULD have been a schlacking for the Demons, but it wasn’t. You would have to be mind numbingly obtuse to not see how the Demons have systematically continued their destruction of America these past 2 years and yet people like Gavin Newsom get re-elected. It beggars belief.
In the times we live the message seems loud and clear. You can get away with the most egregious moral, ethical, political and financial crimes and there are NO consequences if you’re a Demoncrat. Americans are voting for the demise and destruction of their own country. This only serves to embolden the Demons to just keep on making it worse while feathering their own nests. It’s absolutely disgusting.
I also agree that Trump has had his day. If he truly loves America as he claims, then he should help/pull the strings from behind the curtain and let someone more palatable take the fight to the Demons. I just don’t know if his ego will allow him to do that.
I do feel though that it’s already too late. Observation tells you the Demons cannot govern and are only interested in power and other people’s money. In their present form, they’re about as anti-American as you can get and yet a large slice of the population continues to vote for them, aided and abetted by a media who also cheer for the destruction of the country. Unless that changes and quickly, America is over. It will still be called America, but it won’t be the America which strived for excellence, freedom, choice, opportunity and democracy.
What say you?
Hey Faux Yank!
Always good to hear from you.
Where to begin? Your remarks about the stupidity factor are spot on. In the past they were called low information voters. These are not people who pay attention to what’s going on. They are influenced by celebrities, “influencers”, corrupt media (legacy or social) and charismatic charlatans.
Messages appeal to them when they are reduced to memes, and bumper stickers and have been dumbed down to the lowest common denominator. I don’t know what the answer to their particular brand of idiocy is. Thick as a brick as you Brits would say. “I may make you feel but I can’t make you think.”
As for being too late…I don’t think so. If you look around, there were some prominent Demonrats who lost badly and whose careers might (should be) be over. In Texas…Beto O’rourke. In Georgia…Stacy Abrams. In Florida…Val Demings. In New York even the head of the Demonrats Congressional Campaign Committee…Sean Patrick Maloney got beat.
These were some of the worst race baiting, fear mongering, self loathing, self absorbed mediocrities in the party. I heard a number that said overall Beto alone has cost the Demonrats about $200 million in his failed campaigns.
In addition a substantial number of blacks and hispanics left the Demonrat party and voted with the Republicans…as did some Jews and a few Asians. If this trend continues it spells disaster for the Demonrat coalition of perpetual victims.
The biggest problem is that the Progressive/Neo Marxist/New World Order Demonrats are playing the long game. Their indoctrination and control of their base is from cradle to crave. A losing election for them is just a temporary setback. They double down on the indoctrination and wait for the next chance to steal an election.
And make no mistake. They steal elections. The states that learned the lessons of the fraudulent 2020 election and put election reforms into place had smooth uncontested elections. The votes were counted the same day and the Republicans won by large majorities. Florida, Texas, Ohio and New Hampshire are good examples. And to a lesser extent Wisconsin.
In states where they put an end to or stopped the Covid emergency ballot rules, Demonrat margins were reduced significantly.
However, the bad news is that Gen Z voted in droves and they voted overwhelmingly. Not only for Progressives like AOC but for things like the Montana ballot initiative on “Reproductive Freedom.” This measure allows doctors and nurses to withhold medical care for any baby at any time for any reason…failed abortion…premature birth…or simply deciding you don’t want it after it’s born even if it’s viable…all in the name of women’s rights.
So the answer to your question is…yes it’s late. And yes it might be too late. But I don’t think it’s a forgone conclusion. And I don’t think we’ll get there without a whole lot of pain and anguish.
General –
Thanks for taking the time to pen such an eloquent response.
Yeah, the Beto beat down was funny. He has spunked close to $200M on multiple failed election bids. Can’t say I have much love for Abbot though. That cunt signed into law a bill which allows the electric companies to charge customers a fee to recoup their losses/expenses during the brutal winter cold snap back in 2020/2021. When I was informed about this by my current electric provider I bluntly pointed out I wasn’t a customer of theirs when this event took place. Their response was basically ‘tough shit, the bill allows us to rape current customers regardless’. That is grossly unfair, so Abbot can fall down a well for all I care. Still, we’ll be moving in the spring so all things Texas can piss off, including this surcharge.
I do hope you’re right about the US. I don’t want to be forced to take back the country and make the following demands:
1. All anti-gun lobbyists to be shot.
2. The Pelosi “break in” to be successful next time.
3. Chuck Schumer to be force fed an ebola sandwich.
4. All Bidens to be jailed.
5. All Clintons to be jailed.
6. Finish the bloody wall.
7. All illegals to be given 24 hours to leave the country after which it’s Purge time. Ammo to be provided free of charge.
8. CNN and MSNBC to be shut down. Permanently.
9. Re-introduction of energy independence.
10. Martha MacCallum to be my girlfriend.
Hey IY,
I have little love for Abbot as well. But I have lots of love for your demand list!
I stopped watching RAT (FOX) News except for Tucker and sometimes Jesse Watters. I now watch Newsmax. They have a way to go but they are getting better.
Martha’s OK. BUT replace her with…Alison Maloney! Bianca de la Garza! Katrina Szish! Three Newsmax ladies who are on our side of the issues and bring the added benefits of some major boobage.
And sometimes they have Heather Childers too!
Hey General –
I don’t watch Fox News at all any more. Carlson scares the crap out of me. I got to the point of rather not knowing what he’s found out. I got so bored with Hannity’s openers every freaking show promising real dirt and scoopage and then nothing. Nothing ever happens despite what he claims he knows and what the “enormous” and “huge” implications will be. Martha can be my girlfriend though. Her qualifications have nowt to do with her political commentary though. If you know what I mean.
Boobage on Newsmax you say? Never seen that channel. I don’t watch a lot of TV per se, but I’ll see if I get that channel and checkout the cleavage on offer.
Any thoughts on the new Springfield 1911 DS Prodigy? I’m drooling just typing the words.
Hey IY,
We’re way off topic here but…
I’m a big fan of Springfield Armory and their weapons. I currently own 2. A 1911 from their custom shop and a full size hi cap XP9.
So speaking of hi cap…I fucking love the notion of a hi cap 1911! Personally, I would pass on the 9mm and wait for the rumored 45ACP to come out. But that’s a matter of choice, Since John Browning’s other masterpiece (the 9mm Hi-Power) is no longer available in its original configuration I would have no qualms about getting the 1911 in 9mm if i wanted or needed one.
But my genitals start to swell whenever I think about a hi cap 45 ACP. It is rumored to be in the works.
I am not familiar with the optics and am generally not a fan of advanced optics on a handgun. But because it’s Springfield and they do things right, I’m sure they are practical and functional.
The other modifications and specs all seem sound to me, especially the finish and the bushingless barrel.
I was with you until the broad attack on science. In Britain we don’t get much of the science being reported, more the diktats of the UN and IPCC framed as science by our pathetic media.
Hey Cuntamas,
I might not have been clear. I said under the “guise of science.”
I don’t doubt the real science. I doubt those who use what they claim is science to justify their wokist beliefs. They shut down any discourse on the basis that “the science is settled” and therefore cannot be questioned. To do so makes you a science denier.
Putting aside the fact that many of these people manipulate data to suit their wokist agenda, many things that were once accepted and settled science have been upset by modern scientific discoveries.
It doesn’t mean the science was wrong. It means those who interpreted it were.
It just goes to show that what you watch can lull you into a false sense of security.
What occurs? ‘Lets go Brandon’ and Biden agreeing. But it was huge in political rallies, football stadiums.
The constant gaffes. Surely the people arent going to vote for this fucking idiot.
The utter nonsense talked by ‘kooky’ Kamala.
AOC’s nonsense.
All this set against (for me) the simple sanity of deDantis.
The Left’s arguments have fallen apart. No right-minded people could ever vote for them could they?
Well yes they can vote for them because that demographic (the young) is not ‘right-minded’ any longer it is downright ‘wrong-minded’
The ‘reality’ the insane ‘reality’ is young Americans straight out of Woke University are swallowing all the Liberal MSM gives them.
And they turn out.
They are enthused.
‘The best lack all conviction while the worst are full of passionate intensity’
The Democrats have created a BASE people. So now it is the just a case of the Base getting the Base out.
This Woke disease thing is not going away.
I never thought Americans would fall for it.
why is this moon faced bitch back on the scene? has her vibrator been worn out? the mongoloid cunt needs a good dicking , shame Oliver reed is not around anymore, he would sort her right out
According to a friend of my parents who worked in the film industry in the seventies and early eighties, Olly may have had a lot of stamina at the bar but wasn’t too great in bed.
That’s one preachy, sanctimonious face in the header pic that you’d never tire of punching. With a lump hammer.
Take a look at that Swedish goblin, take a look at the ecofascists, all have the same look. THEY ARE DERANGED!!
It’s called Fetal Alcohol Syndrome in her case.
Symptoms include looking like a fire-damaged cabbage patch doll, walking around with a gormless retarded vacant look, and being a galaxy-sized cunt.
Vast infusions of soy since birth.
These people have no clue what morality means. Integrity is intertwined with morality and these cunts have none.
LOL … I love all this. I particularly like to see the yoofs whining about their futures … they ain’t got a right to a future anymore than we did. I got told my future by a decrepit old judge … incorrectly penalised and kicked outta respectable society as a result.
These fools think that by ‘stopping oil’ they’ll get to be able to live a wonderful carefree life. They won’t cos they’re generating the perfect conditions for disproportionate taxation and despotic conditional rules regarding the personal freedoms which they so frantically crave.
Someone needs to tell them about the shit that can really cunt up your whole day … like the asteroid they’ve just discovered lurking unseen in the glare of the sun or a super volcano, CME’s that frequently spew lethal radiation at the earth, a ‘real’ pandemic, proper all out total war. The list goes on … try protesting about any of that shit … not to mention that there is a real end date to life on earth and it’s relative to the reality of the sun going rogue. Fuck me the NHS doesn’t stand a chance when these freaks realise they’re screwed whatever happens and their mental health issues redline … fuck ‘em … cunts one and all.
I know the climate change agenda is a statist political movement.
How do I now this?
Because their goals are the same as every other statist movement: More government, less liberty.
The Green version explicitly promotes a kind of feudalism too. As in John Kerry calmly proclaiming that private jets are the only way someone like him can travel to do his important work. Ever heard of Zoom, Lurch?
Or Barack Obama buying another ocean-side mansion, this time in Hawaii. He plans to wave his wand to keep the oceans from engulfing it, and the one in Martha’s Vineyard.
And so on.
Let’s have a recap:
1966: oil gone in 10yrs
1967: dire famine forecast by 1975
1968: overpopulation will spread worldwide
1969: everyone will disappear in a cloud of blue steam by 1989
1970: the world will use up all its natural resources by 2000, urban citizens will require gas masks by 1985, nitrogen build-up will make all land unusable, decaying pollution will kill all the fish, killer bees, ice age by 2000 and America will be subject to water rationing by 1974 and food rationing by 1980
1971: new ice age coming by 2020 or 2030
1972: new ice age by 2070 and oil depleted in 20yrs
1974: space satellites show new ice age coming fast, ozone depletion and “Great peril to life”
1976: scientific consensus planet cooling and famines imminent
1977: department of energy says oil will peak in the 90s
1978: no end in sight to 30yr cooling trend
1980: acid rain kills life in lakes and peak oil in 2000
1988: regional droughts in the 90s, temperatures in DC will hit record highs and Maldives will be underwater by 2018
1989: rising sea levels will obliterate nations if nothing is done by 2000 and New York City’s West Side Highway will be underwater by 2019
1996: peak oil in 2020
2000: children won’t know what snow is
2002: famine in 10yrs if we don’t give up eating meat, fish and dairy and peak oil in 2010
2004: Britain will be Siberia by 2024
2005: Manhattan will be underwater by 2015
2006: super hurricanes
2008: the Arctic will be ice free by 2018 and Climate Genius Al Gore predicts an ice free Arctic by 2013
2009: Climate Genius Prince Charles says we have 96 months to save the world, UK Prime Minister Gordon Brown says we have 50 days to “save the planet from catastrophe” and Climate Genius Al Gore moves his 2013 prediction of an ice free Arctic to 2014
2013: the Arctic will be ice free by 2015
2014: only 500 days before “Climate chaos”
2019: Hey Greta, we need you to convince them it’s really going to happen this time.
May 2019: House of Commons backs a Labour motion declaring a formal climate change “emergency”.
Jeeeeeez !
It’s moral not political?
Notice how hysterical they get if told NO.
Weeping on the news,
You’ve stolen my future!
Or trying to get people sacked, get businesses shut down.
Sending hate mail and threats via email.
I don’t need any lessons from them thanks.
But Miserable- ‘do you love your children or fossil fuels more’? That is the question.
You’re going to have to replace photos of the kids on the mantelpiece with pieces of coal.
To SHOW that you do actually LOVE fossil fuels more than your children.
That would impress your eco-minded neighbours when they come round.
? Heeehee
Yeah, way ahead of you Miles.
We replaced the kids photos with those of the dog months ago,
But Id happily place coal on mantelpiece.
Anyone asked I’d tell them it was shrunken heads I bought at Notting Hill carnival.
Those LGBTQ activists that intensionally sought out the Christian bakery to make a cake declaring same sex marriage?
The baker said no sorry it’s against my beliefs,
But know someone who will do it for you?
That wasn’t good enough.
They wanted to force HIM to do it.
Took him to court!
Anyway the spiteful bastard’s lost?
Doubt they’d try that with a Islamic bakery?
Leave it vague and say the heads were ‘collected’ at Notting Hill.
‘do you love your children or fossil fuels more’? That is the question.
Hahaha, I can imagine these dull cunts actually asking people that.
Only a monster would throw kids on the fire to keep warm or cook some eggs
The cunt’s name is Indigo Rumbalow.
An entitled middle class cunt of ocean going proportions.
The best thing to do is to detach yourself from the media and interweb and live life as you like under the fucking radar, whatever happens, will happen no matter how much cunts try to influence things with their endless shouting and posturing, just ignore the fuckers until it adversely affects you then take action. The more the the thick as shit sheep are indulged the louder they will shout. FUCK THE WHOLE LOT OF THEM, cunts of the first water and piss weasels to a man.
Morals?…….These are the same people who want small children brainwashed with ideas of sexual deviance, to mix with drag queens and other fucked up trannies. If that’s what they call morality they can stick it up their arses.
That’s if they can find any room up there, the dirty bastards.
The religious parallels are fairly obvious. We did as the priest said because he could save our soul and guarantee us eternal life. The new priests, like Thunderpants, can save the planet and guarantee eternal life for our progeny. ( notice how they are always crying about our children and grandchildren etc)
We need a new Enlightenment to sweep away this ignorance but the wokies have a firm grip on the Education system, the media and government. You keep repeating the same lying dogma over and over and people fucking believe it. It’s been done a thousand times before. You control the source of ideas and you control the population. That’s what’s going on here. You can do what you fucking like if you are saving mankind. Could you think of a more noble and justified cause? It’s a fucking con.
Thing is I want my kids to suffer a environmental catastrophe.
It’s character building.
So the guilt trip doesn’t work.
I despise young people.
Fuck the little cunts.
Cheer up Mis, it’s Friday!
So it is, and tax free!
Kick out the jams!
Yeah Freddie! Yeah! That’s what I was trying to say. You nailed it!
Greta is definitely inbred somewhere. Just look at it….
But how this self appointed, unelected, retarded gargoyle with no qualifications or even any sort of appeal or charisma is marching round the world giving orders and making demands just shows how fucked the world is now.
Like that steaming cunt, Gareth Wokegate. He claims that his unicorn loving fairy boys taking the knee (still!) has nothing to do with the patron saint of scum, Chiggen Floyd George, and that it’s about a ‘moral issue’. No, it’s not. It’s about virtue signaling and licking the arses of black criminals (of which there are many). If these pricks do their knee antics in Qatar,i t should be interesting. I for one would love to see Wokegate nicked on the touchline during the World Cup.
And I hope those cunts Tatchell and Right Said Fred go to Qatar and get done and all…
And Wokegate taking Mong Maguire to Qatar proves that England have no ambition whatsoever to attempt to do well there.
Never mind folks. Putin is now in the corner ( reportedly ) and with nowhere to go. Being deranged, defeated what will he do? Could he press the button?
Some say an assassination is on the cards. That being the case, any successor will be in charge of the biggest climbdown in History, and an assurance that Russia will be broken into little pieces, sufficient to house all those little dark Keys looking for refuge in a cruel world.
Nah! Putin (or someone else) will be very tempted to push their luck
And as for uncle Joe, whoever wins in the intercontinental shit show (if there are any winners) will make sure Joe and fanny haddock will be the first to be grilled.
Hmmm ! End of Days…Bible read it !
Burn Loot Murder want boiling in horse piss.As for the mongster she wants pushing in front of a bus.Sour faced witch.
Those servile woke cunts at Disney/Lucasfilm have changed the name of Boba Fett’s ship. It is no longer called ‘Slave I’, because the dark personages started rolling their eyes and screcching ‘Lawdy Lawd! Dey racist!’ So, it’s now simply called ‘Boba Fett’s Ship’. Imaginative, eh?
The blacks with slavery are like the Scousers with Hillsborough. It’s like a family business that gets passed on. They don’t want it to end because it defines them. Whether it is dark personages getting ‘offended’ Star Wars spaceships or packets of microwave rice, or Mickeys putting up makeshift shrines to dead chickens (true). It is victimhood par excellence and they both revel in it….
Wrong thread….
The Millennium Falcon to be renamed The Millennial Tampon.
Looks like another Burn Loot Murder fundraiser got their paw caught in the till.
They just can’t help themselves when it comes to helping themselves to other people’s money.
Wood chipper feet first