This Government – Who the fuck is in charge?

Emergency Cunting please, admin.

Yes I know there’s been a number of recent noms covering these useless cunts, but I think today’s “emergency announcement” from that Cunt chap of a Chancellor, more or less overturning nearly every policy in the recent mini-budget is deserving of another cunting.

How can Hunt completely and totally undermine the PM in such a way as to reverse the mini-budget that she knew little about because the previous Chancellor (Quasimodo, or whatever his name is) announced it more or less from the back of a cigarette packet, which sent shockwaves in the City, tanked the £ and was denounced by nearly everyone.

Truss then comes wading in by sacking Quasimodo and binning the proposal of removing the 45% tax band.

She ends up getting shit on by Tory wets (who I firmly believe are not real Tories at all, but more like trojans from other parties wanting to move the Conservative Party to the Left), accusing her of taking the party to the right (true Conservatism of old).

And then Hunt comes along and shits on her even more by performing u-turn after u-turn on the mini-budget, including scrapping the 1p tax cut for basic payers, and shortening the energy price cap guarantee from 2 years to just 6 months! (What happens after that no one knows but if the government doesn’t intervene again it could mean many people facing huge increases in their gas/electric bills once again.)

There are calls for Truss to resign and for Rishi to step in. Some are even asking if Boris should return as PM!

For the life of me I have never seen such a pathetic, traitorous, backstabbing bunch of politicians in charge of the country. This is beyond a joke and to trust any of these cunts with my vote is now completely out of the question.

This is no Tory Party of old. There are too many fake Tory MPs wanting to bring chaos to the party and the direction of where it is heading. The entire selection process for deciding who should lead the party is also a farce as well as being a complete and utter waste of time and effort.

It seems the Tories are determined not to want to win the next election. Instead they want to fuck the country up so bad that Labour will take 2 or 3 Parliamentary terms to sort out the wreckage. Not that those backstabbing Tory MPs will care because they will have their nice pensions in place along with a few brown envelopes from their lobby mates in the private sector.

Telegraph News Link

Nominated by: Technocunt

And here’s an example of a traitorous “credible” cunt of an Tory MP, courtesy of Foxchaser-Fiddler


A Tory MP has demanded that Truss resigns because she is undermining the U.K’s credibility…..the MP is none other than Jamie Wallis…the M.P. last sighted bolting from his crashed car dressed as an Ugly Sister while claiming he was frightened of being raped. He then managed to hide out long enough to avoid any awkward questions such as “Have you had a drink tonight,Sir?”

Express News Link

Now I’m no Truss fan but for this FatFuck degenerate to accuse anyone of undermining the UK’s credibility is a bit fucking rich….The Mother of Parliaments containing a devious cunt like Wallis makes a complete mockery of the whole system.

The Cunt should be in prison or a secure mental facility at the very least…he should certainly not be lecturing other people on credibility or,more importantly, be involved in the running of the Country.

Bloated sack of shit.

(More info on Wallis : he was found guilty of driving offences and the District Judge Tan Ikram said he “didn’t find the defendant credible” – Day Admin  BBC News Link )

105 thoughts on “This Government – Who the fuck is in charge?

  1. Sounds like a total shit show! I’m glad I live in the States where the government runs like like a Swiss clock.

  2. Nuke Tory central office and Westminster. Cunts bend lying cheating self serving Twitter following arse licking cunts

    • One senses this cuntfoolery is meddling from the Reich in their continued efforts of revenge against the will of the people. The King needs to take to charge and send these cunts to Antarctica mine ice cubes for his gin fizz.

  3. How odd the talking heads and know it alls didn’t seem bothered by how that mental blek cunt was going to pay for his mini budget.

    Now all of a sudden there’s an even greater gaping chasm in the public finances?

    The pound is on thin fucking ice,as is the gilt market…but it has been unsustainable since the insanity of the China Bat Flu response and the reckless creation of money.

    Two or three months ago the pretence that everything was going swimmingly was hardly we are heading into Mega Austerity 2.0?

    No cunt in the MSM,financial world or anywhere else has a clue.

    Any fucking dolt could have told them the reckless creation and distribution of Monopoly money year after year could only end in disaster..but they just kept at it to appease the Twatter and Guardian rabble.

    Luckily we’re all in it together.

    • It’s worth noting the chatter about rolling blackouts is not the usual bullshit…our excellent leaders have ruined critical infrastructure and an energy policy based on asking the French or the fucking Belgians for spare electricity when we run short has always been (another) disaster waiting to happen.


      Fuck off.

  4. It.s about time the political paries discovered some bollocks and RAN Britain foe the benefit of the UK peopie. By the looks of it the new home secretary is about as much use as the previous one. ( E.G ) Fucking useless. all we need now is a coup d’état. Fucking useless bunch of pimps p@@fs and buck passers.

  5. Remainer globalists that’s why. People did warn you remainers. Thick as mince.

      • I fear my cock wouldn’t be long enough to drill through those massive arse-cheeks… even at an impressive 16 inches at full-mast the warhead would still be a few inches shy of reaching his ringpiece.

        Have to get a Coloured Gentleman to do the job…they’re all hung like stallions apparently…I bet that’s who had a go on Jamie…some Mandingo from Tower Hamlets.

      • Hehehe ?

        Be like fracking!
        The odd earth tremor as Jamie wobbles in excitement.

  6. Yes apparently he found it difficult to drive with high heels on and as for frightened of being raped where was he in Brixton

  7. All cunts, with a few exceptions but we are stuck with the bastards, even Sweden have seen a rise of the political right wing, Italy, Germany, France all have credible right wing parties who get substantial votes.
    Hungary and Poland saying fuck off the woke bullshit, getting threatened by the EU Stasi to back off or loose funding.

    We need some common sense, all the money spent on crap needs to be ditched, I get bored listening to fucking ‘heating or eating’, benefits are too high to encourage lazy cunts to get to work, too easy to play the system, now border force are saying that the shit crossing the channel are a serious threat to national security.

    Just sack the fucking lot except Bravernan and let her rip through whole shit show.

    She wadded into the woke in the commons yesterday, not the usual parliamentary language, thank fuck.

    Until we remove the fear of saying bollocks to the media and NGO’s who seem to have all the power we will continue in slippery slope to the third world.

    • Braverman has just announced another £20 million for Rwanda.

      For what? Fuck all. Not one of the hundreds of thousands of illegal migrants have been sent there.

      Just another cunt Home Secretary who’s all talk and no trousers.

      Badenoch is the only one left with a shred of integrity.

      • She has the will but not the power unfortunately, all the economic turmoil has overshadowed everything, but the way she spoke yesterday would have been an excellent post on ISAC.

        If our Top cops had any balls they would be saying what we all know, letting these channel cunts stay here virtually unchecked will become a police nightmare in the coming months and years.

  8. Truss cannot have decided to put Hunt in charge of the Exchequer. It beggars belief. She must have been instructed to do so. In a democracy she would be at the top of the chain. Who is really in charge? The IMF? The WEF? Fuck knows, but it clearly isn’t Truss.

    • Yeah, how did the appointment of Hunt come about if it wasn’t through Truss? The veils are lifting a wee bit lately.

      • Everyone knows the trannies are in charge of this country.

        It’s not fucking rocket science. ?

  9. On Twitter the brilliant Calvin Robinson has invited Reform, Reclaim, UKIP, Heritage and the SDP to join him for an open table discussion on uniting in order to overthrow the Tories and stop Labour winning by default.
    Guess what – Reform and Heritage declined. There you have it. Our fate is sealed…..

    • Too true, until the right wing parties come together under one banner nothing will change, Labour propped up by the Libs and SNP or Conservative supported by the DUP.

      • Not at all, you can be right wing without being fascist (unlike the far left)

        There is nothing Nazi about wanting a secure border and a crackdown on criminals and an end to spaffing money on woke bollocks.

    • Cunt me in@

      Did Heritage and Reform give any reasons for not wanting to come to the table?

      I can’t think of a good reason not too?

      Calvin Robinson is brilliant ?

      • I thought they were all fucking dead wobberly woy fat sherl and the other cunts nobody remembers.

  10. Nothing new here.

    The people who control the money are in charge.

    Always have been.

    Democracy is a myth…..☠️

  11. Both Labour and Conservative parties have been arse fucking the country for decades. However, I have to say that over time the Conservative party has done the most damage to the country’s rusty Sheffield badge.
    That cunt Heath took the UK into the EEC with no referendum thus began the most egregiousy damaging bout of anal sex this country ever endured. The money pissed away is of cosmic proportions.
    The Tory party ceased to exist when Cameron and his mincing, Liberal pals took over.
    Most Conservative MPs speak with high, mincing voices and wear coloured wristbands and just talk liberal Bullshit whenever they open their cake holes.
    The UK’s anus is bleeding and destroyed and ruined from the savage fisting inflicted by theTories and intermittently Labour, and faces years of buggery ahead, without end.
    Truss, Kwarteng Hunt? They barely register on my consciousness so insignificant they are.

  12. Not a fan, he whines about woke but offers no solutions. Not the worst cunt in the media by a long stretch, although he’s not as annoying as his dead brother was.

    He really was a one trick ‘muh sky fairies – smoking is ace’ cunt, much loved by student Grant types and older, ‘know all but know nowt!’ folk who never grew up.

    Smoking is ace, eh? I used to smoke. Filthy habit, very difficult to quit but each to their own. But he thought it was fucking great and to fuck with you, he knew best (as always).

    Clever know all cunt is brown bread from throat cancer though, isn’t he?

  13. But to address the thread correctly, no cunt is in charge.

    They’re all so terrified of having to actually do anything that might cause Twitter, Arsebook, The BBC or The Guardian to moan about, that they just keep kicking the can down the road. It goes like this, no doubt:

    “The next cunt wil deal with it. I’m going to kick this fucking can down the road with all the others. I’m busy sticking my nose in the trough and sorting out my huge pension with a bit of back scratching. I don’t want to be called ‘right wing’ or even (gasp) ‘transphobic’ or ‘racist’, so I’m going to do fuck all, sorry. What? The country? Fuck that lol!”

    • Being mocked has always scared politicians more than anything and in the frenzied social media age, they face an army of abuse, so none of them wish to stick their neck out. Better to just do nothing and remain on the gravy-train.

  14. Never, in the field of yewman government
    Has so much
    Been fucked up
    So quickly

    It is being put about that Trussed is a Labour sleeper agent now activated.

  15. Why the fuck cant these cunts work if you can call it that in a more modern building rather than the damp draughty shithole they are in now. Must be some unused office space in londonistan surely.

  16. We’ve got a Liberal Democrat in number 10 who wishes to see the Monarchy abolished.

    Leopards don’t change their spots.

    • Like Truss, Winston Churchill was a Liberal before defecting to the Conservatives.
      And following WWII he even promulgated the idea of a United States of Europe. He said:

      “I am now going to say something that will astonish you. The first step in the re-creation of the European family must be a partnership between France and Germany. In this way only can France recover the moral and cultural leadership of Europe. There can be no revival of Europe without a spiritually great France and a spiritually great Germany. The structure of the United States of Europe will be such as to make the material strength of a single State less important. Small nations will count as much as large ones and gain their honour by a contribution to the common cause. The ancient States and principalities of Germany, freely joined for mutual convenience in a federal system, might take their individual places among the United States of Europe.”

      Truss and Churchill clearly have much in common.

  17. Fuck knows! Who cares.
    Smarmer is going to give the National Horror Service more money, they can either use it for more diversity managers or give it to the families of those they have murdered.

  18. An excellent and timely nomination?

    I take it though that the title is a rhetorical question. It is obvious, beyond doubt now, that the UK is run by a Globalist Cabal of rich investment bankers! I had already decided not to bother voting in future as it’s a waste of effort trying to change the unchangeable . I’m now minded to start my own “eco protest group” (has to be “eco” to avoid any risk of prosecution) and target demonstrations at the home residences of the Troughers in Parliament. Little demo’s like flattening their buildings with some “eco friendly carbon neutral” TNT. Then tea and biscuits with the Old Bill and move on to the next protest. It would be wonderful – can’t beat them so join them sort of thing. ?

  19. just bring Boris back and stop all this fucking around, he might have had a few faults but nothing is compared to this shit show now running things, at least the country was stable

    • Few faults?

      Hehehe ?

      Fuckin ell Sid
      The cunts one big fault.
      He’s San Andreas level.

    • He was a total bag of shite, a fucking left wing, green(ecoloon), imo loving, hen pecked, WEF puppet cunt.

  20. Lord Fiddler is wrong about the Wallis cunt. He has an increased right to slag off Truss precisely BECAUSE he has become a trannie freak. He’s now top of the moral order in topsy turvy Fucked Up Britain. Wouldn’t surprise me to see his fat, overused arse wobbling through the door of Number 10.

    • Greg Wallis “the Ring of Fire ” needs a fucking in his own right !
      May he slide a giant rusty Razor and use only his balls for brakes.

  21. Liz Truss at PMQs today:
    “I am a fighter not a quitter.”
    Ha ha, a Mandelson plagiarist and a bullshitter, more like.

    • The trouble is we want her to be a quitter, as do the majority of her party and the country. A fighter she ain’t. None of them are.

      • Well he didn’t give her a slap when she was fucking that other bloke so he’s not going to do it now when she is fucking the country.

    • Liz Truss is a useless cunt, the MPs who backed her are cunts and the ones who didn’t are cunts. They’re all in it for what they can get, their careers come first, what happens to the rest of us isn’t important. All that’s needed to be an MP is a thick skin and the ability to lie to your face without laughing.

  22. If liebour get in basically another fuck up for many years. Would it be possible to have someone in charge who has a bit of an idea what to do instead of worrying about transbumderism and back handers? None of the parties are worth a wank

  23. I’d not be surprised if that machievellian fat useless back stabbing fuck Gove is driving this latest string of fuck ups. He seems to be instrumental in most of them. He needs dragging outside and pounding.

    • Gove is really verminous. I suspect he has glands that spray some foul-smelling fluid. He looks like he lives under a paving slab and eats dog turds, the cunt.

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