A Carnival For All (Hell Breaking Loose)

This story:

Kent Online Story.

(you can go on a popular video sharing site for the video)

…and when you do, you will note this woman bystander who was attacked by a gang of rampaging blicks, is the only white woman you can see.

Can you imagine the BBC et al, headlines if a gang of whities at an almost exclusively white event specifically singled out the only blick and attacked her?

Instead, this story has been discreetly slipped under the radar. This was in my local rag website- I went to the BBC site and struggled to find it.

Night Admin found these additional links for your reference – NA:
Mirror Link.
MSN Link.
Daily Fail Link.

Nominated by: Chuff Chugger

60 thoughts on “A Carnival For All (Hell Breaking Loose)

  1. You’ve just got to love , not really more have to endure , diversity. It’s a Cunt.
    And so is the lying media.

  2. The only reason I would go to Notting Hill
    Would be to kick Hugh grants teeth in for being a smug shit actor.

  3. This is what happens when you import the filth of the third world and put them in one small area together for more than a few hours.
    Their true nature is revealed: Stabby, rioting, looting scum with no regard for other people or property.
    I also blame the weak leftist police who just stand by and watch.
    Any other police force on the planet would have deployed water cannons and tear gas.

    What a fucking shambles this country has become. You can thank Satan’s envoy Tony Blair for this by opening the floodgates to unchecked immigration from countries that offer nothing in terms of helping and developing the world’s advancement as a whole.

  4. Why would you go there?
    Every year someone is stabbed,
    The media paint it as some great multicultural day out to be proud of?!!

    It’s always descends into fuckin mayhem.

    That woman must be fuckin simple?

    Lay with dogs your going to catch fleas….

    • It’s a badge of honour to posh liberals mis..
      Oh I had a wonderful time Sebastian, the food, the music, the muggings, the violence..

    • My view exactly Mis. When I was working I always had a growing fear as that weekend approached that I would get a call to the area on the days of the riot. Thankfully never happened.

  5. At some point people will have had enough and vigilante justice will prevail. One can dream right? Fucking migrant cunts…each and every one of them.

    • Our new gas bill has just arrived Ches. Occurs to me that another group who should start to worry about vigilante justice is “Just Stop Oil”.

      • I managed to get banned from twatter for calling out their cuntishness.

        poor little snowflakes can’t take any opinion other than what is the accepted leftard narrative on that echo chamber of cuntitude.

        apparently I may have broken the rules for insisting the cunts do the world a favour and top themselves now, before it’s too late. ?

    • Ah! I can always rely upon Uncle Terry for a common-sense solution to a problem ! regards sir !

    • I’ve been saying that for years Tez.
      It’ll save on the oven too now that gas prices have gone through the roof.

  6. Good Morning

    Racism is a two way street. Black on white violence should be given as much publicity as white on black.

    • Don’t be silly. Black on white violence is encouraged as part of reparations for centuries of slavery and general oppression. After all, what are whites good for? Absolutely nothing, apparently.

  7. At one time the Left’s mantra was “Labour good, Tory bad” though this still applies – even for black Tories, the new mantra is “Black good, white bad”, often mouthed by weak as piss whiteys ashamed of their own culture, as they get appalled by the latest “injustice” they read about in the Guardianwell – go on like this, especially in London where you have the whacky Paki Mayor with his feet firmly under the table till they carry him out in a pine box, and you will have an increasing number of black people behaving as badly as they like – against the very whites who are their apologists now -not only thinking but KNOWING they will get away with it. I long for the day Yvette Mini-Cooper meets a black man down a dark alley where nobody goes. Not only will she lose the contents of her handbag she will be walking bow legged for years.

    I honestly believe the only punishment these people will understand is the whip – they are terrified of it because it reminds them of their days of slavery. Six strokes for a first offence to rise if and when they offend again

  8. Who the Fuck goes to this Shit show?
    1 Bad Music
    2 Druggy Cunts
    3 Bad food (Shitty jerk chicken prepared in a kitchen with a -5 star rating)
    4 A 90% Chance you will be stabbed
    5 A 95% Chance you will be Robbed
    6 A 50% Chance you will Die

    You get better Survival odds going to fight in the Ukraine

    • When I was a kid my dad took us to Knowsley safari park.

      The baboons climbed on the car trying to yank off mirrors, windscreen wipers,
      And one leered while masturbating suggestively at a young miserable!!!

      Nearest I got to Notting Hill carnival.

      • That incident explains a lot mis, you need to accept this early sexual encounter has had a profound effect on you in adult life. Screeching and flinging shit during coitus is NOT normal behaviour. Do you fantasise about having a threeway with a lemur and a marmoset? Interestingly most gangrapes in Britain and America are perpetrated by young black men. Which suggests to me that maybe we are not all the same apart from skin colour. Pikies are responsible for the rest. Probably. Not counting grooming gangs as itappears many of the “victims” prefer special brew and drugs to not being molested by tandoori goat fuckers.

  9. I thought the coppers had called for a stop to this Brixton Riot tribute festival following this year’s monkeyshines.

    That all went a little quiet, didn’t it?

  10. The only reason I’d go to Notting Hill would be to ‘ burn shit down ‘
    Fucking savages.
    Good morning.

  11. I suspect this bird was in the wrong place at the wrong time and got caught up in a ruck between drug gangs. They go to this shitfest looking for each other to make a public demonstration of their power.
    Slasha Johnson was in the same situation. Half the population of Sarf London knows who shot her but they can’t find a single eye witness. The coppers and the law lost control years ago, no cunt is scared of the law or prison. You need to stay away from shit like the Notting Hill Carnival and look after number one. The law ain’t gonna help you, you can be sure of that.

    • Well said Freddie.

      Any cunt who goes there believing the happy clappy fairy tale about this monkey mayhem deserves everything they get.

      A hard lesson learned.

      The thick cunts.

    • We had some senior copper that ‘we cannot arrest our way out of the Just Stop Oil M25 protests’.
      Does no one in authority have a set of functioning balls?

  12. these mofo,s do it every year, they call it steaming and its basically a group of cunts who run through the crown on mass, mugging, treatening,stabbing,groping, grabbing and generally assualting everyone they can.
    Like i said these cunts do it all the time, so the fact that everyone is shocked in a shock, like Uncle Terry said monkey mayhem, perpetrated by cunts, but you cant say it because thats waaaysist

  13. It seems I have the edge on most of you as I have attended this wonderful cultural delight.Litter everywhere, houses boarded up, crappy red stripe lager at exorbitant prices, people sitting in the road eating goat curry. Right up there with a visit to the opera.

  14. If you’re a local resident, like I was a many years back, the Notting Hill carnival is hell on earth.
    The “celebrations” include cunts pissing, shitting, puking, fucking and passing out in your garden, at all hours, day and night.
    With sound systems on every corner the noise is indescribable and your windows vibrate constantly – you can forget fucking sleep.
    If you have a dog (we did) then you’re unable to walk it as the local parks/green areas are locked /boarded up, even if you were able to fight your way there.
    Also there’s broken glass and chiggun bones strewn everywhere, much of which remains for weeks afterward, so walking your dog is risky – numerous dog choking incidents and paw cuts are reported by the local vets.
    Have to say I never felt threatened because of the colour of my skin, this must be a more recent development with the advent of BLM and lefty wokes pushing their anti white bile.
    1 to 2 million cunts visiting in a such a small area.
    If it must take place why not have it in a contained venue like Buckingham Palace gardens (42 acres)?
    After all, our glorious King and his parasite family love all this multicultural shit, watching savages prancing about in grass skirts and stuff.
    Thank fuck we’re now well out of it.

    • Great idea about hosting it at Buckingham Palace ! I’d love to see the look on Charlie Boy’s face as they’re shagging on the front balcony .

  15. The whole event and the associated violence is completely misunderstood by all but the black people that attend.

    Blacks from South London hate the Blacks from North London.

    Put the two sides together and you will get violence.
    Not racist violence obviously.
    Black people can never be racist.

  16. Dr Alison Heydari, commander of local policing said that after a “largely positive” atmosphere, it turned violent.


    • A mate of mine repairs laptops, mobile phones etc at home. To earn some more money, he started doing sub contract work for a second hand phone shop owned by a couple of Albainans. When the work he was getting was too much, so he coulsn’t do his own stuff he offered them 3 months to terminate the deal- thus giving them time to find another repairer. These Albanian cunts then threatened him if he didn’t carry on until they tell him to stop, they would slash his wife and abduct his kid from school! True story…he was only telling me that last night. Blokes shitting himself.

      • The Albanians are cunts, fuck knows why they are even allowed to be here, the entire country is corrupt behind a facade of democracy.
        Every single Albanian should be deported regardless of what legitimate business they are running because behind it will be criminality in one form or another.
        Intimidation is their business marketing model.

      • Not long ago I rented a slice of floor space in an old factory to over-winter work on my two boats; (Enterprise & Osprey dinghies)
        Asked the gaffer if I could shift a pile of tyres out the way and csually asked what they were doing there. Turns out that two guys had opened a tyre fitting operation the year before, got thyemselves up and running when two Albnian cunts rocked up, stuck a pistol in there faces and said “tyres our beezniss not yours” and that was the end of that. Fucking balkan shite!

  17. I remember driving through Brixton on the day of the riot back in the early 80’s.
    I managed to get out just before it kicked off . All you could see was marauding Blicks running about. No whites.
    I thought this country was going to hell in a handcart then . Oh, and yes. Enoch was bang on the money.

    • The full speech is a very true and rational observation of what was then the future. If you get the chance to read the full speech then do so.

  18. Whenever i see or hear anything related to this cultural deligght i can’t help remember Mr Cunt Engine’s reference to ‘twerking pavement apes’.

    Remember this crap goes nationwidelater this month with the Black Friday sales.
    Given the state of the economy and media’s obsession with making people feel poor and hard-done-by, expect mania and violence in the department stores,

  19. She should of been at home not chasing black cock. Hopefully she realises that black culture is a one way street to single motherhood or the mortuary slab.

  20. The world record for a mass Chimp out must belong to Notinghill, low life stab fest attended by the lowest form of humanity capering and displaying how to behave like some demented savage primate. The fucking stench must be disgusting.!

  21. Notting hill carnival is cultural appropriation! it was originally called the ‘Notting hill winter festival’ i know i was born and raised there in the 50s, and a veritable shithole of a place! how on earth can you take what was a slum and make it worse the mind doth boggle the cunts.

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