(No stranger to controversy – Day Adnin)
Here we go again from snowflake woke central.
”Cambridge faculty apologises for ‘distressing’ emails about gender ideology talk”
Distressing? Yes. They were distressed by an advert apparently. An advert for a speaker who maintains that biology is actually scientific.
For once, the talk went ahead but:
”The speaker faced masked protesters, and the college’s master, Prof Pippa Rogerson, told all students she was boycotting the “insulting and hateful” speaker.”
Prof Pippa thinks biology is not a fact. I dont expect prof Pippa is a professor of anything useful. It seems she is something to do with the Law Faculty, which perhaps puts ideology above science. They wont have much use for expert witnesses on her watch.
”A University of Cambridge spokesman (Spokesman?? Who knows?) said: “The Department circulated a notice notifying students about the talk. The head of the Department later received complaints from some students opposed to the views of the speaker.
So the poor little dears were opposed to views they didnt see. Hurty hurty.
Western society is rotting from within.
Nominated by: Cuntstable Cuntbubble
Remember- In three years time the students there will be running companies in the city, working for the MSM, teaching your child in school or will be working within the field of law.
The future is grim
The worst thing is this sort of ideaology already has a strong foot hold in those professions so when these misguided fools graduate they will be hired over free thinkers regardless of their merits. Its actually rather alarming.
Shut everything down that offers a different and probably more traditional view point seems to be the way university students of a certain type behave.
Boot the cunts out.
Think how distressed they will be when chairman’s xi’s army invades and starts a purge on so called academics..
A bayonet to the throat will do that..
Sounds like the old flat capped shop steward with a fag in his mouth. All out !
It seems Prof Pippa is Professor of Private International Law at the University of Cambridge, where her research covers the conflict of laws and company law.
How can someone (supposedly versed in absolutes), deny, without reason, scientific fact?
The stupid whore isn’t capable of rational thought, so should be sacked from lecturing, and never let anywhere near the legal system again.
Joke in a Student Rag Mag from the 1970s:
Q: What is the difference between seduction and rape?
A: Patience.
Email that to your snowflake undergraduates, you soft woke shite.
They should be handing out nappies and tissues during Freshers Week.
Paying over £9K a year to be more ignorant, narrow-minded and illiberal when they finish their courses than when they first started.
This country is finished – Ruff Tuff Creampuff circa 1997.
Just close the shithole down and turn it into a KFC….the faculty and students can get jobs dishing out da fried chiggun instead of spreading homosexual diseases and talking shite.
Pol Pot knew the best way to deal with fucking windbag intellectuals.
I should think most will either end up working in Starbucks and KFC or glued to a road protesting climate change living off daddies dime anyway once they find out their degree is only fit to wipe their arse with and the real world doesn’t need graduates in gender theory and feminist poetry.
Most students are Poofs
Teachers too
Poofs or lezzas….or both at once.
When I applied for university in about ’79, Caius had the reputation as being the gayest bollege in Cambridge.
Apologies, kollege…
Bring back student-bashing…and give the teachers a punch on the sneck while yer about it…..that’ll larn the gobshites summat they couldn’t find in a book
Send an email advertise an Event where the keynote speaker is Tommy Robinson, that should produce an epidemic of of heart failures.
All the cunts who were distressed by a talk on biology should be locked in a room, eyelids glued open and a big screen constantly flashing Woman Adult Human Female, 24 hours should be enough to cure the cunts ?
Just tell the Aware fuckers, we are not playing your silly games. They will soon tire of it.
The young just follow suit like lemmings. Just guide them towards the cliff. Preferably at Dover, where they’re likely to fall on top of some other silly cunts trying to sneak in.
“insulting and hateful speaker”. What for? Telling the fucking truth!
This shit is madder than 1984. George Orwell would be pissing his pants at the future we’ve allowed. What next? Gravity is transphobic. Fuck off.
Would expect nothing less from these cunts. They have had years of practise, once logic and reason were discounted as hurty things. Fuck the lot of them bloody embarrassment.
Professor Pippa?
Is she from Tots TV?
Having a lezzy affair with Bertha the Bursar?
Clearly had a breakdown.
Women aren’t suited to teaching over 8yr olds.
They need a firm hand.
Give em nicknames firstly to dehumanise them.
“Oi Rubberlips, you speak white man’s lingo?”
“You there!
No not you Big Nose,
The fat one next to you!
Oh sorry luv I thought you were a bloke! Hahaha ”
And a bit of corporal punishment,
Slam their fingers in a desk,
Kick a chair out from under them.
I taught Gavin Williamson everything he knows.
Cambridge really is trying to shake off its dusty image as one of the world’s finest universities and embrace the woke spastics to be like those great institutions, Edge Hill and Sussex.
Sussex was referred to as “the monkey house” even in the 70s.
Now it has its very own Duchess!
Adnin? Who is that? Have we got a Pakistani to watch over us? About time.
Fuck ‘em. Let them all turn gay and trannie , if they’re not already. At least they won’t be having kids and producing even more dullard snowflake idiots.
How the fuck does this sort of cuntish behaviour gain any sort of credibility in a place of higher learning?
Universities, a lot of which were founded on the back of scientific advancement,used to be the great bastions of rational informed debate.
Nowadays any minority can negate hundreds of years of diligent proven research just by being queer, lesbian, black,terminally stupid, or barking fucking mad.
How do they get accepted for university anyway?
They must get a free pass or something owing to their “condition”
Pippa, gender is TWO sexes Ball bearing, Child bearing. FACT.
Really do not know what Isaac Newton and Stephen Hawking would make of this deviance.
Hawkers would probably say something profound about it in a synthesised American accent with questionable diction but we would have listened as his mind was years beyond ours. RIP Stevo
Alas I share a surname with this fruitcake professor
Teachers take note. These privileged cunts are waisting valuable time at their parents expense on trivial matters. It’s your job to stop them in their tracks or expel them. Its no wonder they end up in dead end jobs and worse.
Well good news 70,000 of the cunts are going on strike this month..
Good opportunity to bulldozer the lot of them..
It’s been said before by a fellow cunter, but it’s a phrase I’ve taken as my own – boil them in horse piss. Not particularly erudite yet perfectly appropriate, I feel it captures the sentiment of the silent majority. Enough is enough. Our university’s are meant to be the forum for free thought. How can there be ‘progress’ if free thought and free speech is stifled by anoisy activist minority? As a layman it makes no sense to me.